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Neighbours Episode 2518 from 1995 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2517 - 2519>>
Episode title: 2518 (Philip Martin and Jen Handley split up)
Australian airdate: 15/11/95
UK airdate: 09/07/96
UK Gold: 26/06/02
Guests: Sonny Hammond: Tom Hutchings
Colonel Parker: Trained by Luke Hura
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Sal
Phil suggests that he and Jen have a coffee, but she says she has to study for her next exam.
Mal comes in and Libby asks if he's seen Sonny. Mal is a bit touchy on the subject and observes that Libby is really hung up on Sonny.
Sam and Annalise think that "The Colonel" cat prefers living at the shop, but Marlene is insistent that he lives in Ramsay Street. She's going to try putting butter on his feet(!)
Annalise says that the cat is better than Flaky, but Marlene says they have a duty to give him a go. Marlene wonders if Jo and Flaky will be home for dinner as she's doing a lamb roast. She asks Sam to get her some mint.
When Sam has gone, Annalise says to herself pensively that Sam is "almost perfect"
Mal pops round to see Stonie who is writing a song. Mal reads the lyrics and doesn't think it's very good(!) He tells Stonie he's got a bit of a problem - he's seen Sonny kissing another girl. He doesn't know whether to tell Libby - Sonny is his friend and his boss! Stonie thinks Mal should confront Sonny first.
Hannah asks Phil how his groin is, much to his disdain(!) He's still limping around. Helen tells him off for going to the University this morning. He says it was a waste of time anyway.
Sam is knocking a spider of a bunch of mint, singing "Incy Wincy Spider". He suddenly realises that someone is watching him - it's Luke.
LUKE: Long time, no see.
Sam is shocked to see him.
Sonny has given Libby a friendship ring. Mal rolls his eyes. Sonny suggests that they all go down to the Coffee Shop, but Mal says he has stuff to do. After a few terse words, Mal reluctantly agrees to go.
Allotment Shed
Luke tells Sam that his relationship with Ren didn't work out, and neither did the job. Ren is still over in Japan, working as a nanny, and seems to love the lifestyle. Luke hated it though and decided to come back.
LUKE: I guess my expectations were too high. Hoping to find answers and getting more problems.
Luke says that he's been back for two weeks, and he hasn't even told Jen he's back yet - he wants time to think about what he wants. He asks Sam not to tell anyone he's back.
Hannah asks Phil how his "bottom half" is(!) Helen answers the phone to Ren. She's surprised to hear that Luke is not in Japan. She tells Ren they haven't heard anything from him. Helen explains to Phil that Luke came back to Australia two weeks ago and she got the impression that he and Ren had split up. Phil says he'd better tell Jen ASAP.
The butter on the paws didn't work(!) Annalise tells Marlene that Flaky hasn't got any offers of work and is finding it difficult to care about him. Marlene suggests looking for some small jobs for him rather than big jobs. Annalise thinks that's a great idea - maybe kids entertainment.
Sam comes in looking rather distracted and gives Marlene her mint.
Coffee Shop
Sonny, Mal and Libby are having coffee. When Libby heads off, Mal tells Sonny that he saw him with another girl that wasn't Libby.
Ramsay Street
Jen comes home and tells Phil that both of the today's exams were a disaster. She's in a bad mood, and is in an even worse one when she hears Luke has been back for two weeks. She storms off, shouting "I've had it!"
Coffee Shop
Sonny insists that the girl Mal saw her with was the jeweller for Libby's ring, and she's just the kissy type(!) Mal is unconvinced, but agrees not to say anything to Libby. Sonny assures Mal that he'll never hurt Libby.
Garden of No.26
Jen is very stressed out. She tells Phil she's decided not to do the rest of her exams. Phil tries to reason with her and tells her not to be so negative.
PHIL: What's the matter with you, Jen? You seem to be hysterical over every little thing!
JEN: Every little thing?! My brother's missing, Philip! And I've got to find him! I'm going to pack.
PHIL: Pack? Where are you going?!
JEN: I *told* you, I'm going to find Luke!
She storms off.
Stonie answers the door to Annalise wearing a towel. Annalise is looking for Angie - perhaps she could give Flaky an entertainment job at the Coffee Shop. Annalise asks how his study is going. Stonie tells her that if she cared, she'd do something about it. He slams the door in her face.
Sam has brought Luke some food. He tells him he can't keep living at the allotment indefinitely. Luke says he'll be OK until he sorts himself out, and anyway, he hasn't got any money. Sam advises him to contact Jen, but Luke doesn't want to.
No.26 (front)
Phil is asking Jen where she is going to look for Luke?! She says she's going to go to Luke's friends houses, but Phil says she could just ring them(!)
PHIL: I think you're copping out. I think you're using Luke as an excuse to run away. You're making a fool of yourself, Jen.
JEN: Thanks a lot!
PHIL: Luke is not some little lost boy. He is a grown man and if he doesn't want to get in contact with you, that's his decision! He will get in touch with you when he's ready!
JEN: He is *my* responsibility!
PHIL: No, he is not!
JEN: I have to find him!
PHIL: You have other responsibilities now. Our relationship for one, what about that?
JEN: Look, I can't think of that now!
PHIL: Because you don't want to! What is going on, Jen?! This is crazy!
JEN: You just don't understand, do you?!
PHIL: I *can't* understand! You're not making any sense!
JEN: Then maybe what we had is over!
Phil looks shocked.
JEN: Because if we were on the same wavelength, you would understand why I'm doing this! Now, will you take me to the station?!
PHIL: No! I won't have anything to do with this madness. A year's study and hard work and you're tipping it down the drain! Not to mention our relationship.
JEN: Looks like I'm walking.
She walks away down Ramsay Street.
PHIL:(calling after her) Jen, I've had enough of this! If you leave now, don't expect to be welcome when you come back.
Jen keeps walking.
<<2517 - 2519>>
Jen Handley, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2518
Jen Handley, Philip Martin

Libby Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2518
Libby Kennedy, Malcolm Kennedy

Annalise Hartman, Sam Kratz, Colonel Parker, Marlene Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2518
Annalise Hartman, Sam Kratz, Colonel Parker, Marlene Kratz

Malcolm Kennedy, Stonie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2518
Malcolm Kennedy, Stonie Rebecchi

Philip Martin, Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 2518
Philip Martin, Hannah Martin

Luke Handley, Sam Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2518
Luke Handley, Sam Kratz

Libby Kennedy, Sonny Hammond in Neighbours Episode 2518
Libby Kennedy, Sonny Hammond

Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2518
Malcolm Kennedy

Sam Kratz, Luke Handley in Neighbours Episode 2518
Sam Kratz, Luke Handley

Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2518
Helen Daniels

Marlene Kratz, Annalise Hartman in Neighbours Episode 2518
Marlene Kratz, Annalise Hartman

Malcolm Kennedy, Sonny Hammond, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2518
Malcolm Kennedy, Sonny Hammond, Libby Kennedy

Jen Handley, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2518
Jen Handley, Philip Martin

Sonny Hammond in Neighbours Episode 2518
Sonny Hammond

Malcolm Kennedy, Sonny Hammond in Neighbours Episode 2518
Malcolm Kennedy, Sonny Hammond

Jen Handley, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2518
Jen Handley, Philip Martin

Annalise Hartman, Stonie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2518
Annalise Hartman, Stonie Rebecchi

Luke Handley, Sam Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2518
Luke Handley, Sam Kratz

Jen Handley, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2518
Jen Handley, Philip Martin

Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2518
Philip Martin

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