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Neighbours Episode 9041 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9040 - 9042>>
Episode title: 9041 (Andrew and JJ visit Felix in jail)
Australian and UK airdate: 14/05/24
Writer: Megan Palinkas
Director: Kylie Robertson
Guests: Felix Rodwell: James Beaufort
Victor Stone: Craig Hall
Summary/Images by: Liam/Jeremai
Previously on Neighbours
- Haz is severely injured when he's hit by Mackenzie's car, and falls into a coma
- Holly tells the sharehouse gang that the police are tracking down Haz's family
- Mackenzie reflects on the fact that with Haz estranged from his family, the sharehousers are 'all he has'
- JJ is furious with Remi and Cara for their deception and refusal to let him have contact with Felix
- Nell overhears Andrew telling Wendy that Felix is ill
- JJ explains to Nell that his mums won't let him visit Felix; Nell tells him Andrew's going this afternoon
- JJ gets into the car with Andrew, and begs him to take him to see Felix
Warrinor Prison
JJ is sitting alone in a waiting area, looking very apprehensive. Meanwhile, Andrew is talking to Felix in the visiting room. Felix tells Andrew that he has kidney stones, and has been in agony with them for weeks.
FELIX: Gives a bloke a lot of time to think. I lost everything. You, my chance at a new start...
ANDREW: That was your doing, mate.
FELIX: I'm sorry.
ANDREW: Nah. I am not interested.
FELIX: Why are you here, then?
ANDREW: Look, initially I... I wanted closure. For myself.
FELIX: Initially?
ANDREW: JJ's tagged along, hasn't he? Practically hijacked the car.
FELIX: ... I told his mum I'd stay away.
ANDREW (annoyed): That's the problem, isn't it? I mean, JJ has created this fantasy in his head about why you came into his life, and now he's blaming his parents for standing in the way of that.
FELIX: ... What do you reckon I should do?
ANDREW: I think it would be helpful for him to see you. But I have one condition. You show him *exactly* who you are.
Erinsborough Hospital
Holly is telling comatose Haz all about the road trip Melanie's currently on in the Drinks Divas van, on the music gig tour. Byron is visiting, too, and Mackenzie soon bursts in to join them. She says Byron and Holly can head off if they have other things to do, and Byron confirms Nicolette has been hassling him to come home to discuss something, so prepares to leave.
Mackenzie gets a work message, and explains the council is hassling her to finish a report she's been working on. Holly volunteers to stay with Haz while Mackenzie finishes her work, but Mack says she'll just ask for an extension.
BYRON: Haz might be in this state for months. You can't totally suspend your life here, Mack.
HOLLY: Yeah, and there's actually no need to, cos we can all share the load.
MACKENZIE: Thanks, guys. But Haz is my priority. Everything else will have to wait.
Holly and Byron exchange a concerned glance.
Warrinor Prison
Felix has agreed to let JJ in to see him, and Andrew is still there too.
JJ: I know why you returned my letters. It's cos my mums told you to. That wasn't fair. I've got so many questions for you, and I want to hear your answers.
FELIX: What do you want to know?
JJ: Okay, so, erm... I've been trying to figure out why you never said anything. About being my dad.
FELIX: And what have you come up with?
JJ: Well, you were scared, right? You couldn't say anything cos you knew how much it would upset everyone.
Felix looks uncomfortable and exchanges a glance with Andrew.
FELIX: You're a good kid. But that's not the reason... I don't want a son, and I'm not interested in being a father.
JJ (hurt): But we spent all that time together.
FELIX: I was just curious, that's all.
JJ: No. No, you're just saying that. We were mates.
FELIX: ... We were never mates. You were in some trouble, and I helped you out, and you returned the favour. That's all there is to it.
JJ: So I mean nothing to you?
FELIX: ... I'm sorry, you're just, uh... you're just a kid who lives across the street from my brother. I don't want to be your buddy, and I definitely don't want to be a parent. You've already got two decent ones. You should... you should count yourself lucky.
Devastated, JJ gets up and walks out.
ANDREW: Thanks for finally being honest with him.
Felix nods, but it's clear he's affected by what's just happened.
Erinsborough Hospital
Mackenzie is at a laptop in Haz's room, while Holly is doing a dog personality test for Trevor on her phone, and reading out the results to Haz.
HOLLY: Question one - does your dog prefer to chew toys or appliances?
MACKENZIE: Do cushions count as toys?
Holly reminds Mackenzie that she's meant to be working, but she replies that she doesn't want to miss anything with Haz. Mack then gets a message saying that Lassiter's is advertising for a new tenant to take over the lease at Harold's.
HOLLY: What?! No, but Paul knows the condition that Haz is in.
MACKENZIE: He must not care.
HOLLY: Can he even do that?
MACKENZIE: Well, Toadie handled Haz's lease. He'll know.
Mackenzie picks up her phone to call Toadie.
Warrinor Prison
Andrew rejoins Felix, having been out to check on JJ.
FELIX: How is he?
ANDREW: He's hurt. At least he knows the truth now.
FELIX: Well, it's mostly the truth... I don't want to be a father, but I do care about him. I stand by my reason to leave and do the robbery. It was to protect him. And you.
ANDREW: We sat in this very room, Felix, before you got paroled. And I asked you point blank about Philippa. You should have told me what was going on.
FELIX: Okay. I'm a stuff- up. A repeat offender, as they say.
ANDREW: I trusted you, Felix. But you just didn't trust me enough to be the brother that I always tried to be.
Felix nods.
ANDREW: I came here for closure, and I didn't know what that meant until now... Don't reach out again.
Felix looks sad as Andrew walks out. We follow Andrew, also looking sad, down the corridor as he leaves.
No 24
An impatient Nicolette excitedly opens the door to Byron, and drags him indoors to present him with a surprise - their dad, Victor! Nicolette is evidently very pleased to have Vic there, but Byron visibly less so.
VIC: Alright, Byron. It's been a while, eh?
BYRON: Yeah...
Byron looks confused and none too impressed as his father hugs him...
Lassiter's Complex
Jane is in the courtyard when she receives a message, and hurriedly walks off, but bumps into Toadie. She apologises and explains she's just had some bad news.
JANE: Apparently my ex- husband is in town.
TOADIE: Oh. No warning given?
JANE: He likes to be spontaneous. And I used to find it charming. Until I learned that he was spontaneously removing his trousers for every other lady north of London.
TOADIE: Oh, so that's why you gave him the boot?
JANE: I can't claim to have been a saint. I mean, obviously it takes two to... to break up a marriage. But his constant indiscretions certainly didn't help.
TOADIE: Any idea why he's here?
JANE: No. No idea. But I'm confident that he's brought with him some kind of drama. Always does.
The Waterhole
Cara and Remi are having a drink in the pub. Remi explains that Karl has suggested she go for the promotion to senior medical officer at the hospital, but that she said no, given everything that's going on at home. But Cara senses she's interested in the opportunity; Remi admits it would be great to throw her hat in the ring, but not if it takes her away from Cara and the boys.
Wendy shows up and offers them some more drinks, but they're about to head home to see JJ. However, both Remi and Cara then get texts simultaneously, from Andrew.
CARA (reading): 'Don't be mad. Just leaving the prison with JJ.'
REMI (reading): 'I'll explain soon. Can we meet you at yours?'
They look to Wendy for an explanation; she knew Andrew was going to see Felix, but nothing about JJ going with him. Remi and Cara look annoyed.
Lassiter's Complex
Mackenzie and Holly are upset to find Harold's locked up and the 'closed' sign on display - Haz has been evicted. Holly wonders if he was behind on rent, but Mackenzie thinks that's transferred automatically each month. Toadie turns up, and tells them that Lassiter's are claiming Haz breached his lease agreement when he took off with Wade Fernsby.
MACKENZIE: But that was part of a police sting. He never truly abandoned his business!
TOADIE: Yeah, well, he still committed dangerous and illegal acts, which is enough for immediate termination.
HOLLY: Well, can he appeal it?
TOADIE: Haz's only chance is if Paul changes his mind.
The Waterhole
Vic, Byron and Nicolette turn up at the pub, where Vic and Aaron meet in person for the first time, having previously been acquainted in online family chats. Vic expresses his condolences about David; Aaron thanks him and shows the family to a table. Jane turns up, and greets Vic frostily.
VIC: I'm glad you could join us.
JANE: Nicolette was quite insistent.
NICOLETTE: I think this is the first time we've all been together since...
BYRON: The divorce, right?
VIC: It was your grandmother's funeral, actually. Nell Mangel. Let me say, you're looking a hell of a lot better now than you did then, Jane. Lighter - glowing, even.
JANE (coolly): So what brings you here, Vic? Are you hiding from your bookie, or your current girlfriend's husband?
VIC (laughs): She's a quick draw, your mum. I saw that the day we met. Earls Court.
JANE (smiling): There I was trying to avoid Australians, when the Kiwi was the real danger.
Vic laughs again, but Byron glares, unamused.
VIC (to Byron): Nicolette tells me you've got a lovely lady in your life. Will I get to meet her?
BYRON: As long as you don't hit on her.
BYRON: I'm joking. Yeah, sure, you can meet her.
NICOLETTE: She's really lovely. I don't know what she sees in Byron.
No 30
Remi, Cara, Dex and Wendy are all anxiously waiting for Andrew and JJ to show up; Wendy can't get through on the phone, but is sure there's a good explanation. At this point, Andrew and JJ arrive. JJ still looks gutted.
JJ: Before you say anything, I forced him to take me to the prison.
CARA: Andrew?
ANDREW: Okay, look - I know this is a big shock, and it was a massive -
REMI: We were literally just talking about this.
ANDREW: Exactly. I know you were already contemplating it when JJ jumped in my car -
REMI: Us contemplating something doesn't mean you can just go out and do it.
JJ (crying): He doesn't care about me! He doesn't want to know me. He never did.
Dex goes over to JJ and encourages him to come and shoot some hoops out in the street. The boys leave.
ANDREW: I am so sorry for doing this without your permission. I was just so worried about JJ, and then he put me on the spot - and I made a judgement call.
CARA: What exactly did Felix say to him?
The Waterhole
Aaron is still working, while also on the phone to Karl, who seems to be trying to convince him to come on a bike ride! Aaron agrees in order to get him off the phone, then brings some drinks to the Stones' table - where Vic is telling an anecdote about trying to smuggle some macadamia nuts through customs for Nicolette, as they're her favourite. Nic is amused, but Byron coolly says that nuts are allowed through customs anyway.
VIC: Oh. Still makes for a good story.
Vic gets a phone call, and goes off to a corner to take it, giving Jane the opportunity to chastise Nicolette for not warning them that Vic was coming.
NICOLETTE: Well, if I'd given you that, then you would've found a reason to dodge him.
BYRON: What's he here for?
NICOLETTE: Why do you always think that Dad has an agenda? Is it that crazy that he just wants to see us?
NICOLETTE: Okay - Dad's not perfect. He's made some mistakes. But he is our father, and he loves us.
BYRON: And he shows that twice a year, okay? Once on Christmas and once on birthdays.
NICOLETTE: It's a two- way street. Me and dad have a great relationship, because I make an effort. And maybe he keeps his distance from you because he knows he's gonna get a frosty reception.
Vic returns to the table, having finished his call. He's just sold a painting, he explains, but the auction house is holding the proceeds until they can verify its authenticity.
VIC (to Byron): Puts me in a bit of a spot. I'm embarrassed to ask, but... any chance I could stay at yours until I'm in the green?
BYRON: Full house. No spare bed. Sorry.
NICOLETTE: You've got two couches.
VIC: Ah. Works for me. Reminds me of my misspent youth.
Nicolette laughs, but Byron glares at her.
VIC (to Byron): Plus, be nice to spend some time with you.
BYRON: Uh, yeah, I can, umm... I'll check with my housemates.
But Byron doesn't look happy about it.
Ramsay Street
Dex is playing alone with the basketball, while JJ sits nearby on the kerb with his head in his arms, seemingly still crying. Remi and Cara come out to join them, and take a seat on either side of JJ, trying to comfort him.
JJ: So what's my punishment?
CARA: Nah, there isn't one.
REMI: Andrew told us everything.
CARA: Yeah, we're not happy with him. But we understand why he took you to see Felix.
REMI: We just never, ever, ever wanted you to get hurt, and now you are.
JJ: We spent all that time together. Surely he must've had some interest in me. But he never did. I was nothing to him.
CARA: We're sorry, mate. We really are.
REMI: I guess we're just still struggling to understand why you need him to *be* something to you.
CARA: And you can be honest with us, if it is about wanting a dad.
JJ: I've never wanted anything more than the both of you. But, when he was right there, in front of me... I dunno, there was... there was some kind of... like, a pull. I can't explain it.
REMI: You don't need to say any more than that.
JJ (emotional): I promise it's not about you. Never has been. You've given me everything, and you've been the best parents. And Dex is the best brother. I love you.
CARA: We love you too, mate.
The mums hug and kiss him as he continues to cry. Dex is still bouncing the basketball nearby, and Remi goes to get him to join them, as Andrew and Wendy observe from across the street.
WENDY: Well, I'd say you did the right thing.
ANDREW: Yeah, I hope so.
They watch as Dex rejoins his family and the Varga- Murphys share an emotional group hug.
WENDY: What about you? How are you feeling?
ANDREW: I lost a brother in all this, but I gained a nephew. So it's not all bad.
In the street, JJ is looking a little happier now as a game of basketball resumes. Remi nods across at Andrew and smiles. Andrew nods and smiles back.
Erinsborough Hospital
Mackenzie is telling Byron about Paul evicting Haz from the café - apparently his lawyer did send notification but the staff mislaid it in all the chaos of not having a manager.
BYRON: Seems like the day for crappy surprises. My father's flown in from the UK.
MACKENZIE: You never talk about him.
BYRON: He wasn't around much. Travelled a lot for work.
MACKENZIE: I figured you weren't close.
BYRON: Nic likes to think that he wants to change that, but I just think he's got some cashflow problems. Needs to lean on us until he figures it out... Look, he's asked to crash on our couch for a bit. I thought I'd ask you, but feel free to - please, please, please - feel free to say no.
MACKENZIE: No, I'm cool with it.
Byron rolls his eyes.
MACKENZIE: I lost ten years with my dad due to our estrangement. Wasted time. So I think you should take your dad at his word. At least until he proves otherwise.
No 24
Nicolette is about to head out to pick up Isla from her play- date; she tells Jane and Vic that Isla will be thrilled to see her grandad, then leaves. Jane fills the awkwardness with an offer of a cup of tea, while Vic looks around the place.
VIC: There's a lot of you in this house. Not so much Mike. Granted, I don't know the man - maybe he likes pastels.
Vic picks up a framed photo of Jane and Mike, but Jane comes over and takes it off him.
JANE: Actually, Mike is very low- maintenance. And he left the decorating to me.
VIC: I remember you talking about Mike when we were together. Hard to forget your first love. So where is he again?
JANE: He's in Scotland. And before you comment, he is pursuing a great opportunity.
VIC: I wasn't gonna comment.
JANE: Are you here to borrow money?
VIC: I don't blame you for thinking that. Might've asked in the past.
JANE: And you have received. And never again.
VIC: I'm not here for a loan, Jane, from you or the kids. It just suddenly hit me that I'm not getting any younger, and that it'd been too long since I'd seen the people I care about.
Jane looks sceptical, but at this point, Byron comes in. Sensing the tension, he asks if Jane's okay, and she nods. Byron reports that his housemates have agreed to Vic staying 'as long as it's only for a few nights'.
VIC: Yes! Promise, I won't overstay my welcome.
He looks pleased, but neither Byron nor Jane are smiling.
Erinsborough Hospital
Mackenzie is telling Haz that she'll do all she can to save Harold's.
MACKENZIE: We both made mistakes. This won't make up for mine, but it's something. I just wish that I could say that I'm sorry.
Holly comes in, having overheard this, and tells Mackenzie she doesn't need to apologise.
HOLLY: What happened to Haz was an accident. Anybody else could have been behind that wheel, and he would still be lying here.
No 32
Byron brings Vic some blankets and a pillow, and tells him his couch is out in the sunroom. Vic admits he's super- tired after playing with Isla.
BYRON: Yeah, she's a ball of energy, that one.
VIC: God, she's a little card, isn't she? So much like Nicolette at that age.
BYRON: Nah, Nicolette had more attitude. Do you remember when she found out nuggets were made from chicken? She got her whole form to boycott the school dinners.
But it isn't ringing a bell for Vic, and Byron clams up again, realising his dad was probably away on business at the time.
VIC: It's a big regret of mine - being so absent during those years. I hope we can make up for lost time. I mightn't be good at showing it, but... I love you, Byron. I did then, and I do now.
BYRON: ... Just like you love the stock market, fast cars, talking birds.
VIC: Well, the shares bore me, and Aston Martins are overrated - and, you know, I never liked animals.
Vic says he might check his emails before bed.
BYRON: Well, the Wi- Fi's free. Just like the accommodation... Night, Vic.
Byron heads to bed, and we see Vic log into his online banking - which shows he has £1,025,000 in a savings account. So much for cashflow problems! He looks shifty...
Coming up on Neighbours
- Mackenzie tells (still comatose) Haz that she and Holly can't hang out today; they have to 'get to work'
- Nic moans to Byron that Vic's on 'a parenting bender' following 'the most boring conversation of my life'
- While out on his ride with Aaron, Karl admires from afar a group of cyclists in matching yellow costumes
- Jane asks Vic what his 'real game' is; he insists there is no ulterior motive
<<9040 - 9042>>
Felix Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9041
Felix Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9041
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Byron Stone

Haz Devkar, Holly Hoyland, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9041
Haz Devkar, Holly Hoyland, Byron Stone

Felix Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9041
Felix Rodwell

JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9041
JJ Varga-Murphy

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Holly Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 9041
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Holly Hoyland

Felix Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9041
Felix Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell

Byron Stone, Victor Stone in Neighbours Episode 9041
Byron Stone, Victor Stone

Nicolette Stone, Victor Stone in Neighbours Episode 9041
Nicolette Stone, Victor Stone

Jane Harris, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9041
Jane Harris, Toadie Rebecchi

Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9041
Remi Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9041
Wendy Rodwell

Toadie Rebecchi, Holly Hoyland, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9041
Toadie Rebecchi, Holly Hoyland, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Byron Stone, Victor Stone, Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9041
Byron Stone, Victor Stone, Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan

Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 9041
Jane Harris

Cara Varga-Murphy, Andrew Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9041
Cara Varga-Murphy, Andrew Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy

Dex Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9041
Dex Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy

Byron Stone, Victor Stone, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9041
Byron Stone, Victor Stone, Nicolette Stone

Cara Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9041
Cara Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy

Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9041
Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9041
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Byron Stone

Victor Stone, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 9041
Victor Stone, Jane Harris

Byron Stone, Victor Stone in Neighbours Episode 9041
Byron Stone, Victor Stone

Victor Stone in Neighbours Episode 9041
Victor Stone

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