- Jen worrying that she's going to fail her exam. Cody telling her irritatedly to stop talking about it and do some study.
- Libby inviting Sonny to stay for dinner, but Sonny declining because she has homework and she's not using him to get out of it.
- Mark telling Cody to issue Adrian with a restraining order.
- Brett telling a horrified Danni that she answered the wrong questions in the English exam.
No. 30
Mark is sorting through recipes to put in his book. Cody comes in and tells him that she's just been down to the courthouse and finally put out a restraining order on Adrian - although it'll be a couple of weeks before it comes into action. Mark tells her that the police are handling it now; it's no longer a problem she has to deal with by herself. He then tells her to sit back and relax and he'll cook her something warm and comforting.
No. 22
Mal is sitting as Danni paces the lounge room floor, groaning that she wants to wake up and realise this is just a horrible dream. Mal tells her that she may have done that one section well enough to scrape a pass. Danni, however, mutters that she could kick herself. Mal points out that she was pretty casual about it, going out and not studying - but that just causes Danni to yell at him to stop lecturing her; she lost her chance to go to design college and all he can do is gloat. Mal tells her gently that if he made her feel bad, he's sorry - he didn't mean it. He pulls her into his arms for a hug.
No. 26
Helen and Philip head into No. 26, Helen exclaiming to Philip that he has no idea how glad she is to be home. Philip asks if the trip was relaxing, but Helen retorts that she's as taut as a piano wire: there were electrical storms every day and it's not good to practise sh'gun under those conditions. Philip laughs that he hopes she got a refund! Helen then asks where everyone is. Philip tells her that Hannah was last seen on her way to Zoe's and Jen is out the back studying, as she thinks the sunshine and fresh air help her study. He adds in concern that she hardly ever takes a break; he was about to coerce her into a bike ride with him when Helen called. Helen tells him not to let her stop him!
Back yard of No. 26
Philip joins Jen and tells her that Helen's home. Jen is miles away and just asks Philip to tell Helen that she'll come in and see her in a minute. Philip sighs at Jen that he knows she's under a lot of pressure but she's got to take a break. Jen tells him that she went for a run this morning. Philip exclaims that that was at six o'clock and she's been non- stop ever since. He invites her to come for a bike ride for half an hour. Jen negotiates it down to 15 minutes - but tells him that as soon as they come back she'll have to hit the books straight away.
No. 28
Sonny has turned up at No. 28, where Libby is studying. She asks him how he's been since she last saw him and he tells her that he wanted to thank her for the brochures she made: the orders are piling in. Libby smiles that she knew it: he has a great product and just has to show it off! Sonny asks if they can do some more shots over the summer. Libby then tells him that she doesn't know too many guys who'd put their love life on hold just so their girlfriend could study. She kisses him.
No. 22
Lou and Cheryl head into No. 22 and ask Mal and Danni how the exam went. Mal gives Danni a look as she replies that it was a pushover. Lou checks the answering machine and picks up a message from a woman who says:
WOMAN: Hello - I'm the person who bought the Triple Mayor portrait from the Youth Centre auction. It's a lovely painting - *too* lovely for *me*. What do you think I should do with it?
The message ends, causing Cheryl to remark to Lou that that's a bit odd. Lou, looking intrigued, comments that the voice is vaguely familiar, but he can't quite place it. He listens to the message again.
Grounds around Lassiter's lake
Philip and Jen are riding around on their bikes, Philip telling Jen to admit that this was a great idea! They carry on riding - but Philip's bike comes to a sudden stop as the front tyre hits something, and he goes flying over the handlebars. Jen quickly runs over to him as he lies groaning on the ground. She asks in concern where it hurts.
No. 30
Cody thanks Mark for lunch, saying it really hit the spot. Mark returns to choosing his recipes. There's suddenly a knock on the front door and Cody goes and answers it - to Adrian, who starts snarling:
ADRIAN: How dare you take out a restraining—
Cody tries to slam the door on him, but he pushes his way in and warns her angrily that this stupid game of hers could cost him his career. Cody growls that she doesn't care. Mark joins them and says he's calling the cops. Adrian, however, asks him quickly not to. He turns to Cody and warns her that she's going to regret this. He leaves. Mark says he's calling the police anyway.
Outside Karl's surgery
Philip hobbles out of Karl's surgery, Jen with her arm round him. He's holding his hand in the vicinity of a very delicate part of his anatomy! Jen tells him that she's called Helen and she's on her way. Philip comments that the thought of getting back on those bikes is bringing tears to his eyes! They make it to a seat outside the coffee shop, but Jen suddenly realises that her 15 minute break has turned into an hour. Philip agrees that she can go. As she gets up and leaves, Philip sits there, groaning.
No. 22
Lou is listening to the answering machine message again - and again. Cheryl sighs that if she has to listen to it once more, she's going to go crazy! She suggests to Lou that he ask the agent for the mystery buyer; maybe he'll tell him. Lou nods that that's a good idea. Danni comes in and sits down, looking at a magazine. Cheryl suggests to her that she should do some study, as she needs to pass *all* her subjects if she wants to get into that art college. Danni, however, snaps at her mother to stop lecturing her: she's had *enough* - exams, school, everything. She storms out.
No. 28/Sonny's workshop
A storm is rumbling as Sonny calls Mal, who comments that Libby told him business is booming. Sonny says he needs someone to mind the shop tomorrow morning. Mal asks if he wants him to do it. Sonny says he knows he's got exams... Mal says he'll do it if he can be a nerd and bring his books along. Sonny tells him he'll catch him later. They hang up and Libby joins Mal and asks who he was talking to. Mal replies that it was Sonny: he wants him to work for him tomorrow.
No. 22
Lou is on the 'phone, trying to get hold of the agent - Mr. Misfud - but is being told he's a very busy man. He hangs up and mutters to Cheryl that he doesn't reckon Mr. Misfud is busy at *all*. He then comments that he wonders if Phil Friendly has anything to do with it. Cheryl, however, comments that it's highly unlikely. Changing the subject, she goes and looks out the front window and sighs that Danni threw a tantrum not long ago - something's bothering her...
No. 26
It's evening- time and Helen helps Philip onto the couch as he sighs that he reckons childbirth must be a breeze compared to this! Helen asks if she can get him another painkiller, but he says he'll have another one before he goes to bed. He tells her that he appreciates her looking after him like this. Helen comments that she doesn't mind; it's just a pity Jen can't be there. Philip insists that if she didn't have her first exam tomorrow, she'd be there looking after him.
No. 22
Still looking through the front window, Cheryl sighs at Lou that Danni should be home by now; she's starting to get worried. Lou says he bets she's home for dinner. At that moment, Danni comes in through the back door and Cheryl asks where she's been. Danni shrugs that she's just been wandering around. Lou heads upstairs to take a bath, leaving Cheryl to ask Danni what's troubling her. Danni warns her that she'll get mad. Cheryl points out that if she does, at least it'll be out there and they can set about fixing it. Danni retorts:
DANNI: That's the problem, mum - it's not exactly something that *can* be fixed. The English exam today... it didn't go exactly like I said.
CHERYL: So how *did* it go?
DANNI: I messed up. I didn't read the instructions right and I did it all wrong. I've probably failed.
CHERYL (smiles): Oh darling, it probably hasn't gone as badly as you think.
DANNI: No, the thing is, no, I *deserve* to. I was too confident... I thought I didn't have to try... I mean, I even went out last night.
Cheryl asks Danni in sudden irritation how she could be so stupid. Danni, tears welling- up, cries that she really hates herself; she's stuffed up her best chance of having the career that she wants...
University grounds
The next morning, Jen is talking to herself, still going over the course material, as Cody tells her that everyone's as nervous as she is, but at least they're pretending to hold it together. Jen sighs that sometimes it seems like she's the only one who's terrified. She then tells her about Philip's accident and about the delicate place in which he hurt himself. Cody laughs! Adrian suddenly comes up behind them. He turns to Cody and says darkly:
ADRIAN: Good luck - you're going to need it.
No. 26
Helen helps Philip sit down at the kitchen table for breakfast as he comments that Jen should be in the exam room by now - if she's not too tired to concentrate. He adds that he should have gone into the spare room and let her sleep. Helen asks why *Jen* didn't go into the spare room if she was worried. She adds that he and Jen are in a very delicate position at the moment and there has to be some give and take; it seems to her that *he's* doing all the giving.
No. 22
Cheryl tells Danni - who's sitting having breakfast - that time's ticking on: Brett's already left for his exam. Danni shrugs that it doesn't seem to matter anymore. Cheryl tells her that the exam results only account for a percentage of her total marks; she could still scrape this in. Danni mutters at her to get real. Cheryl retorts:
CHERYL: I think you've been really stupid about this exam business, but what's done is done, and now what's ahead of you is to pull your finger out and do really well in all the exams that are remaining. Now, I know you think that's really hard, and I know you're thinking everything's useless at the moment, but, darling, I want you to go to that art college, and I won't hear of you throwing it away for a minute.
DANNI: Yeah, well, I want to too. I mean, I want to be a fashion designer.
CHERYL: Then get going - because you are a very talented girl, Danielle Stark. Don't throw it away,
Danni smiles at her and heads upstairs to get ready. As she does so, Lou comes in and tells Cheryl that she's not going to believe this: he's seen Pablo Misfud about the portrait but he refused to give him any information whatsoever.
Sonny's workshop
Sonny is working on a board when Mal comes in, loaded down with books. He asks if he can dump them behind the desk. Sonny tells him that that's fine, as long as he doesn't ignore any customers while he's studying. He then shows Mal the phone, message pad and current catalogue and tells him that if there are any really difficult requests, take a number and he'll call them back. He thanks Mal for helping out. Mal asks if it's a hot business deal and Sonny replies that it's something like that - just a few loose ends to tie up. At that moment, a car horn sounds outside and Sonny heads out. Mal starts leafing through the catalogue, but suddenly realises that it's last year's. He heads out to catch up with Sonny - to see him climbing into a flash car driven by a young blonde woman who he kisses on the lips. Mal stares at them and mutters coldly:
MAL: You dirty sleaze...