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Neighbours Episode 7083 from 2015 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7082 - 7084>>
Episode title: 7083 (30th Anniversary Episode)
Australian airdate: 18/03/15
UK airdate: 01/04/15
Writer: Sam Meikle
Director: Scott Major
Guests: Harold Bishop: Ian Smith
Nina Tucker: Delta Goodrem
Guy Carpenter: Andrew Williams
Tom Ramsay: Gary Files
Driver: John Lidgerwood
Tyler Brennan: Travis Burns (does not appear)
Madge Bishop: Anne Charleston (flashback - uncredited)
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Harold tells Madge she's his one true love
- Amber finds a photo of Agnes Robinson and starts learning about her
- While fixing the plumbing at Lassiter's, Kyle uncovers an old well
- Karl tries to wangle a role in the closing concert, but Paul is trying to secure Nina Tucker
- Lou is thrilled when Nina returns to Erinsborough
- When Amber asks Imogen if she's in love with Daniel, she admits that she is
Suite 1 Eclipse Apartments
Daniel is eating breakfast, looking at an invitation on his laptop for his wedding to Amber, which uses the photo of Agnes Robinson with the caption 'Love Eternal'. Paul comes in.
PAUL: Oh, wow. I could never eat before a wedding.
DANIEL: That's 'cause you were never marrying the right woman, Uncle P.
PAUL: Oh, Danny, come on. I said I was sorry.
DANIEL: I don't have time to be mad at you anymore. Do you support us or not?
PAUL: Yep. Yep, I support you.
DANIEL: Good. 'Cause Amber and I are in love, and today is gonna be perfect.
No 32
Amber is telling Lauren and Paige about Imogen admitting that she was in love with Daniel - and she's worrying about how she'll get through the day. Lauren tells her to put it from her mind. She decides to call Daniel to tell him what's happened.
Suite 1 Eclipse Apartments / No 32
Paul passes Daniel his phone, and Daniel answers it. He manages to quickly drop in a reference to the 'storm' in Brisbane, which has led to his parents Scott and Charlene, and sister Madison, being delayed for the wedding and might not make the ceremony! Hilariously, Amber already knows this, because her gran Kathy and brother Mason have been afflicted by the same obstacle!
With all the major no-shows thus accounted for, Amber tells Daniel that Imogen won't be at the wedding or the reception. When Daniel tries to find out why, Amber won't say.
AMBER: Just know that I love you, and I will be there, okay?
Daniel says he loves her too, and hangs up. But he looks worried, and tells Paul the news, who pretends to be surprised.
No 32
Amber asks Paige if she'll stand in as her maid of honour. Paige says of course.
Suite 1 Eclipse Apartments
Paul tells Daniel not to look at Imogen's absence from the wedding as a bad omen! He insists everything will be fine.
No 30
Harold is making two cups of tea, and talking to thin air.
HAROLD: Now before you yell at me, I will not leave the tea bag in for too long. Anyway if it's too strong I'll just put more water in.
Susan knocks at the door but Harold hasn't heard her, so she wanders in anyway and overhears him talking to himself. Susan asks who the other cup's for, and he says it's a force of habit - he's not used to living alone. Susan looks worried.
SUSAN: Harold, I've just popped in to see if you've changed your mind about going to the wedding.
HAROLD: Ah. It's not my decision, Susan. Daniel uninvited me.
SUSAN: I'm sure he would be very happy to see you there. They chose that church as a tribute to you and Madge.
HAROLD: Yes, I know that.
SUSAN: Oh, Harold. Don't stay away. Not on a day like today. I really hope I see you at the church.
Susan leaves.
Nina is in her chamber-maid's outfit, with her trolley in the lift, when Paul walks in, on his phone.
PAUL: Oh, I don't wanna hear about it, Naomi - the concert is today! No, no - I don't care, just find me a Nina Tucker replacement, will you?
Nina keeps her head down and doesn't say anything, and of course Paul doesn't notice her - but steals a biscuit from her trolley on the way out!
Harold's Store
Susan is telling Karl about how she caught Harold talking to himself. Karl says everyone does it, but Susan points out that most people don't make tea for someone who isn't there! Nina comes in.
KARL (to Susan): Do you think Nina would be interested in a collaboration?
SUSAN: Don't you dare!
Nina sits down to join them, telling them how she almost just got sprung by Paul. She admits she's enjoyed working at the hotel, though - she's felt like a normal person for the first time in years.
NINA: It's almost as if I've gone back in time. You know, the last time I was wearing this uniform, I was writing songs, and I was falling in love with Jack...
Karl and Susan glance at one another, and Nina notices, realising that Lou has told them she and Jack have split up. Nina apologises for not telling them earlier, and reveals she's been unable to write songs since the break-up. She says she still loves Jack, and accepts he still loves her, but says maybe that's not enough. Nina decides she's not coming to the wedding, so as not to run into Paul again, and Karl and Susan go off to get ready. Nina looks sad, grabs a pen, and starts writing on a napkin.
The Waterhole
Brad is comforting Imogen following her confession of love for Daniel. She's decided to go away camping, and Brad suggests Josh might want go with her - but Imogen says she just wants to be alone. Brad leaves, telling Imogen that he loves her no matter what.
Imogen sighs wistfully while looking at a framed photo of Agnes Robinson, when a man wanders over. It's Tom Ramsay, brother to Madge and Kate Ramsay's grandfather, Max.
TOM: Old Agnes, eh? Lever looked so good.
He reveals he's here for the wedding, and Imogen says the picture is a present from the groom to the bride.
TOM: Oh, boy. Did we obsess over her story. Hers and Freddie's.
IMOGEN: It's pretty romantic.
TOM: Oh, tragic really. We nearly tore this place up, looking for that well.
IMOGEN: Oh. Well you know they just found a well down by the lake?
TOM: Oh, you're kidding. Is that where it is? When poor Freddie didn't come back from the war, Agnes tossed the pearl ring down into its murky depths - never to be seen again.
IMOGEN: So the pearl ring's down the well?
TOM: According to the story, yeah.
Since Imogen's not going to the wedding, she asks Tom to pass the photo on to him. Tom says he's going to see Daniel now.
Suite 1 Eclipse Apartments
Paul and Tom hug and seem very happy to see one another. Daniel thanks him for coming, but Tom's noticed Daniel's attire - he hasn't had chance to get changed yet.
TOM: Jeez, are you getting married, or walking the plank?
Tom passes Daniel the framed photo from Imogen, saying he saw Imogen in the pub. Daniel says it would be the best wedding present ever if he could fix things between her and Amber, and rushes off to find Imogen.
TOM: Kids!
Lassiter's Complex
Imogen is walking past the hotel when Daniel spots her and rushes after her. As she climbs into Hermione the car, she tells him now is not the time - he needs to go and get ready for the wedding.
DANIEL: Amber is upset and she is your best friend. And you're my friend, too.
He climbs into the car.
IMOGEN: Daniel!
DANIEL: I want to fix this, so start talking.
IMOGEN: Get out!
IMOGEN: I mean it. I will drive off and you'll be late for your wedding.
DANIEL: Well I'm not going anywhere. Talk.
Imogen remains silent and starts up the car, driving off with Daniel in the passenger seat. Paige, who is out jogging, sees them driving off together and looks worried.
No 32
Brad has arrived to talk to Lauren. He explains that Imogen has taken off for a couple of days given the circumstances. Lauren asks if she's okay, but Brad seems more concerned that his and Lauren's friendship is intact. She assures him that of course it is, saying it's a terrible situation for everyone.
Paige comes in from her jog, closely followed by Lou and a visitor - his son, Guy. He goes round hugging Lauren, Paige and Brad. Matt and Bailey come in and also greet Guy, Matt thanking him for travelling all the way from Broome.
GUY: Who's the ring-in?
BAILEY: Oh, because that never gets old!
Guy and Bailey hug.
Scott and Charlene's Church
Harold is standing in the church, smiling fondly as he has a flashback to his own wedding there to Madge in 1988 (Episode 724).
HAROLD: With this ring, I wed you. With my body, I worship you. With all that I am and all that I have, I honour you.
He kisses the bride - but is interrupted in his flashback by Susan's arrival.
SUSAN: Harold, you came! And you're early!
HAROLD: Oh, well - lots of lovely memories for us here, eh?
SUSAN: Yes! Your wedding day.
HAROLD: Happiest day of my life.
SUSAN: Harold, when I saw you earlier, it looked as though you were talking to someone. But there wasn't anybody there.
HAROLD: Err... If I tell you something, will you promise not to think me stark, raving mad?
SUSAN: Of course!
HAROLD: I was talking to Madge.
SUSAN: ...
HAROLD: I know what that sounds like, and I know that she really wasn't there.
SUSAN: I don't think you're mad. I think - I think that's beautiful.
Susan grabs Harold's arm.
HAROLD: Do you?!
SUSAN: Of course. You miss her.
HAROLD: The last few days, she hasn't been - showing. I want her there, I ask for her there. But - she just doesn't come. Which is rather strange, because if she is a figment of my imagination, I should be able to see her whenever I want!
SUSAN: I don't know, Harold. Maybe it's the universe sending you a message - that you can't dwell in her memory. That you need to live in the here and now.
Lou turns up, interrupting them.
LOU: Jelly Belly! Glad you could make it.
HAROLD: Ah, yes. I know this must look a bit cheeky, but Madge would never forgive me if I didn't come here. And Susan seemed to think it was alright.
LOU: I'm just glad you're here, old son.
Lou's voiceover continues, asking if Susan had a chance to catch up with Nina, as we see Nina singing a little, and trying to write a song in her hotel room. Lou and Susan each express their worry about Nina, as she plays notes on a piano app on her tablet.
SUSAN: She's strong. She'll be okay.
Sure enough, Nina sings a few lines as she plays.
Near the 'Welcome to Erinsborough' sign
Daniel is still in the car, pestering Imogen to come to the wedding - but still doesn't know why she isn't, other than that she and Amber have fought. Imogen, getting increasingly upset, pulls up the car and tells him to leave and get ready, or he'll be late for the ceremony.
DANIEL: You guys are best friends - it can't be that bad.
IMOGEN: It is.
DANIEL: Alright, then what is it?!
IMOGEN: Daniel, not now! It's too hard!
DANIEL: This isn't your style. Just tell me what's going on.
IMOGEN: I'm in love with you, okay? That is why it's too hard, and that is why it can't be fixed. Ever.
Shortly afterwards, they're still sitting in the car.
IMOGEN: Please. Please, just forget all of this. All I want is for you and Amber to be happy. You two are destined to be together, and I'm destined to be like Agnes. Except I don't have a ring to throw down a well - but I'm considering throwing myself down there right about now!
IMOGEN: You and Amber - I know you're destined to be together...
DANIEL: No, no - about the ring.
IMOGEN: Your Great Uncle Tom told me that Agnes threw her pearl ring down a well, after Frederick died in the war.
DANIEL: Amber loves that ring.
IMOGEN: Well, now you can tell her where it is.
DANIEL: Maybe I can do one better!
IMOGEN: I can't believe this. Amber is gonna hate me forever.
DANIEL: No, not necessarily.
IMOGEN: What are you talking about?
DANIEL: I think I know the way to fix this. For you to make things better for Amber, and for me to prove to her that fate is still on our side. I'm gonna find the ring.
IMOGEN: What?!
DANIEL: Yeah, I want her to be happy, and I want her to know that you did her a good turn.
IMOGEN: Okay, and how is going down an old well gonna achieve any of that?
Daniel, having leapt out of the car, says he still has an hour before the wedding!
IMOGEN: This is crazy talk!
DANIEL: No, this is a grand gesture. That's what makes this so awesome!
He runs off into the distance, Imogen screaming after him to get back here! She tries to drive off, but Hermione won't start - so she gets out of the car and runs after him.
No 32
Guy and Lauren are chatting - Lauren tells him how happy Amber is to have him here. They along with Matt, Bailey and Paige are all dressed up; and Amber comes in in her wedding dress. Everyone tells her how beautiful she looks, and Paige hugs her.
Lassiter's Complex
Daniel is lifting the drain cover over the old well, when Imogen catches up with him, telling him he can't go down there.
IMOGEN: This is such a long-shot!
But Daniel is convinced that finding the ring will prove to Amber that 'the universe is on their side'. There's a ladder leading down the well, so he promises to climb straight back up.
IMOGEN: No, let me go! The rungs are old, and I'm lighter.
DANIEL: Absolutely no way!
But he does agree to call Amber before he goes down, just in case he's late. She doesn't answer and he leaves a voicemail.
DANIEL (on phone): Hi, babe, it's me. I'm sorry about all this. I'm with Imogen now, and she told me about what happened last night...
While he's talking, he realises that Imogen is climbing down the well herself!
DANIEL: Imogen, wait!
But she's already on the way down, so Daniel follows her down the ladder with a light he borrowed from the car. They both descend into the darkness...
Outside the church
Lauren, Lou and Bailey have arrived. Lauren greets Toadie outside the church, as Amber pulls up in the wedding car, with Matt and Paige. The hired car is a present from Scott and Charlene.
LAUREN: I just wish they were here and not stuck up in Brissie with Mum and Mason!
Paul, Susan, Chris, Nate and extras are also all present and correct. Toadie tells Amber she looks stunning, but admits that Daniel hasn't arrived yet.
TOADIE: Maybe he decided he wanted to walk to the church and commune with nature on the way!
Amber calls Paul over and asks when he last saw Daniel.
PAUL: Last time I saw him he was chasing after Imogen.
LAUREN: She was going camping!
PAUL: Well, he was pretty determined to catch her before she left.
AMBER: Well, it wouldn't be Daniel if it wasn't interesting! That's why I'm marrying him, right?
They drive the car around the side, Toadie having promised to come and fetch her once Daniel's shown up. Lou goes off to try and track down Daniel on the phone, and everyone looks awkward.
Agnes's Well / outside the church
Daniel and Imogen have reached the bottom of the well, and begin looking around for the ring - while back at the church, Paige admits to Amber that she saw Daniel getting in the car with Imogen earlier, and driving away. Amber's smile fades.
Having looked around with apparently no success, Daniel gives Imogen a leg-up back onto the ladder. But as she begins to climb, the bolts holding the ladder in place start to wobble in their holes. Suddenly it comes loose and topples backwards into the well with Imogen, landing on Daniel and hurting him in the process.
Now trapped, they both yell out in panic for help, as the camera drifts slowly back up out of the well shaft and into the Lassiter's car park, with extras walking past.
Still waiting outside the church, Amber looks worried.
Unmissable Drama
- As Daniel and Imogen remain trapped, Amber's convinced they've run away together
- Daniel says he'll crawl down the aisle if he has to!
- Lauren running up the aisle in the church, as guests look worried
- Paul twigs that Nina's in town, but she's not sure if she or the song are ready to take part
- Paul introduces the closing concert of the Erinsborough Festival
- Still in her dress, Amber lies alone and upset in what appears to be a hotel suite
- Paige tells Josh what's happened, and he suggests someone should be with Amber
- Still in the well with Imogen, Daniel cries for help
Once again the caption 'Thank you to 30 years of Neighbours cast members' is included alongside the guest cast in the closing credits.
<<7082 - 7084>>
Agnes Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7083
Agnes Robinson

Paul Robinson, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7083
Paul Robinson, Daniel Robinson

Lauren Turner, Amber Turner, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7083
Lauren Turner, Amber Turner, Paige Smith

Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7083
Daniel Robinson

Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 7083
Amber Turner

Susan Kennedy, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 7083
Susan Kennedy, Harold Bishop

Paul Robinson, Nina Tucker in Neighbours Episode 7083
Paul Robinson, Nina Tucker

Susan Kennedy, Nina Tucker, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7083
Susan Kennedy, Nina Tucker, Karl Kennedy

Imogen Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7083
Imogen Willis, Brad Willis

Imogen Willis, Tom Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 7083
Imogen Willis, Tom Ramsay

Tom Ramsay, Paul Robinson, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7083
Tom Ramsay, Paul Robinson, Daniel Robinson

Imogen Willis, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7083
Imogen Willis, Daniel Robinson

Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7083
Paige Smith

Lauren Turner, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7083
Lauren Turner, Brad Willis

Guy Carpenter, Lauren Turner, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 7083
Guy Carpenter, Lauren Turner, Lou Carpenter

Bailey Turner, Matt Turner, Guy Carpenter, Lauren Turner, Brad Willis, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 7083
Bailey Turner, Matt Turner, Guy Carpenter, Lauren Turner, Brad Willis, Lou Carpenter

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 7083
Harold Bishop

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 7083
Harold Bishop

Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 7083
Madge Bishop

Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7083
Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter, Susan Kennedy

Nina Tucker in Neighbours Episode 7083
Nina Tucker

Imogen Willis, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7083
Imogen Willis, Daniel Robinson

Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 7083
Imogen Willis

Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7083
Daniel Robinson

Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 7083
Amber Turner

Amber Turner, Paige Smith, Matt Turner, Lauren Turner, Guy Carpenter, Bailey Turner in Neighbours Episode 7083
Amber Turner, Paige Smith, Matt Turner, Lauren Turner, Guy Carpenter, Bailey Turner

Daniel Robinson, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 7083
Daniel Robinson, Imogen Willis

 in Neighbours Episode 7083

Driver, Amber Turner, Matt Turner in Neighbours Episode 7083
Driver, Amber Turner, Matt Turner

Amber Turner, Matt Turner in Neighbours Episode 7083
Amber Turner, Matt Turner

Bailey Turner, Paige Smith, Lauren Turner, Lou Carpenter, Toadie Rebecchi, Matt Turner, Chris Pappas, Susan Kennedy, Nate Kinski, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7083
Bailey Turner, Paige Smith, Lauren Turner, Lou Carpenter, Toadie Rebecchi, Matt Turner, Chris Pappas, Susan Kennedy, Nate Kinski, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7083
Paul Robinson

Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7083
Daniel Robinson

Daniel Robinson, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 7083
Daniel Robinson, Imogen Willis

Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7083
Paige Smith

Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 7083
Imogen Willis

Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 7083
Imogen Willis

Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7083
Daniel Robinson

 in Neighbours Episode 7083

Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 7083
Amber Turner

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