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Neighbours Episode 8911 from 2023 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8910 - 8912>>
Episode title: 8911
Australian and UK airdate: 28/09/23
Writer: Daniel Papas
Director: Scott Major
Guests: Mike Young: Guy Pearce
Harold Bishop: Ian Smith
Summary/Images by: Carly/Jeremai
- Remi and Cara wanting to have a house discussion with the boys
- Mike attempting to propose to Jane
- Susan and Karl going through marriage woes
- Susan telling Harold he's becoming forgetful lately
- Terese discovering Nell has been plotting against her
Number 22
Terese encourages Hugo to head downstairs and grab a snack so she can talk to Nell alone. "It was you, wasn't it?" Terese says to an unimpressed Nell. "The reminders of Melanie and Paul we found on our wedding day. You planted them." Nell defiantly replies that her father should still be with Mel.
NELL: This 'thing' with you, it's not forever.
TERESE: (incredulous) This 'thing'? Right, look I know you struggled when we first started seeing each other but we worked through it. You came around.
NELL: I got tired of saying the same thing so I took a new approach. You didn't see dad when Harold asked him to update his history book. He was really upset. He always gets upset when he thinks about Mel.
TERESE: Your father and I love each other.
NELL: You rebounded into each other. The whole street said it at the time!
NELL: If Paul hadn't have left you at the altar you would still be with him. I'm sorry, but you're both in denial!
The two of them take a beat, letting the words linger in the air. Nell assumes Terese will be letting her dad know what happened, but Terese is unsure what her next move will be.
UK Hotel Exterior
Mike tells Jane the bikes are all booked for their trip - they're modern versions of the ones his grandpa rode. Jane's stunned to learn they may be riding for up to six hours a day, but says she trusts Mike's judgement. Mike says he's been thinking about his grandpa's stories and come up with an itinerary.
MIKE: I reckon the first leg should be from London straight to Cardiff, and then we can stay overnight there.
JANE: Cardiff.
MIKE: Yeah, in Wales. (Off Jane's uneasy look) Why?
JANE: Sandra Stirrer.
MIKE: Who?
JANE: Vic had an affair with Sandra Stirrer and I caught them in the car park of Cardiff Castle.
Attempting to modify things, Mike says they can go straight to Swansea instead, but of course good old Vic had an affair there too.
MIKE: Wow, he really worked his way along the coastline didn't he.
Jane promises she's not meaning to be difficult. They both check their phones for another route, but Jane appears to see a worrisome notification on hers. Fumbling for an excuse, she tells Mike she thinks she left the iron on in her room and hurries off.
Number 28
Susan tells Terese she wishes Harold would have opened up to them earlier. She notices Terese is distracted, though, which leads Terese to ask Susan how she thinks Nell and Hugo are coping with everything. "They seem to be taking it all in their stride, as is their way," Susan replies. "Those kids, they're nothing if not resilient." She asks Terese if any problems have arisen, but Terese says she's just preparing for potential ones. Susan says that letting the kids take the lead is they key. And Terese shouldn't force herself into a role that they're not ready to accept yet.
Number 24
Remi looks at the rent- a- home guest booklet with a photo of Jane and Mike on the front and an index of the street residents inside. Cara informs her that their offer on the Werribee house was rejected and they'll need to try again. Dex picks up on some tension between his parents, and Cara quietly asks her wife if she's still concerned about the Linwell brothers. When Remi doesn't answer, Cara makes it a family matter.
CARA: Dex, you boys aren't worried about going back are ya?
DEX: No, not at all. I'm sleeping with a cricket bat but apart from that. (Off his mum's look) Seriously mum, we're fine. You two need to get on the same page.
REMI: Where's JJ?
DEX: Where do you think. Probably chasing after Sadie Rodwell again.
Lassiter's Complex
JJ is reading his journal when Wendy and Andrew walk past. Wendy's worried that Sadie is becoming too invested in Mackenzie's love life, then gets annoyed with Andrew when she thinks he's not listening. But Andrew parrots back their conversation and teases that he listens "seventy per cent of the time." When Wendy heads into the bar, JJ follows Andrew and tells him he's been thinking about becoming a cop and would love some advice.
The Waterhole
Remi tells Wendy that the street is so quiet - she's been sleeping like a baby. Cue a loud bang from the kitchen where some renovations are occurring. Wendy stops the builders from trying to leave early so that the job actually gets done. She tells Remi she's had to take on the extra responsibility because Paul hasn't found a new building manager yet. This news intrigues Remi. When Wendy goes into the kitchen, Karl arrives and strikes up a conversation with Remi.
KARL: Hello there. How's the big build?
REMI: Ah, well we haven't bought a block of land yet.
KARL: If you don't mind me saying, you didn't seem as excited as your wife when you were telling me about it.
REMI: Was it that obvious?
KARL: Cara seems to know her stuff.
REMI: She's great at what she does, that's not the issue. I just, I don't know. Have you ever stepped away from your surroundings and suddenly looked at your life differently?
KARL: Yeah, I think so. Although in my case all roads led back to Ramsay Street.
Remi thanks Karl; she's sure they'll sort everything out.
Erinsborough Police Station
Andrew runs through all the school subjects JJ will need to become a cop. Trying to obtain more info, JJ asks if there are certain things that can rule you out of being a cop, like allergies for instance. Andrew says that's just an urban myth seeing as he's allergic to shellfish. Needing to get back to work, Andrew tells JJ he'll pop into No.24 at some stage to continue the conversation. JJ looks a bit perturbed at the shellfish revelation.
UK Hotel Interior/Exterior
Jane's on the phone with Curtis asking if he's absolutely sure about the news she's just learned. With a sigh, she asks him to keep her updated via email.
Jane finds Mike outside on a picnic bench. He starts talking about the trip again, including a stopover in Hull, but can sense that the ghost of Vic will be looming over every plan he tries to make. Jane says that Vic once suggested a weekend away in Hull when he was trying to get back together with her. "As if I'd be in a hurry to marry again," Jane scoffs. This quietly devastates Mike.
Number 22
Toadie tells Hugo they'll need to Rebecchi up the place a bit to make it feel more like home. Terese smiles at them from the kitchen, while Nell slinks downstairs wondering what fate awaits her. She's surprised to learn that her dad is none the wiser about what happened. Toadie takes Hugo on a trip to the hardware store, and Nell asks Terese when she's going to tell her dad about her misdeeds.
TERESE: It's up to you. If we can sort it out together between us we don't have to tell him.
NELL: So blackmail. If I'm a good girl you won't dob on me?
TERESE: No that's not what I meant. I just think we should give each other a chance. You get to know me, I get to know you. Look, Nell, I know you loved Melanie but she made her choice. And I love your dad very, very much. I just want us all to live happily together. So, what do you think? Shall we give it a go?
NELL: (putting on a smile) I'll do my best.
Number 28/UK Hotel
Susan notices Sam is getting a video call from Mike and says to pass on their hellos. Sam answers and asks why her dad's calling from the bathroom. Mike says he's trying not to wake Jane up as it's the middle of the night. Sam then wonders why her dad hasn't proposed yet. Mike says the timing hasn't been right, and then there's also the fact that Jane keeps being haunted by memories of her ex- husband.
MIKE: I'm just thinking the whole thing is a bad idea.
SAM: Dad, you need to make everything perfect.
MIKE: Yeah, I tried that and she yawned at me.
SAM: Dad, Jane *loves* you.
MIKE: Yeah, I know.
Harold's Cafe
Nell puts packing material around Melanie's ceramic pig so she can mail it back. JJ sits with her and asks how the move went. Nell says "it went", and wishes it didn't. Under a vow of secrecy, she admits she hasn't been as accepting of her dad and Terese's marriage as she's made out. While they're in the vault, JJ asks how well Nell knows the Rodwells. Nell says her dad and Andrew are besties, but she doesn't get to know why JJ's so curious because Harold and Karl interrupt them. Harold apologises to JJ for boring him with the history book, but JJ says he was intrigued by it. Haz delivers Nell a a peanut butter toastie, which JJ makes a face at and quickly leaves.
Ramsay Street
Remi collects the paper and glances at Number 30 before going for a closer look. Seeing his mother, JJ shoves his journal into his backpack before joining her. He notices a piece of gold confetti in her hair and says he's been finding it everywhere.
REMI: Apparently it's from a party a couple of years ago.
JJ: Yeah, Nell told me the story. Apparently a big balloon burst. And something about a pig.
REMI: It's a nice street isn't it. Friendly people.
JJ: It's a shame we have to go home so soon.
Remi ponders this, putting her arm around JJ's shoulders.
Number 28
Toadie tells Susan that there are some things in Number 22 that make zero sense to him.
TOADIE: An upside down dryer?
SUSAN: I imagine that's so Terese can reach the buttons!
TOADIE: (teasing) I'm going to tell her you said that!
Sam emerges from the hallway and Susan asks her to check on the washing. Karl then arrives home with Harold after getting all his tests done. Harold tells them the physical ones were okay but not the cognitive. Susan swaps a concerned look with Karl when Harold decides to go lie down. Toadie then pointedly says to Susan that when things in life feel out of your control it should make you appreciative of the things you can.
Number 26
Wendy tells Andrew she's grateful for a day off but that hasn't stopped the barrage of work texts. Andrew says Paul should be the one fielding questions from the tradies, but Wendy says he gave them her number.
WENDY: I've basically become the building manager without the title or the pay rise.
ANDREW: Maybe you should apply for the job.
WENDY: The building manager? But I don't have any experience.
ANDREW: You're getting the experience. You're doing the job, you said it yourself.
WENDY: I do know the hotel back to front.
ANDREW: And what you don't know you can learn.
WENDY: Yeah it's basically just organisation and people management.
ANDREW: And you are an expert at both.
WENDY: Are you just saying that?
ANDREW: You're amazing. You just need to believe in yourself a little bit more. Are you hearing what I'm saying?
WENDY: (smirking) Oh yeah, seventy per cent of it.
Number 24
Remi reads up on the building manager job description on the Lassiters website on her phone. Cara walks in and says the Werribee place are asking if they want to put another offer in. Remi reluctantly says to offer them another five grand, which Cara does. They head out into the backyard to start the BBQ. In the lounge room, Dex tells JJ he thinks their ma is still worried about the shonky builders but also might have another plan up her sleeve. JJ is barely listening, though, and becomes startled when Andrew pops around to give him a flier about joining the police force. When Andrew leaves, Dex confronts his brother about the sudden interest in being a cop, but JJ says to butt out of his business.
Number 28
Susan brings Karl a slice of cake as a peace offering. She says she shouldn't have blamed him for her early retirement, and that she should have said how she was feeling in the moment.
KARL: I understand why you thought you had to take a payout. This money I lost, it's always going to be a sore point.
SUSAN: Yeah but I can't keep punishing you for it. I need to own my own decisions.
KARL: Even so I've been thinking I should sell the tram.
KARL: Just hear me out. It never makes any money. I was pinning my hope on Terese's development to boost the business but that's never going to happen.
SUSAN: We've talked about this. The Number 82 is a link to your dad.
KARL: I know, I have to accept it's holding us back.
SUSAN: If it was losing money I might agree. But it breaks even - please don't think about selling it. I've realised that all this is about me. I've got to work out what I want to do next. I tell Holly that she has so much potential. And I've been saying exactly the same thing to Wendy.
KARL: There's a lot of people around here that look up to you.
SUSAN: Well I still have potential. I still have something to give. I've just got to figure out what it is.
KARL: (taking Susan's hand) How about we figure it out together?
Susan smiles and caresses Karl's face. All is well in the Kennedy household once more.
Number 24
Engrossed in his journal, JJ jumps when Dex asks if he's coming outside to eat. Dex notices JJ is reading something but JJ won't say what it is and shoves it into his backpack.
DEX: What's up with you? First you're talking to the cop next door now you've got some secret book?
JJ: It's nothing. Leave it.
DEX: You've been acting really weird and it's also weird that you have no opinion on the new house or what's going on with ma. It's like you've got something else on your mind.
JJ snaps and tells Dex to get a life and stop obsessing over his.
<<8910 - 8912>>
Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8911
Nell Rebecchi

Nell Rebecchi, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8911
Nell Rebecchi, Terese Willis

Mike Young, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8911
Mike Young, Jane Harris

Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8911
Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy

Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8911
Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy

Andrew Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8911
Andrew Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy

Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8911
Wendy Rodwell

Remi Varga-Murphy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8911
Remi Varga-Murphy, Karl Kennedy

Andrew Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8911
Andrew Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy

Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8911
Jane Harris

Mike Young, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8911
Mike Young, Jane Harris

Toadie Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8911
Toadie Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi

Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8911
Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Nell Rebecchi, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8911
Nell Rebecchi, Terese Willis

Mike Young in Neighbours Episode 8911
Mike Young

Sam Young in Neighbours Episode 8911
Sam Young

Haz Devkar, JJ Varga-Murphy, Harold Bishop, Nell Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8911
Haz Devkar, JJ Varga-Murphy, Harold Bishop, Nell Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy

Remi Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8911
Remi Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy

Karl Kennedy, Harold Bishop, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8911
Karl Kennedy, Harold Bishop, Susan Kennedy

Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8911
Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell

Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 8911
Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell

Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8911
Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy

Andrew Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8911
Andrew Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8911
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8911
JJ Varga-Murphy

Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8911
Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy

Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8911
Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy

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