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Neighbours Episode 8912 from 2023 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8911 - 8913>>
Episode title: 8912 (Mike proposes to Jane)
Australian and UK airdate: 02/10/2023
Writer: Jason Herbison
Director: Scott Major
Guests: Mike Young: Guy Pearce
Reece Sinclair: Mischa Barton
Billie Alessio: Georgia Walters
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Jeremai
- JJ not reacting well when Dex wonders what has got into him lately.
- Mackenzie deciding that she now can date Haz.
- Haz telling Sadie he's going on a date with someone he's met online.
- Reece unimpressed at finding another hair in her coffee.
- Paul trying to explain the staffing issues to Reece.
- Jane not too enthralled with Mike's plans.
- Sam reassuring her dad that Jane does love him.
The UK
Mike is admiring the very picturesque place where he plans to pop the question, suitably putting the ring in a safe place.
Lassiters Complex
Reece demands that Paul gets the staffing issues sorted out after finding more issues in the complex as they walk though it. And in the background there is more dog hair issues - this time in Cara's coffee!
Haz gets the brunt of Paul's frustration when he comes out of the café and is ordered to get some hairnets!
Number 32 back yard
Sadie is subtly trying to discover from Mackenzie if Haz has mentioned anything about his date but their attention is quickly drawn to the fact Trevor has gone missing.
Number 22
Given Trevor has escaped from #32, Sadie and Mackenzie are urgently trying to track him down however Terese reports he's not at her house.
Number 24
JJ is giving Dex the silent treatment but at least he's got someone to talk to - Mackenzie when she comes looking for Trevor (he's not there).
Number 28
Sadie tries the K's but it looks like nobody is in.
Number 26
Trevor isn't at #26 either and Andrew suggests giving the shelters a call.
Harolds café
Haz is very apologetic about the hair in Cara's coffee when she comes to the counter to pay, and thankfully she's cool about what has happened. When Haz hurries through to quiet the whining Trevor, Cara tells Remi she's got a job for tomorrow - Paul has engaged her services after apparently seeing her ad! Remi does her best not to give the game away that she was the one to line the job up after having a quick chat with Paul!
Mackenzie arrives to break the news of Trevor's disappearance to Haz when he pulls her into the kitchen to show her where Trevor is!
Penthouse suite
Paul has roped Leo in to try and get Reece back on side, accompanied by the best dishes from the various Lassiters restaurants. She is happy that the faults seem to have been sorted out so informs him that the final issue is a personal one.
REECE: It's evident that this hotel means a lot to you by the way you've edged out all your partners over the years - The Udagawa's, Pierce Grayson, your ex- wife!
PAUL: Oh, now, come on. I bought Terese out fair and square!
REECE: We will not be edged out! Whether I'm here on site or if I go back to the States, the party's over. We're watching you.
The UK
Even though she's not in the mood for a walk as she wants to call Australia, Mike drags Jane on a walk towards the very picturesque lake. Eventually she forces him to stop and explains that she needs some alone time to get her thoughts together before they "have a talk"!
Number 32 back yard
After explaining how he managed to get away with things, Mackenzie reminds Haz that he's broken several health regulations by taking Trevor into the café! He does get that and sincerely thanks her for turning a blind eye over what she discovered.
The way Haz is drooling over Trevor, just about sets Mackenzie off as she and Hendrix were going to get a dog. "Tell me about him," Haz says as he hands over one of the glasses that the girls left behind earlier when attention was drawn to the missing Trevor.
The UK
Mike sits alone holding box with the ring in his hand before opening it and flinging the ring into the lake!!!
Penthouse suite
With dinner over, Paul has pondered what Reece said to him earlier and admits that he has enjoyed his "autonomy a little too much" but wants from her an acknowledgement from her about the improvements that have been made, other than the building manager which he is onto having had resumes come in.
Reece then makes a hasty exit from the suite after forcefully rejecting Paul's idea of video calling her dad, the excuse being that he's too busy to do video calls. Once Reece is safely in the lift, Paul has that smug look on his face - he's confident he's just discovered the "weak spot."
PAUL: Daddy!
Number 24
Dex has finally bided his time and when everyone heads off to bed, he finally gets a chance for a look at JJ's book, only to be caught red handed by JJ when he comes back to the living room! Turns out the book is Phillipa's (missing) diary - she was Cara's best friend when they were at high school.
DEX: What's going on?
The UK
Mike does his best to avoid Jane but is caught before he can sneak away. "I owe you an explanation," she begins with and dismisses his suggestion that her behaviour is down to her having second thoughts.
JANE: You're the best thing that's happened to me in a very, very long time.
She admits though she has kept something from him - due more budget cuts at the school, his job is being axed. Naturally Jane didn't want to spoil their holiday by telling him that news but her [overnight] protestations have now led to the news that EHS is going to be closed!!
Mike has a stunned fish look on his face and doesn't respond to news that the school is going to be close, simply telling Jane to "hold that thought" before scarpering off to where he threw the ring into the lake! Mike sits down on the convenient bench to begin taking off his socks and shoes to go wade into the water!
Number 24
JJ reveals to Dex what the diaries said - apparently Cara had used up the last of the sperm donation obtained in the US and was so desperate to have a child that she went with Phillipa's Plan B... Andrew Rodwell! We then hear Andrew doesn't know he's JJ's dad - his donation was supposed to be for Phillipa but she changed her mind and gave it to Cara instead.
It is unclear whether the anonymity Andrew requested for being a sperm donor was just for Phillipa or if that was in exchange for the donation being given to Cara.
JJ: So mum got pregnant and Ma assumed it was from the US donor. Mum let her believe it. Again, there is a chance that my dad could still be the American guy. But who knows?
Dex now gets why JJ chose this house to move to. JJ still isn't sure if Andrew is the right Rodwell, given "there's a few of them in Melbourne," but after the digging the lad has done so far, this Andrew is a possible match - he's a cop [donation was made when he was at the Police Academy], they've the same allergy plus Andrew was from Werribee too.
DEX: You do know this changes everything for our family.
JJ: If I can just find proof that Rodwell knew Phillipa, that will seal the deal, right? Because you know, I don't want to just drop her name.
DEX: If he's your guy, what are you going to do?
JJ: Nothing... yet. Don't you see, staying here has been a one- off chance to get to know him right? Because I might never say anything. I just want the opportunity to.
Dex asks how their parents might feel about this news but JJ is quick to reply that they "don't have to know."
The UK
Mission accomplished by Mike and he now hunts for Jane and eventually they come across one another. "Where did you go?" she asks long with wanting to know why his jeans are wet too, but Mike just wants to get out what is in his head rather than reply to her!
MIKE: Jane, I love you. I always have. I told you that when I came back to Erinsborough.
(He ignores her telling him that he's shivering!)
MIKE: I can't believe it took me so long back in the day. When you were ready I wasn't. When I was ready, you weren't. I was an idiot! I couldn't see. It was like... it was like I was the one who needed glasses! But its clear now, its like you said, clarity. Uh... what's next? Oh yeah...
Mike then gets down on one knee and Jane asks what's he doing, before seconds later twigging what is about to happen!
MIKE: Jane...
He doesn't need to get the question out as she is already saying "yes"! Cue a celebratory hug between the pair.
Number 32 back yard
Mackenzie and Haz are lying by the pool looking up at the stars. That is something Hendrix loved along with him questioning nature and so she thinks they'd be mates given Haz is also "a total mischief maker." Haz agrees with her on that and thanks her for telling him more about Hendrix, he didn't know how much to push her. "You and everyone else," she comments back but gets why folks don't want to upset her.
MACKENZIE: For the longest time I was upset. I did the whole "Why him? Why me?" and then I realised sometimes there just aren't answers. Just like the stars, you just have to accept things the way they are. There's just no explanation.
Haz then lightens the mood by asking why is it that dogs a man's best friend! The pair banter round with that quandary before Haz calls things a night when he realises how late it is. Before they head inside, Mackenzie thanks him for being interested in her life.
The UK
Jane can't stop admiring the ring she is now wearing, describing what Mike by did retrieving it from the water, as "the most romantic thing that anyone has ever done for me." Mike though still can't believe that they are going to get married but does wonder if she's spooked about getting married again. She quickly rejects that idea, especially as he is "as far removed from Vic as anyone can be."
Given his impending unemployment from the school, Mike is confident he can get another job... even as a cleaner at the Waterhole! With the news about the school closing, Jane wants to cut her trip short to go home and deal with things, therefore she wants Mike to continue with the motorbike trip and go to all the places his grandad mentioned. He'd rather not do the trip alone, nor without checking with Sammy first, but Jane is confident the lass would approve just like she does and wants Mike to take his time doing the trip...well it will take a wee bit to get up to see Loch Ness! When the trip is over, she will be waiting for him at home.
JANE: We waited 30 years to find each other, what's another couple of weeks?
MIKE: I love you.
JANE: And I love you.
The Waterhole (next day)
Wendy catches Paul as she arrives for her shift to personally apply for the building manager position and is told to send in her resume in.
Cara arrives ready to fix the sign and introduces herself to Paul, she recognised him from the history book.
Ramsay Street
Mackenzie rushes to tell Sadie how great her night with Haz was and can feel that their "planets are aligning." Sadie now realises that she has to deliver the bad news! However, before she can spit it out, their attention is drawn to #32 where Haz and some female (dressed in their night before gear) have just exited the house and start pashing each other! Mackenzie looks utterly heartbroken at what she's just seen.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Remi telling Cara she doesn't want to build a house nor move back to Werribee
- JJ and Dex weighing up what to do with their discovery.
- Sadie annoyed at Haz.
- Haz chatting with Mackenzie about what she seen.
- Paul giving Reece a get out clause.
- Byron wanting to keep what he has with Reece quiet from Paul.
- Reece telling Byron that she will handle Paul
<<8911 - 8913>>
Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 8912
Mike Young

Reece Sinclair, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8912
Reece Sinclair, Paul Robinson

Haz Devkar, Paul Robinson, Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8912
Haz Devkar, Paul Robinson, Remi Varga-Murphy

Remi Varga-Murphy, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8912
Remi Varga-Murphy, Paul Robinson

Sadie Rodwell, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8912
Sadie Rodwell, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Sadie Rodwell, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8912
Sadie Rodwell, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Terese Willis

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8912
Terese Willis

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Dex Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8912
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Dex Varga-Murphy

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8912
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell

Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8912
Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 8912
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar

Trevor in Neighbours Episode 8912

Reece Sinclair, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8912
Reece Sinclair, Paul Robinson

Mike Young, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8912
Mike Young, Jane Harris

Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8912
Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 8912
Mike Young

 in Neighbours Episode 8912

Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka, Reece Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 8912
Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka, Reece Sinclair

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8912
Paul Robinson

JJ Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8912
JJ Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy

Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8912
Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy

Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 8912
Mike Young

JJ Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8912
JJ Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy

Mike Young, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8912
Mike Young, Jane Harris

Mike Young, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8912
Mike Young, Jane Harris

Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8912
Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Jane Harris, Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 8912
Jane Harris, Mike Young

Cara Varga-Murphy, Wendy Rodwell, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8912
Cara Varga-Murphy, Wendy Rodwell, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8912
Paul Robinson, Cara Varga-Murphy

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar, Billie Alessio in Neighbours Episode 8912
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar, Billie Alessio

Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8912
Mackenzie Hargreaves

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