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Neighbours Episode 9042 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9041 - 9043>>
Episode title: 9042 (Vic Stone arrives)
Australian and UK airdate: 15/05/24
Writer: Jessica Paine
Director: Kylie Robertson
Guests: Victor Stone: Craig Hall
Matty Yeo: Sean Yuen Halley
Tim Duffy: Jack Beran
Summary/Images by: Liam/Jeremai
Previously on Neighbours
- Karl is mortified when his precious billboard is defaced with graffiti branding him 'Dr Pooper'
- Aaron moans to Toadie that Karl keeps hassling him about joining his bike club
- Mackenzie tells Byron and Holly that they can head off from visiting Haz if they have other things to do
- Toadie tells Holly and Mackenzie that Haz has been evicted from Harold's due to breach of lease agreement
- Jane wants to know why ex Vic is in town - quipping that he might be hiding from a girlfriend's husband
- Byron seems to have an equally low opinion of his dad, but nonetheless agrees to let him stay at his place
- We see from Vic's bank account that he has more than £1 million in a savings account
No 32
Jazzy music plays as Vic prepares a scrumptious- looking breakfast for Mackenzie, while telling her an anecdote about a row with a business partner (involving Duran Duran!) Byron comes in and Vic tells him breakfast's nearly ready. Byron looks bemused to see Vic charming his housemate.
VIC: I've been regaling Mack- Attack with some of my bumpier business splits.
MACKENZIE: Yeah. None of which include a clause like the one that Paul's using on Harold's.
VIC: Frankly, it sounds like an excuse. Is this café in a primo spot?
MACKENZIE: Yeah. All the locals used to go there.
VIC: Well, that's the real issue. They're panicking over the loss of foot traffic.
Byron and Mack agree that the place has been struggling with Haz out of action.
VIC: If you want to save the café, you have to prove it's viable. It's hard to argue with cold, hard cash.
MACKENZIE: But I don't have access to the accounts. How am I supposed to cover expenses, pay staff?
VIC: Well, start with whatever and whoever you have on hand. When customers come back, you pay employers and suppliers out of the till. I know it's just a band- aid solution...
MACKENZIE: No, but it's a start. Vic, you are a genius!
VIC: Hey, it has been said.
Mackenzie rushes off to take his advice, and Byron sarcastically remarks that Vic seems to be winning friends and influencing people in Erinsborough. Vic asks after Byron's plans today, and Byron says he's catching up with Sadie.
VIC: Excellent, count me in. I can't wait to meet her.
BYRON: ...
No 22
Jane, Terese and Susan are having a work meeting; Jane apologises for being late, saying Vic's arrival has her 'all out of sorts'. Susan and Terese want to know more, and Jane tells them Vic's already causing trouble.
JANE: He's so broke, he's sleeping on Byron's couch.
TERESE: That's pretty humbling.
JANE: Only Vic doesn't do embarrassment. He does excuses. Like the time he cancelled our family holiday claiming that the travel agent had gone broke, when really, he had (...) He just turns on the charm. It is his superpower. Because eventually, you get over it, and you relax; and then the next thing you know, he's sold an expensive vase that you inherited from your nan to buy shares off some hot tip!
TERESE: Did he really do that?!
JANE: Yeah. And made a huge profit. But I never could forgive him.
SUSAN: It's a miracle you two lasted as long as you did.
TERESE: Yeah, you have the patience of a saint.
JANE: During Nan's final years, all I could do was focus on her... which didn't help.
SUSAN: No, but a more reliable partner might have.
TERESE: So why is he here? What does he want?
JANE: Money. Oh, it's always money. I just hope that he doesn't try and hit up the kids.
TERESE: Well, if he does, just send him packing.
JANE: Yeah. Only problem is I'm not exactly immune. If I spend enough time with him, I end up forgiving his transgressions.
SUSAN: Maybe he'll be different this time.
JANE: Yeah, maybe. But probably not.
Erinsborough Hospital
Holly is visiting Haz, and threatens to start doing nail art on him unless he wakes up soon!
HOLLY: So are you starting to get a bit worried about Mack?
HAZ: ...
HOLLY: Yeah, me too. I mean, I of all people understand the primal urge to bail on work, but she's really going next- level.
Mackenzie comes in, and tells Haz that she and Holly won't be able to hang out with him this morning. Holly asks why.
MACKENZIE: It's time for us to get to work.
No 24
Karl arrives to pick up Aaron for their bike ride, but is perturbed to see Aaron wearing 'a distinct lack of Lycra'. Aaron tries to make excuses, asking if they can do the ride another day as he's not feeling up to it. But Karl isn't taking no for an answer.
AARON (sighs): Okay. But can we just keep it on the shorter side, please?
KARL: Alright, we'll ease you back in. Gentle 10Ks to start.
Ramsay Street
Karl and Aaron set off on their ride, Aaron looking fairly miserable about it!
Harold's Lakeside
Mackenzie and Holly have reopened the café for business... but there are no customers.
HOLLY: You know, we've both got paying jobs to get back to at some point.
MACKENZIE: Umm... well, I can rope in some volunteers until the money starts flowing.
As if on cue, Wendy turns up. Mackenzie explains to her how Paul is going to shut Harold's down unless they can prove it's still a viable business. Wendy has some time before her shift at the pub, so offers to help out.
WENDY: I wasn't exactly kind to Haz before his accident.
MACKENZIE: No, none of us were.
WENDY: But you've forgiven him.
MACKENZIE: And you are officially in charge here!
HOLLY: I thought I was in charge?
But Wendy is already excitedly roping them in for a Team Harold's hand- stack!
No 32
Vic is on his laptop, but quickly closes it when Nicolette comes in. She wants him to tell her the story about the 'bitcoin CEO who flew you to his island'. Vic says the CEO in question is enjoying a long jail stint!
VIC: He surrounded himself with the wrong people. What about you? You keeping good company?
NICOLETTE: Uh... I spend most of my time with a literal child. I mean, Isla's a terrible influence, obviously.
VIC: No, I'm being serious.
NICOLETTE: Yeah, you are. Why?
VIC: Things seem better, with Aaron?
NICOLETTE: They are.
VIC: Good. Partnership's like a three- legged race. One falls over, the whole team goes down.
NICOLETTE: Dad, what is with the cheesy wisdom?
VIC: It's cheesy to care about my little girl?
NICOLETTE: Who are you, and what have you done with the guy that once got into a drinking competition with a sumo wrestler?
VIC: Spending time with Isla isn't a life plan. You know, before long, she'll be at school - then what?
Nicolette objects to the trajectory of the conversation, but Vic points out that she's been 'coasting' ever since she left nursing, and says 'we should fix that'.
NICOLETTE: What's this 'we' business? I mean, *I've* been a little busy trying to hold my family together.
VIC: Yeah, but, sweetheart - I say this with love - that excuse is running out of mileage.
NICOLETTE: ... Uh, no, you don't get to say any of this.
VIC: You are so smart. The world could be your oyster. You could do *anything* if you just tried.
NICOLETTE (annoyed): Dad, did you just seriously fly halfway across the globe to tell me that things could be better if only I tried?! Because all I've been doing is trying. And you are just... this is just... too much.
She walks out, leaving Vic looking worried.
Ramsay Street
Byron and Sadie are on their way out of No 26 to meet up with Vic. Byron tells her it's not too late to back out.
SADIE: Don't be silly. Of course I want to meet your dad.
BYRON: Yeah. Vic is going to looooove you.
SADIE: Why do you do that? Call him Vic instead of Dad?
BYRON: It's a title you've got to earn.
SADIE: I'm so sorry he was never there for you.
BYRON: The worst thing was that he always promised to be. This one time when I was little, I remember I spent the whole of my grand final football game just checking the sidelines to see if he was there (...) Turns out he was too busy with his most recent side piece.
SADIE: You must have been so disappointed.
BYRON: Nah, I conditioned myself not to expect anything from Vic. That way, there's no disappointment to be had.
SADIE: Well, it's a pretty sucky thing to figure out as a kid.
BYRON: I only really figured it out after the divorce.
SADIE: Hey, if you want to bail, just say the word.
BYRON: No. Cos unlike Vic, I am not a flake.
They're about to head into No 32, but encounter Nic on her way out, who's still smarting from her dad's criticisms.
NICOLETTE: So, heads up - Dad's on a parenting bender.
BYRON: Dad parenting? That's a good one.
NICOLETTE: No, seriously! He just gave me a lecture about getting my life back on track, and he's gonna help me do it.
SADIE: Well, all parents pull that move every now and then.
NICOLETTE: Not our dad! He's meant to be the fun one, and that was the most boring conversation of my life!
Nic marches off, and Byron suggests he and Sadie come up with a safe word so they can extricate themselves from Vic if needs be. But Sadie tells Byron he can't be that bad, and drags him inside by the arm!
The Pavilion
Aaron has changed his tune after an exhilarating bike ride, and thanks Karl for dragging him along - even suggesting they make it a regular thing once Karl has finished up his job at the hospital. Karl says it's not long now till his last day there.
KARL: I'm sure they're cooking up something big for my farewell (...) I've been seeing lots of secretive conversations in the common room.
As they turn the corner to the Pavilion, they see a gang of blokes in yellow cycling gear congregating there with their bikes.
KARL: Wow. Now *that's* a riding pack.
But the cyclists seem to be laughing at them, and Karl tells Aaron that they keep looking in their direction. Aaron says it's probably because Karl is staring at them too.
KARL: What do you think they're saying about us?
AARON: Karl, they're probably just embarrassed they all showed up wearing the same thing (...) They're very 'Tour de Erinsborough'.
KARL: We should do something similar.
AARON: Why don't we start with some matching coffees first, huh?
Karl agrees, but continues to look over at the yellow- costumed gents.
Harold's Lakeside
Wendy and Holly are putting boards up advertising special promotions to attract customers to the café...
WENDY: Nothing induces amnesia about a scandal quite like the offer of a freebie!
... and some customers are already seated and being served by Mackenzie; while others, including a guy called Tim, approach.
HOLLY: Hey! See anything you like?
TIM: I like sandwiches. *If* they're gluten- free. Otherwise they make me violently ill.
HOLLY: That's a lot of information.
But she promises they can cater for him food- wise, and goes to get him a menu in a bid to 'upsell' him from his opening gambit of tap water as his drink of choice! Wendy has to head off for her shift at the pub, but at this point the replacement she's lined up, Andrew, arrives to help instead. Mackenzie's really grateful and seems quite emotional that everyone is pitching in to help keep the café alive.
The Pavilion
Karl is sitting at a table, gazing with irritation over at the guys in the yellow costumes, who still seem to be staring at him and laughing. Aaron returns with coffees for him and Karl, and starts up a conversation about Vic - but Karl isn't listening, too preoccupied with the gents opposite. Eventually he gets up and walks over to confront them. Aaron tries to stop him, but to no avail.
KARL: Yes. Yes, I am the man unjustly labelled 'Dr Pooper'. But I am innocent - I have never been caught brown- handed. Plus I would have thought that gentleman travellers of the two- wheeled highway - my fellow cyclists! - would be above this kind of slanderous rumour.
Matty, the leader of the cyclists, reveals to Karl what they were really laughing at - his helmet, with the bird- deterrent spikes on it!
MATTY: Who's Dr Pooper?
They all start laughing, and Karl is lost for words. Aaron does his best not to laugh too.
No 32
Vic is chatting to Sadie and Byron, and asks Sadie how they got together.
SADIE: Well, it's actually kind of romcom- y. First we were friends, and then...
BYRON: We started dating. The end.
VIC: How romantic (!) I trust you'll fill in a few more details for me at some point, over a glass of rosé, perhaps?
SADIE: Oh, I love rosé.
VIC: Oh, it's a date, then. And now you have this delightful lady on your arm, what's next?
BYRON: ... For what?
VIC: Oh, off the top of my head - why not put that law degree to work?
BYRON: Are we really gonna do this, Vic?
VIC: Both my children have so much potential. Why are they resistant to living up to it?
Byron tries to change the subject, but Vic keeps going.
VIC: You're so accomplished. It just seems like a waste to not be using your skills.
BYRON (annoyed): Look, can you just stop?! We can do the polite small talk, but that's it. Can't skip all the big stuff and then roll in here and act like a father. It's too late for any of that.
No 24
Vic has come round to see Jane, and admits that his efforts to spend time with Byron and Nicolette haven't gone entirely to plan. He asks for Jane's help with them, given she's 'the parenting master'. He explains that he tried to offer them sound advice, but ended up aggravating them both instead.
JANE: What is the real game here, Vic?
VIC: I honestly just want to reconnect. Help them, even. But they won't let me. So, how do I fix this?
JANE: Well, I mean, you're looking for shortcuts where there aren't any. You just need to put in the time, and earn trust, and... and show consistency.
VIC: Yeah. Not really my historical strengths, huh?
JANE: No, not really.
VIC: I promise, this isn't some scheme, okay? There is no ulterior motive. I just want to spend time with the kids.
JANE: Well, then, just... go and do that.
VIC: How do you make it look so easy?
JANE: I mean, it's not! I've stuffed up many times. But they know that they can feel secure in the knowledge that I would do anything for them.
VIC: I feel exactly the same way, believe me.
JANE: Well, I'm not the one you need to convince.
Harold's Lakeside
The café is now very much buzzing with customers, as Holly, Mackenzie and Andrew continue to serve them all - though they've sold so many toasties via the promotional offers that they've run out of bread. However, Holly has called Susan in to help, who arrives with a load more bread. Holly thinks that, given how busy the place is, there's no way Paul can justify shutting it down now.
HOLLY: You should go tell him to remove the new lease ad. But first, there's someone else that you should update - Haz.
Mackenzie suddenly looks worried.
Harold's Café
Indoors, the café is just as buzzing. Andrew has taken on operating the coffee machine, while Susan makes food in the kitchen, and Karl chats to her through the serving hatch. She admits she's quite enjoying herself pitching in, as it reminds her of her uni days.
SUSAN: Plus, Terese isn't here making things weird, which is a bonus.
She tells him not to worry about the rude cyclists, and tells him to look on the bright side - he's not as infamous as he thought he was. But Karl is jealous of how many members they seem to have in their club, and says he wishes he could muster as many riders.
SUSAN: Well, why don't you join forces?
KARL (scoffs): After I made such a fool of myself?
SUSAN: As I used to say to the kids at school, breaking the ice is the hardest part of making new friends. And you've done that.
KARL: That's true!
SUSAN: So, why not just ask them if they wanna play with you?
Lassiter's Complex
Out the front of the café, Aaron is chatting to Matty, the lead rude cyclist, comparing the routes they take on their rides. Karl emerges to join them, though this seems to cause the conversation to dry up somewhat.
KARL: Nothing like a good ride, eh? (points at Aaron) This morning, this one was very hard. He started off incredibly stiff, but before too long, he was in front and I was in the rear.
Matty looks like he might be misconstruing Karl's meaning! Embarrassed, Aaron formally introduces him to Karl, and they shake hands.
KARL: Brainwave - how about we hook up and do it together? Aaron and I love a new route!
AARON: ... Uh, cycling. Like, a cycling route.
MATTY: Right. Sorry, mate, but we're an under- 40s group. It's so cool someone your vintage is still on the road, but, uh... the YAHMILs set a cracking pace.
MATTY: The Young And Hot Men In Lycra. (To Aaron) Obviously you're welcome to join.
Karl looks crestfallen as whimsical music plays.
No 32
Byron is in the laundry room, heading out to hang some washing out to dry. Sadie asks him if she can borrow his laptop to book some movie tickets for them, and he says yes, without clocking exactly which laptop she's talking about. Sadie goes over and opens the one on the table, but looks shocked at what she sees on the screen (the contents of which we're not party to). Vic then walks in.
VIC: Why are you looking at my computer?
SADIE: I'm sorry, I thought it was Byron's.
VIC: (...) I really wish you hadn't seen that.
SADIE (nervous): So do I.
Erinsborough Hospital
Mackenzie is telling an unconscious Haz about the gang's success reopening the café, and about how packed the place is.
MACKENZIE: But we need you to come back and make coffee. None of us are up to your standards.
Holly comes in for a flying visit, saying Krista's been left in charge back at the café.
HOLLY: I'm surprised Haz didn't wake up at the news.
MACKENZIE: ... Yeah.
Seeing Mackenzie's upset, Holly suggests they go out for a five- minute break. In the corridor, Mack points out that she still needs to convince Paul to let Haz keep the café lease.
HOLLY: You're allowed to enjoy the win, though. When your boyfriend's in a coma, you take what you can get.
MACKENZIE: What if I never get the chance to fix things properly?
HOLLY: Mack, you need to forgive yourself for the accident.
MACKENZIE: No, it's not just that.
HOLLY: What is it that you feel you need to make up for?
No 32
The conversation between Vic and Sadie has become confrontational.
VIC: Please respect my privacy and forget what you've read.
SADIE: Byron is my boyfriend, and I owe him the truth!
VIC: Telling him will only make it worse for everyone. Promise me you won't.
But at this point, Byron returns from the garden, and immediately detects the atmosphere.
BYRON: Did I miss something important?
Vic stares at Sadie desperately...
Coming up on Neighbours
- Jane is suspicious again when Vic messages her asking if they can catch up
- Holly tells Mackenzie that if she's so keen for everyone to talk to Haz, she should take her own advice
- Leo makes a call to Andrew when he finds drug dealer Shannon bothering Krista outside the pub
- Shannon leaves, but Krista's annoyed with Leo for his approach, asking, 'Seriously, what's wrong with you?'
<<9041 - 9043>>
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Victor Stone, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9042
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Victor Stone, Byron Stone

Jane Harris, Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9042
Jane Harris, Terese Willis, Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 9042
Susan Kennedy, Jane Harris

Holly Hoyland, Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9042
Holly Hoyland, Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Karl Kennedy, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9042
Karl Kennedy, Aaron Brennan

Wendy Rodwell, Holly Hoyland, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9042
Wendy Rodwell, Holly Hoyland, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9042
Nicolette Stone

Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9042
Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone, Nicolette Stone

Matty Yeo in Neighbours Episode 9042
Matty Yeo

Karl Kennedy, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9042
Karl Kennedy, Aaron Brennan

Holly Hoyland, Tim Duffy in Neighbours Episode 9042
Holly Hoyland, Tim Duffy

Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 9042
Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Matty Yeo, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9042
Matty Yeo, Karl Kennedy

Victor Stone, Byron Stone in Neighbours Episode 9042
Victor Stone, Byron Stone

Victor Stone, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 9042
Victor Stone, Jane Harris

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9042
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Matty Yeo in Neighbours Episode 9042
Karl Kennedy, Matty Yeo

Aaron Brennan, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9042
Aaron Brennan, Karl Kennedy

Victor Stone, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9042
Victor Stone, Sadie Rodwell

Holly Hoyland, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9042
Holly Hoyland, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Haz Devkar

Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone, Victor Stone in Neighbours Episode 9042
Sadie Rodwell, Byron Stone, Victor Stone

Sadie Rodwell, Victor Stone in Neighbours Episode 9042
Sadie Rodwell, Victor Stone

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