- Terese suggesting Piper keeps her memories of Josh alive by writing a journal/Vlog.
- Ned being evasive about his movements on the day of the explosion.
- Terese/Amy united in not talking to Paul.
- Paige/John getting a lead on his identity.
- Tyler wanting Paige to pull out of going with John to Geelong.
- Paige confirming she's going.
Paige has accompanied John to Geelong but nothing seems familiar to him.
Cue titles!
As they wonder along the beach, John reassures Paige that he has thought about what his past is both good and bad.
Harold's café
Piper interrupts her explosion interview of Sonya to go apologise to Ned, who has just arrived in the café. She apologises for her 'tunnel vision' railroading of him and he's had a re-think too and agrees to be interviewed again by her.
Lauren reassures him after Piper leaves that he's a really good big brother.
Robinsons motel
Steph is reluctant to take the pressie Paul has for Jimmy (a chess clock) to the event Amy is organising for him but his emotive speech (about how he doesn't want to lose Jimmy like he has the others) works, and she takes the gift from him saying she'll see what she can do.
The duo are having no luck at all with the people they've talked to so far. John then gets an 'I've been here before' moment when he catches sight of the Giant Sky Wheel and they head off towards it.
Number 26
Jimmy spots the pressie behind Steph's back when she arrives for his party but wants a chat with Amy first before handing it over. When Jimmy heads back outside with his mates, Steph tells her what it is and Terese isn't amused, thinking it's a bribe in the hope it will work itself up.
Harold's café
Ned tells Piper that he got a call from Josh wanting a catch up with Doug and once he arrived at the hotel, bypassed reception (as he knew the room number) and headed upstairs. He adds that he was with Doug up until the explosion and claims not to have seen Josh/Terese. Ned tenses up at that point so Piper calls a halt to proceedings and says that one good thing came out of that bad day - he came back into her life.
Despite staring at the Giant Sky Wheel for ages, nothing more is coming back to John but Paige thinks they are making progress and suggests staying overnight [I can recommend the Mercure hotel!].
Harold's café
Bard isn't too amused to hear about Paige staying over with John in Geelong and thinks he should be using social workers rather than his daughter! Brad decides to head for a surf and persuades Ned to come along with him and Lauren.
The three of them depart and the newly arrived Tyler takes their place and joins Piper after she confirms that they are still cool. He thinks her interview with Lauren was great and agrees for her to interview him too.
Robinsons motel
Paul is happy surprised at Amy paying him a visit. She thanks him for Jimmy's pressie and he reassures her that he'd never hurt them and when he starts to say he wasn't responsible, she immediately stops him.
AMY: You've messed up in a big way Paul but you're still my dad. And I know how much you love Jimmy and me and I've been thinking I'd rather you were in our lives than out of it.
She then yells for Jimmy to come but before he comes, she gives Paul one condition - no talking about the hotel. He's happy to go with that and happily reunites with his grandson. "Thank you," he silently says to Amy.
Geelong hostel
The duo have gone for cheap and cheerful and separate sleeping areas which will please Brad! As they chat, Paige is somewhat surprised nobody has come looking for hunky John, commenting that she would if she'd lost someone as good looking as he is.
Number 22
Piper is in a quandary having found (and charged) Josh's phone it's starting to receive texts/voicemails and isn't sure what to do. Tyler listens to the voicemails and the first is from Amber but the second one puzzles her - it's from Doug saying that Ned has taken off from the mezzanine (after finding out that Brad won COTY) and that he can't find him.
Piper isn't sure who to believe especially as Doug got confused because of his Alzheimer's. Tyler tries to suggest that Ned lied to downplay how much he hated his dad but she doesn't think he was *that* angry at Brad. He seems to suggest that she should tell the police but Piper fears the family isn't strong enough to handle it.
Geelong hostel
Scantily clad in a towel, having been for a shower, John asks Paige what the plan is for the evening and hanging out in her room is the answer.
Harold's Store
Piper is pleased to see that Ned/Brad have bonded while off surfing as they come into the store to raid it for supplies for the BBQ they're having at #32. While Brad heads into the kitchen for the supplies, Piper subtly asks Ned what he thought of Brad getting the COTY award and his happy persona changes totally as he replies back that they obviously knew something he didn't. "When did you find out?" she asks and his reply is last week after Sonya came round wanting photos. Ned wants to know why she is asking and Piper puts it down to curiosity from the baby of the family wanting to discover if she was the last to know.
Robinsons motel
Jimmy's chess game with Paul (complete with Amy cheering her son on) is interrupted by a visit from Terese - she is annoyed at Amy visiting her dad especially when she wasn't allowed to see him as part of getting a contract at Lassiters. That appears to be news to Amy and she isn't given much of an opportunity to explain herself either to Terese. Paul tries to back Amy up by telling the very angry and bitter Terese that she can't stop Amy from seeing her own father. Terese agrees she can't, but adds that she refuses to do business with someone associating themselves with the person that killed her son/father in law!
TERESE: Now if you have anything to do with Paul the deal is off.
Geelong hostel
John is now the one scantily dressed after his shower as Paige calls him to say she's got the food/beer in her room. You can just about cut the UST between them (that's been slowly building all day) and eventually they give into it and kiss. John is surprised at her breaking the kiss quickly but she's spotted something on the notice board that was behind him - a photo of himself with another guy.
Harold's café
Piper asks Tyler for his advice after Ned lied to her and she isn't sure what to do now. His advice is the police (no) and then telling her dad because it's not the kind of information you sit on. "Ned makes my dad happy in a way we can't," she cries adding that getting him back is the only thing keeping Brad going. Tyler thinks that there must be an explanation but Piper is unsure how to casually bring it up in a conversation! "Even if it means Paul is innocent?" he asks. "I'm so confused!" she says and Tyler reassures her that he'll support her whatever she decides. She's decided not to tell the police but will talk to Brad and Tyler agrees to be with her when that happens.
PIPER: If Ned is responsible for the explosion, it's going to rip our family apart again.
- Lauren pointing out to Ned he's been evasive about his movements on that day.
- Terese reassuring Brad that if Ned is innocent he's got nothing to be worried about.
- Brad subtly trying to ask Ned questions.
- John frustrated in the search to find out who he is and calling things to a halt.