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Neighbours Episode 9040 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9038 - 9041>>
Episode title: 9040
Australian and UK airdate: 13/05/24
Writer: Libby Butler
Director: Kylie Robertson
Guests: Dr Gavin Bowman: Cameron MacDonald
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Jeremai
- Terese remarking "hiring Susan was the best decision I've ever made."
- Susan wondering though if she's "made a big mistake?"
- JJ angry at his parents and he'll never forgive them.
- JJ adamant he doesn't need protecting from Felix.
- Andrew trying to show things from a different angle to Cara/Remi.
- Remi/Cara offering JJ a compromise regarding Felix.
- Paul calling things off with Chelsea and ordering her to pack her bags!
- Leo and Krista unable to work things out.
- Paul after a favour from Cara.
Number 32
While grateful for the updates (that Chelsea is still AWOL) from Cara [and Remi], Krista doesn't feel that they need to keep tracking her down.
As the Varga- Murphys are seeing themselves out of the house, Remi is still confused over why Paul has roped Cara whatever it is he has asked her to do. Cara feels though that they too need to do something to try and make up for what Chelsea did.
Number 22
After finishing up her call with Harold, Terese doesn't look too happy at Toadie filling in the time until picking Hugo up by going for a walk with Nell. As they put their trainers on in the living room, Nell has the feeling that Terese wanted to be invited along on their walk and somewhat reluctantly, he walks back to the kitchen to invite her along - Terese can't say yes quickly enough!
Hospital (next day)
Karl does the handover on the patients, well Haz really, with Remi - we hear that there is no change in Haz's condition. Karl praises Remi on her allowing Trevor to come visit Haz and thinks she should put that down in her application to become the Senior Medical Officer. Remi doesn't think she's been at the hospital long enough to apply but Karl more than feels she is suitable for the position and plans on leaving an application form for her "just in case."
Number 28
Despite how horrid day one went working with Terese, Susan hopes that today will be better and to help that, is making a daily schedule for herself from a weekly workflow to help them both know where their boundaries are. Karl is right behind what Susan is doing.
Paul and Cara set the rotunda up for a "romantic" brunch for Leo and Krista. Cara isn't sure Krista is in the mood for romance however Paul feels that in the end, the pair will like his intervention and "be secretly glad that they've got an excuse to spend time together."
PAUL: They just need a little push!
Cara is still not convinced especially given his past interference although Paul does explain that was to keep them apart… this time it is "helping them get back together!"
PAUL: It might work… it might not… I don't know but better than nothing, isn't it?!
Their plan is out though when Leo is out for a run and spots the pair as he runs through the park.
Eirini Rising
Susan's hard work with a daily and weekly schedule has paid off - Terese is impressed! However Susan isn't impressed at the changes Terese is after regarding the residents timetable, even with the news thrown in that Harold will be arriving before opening day.
Number 30
Cara is surprised to see Remi home when she pops back to 'borrow' the flowers for Krista and Leo's romantic brunch. Remi is about to talk about the Senior Medical Officer role with Cara when JJ spots that she's the letters to Felix in her hands [some water from the flowers accidentally dripped onto the envelopes as Cara moved the flowers from the vase to wrap in some paper] and thinks she is about to read them. "I wasn't," she quickly replies to him but he isn't quite believing and ends up storming off.
"We are both at our wits end," Remi tells the newly arrived Andrew who popped in to see how things were going just as JJ was going off on one with his parents.
JJ is stewing out in the sun room while the adults sit inside around the dining room table discussing an idea from Cara. Given keeping the lad away from his dad "isn't working for anyone," her suggestion is to allow the lad one visit so he "can ask his questions and see for himself the kind of person Felix really is." Remi isn't sold on her suggestion but given she should be at work, they agree to talk about it more later. Andrew offers his services too and Cara can't but help compare how they are both trying to sort out their siblings mess.
CARA: Quite the club we've got going!
The Waterhole
Krista is reading a social media update from Melanie when Paul comes in wanting to have a "general catch up" meeting with her. She is confused with his suggestion of meeting at the rotunda at 11am, thinking Harolds would be a better venue. However Paul wins her down by commenting that a "change of scenery could be quite pleasant" and she agrees to meet him there.
Gavin spots Remi looking at the Senior Medical Officer position and wonders if she's going for the position but her reply the time isn't right. He isn't keen on the position either - too many hours that will keep him away from his family. However as they talk about kid woes, Gavin has a feeling that Remi does want the job, which she admits is tempting and he offers to be her sounding board over the pros and cons to help make her mind up.
Penthouse suite
With Krista's appearance at the rotunda secured, Paul now works on Leo to get him there. Given what he spotted earlier, Leo isn't fooled by Paul's suggestion of holding a business meeting at the rotunda! Paul comes clean and admits what the plan was and while Leo appreciates the gesture he does add in that Krista and himself is "not a good idea." Paul is fairly sure he still cares for Krista but to Leo, that doesn't equate with them getting back together.
LEO: I think it's better if Krista and I… we just move on.
Paul gets what Leo says, but with his experience knows that if Leo keeps "moving on from people who love you," he will end up alone just like his dad.
PAUL: Look, just give her another chance, hey. She deserves it and so do you.
Eirini Rising
Susan is back from a successful meeting with the kitchen staff and pitches an idea to Terese of forming a committee with the school - their original pitch had great ideas of working collaboratively and thinks a committee will help "put them into action." Despite being a tad confused initially, Terese does like the suggestion Susan has come up with.
The happy atmosphere however takes a nosedive when Susan spots changes Terese has come up with for her weekly overview - Susan is now regretting her offer for Terese to make suggestions to what she'd come up with! As a sort of compromise, Terese offers to chat about what she's suggesting when she gets back from her next meeting. Susan wants to "absorb" what has been suggested and will ask Terese any questions about it on her return. Noticing Susan's facial expression, Terese knows she isn't amused and can't get away to her meeting quickly enough!!
The Waterhole (beer garden)
Earlier on Andrew received a call and we now know it was from the prison - he tells his wife that the call was to tell him that Felix is sick and wants to see his brother. Sceptical Wendy thinks it is just Felix wanting something!
The conversation then changes to Andrew telling her about how the VM's contemplating letting JJ see his dad given the woes they are having with the lad. She is surprised at the suggestion however thinks that if Andrew does visit Felix, it could help "bring some closure" and perhaps he might also "say something useful," which he could pass onto the VM's.
With his wife's blessing, Andrew places a call to the prison confirming he will see his brother… and unknown to him (or Wendy) someone has heard their conversation about Felix - Nell!
Paul arrives to tell Cara that their plan has been foiled after Leo spotted them. "Well, worth a shot," she comments before heading off. She is barely away when moments later, Krista arrives for her meeting with Paul and is confused with how the rotunda is set up, especially as she thought they were just grabbing coffee. Thinking quickly, Paul explains that it's a new conception for a "working luxe lunch for business clients" but she's seen right through it and has a feeling it was set up for Leo and herself.
Even though Paul has broken the news that Leo isn't coming, Krista puts aside her sadness, and decides "to make the most out of a really embarrassing situation" by "trialling a working luxe brunch with my business partner."
KRISTA: Who also happens to be a very thoughtful friend.
"Why not!" Paul replies and sits down opposite Krista, really looking forward to the impromptu brunch!
The Waterhole
Susan moans to a very tired Karl about Terese changing what she had come up with. He asks if she called Terese out and the reply is no because "I couldn't" however Susan quickly adds that she does think Terese "knew she'd overstepped." Karl warns that if she doesn't "take a stand" things will never be resolved and while Terese did accept her suggestion of a committee with the school, Susan isn't sure if the rest is simply "teething problems" which "will pass."
Meanwhile, Terese is telling Toadie about the opening day plans as they walk into the bar. Toadie suggests, after he spots them, joining the K's but Terese is quick to say no and is forced to explain why. Being the diplomat, Toadie suggests talking it out [with Susan] but Terese doesn't think that's necessary given Susan "was fine by the end of it" and equally, doesn't "want to make a big issue out of it." Very conveniently, Terese gets a notification of someone interested in buying one of the studios so uses that as an excuse to leave!
Karl joins Toadie at the bar to pay their bill and when Toadie asks how things are going [their wives working together], the reply is that "they're having a ball." This, according to Toadie, tallies "from what I hear too," although from their body language, both gents get the feeling that they are lying to the other person!
Number 30
JJ doesn't believe Nell has a free period to explain her skiving school to come pay him a visit. After a quick chat about her trip to the USA/him being expelled from school talk gets round to Felix and Nell drops it in that Andrew will be visiting him that afternoon. "How do you know that?" JJ asks and Nell explains about overhearing Andrew's conversation and that "it sounded like he was going to report back to your mums or something." JJ is frustrated that they're "all going behind my back" and asks "why do adults always lie?!"
NELL: I think it's their way of tyring to protect us or something!
JJ feels he "should be able to make my own choices" and so Nell suggests he goes to see Felix!
NELL: Just because your mums have barred you from seeing him, doesn't mean you have to listen!
You can see the cogwheels start to turn in JJ's brain as we head off for the final commercial break!
Ramsay Street
Andrew is getting ready to leave when JJ runs to the Ute and gets in. He demands that Andrew tells him the truth - that he is off to see Felix. "Yes mate, I am," Andrew confirms but then adds that he can't take JJ.
JJ: Why are you going behind my back?
ANDREW: He's my brother.
JJ: He's my dad!
"Fair point," Andrew admits before adding that he "can't go against your mums."
JJ: They're not gonna change their minds.
ANDREW: You never know, they might?
JJ: (exasperated) Look Andrew, you know how much this means to me. I just want to ask him a few questions.
Andrew asks what if JJ doesn't like the answers given but he will at least "know where I stand" but does feel that Felix truly "cares about me too" otherwise "why else would he spend all that time with me?"
JJ: (begging) Come on, please? Please let me see him. It's only one visit. If you don't. I'm only gonna find another way to see him. I'm not giving up!
Coming up on Neighbours
- News coming out that Lassiters want someone to take over Harolds.
- Byron and Nicolette receiving a surprise visitor - their dad!
- Jane dealing with her ex being in town and whatever drama he's brought with him!
- The VM's hearing that JJ has been to see his dad!
<<9038 - 9041>>
Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9040
Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Krista Sinclair

Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9040
Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis

Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9040
Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9040
Karl Kennedy, Remi Varga-Murphy

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9040
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Cara Varga-Murphy, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9040
Cara Varga-Murphy, Paul Robinson

Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 9040
Leo Tanaka

Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9040
Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis

Remi Varga-Murphy, Andrew Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9040
Remi Varga-Murphy, Andrew Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

Paul Robinson, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9040
Paul Robinson, Krista Sinclair

Remi Varga-Murphy, Dr Gavin Bowman in Neighbours Episode 9040
Remi Varga-Murphy, Dr Gavin Bowman

Dr Gavin Bowman in Neighbours Episode 9040
Dr Gavin Bowman

Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 9040
Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka

Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9040
Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9040
Susan Kennedy

Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9040
Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell, Nell Rebecchi

Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9040
Wendy Rodwell, Andrew Rodwell

Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9040
Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9040
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9040
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

JJ Varga-Murphy, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9040
JJ Varga-Murphy, Nell Rebecchi

Andrew Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 9040
Andrew Rodwell, JJ Varga-Murphy

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