- Finn looks ready to throttle Lucy.
- Finn tells his video diary that Elly said they can't be together because of Bea, so if Bea is the obstacle...
- Finn places a bomb in a wedding box meant for Lucy and Mark.
- Lucy says she's swapped the name tag with Tom and Ian.
- Prue opens the wedding box and her car explodes.
- Finn pushes Bea into a pit on the island.
- Finn hugs Harry. Harry realises Finn's memory is back.
- Finn hits Toadie over the head with a rock and sends him out to sea.
- Finn places a snake in the pit with Bea.
- Finn shoots Gary in the back with an arrow.
- Finn chases Elly and Aster around the island, as Elly finds Gary's dead body.
- Finn sets fire to the island.
Number 28
Susan is checking her phone as Finn rushes in. He tells her that Elly is still on the island, but the phones are still out. He's worried about Bea. Susan says Bea hasn't arrived in Sydney. Finn says Bea just called her, she's rented a cabin in the Snowy Mountains. Her phone died and she forgot her charger. Finn wants them to drive up and meet her. He's worried about her and wants to see her, but Bea asked him to bring Susan, she really wants Susan there. Susan asks why Finn broke up with Bea on the island. Finn says Bea was talking about their future together and it just felt wrong. He wants to make it right and asks Susan to come with him to visit Bea. He talks her out of telling Karl to come to, saying too many people will overwhelm Bea. Susan goes to get her things.
Special title cards roll - Jackie Woodburne, Rob Mills, Neighbours.
Number 28
Susan is on the phone to Karl. She says Finn knows where to find Bea, and he seems really upset. She tells Karl she'll call when they get there, then hangs up. Finn thanks Susan, she's always looked out for him. He says he has Elly's car, she and Aster will get a ride back with the others. As they leave, Finn takes a final look around the house, turning the light off.
Susan tells Finn that Lucy switched the wedding boxes because she didn't want to go to Rome for a honeymoon. Finn wonders who got Rome. Susan asks how much of Finn's decision to end things was because of Elly. He says he's ashamed to admit it, but he was hoping something would happen between him and Elly, but it can never be. Susan says she's still not getting through to the island, they must be asleep now. Finn asks if Susan felt that way after Karl cheated on her, she must have found it hard to recapture what they had. Finn's always wondered if Susan really forgave Karl.
SUSAN: Forgive him yes.
FINN: Forgiven but not forgotten.
SUSAN: Even though we got past it, I don't know, something in me changed after that first time.
FINN: Sarah Beaumont
SUSAN: Yeah. I've always thought of it as a piece of my heart turning to granite. And even though I came to love him again, that piece, that tiny little stone, I think it'll always be there. Oh Finn, you don't want to know about this.
FINN: I want to know everything about you Susan. The... the way you help people, you are an amazing woman.
SUSAN: Well, that's a nice thing to say
FINN: People take advantage. They don't appreciate you for who you are. I'm not like those people Susan, you know that right? You've done more for me than anyone else has.
Susan turns around when she hears Aster in the backseat. Susan is shocked to see Aster there. She tells Finn to stop the car. After the car stops, she goes back to check on her, asking why Finn has Aster. Finn says Elly is still on the island but can't look after Aster so she gave her to Finn. Susan says Elly wouldn't do that. Finn says Elly isn't in a good headspace, so he said he'd look after Aster for a bit. Susan says she needs to call Karl, but Finn insists she shouldn't, taking Susan's phone from her.
FINN: Karl doesn't love you! He never has!
Finn throws Susan's phone away.
FINN: It's just you, me, and Aster now.
Susan looks shocked.
Susan sits in the backseat with Aster, while Finn drives them. Susan realises Bea isn't at the cabin. Finn says she's on the island as well. Susan asks if Bea and Elly are alright. Finn says they're fine, they're all together. Susan says it's all right if he's taken Aster, but Elly and Bea will be worried about them. Susan says they need to contact them and let them know Aster is safe. Finn says they don't care about them, Karl doesn't either.
FINN: You don't have to be afraid Susan. I would never hurt you or Aster.
SUSAN: I just need to know that everyone is all right.
FINN (angrily shouting): And I told you you don't need to worry about them!
FINN (calmly): I wanted to tell you, I thought you would be the only person who would understand. My memory... my memory came back.
SUSAN: When?
FINN: A few weeks ago.
SUSAN: Finn, you're not well. You're not well. People will understand. If you just stop at the next town.
FINN: Susan, there won't be a next town, we're almost there. Now listen, there might be someone there waiting for us. But don't worry. I'll deal with him.
Finn walks in, calling out Harry's name, wondering if he is there. There's no car out the front. Finn sees a bottle of wine and glasses laid out, he knows Harry's been here, which means he can be back any moment. Susan wonders how long Harry's been on parole. Finn says not long, he followed Finn to the island. Susan suggests they call the police if Harry's been bothering Finn. He says it's too risky, they could trace the call back to here. Finn says this will do them for the night, then their new life begins.
Finn goes to make a bed for Aster, asking Susan to get a blanket from the bedroom, but Susan clearly doesn't want to leave Aster. She looks around as she grabs a blanket, while Finn talks about what Shaun was like as a baby. His mum told him he wasn't allowed to see Shaun, but he was excited to see his little brother, so he caught the train over. The next thing he knew his mum was screaming at him to get away from the cot, as if he was going to hurt him. Finn insists he would never hurt Shaun. Susan is sorry that happened to him. Finn says family is what you make of it, and she and Aster are his family now. Finn goes to make food, while Susan looks increasingly anxious.
Finn's made some toast and offers Susan some. Susan isn't hungry. Susan says she's trying to understand. Finn says one day they'll look back at this as the best thing to have ever happened to them. Susan asks why Finn feels like Elly, Bea and Karl can't be part of their future? He says he almost feels sorry for Bea, it isn't her fault that she looks so much like Elly. When he tracked her down in Sydney he did the biggest double take, he could've sworn it was Elly busking. Then Bea told him how much Elly had hurt her. He wonders why he kept going to Elly after she hurt him, and wonders if she loved him.
FINN: She made me believe that there was hope, so I removed all the obstacles and she still let me down.
SUSAN: What obstacles? Do you mean Bea? If we could just contact them...
SUSAN: Elly is Aster's mother, Bea...
FINN: I said no!
Finn smashes the plate of toast on the ground, then goes to settle Aster who has started crying. Finn tells Susan to not talk about them again. Susan offers to clean the mess while Finn rests after all his driving today. Finn thanks her and goes to the bedroom.
FINN: Lie next to me Susan?
Susan gives a startled look. We then cut to Susan and Finn lying side by side on the bed. Finn asks Susan how much she hated Karl. Susan says it was a difficult time.
FINN: He betrayed you over and over, tell me, when was the moment you hated him the most?
SUSAN: I suppose it was when I found out that Isabelle was pregnant.
FINN: Think of that moment. Think of that place in your heart that turned to stone. The one you told me about in the car. Think of all that hurt, that pain, all that anger. And now think, you can be free. Don't you want to be free?
SUSAN: I do.
FINN: Me too.
Finn says his heart is just like hers, every time someone hurt him, like his parents, a part of him turned to stone, and that feeling went away when he had amnesia. But when his memory came back the heaviness in his head and chest, he'll carry these stones wherever he goes. He only feels better when he hurts the people who hurt him, when he fights back. Finn starts to cry, he says he's tired. He asks Susan to hold him. Finn rolls over, as Susan holds him. She quietly looks terrified. Finn says he always wanted his mum to hold him like this. He says Susan was more of a mother to him than she ever was. Susan tells him to sleep, he's safe now.
Later Finn has fallen asleep, as Susan tries to quietly sneak out of bed. She picks up a stone sculpture on the floor and looks at it. Finn appears and asks her what she's doing. She says she heard a noise and thought Harry had come back. Finn opens the door to check, as Susan holds the sculpture behind Finn's head contemplating whether to hit him, but the moment passes as Finn goes back inside, not seeing what Susan was doing. He heads over to Aster and picks her up. He asks Susan if Aster looks like Elly. Susan says no, she's all Shaun. Susan goes to warm a bottle for Aster. As she takes a bottle, Susan wonders how long it's been out of the fridge. Finn says he left the campsite around two, but it was in one of the cooler bags. Susan says the milk might have gone off. She suggests they find a shop to get some formula for Aster. Susan says if Finn's tired, she can take Aster and feed her. Finn says they'll go together, everything they do now, they'll do together. Finn goes to freshen up. As Susan nervously looks to check Finn is gone, he appears suddenly startling her! He says it's really nice being here, just the three of them.
Finnn washes his face in the bathroom, while Susan grabs a phone from the bed. Finn comes out to look for towels and catches Susan with the phone, she was about to call 000.
FINN: Here I am planning our future, and what, you're turning me in?
FINN: You don't love me! Just like the rest of them!
SUSAN: I'm trying to help!
FINN: Rubbish!
SUSAN: Finn, you're not well, you need help!
FINN: I need people I can trust!
SUSAN: I won't ever abandon you, Finn, I promise!
FINN (screaming): You'll never be a mother to me!
Finn forces Susan into a chair. Susan tells Finn that Karl knows they came in this direction, and if he leaves Aster he could get away. Finn grabs a rope and ties her to the chair.
SUSAN: What did you do to Elly and Bea?
FINN: They got what they deserved!
SUSAN: What did you do?!
FINN: They'll be dead by now.
Susan looks devastated.
FINN: Just like Canning. You know it's just such a shame that I won't get to see the look on Xanthe's face when she finds out that it was me who put an arrow through her dad's heart.
Susan starts crying in horror.
FINN: I should've known that you'd let me down. After all, you did push me off a cliff.
Outside the Cabin
Finn walks outside the cabin, hearing Susan screaming for help. He says there's no use, no one can hear her out here. Finn picks up a shovel. Susan screams Finn's name. Finn starts digging a hole, and turns a valve on a water pipe. Meanwhile Susan continues to scream for help while Aster cries behind her. Finn soaks the ground with water to make it easier to dig the hole. Susan turns to Aster, saying she's sorry, she's so sorry. Meanwhile Finn continues to dig the hole, grinning to himself.