- Didge and India lost in the bush overnight
- Steve and the rescue team finding them the next morning
- Declan watching Didge being wheeled into hospital
- Dr Newton asking for Declan's consent to operate
- Declan telling Dr Newton to save his wife
Hospital - Surgery
The doctors prep Didge for her operation.
Didge, Declan and 1-year-old India (all wearing white) are having a teddy bears' picnic in the park to celebrate India's birthday. Declan and Didge banter about India's future as an Olympic sprinter - Declan will be her coach. The proud parents share a kiss...
Hospital - Surgery
The doctors start to operate on Didge.
Hospital - Corridor
Declan sits morosely with India, waiting. Jodie hesitantly tells Declan that she needs to take India back up to paediatrics, but she'll bring her back as soon as possible. Blinking back tears, Declan hands his daughter over. There's nothing else to do but wait.
Hospital - Surgery
Dr Newton checks on Didge's heart rate monitor before resuming her work.
Hospital - Corridor
The teens watch Declan pacing from afar. Ringo wonders if they should just leave, but Donna says Didge is her best friend: she's not going anywhere. Susan tells Declan that Paul, Toadie and Karl have gone a food run but Declan is too stressed to eat. He doesn't understand why they haven't heard any news yet, but Susan doesn't have any answers. Noticing the teens cowering in the corner, Susan tells them that Declan needs their support whether he knows it or not. Dr Newton finds Declan and everyone crowds around, including Miranda and Steve who have appeared from Miranda's room.
DECLAN: How is she?
DR NEWTON: She's out of theatre, she's being stabilised now... There were some complications.
DECLAN: (ashen) What complications?
DR NEWTON: Her liver and kidneys sustained some damage and there was extensive external bleeding.
MIRANDA: But she'll be alright?
DR NEWTON: She's being closely monitored.
DECLAN: But will she be OK?
DR NEWTON: I'll give you more news as soon as we have it.
Donna gives Ringo a nudge to talk to Declan. Ringo says if there's anything they can do then to let them know, but Declan is rattled by the defeated looks on all their faces.
DECLAN: You can all stop looking like you've given up on her. If you can't stay positive then go home!
Feeling lost and confused, Declan suddenly says he has to go home and tidy up for Didge. Susan chases after him.
Ext: Hospital
Declan tries to compose himself as Susan and Paul (returning with coffees) check up on him. Paul tells Declan that he's booked Rebecca on the first flight home, but Declan lashes out and says there was no need to wreck her holiday; Didge will be fine. He starts towards his car, not listening when Susan encourages him to stay.
PAUL: Susan is right you need to stay here.
DECLAN: Don't tell me what to do.
PAUL: Declan...
DECLAN: No, you're not my dad! Mum might be dumb enough to take you back but I won't be sucked in again.
Hospital - Corridor
Zeke sits by himself, looking upset, and refuses food from Karl when he offers. Toadie takes some sandwiches to the Parkers while Karl hands out the rest to the other teens, Susan and Paul. Donna links arms with Sunny and Ringo, commenting that if Harold were here he'd say a prayer or something.
DONNA: Anyone know a prayer?
TOADIE: Why don't you make one up.
DONNA: Um, alright. (She places her hands together) Dear, whatever it is you believe in. We're asking you to help our friend Bridget. We need her and so does India - that's her baby, but you'd already know that. Please send Declan back to her and just totally pull out all the stops to make her better. That's all, so, cheers... I mean, amen.
They all chorus 'amen' before Sunny realises that Zeke has vanished.
Number 26
Declan is stomping the hell out of all the empty cardboard boxes from the shelf unit when Zeke finds him.
ZEKE: Hey what are you doing?
DECLAN: (angry) Decorating a cake!
Declan becomes more frustrated when his phone rings. Checking it's no one important, he growls and turns it off. He keeps crushing the boxes to death until Zeke grabs him by the shoulders to make him calm down and listen.
ZEKE: We need you... Today is hard for everyone, not just you! (Upset) You made Didge a promise, you said you'd always be there. You need to be there holding her hand when she wakes up.
Something clicks in Declan's brain and he lets out a shaky breath he'd been holding.
DECLAN: (quiet) I'm scared.
Hospital - Didge's Room
Didge is out of surgery but she's still hooked up to monitors.
Stirring awake, Didge realises she's sitting alone at a table for two. She calls out for Declan but gets not response. Getting up, she comes across some stairs in the park and starts to ascend (there is a trippy effect making her shape blur and speed up). Suddenly, she hears a clock ticking. Turning around she notices a grandfather clock sitting under a hedge. Didge slowly walks over to it. The time is half past ten but when she stands in front of it the hands fast forward till they reach 12 o'clock. Didge jumps in fright when the clock chimes.
Hospital - Didge's Room
Steve and Miranda are standing vigil, but are elated when Didge's eyes flutter open. Steve rushes off to get Dr Newton and Didge immediately asks for Declan.
DECLAN: I'm here. (He breathes a huge sigh of relief and sits next to her) You had me going crazy.
DIDGE: What's the time?
MIRANDA: You don't have to worry about that now.
DIDGE: What's the time?
DECLAN: It's just past ten thirty.
DIDGE: I missed you.
Declan smiles and strokes her cheek. Didge glances at the clock. It's 10:33am.
Hospital - Corridor
Sunny tells Zeke he did a great job bringing Declan back. Zeke says he knows what it's like - when his dad got ill everything happened so fast, they hardly had time to think.
ZEKE: I'm just glad that I got the chance to say goodbye.
SUNNY: Yeah but Bridget's not dying she's fine now.
ZEKE: I know, but I couldn't let Declan take that chance.
Donna jumps up, full of beans, and announces that if she doesn't get to see Didge soon she's going to explode.
Hospital - Didge's Room
Didge stares at her baby girl (who is in a crib next to the bed) while Declan holds her hand. Dec asks if Didge remembers anything, but Didge says all she can recall is trying to keep India warm while she was looking for help.
DECLAN: Yeah the rescuer said you walked for ages.
DIDGE: Really?
DECLAN: That's my girl. Tough as.
Declan stands up to go and retrieve Steve and Miranda but Didge tells him to wait.
DIDGE: We need... We need to sort something out first. It's just, if something did ever happen to me. If I did actually...
DECLAN: Didge.
DIDGE: I need to say this. (She looks at India) I need to know that if I weren't here that you'd promise to look after Indy.
DECLAN: I'm going to go get your mum, OK?
DIDGE: Promise me. Love her. Give her the best life you can.
DECLAN: ... OK. I promise. (Concerned) Why are you talking like this?
DIDGE: I don't know.
Declan figures the medication must be messing with her head. He goes over to pick up India (who grumbles when she's woken up causing James to ad-lib a very adorable, "Sorry sweetie"), and holds her close.
DECLAN: I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Either of you. I'm going to keep you both safe. Forever.
(Didge beams at him)
DECLAN: There's my Didge.
He promises he'll be back soon. Didge stares at the clock. It's 11:15am.
Hospital - Corridor
Miranda and Steve head into Didge's room leaving Declan to talk to the teens. He apologises to Donna and Ringo for being an idiot and says they're cool. Dec then thanks Zeke for getting his butt back to the hospital.
Hospital - Didge's Room
Steve and Miranda are smiling at Didge.
MIRANDA: My beautiful girl.
DIDGE: I'm not feeling so beautiful right now.
MIRANDA: (teasing) Well that's what you get for playing Wonder Woman.
Trying to hold back their tears, the Parkers tell Didge that she's a tough cookie. Didge wants to know what happened to the horse, but Steve tells her that they didn't hit it.
DIDGE: I'll bet that horse's family thinks you're a hero.
Steve's face falls and his lip trembles - he doesn't feel like a hero.
STEVE: (voice quivering) I'll never put you in danger again. I promise you.
DIDGE: I know, Dad.
Miranda says Didge's friends want to see her and Didge predicts that Donna is already listening at the door.
MIRANDA: We'll be back soon, darling. We love you.
DIDGE: I love you too.
Sure enough, Donna practically falls through the door when Miranda opens it. The Parkers give the teens some space. They're wary at first of how fragile Didge might be, but Didge smiles and says she's waiting for a hug. Donna races over with the others not far behind. Didge can't help looking at the clock.
It's 11:25am.
More time passes and the teens are still sitting with Didge. Donna wishes they never had their dumb fight. Didge admits it was her and Declan's fault but they want to make it up to them. She asks Donna and Ringo to be India's Godparents. Donna and Ringo are completely chuffed. Didge checks if Sunny and Zeke are OK with that, but they look pleased for their friends. Donna then happily announces that she brought in heaps of outfit changes for Didge so she doesn't have to wear the horrible hospital gowns all the time.
DONNA: I know she's been through hell; doesn't mean she can't bling it up a little bit.
Didge laughs and smiles as Donna puts a bracelet on her.
Hospital - Corridor
Karl returns to the Parkers, Susan and Toadie after chatting with Dr Newton. Karl says they're still waiting on test results: the first 24 hours are crucial. Miranda can't believe it's so serious, Didge hardly has a scratch on her. But Karl says that internal bleeding is very complicated and there is a risk of infection.
KARL: The problem was the extended period between the accident and Bridget receiving treatment.
STEVE: (dejected) That was my fault.
KARL: What?
STEVE: Well I crashed the car then I walked away...
KARL: No, no, Steve...
STEVE: Come on! That's what we're all thinking isn't it?
STEVE: No, I crashed the car then I walked away. If I hadn't have done that then Bridget wouldn't be in that bed right now.
SUSAN: Steve you can't blame yourself.
STEVE: Please! I need some air...
He stalks outside. Toadie, who has been quietly looking on, offers to go after him.
Ext: Hospital
Toadie sits next to Steve on the bench, thoughts of Dee weighing heavily on his mind.
TOADIE: I know what you're going through.
STEVE: No you don't, mate.
TOADIE: You can carry the guilt. You've got to learn to live with it. Don't let it get the better of you.
Steve takes this advice in. He gets a smile on his face as a memory floods back.
STEVE: I remember when we first met Didge. Big blue eyes, curly locks of brown hair, we fell in love with her right there and then.
TOADIE: She was lucky to find parents like you.
Toadie notices Miranda has come outside so he gives the Parkers some privacy. Steve says that he was so scared he was going to lose Didge. He hates that he didn't stay with his family after the accident, but Miranda says he did the right thing and they're safe now.
MIRANDA: We're going to come through this a lot stronger than ever. Just you watch.
Hospital - Didge's Room
It's 11:55am.
Declan (holding India) gently turns Didge's face away from the clock and asks if she's expecting someone.
DECLAN: You just keep looking at the clock.
DIDGE: It's just a dream I had.
DECLAN: Yeah? What about?
DIDGE: India's first birthday.
DECLAN: What did you have planned?
DIDGEL: The three of us in the park with cake and fairy bread.
DECLAN: Sounds perfect.
DIDGE: I know it's going to be winter but we can rug up.
DECLAN: Nah, we won't need to. The sky will be the bluest it's ever been. Birds, the warm breeze, sunshine...
DIDGE: Global warming...
Declan smiles but then notices that Didge has a strange look on her face. He asks if she's OK, but Didge nods that she is so Declan kisses her on the forehead and tells her to get some rest.
DIDGE: (closing her eyes) I feel safe.
DECLAN: You are safe.
He sits back down next to her and holds her hand.
DECLAN: We're at the park, Indy's playing, there's sunshine. (He leans in closer to whisper) And we're there together. (He kisses her forehead again).
DIDGE: It's so beautiful.
Declan strokes her face before leaving her to sleep.
DECLAN: I love you.
Didge smiles in pure contentment and the screen fades to white.
Didge is slowly walking to a big, white light when she hears Declan call out to her. She turns around to see him holding India at the other end of the path.
DIDGE: I have to go. I love you Declan Napier.
DECLAN: I love you too Bridget Parker.
Looking utterly gorgeous surrounded in the white light, Didge smiles at her family. Declan takes India's hand and waves at her.
DECLAN: I love you mummy.
Taking one last look at her husband and daughter, Didge blows them a kiss and walks into the light.
And in the whisper of a breeze...
She's gone.
Hospital - Corridor
Declan, Steve and Miranda are pacing the corridor when an alarm suddenly sounds. Karl yells out to the staff that it's a Code Blue and everyone rushes into Didge's room. Declan immediately freaks out and demands to know what a Code Blue is. Karl has to forcefully restrain him from going into Didge's room. The Parkers and Declan can't hide their panic.
Hospital - Corridor
It's 2:05pm.
Declan miserably pushes India in her pram while waiting with Steve and Miranda for any news. The staff finally emerge from Didge's room. Dr Newton glances at Karl before going to Didge's family. From her silence their worst fears are already confirmed.
DR NEWTON: I'm sorry.
Miranda and Steve break down in tears. Declan is utterly shellshocked and gasps for air like he's just been punched in the stomach.
: It's the last day on earth
: In my dreams
: It's the end of the world
: And you've come back to me
: In my dreams