Previously on Neighbours
- Toadie and Sarah tell Susan she's making a mistake
- Susan realises she wants to be with Karl, but Karl has already gone to lodge the divorce papers
- Andrew takes $600 from the till
- Kyle tells Georgia he's heard she's broken up with Scotty
Karl rejects a call from Susan - it's the fifth. He tells Georgia he's putting something off that he doesn't want to do. She sympathises.
Kyle and Jana come in. Jana suggests watching DVDs or going back to hers, but he's not keen. He greets Georgia, and tells Jana about her camp- out. Jana suggests they should go, but Kyle brushes off the suggestion, and goes to get some coffee. Georgia takes the opportunity to leave.
Susan comes in looking for Karl. Andrew hasn't seen him, so Susan goes off to call him again. Meanwhile, Paul is talking to Sarah about some new apartments at the Lassiters complex, for which he needs a project manager. She reminds him she has a job, children and an estranged husband in the UK. He is sure she can sort it out, and tells her to get back to him, which she promises to do. Andrew comes over to ask Paul about the job, and Paul says it's none of his business. Susan leaves another message for Karl, saying it's very important.
Outside Harold's
Jana comes out and sees Georgia sitting alone. Jana says she has no- one else to talk to and needs some advice. She and Kyle get along but she feels he's not that interested in her. Georgia says it's not that long since he broke up with Jade, so he probably needs time. Jana thanks her and leaves. Karl comes out of Harold's and gets another call from Susan, which he rejects - again.
Susan sighs and tells Kate that Karl probably thinks she's hassling him to lodge the divorce papers, adding that she's trying to stop him. Georgia comes in, sees them looking miserable and comments that everyone is miserable - including Karl who was outside Harold's. Susan runs out. Georgia is puzzled.
KATE: She's just trying to save her marriage.
Georgia says she's horrible because she wanted to tell Jana to dump Kyle. She hates seeing them together. Kate asks if she's jealous, which Georgia admits. Kate says she has two choices: either put up with it, or tell Kyle how she feels.
Outside Harold's
Susan bumps into Paul and asks if he's seen Karl.
PAUL: Yeah, he's about yay high, a bit vain, terrible lyricist.
SUSAN: I'm serious.
PAUL: So am I!
Susan runs off, and Andrew catches up with Paul and asks again about the job he offered Sarah.
PAUL: Oh, during my very private conversation?
ANDREW: In a very public bar, yeah.
Andrew says if Sarah doesn't accept, he'd like the job, because it's more responsibility. Paul says it wasn't very responsible taking money from his own till. Andrew assures him it won't happen again, but Paul reckons Sarah will accept the job.
Dial a Kyle
Kyle asks Andrew to help him move some bags of mulch, but it turns out he actually wants some advice about Jana. He explains that Jana doesn't do it for him. Andrew helpfully replies that he needs his head checked.
Mason is watching Kate getting some bread rolls. He saunters over and asks her out for a drinks. She says she doesn't go out with strangers. He says if she goes out with him, he wouldn't be a stranger. Lauren is listening in, and then asks if he's hassling Kate. She says she's fine but has to go. Mason smiles to himself.
Lassiters complex
Kyle gives Jana a bunch of flowers. She's delighted and asks what they're going to do later. He tells her that he wants to break up with her.
JANA: Wow, do you always dump girls with flowers?
KYLE: Well, I just, you know, wanted to let you down gently.
JANA: Just so you know - epic fail.
She throws the flowers at him and storms off.
By Lassiters lake
Karl is looking at the divorce papers. She guesses what they are and tells him she tried to talk Susan out of it. He says sadly that everyone has. She tells him she hopes he finds happiness again, and he says he hopes she does to.
Susan walks up to the bar where Paul was having a drink. She picks it up and downs it in one.
SUSAN: I hope that's water.
PAUL: Guess you'll find out in about ten minutes.
Paul orders another for himself and one for Susan, who says she has no time. Paul asks what's up, pointing out that he has been supportive in the past. Sarah comes in. Susan groans, but Paul finds out from her that Karl is headed into the city, and Susan rushes off. Sarah tells Paul that she is flattered... He realises she isn't going to take the job.
No 28
Tash is reading a job advert on her phone - the job Sarah rejected. Andrew tells Tash he should be doing it: he can't manage Charlie's all his life. Tash points out he's been doing it five minutes, and he's never project- managed anything! Andrew suggests TITTNL™ for half an hour, but Tash tells him to use that energy to talk to Paul.
Lassiters complex
Susan runs after Matt, and begs him to take her to the Family Court before Karl can lodge the papers. He says he's not a taxi service, but she says she has a serious medical condition - MS- so he agrees.
SUSAN: Can we put the siren on?
Andrew gives Paul his CV and a cover letter. Paul says he looks for experience and maturity. Andrew agrees that Paul could find people with more maturity but no- one who wants it more. He can get the job done right. Paul points out he's got no experience of the building trade. Andrew guarantees to do anything to learn. So Paul agrees to take him on as his assistant for no pay. He asks Andrew to come up with a name that reflects the calibre of the development.
A suburban road
Matt is driving steadily. Susan thanks him for what he's doing. Then...
SUSAN: Any chance we could just a bit faster?
MATT: This is a 60 zone.
SUSAN: Yeah, I know. But we're in a police car.
MATT: In a 60 zone.
Further along the same road
Karl is driving along, looking upset. He decides to pull in He picks up the envelope, looks at the papers, and puts them down again. Susan spots the car, and Matt slows down to pull in. Karl does a U- turn, so Matt follows suit. Karl turns right, which Matt points out isn't the way to the courthouse.
Ramsay Street
Karl drives up to his house, followed by Matt and Susan. Karl gets out and asks Susan why she's in a police car. Susan wants to know where the papers are. Karl apologises that he hasn't lodged them yet, and promises to do it first thing. Susan says she doesn't want that, and that Sarah coming back was the best thing that could have happened. Karl looks confused. Susan explains after Sarah and Izzy, she had hidden part of herself away for protection for when Karl let her down. Karl looks distressed and says he thought he'd proved he wouldn't. Susan says he has. Karl asks if this means she forgives him. She says the question is will he forgive her? He says of course: he loves her. They kiss, quite a lot, even when Matt suggests they take it someplace else.
Kate comes in and Mason is at the bar. He reckons it's a record between asking a girl out and her saying yes. She says she's just looking for her phone. He reaches in his pocket, telling her he found it on the table. He didn't steal it: he rescued it. She thanks him, but tells him his mum's getting thirsty. She turns to talk to Kyle who tells her he's dumped Jana. Kate guesses it's because he's interested in Georgia, and asks what he's going to do. He doesn't know if Georgia's interested in him. Kate says it's obvious, and tells him to go and do something about it. Kyle rushes out.
No 30
Georgia opens the door to an out of breath Kyle is at the door, and he says he needs to talk to her. He sits down and invites her to sit by him. There's a knock at the door. It's Scotty. He wants to get back with Georgia. Kyle looks despondent.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Kyle is disappointed that "farmboy" turned up as he was just about to tell Georgia how he feels
- Scotty tells Georgia he'll do anything to win her back
- Scotty tells Kyle that Georgia is meant to be with him
- Karl suggests they should recreate their honeymoon - then has trouble with his back
- Sarah is leaving and Susan tells her the fastest way to go
- Ajay tells Rani that Priya is not going anywhere
- Paul comes round to say that Brian is accusing Priya of harrassing him. Ajay says it's the other way around.