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Neighbours Episode 2894 from 1997 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2893 - 2895>>
Episode title: 2894 (Amy Greenwood's first appearance)
Australian airdate: 10/07/97
UK airdate: 22/12/97
UK Gold: 05/12/03
Writer: Christopher Gist
Director: Nicholas Bufalo
Guests: Jamie-Lee Dugan: Josephine Clark
Joe Duggan: Tony Porter
Amy Greenwood: Jacinta Stapleton
Troy: Matt Thomas
Summary/Images by: Chloe/David
Lance getting a date with Amy Greenwood and him and Toadie hugging.
Lou reading the newspaper article, Darren asking Marlene if she thinks Lou did it.
Lou throwing Marlene out.
Number 26
Marlene accepts Debbie's offer of staying at their house. Marlene goes to leave and is pleased that she won't have to face Lou today. As she opens the door Toadie comes in, which makes her jump. Toadie goes through to the kitchen see Hannah and tells her about Lance meeting Amy Greenwood. Him and Hannah go to spy on his date.
Doctor's Surgery
Sarah signs for a delivery for Karl. Karl gets excited when he sees it's been delivered - it's a new computer! Sarah is unsure as she isn't sure about computers, but Karl says he will teach her and Marlene and he runs to phone Marlene and tell her they'll start learning tonight!
Coffee Shop
Lance looks at his watch and Toadie and Hannah watch on. He gets up and looks outside as Amy walks in the other door. She sits down and waits for Lance. Lance comes back in and sits at his table, turns round and sees Amy. He takes a few deep breaths and then stands up to go over, but when he turns around Amy is already stood there.
Lance is obviously nervous and tells Amy she looks nice and offers to go and change because he's underdressed.
There's some silence and Toadie and Hannah comment on this.
LANCE: You look really nice
AMY: Thanks, but you've already said that.
Toadie and Hannah laugh. Lance goes to order some drinks, which is when Toadie and Hannah appear. When he sees them he goes back to Amy and they agree to go and see a film instead.
Doctor's Surgery
Susan warns Karl that Marlene is very fragile at the moment. Marlene hits the wrong button and Karl tells her not to worry as computers are made for complete idiots. Susan watches on. He hits the computer and discovered it's crashed and they reboot it. Susan offers everyone a drink but Karl says they must get on. Susan goes to speak with Lou at the pub.
Lassiters complex, a bench near the lake.
Amy and Lance are talking. Amy tells him that she always thought he was a quiet-type of guy and had often wondered about him. He jokes around when she asks if he's athletic. He says he is and can walk on his hands - he gets up to demonstrates and starts walking backwards with his hands under his shoes. She tells him to be careful as he falls backwards into the lake.
Lou's Place
Susan is trying to explain that people will wonder about the whole bus thing particularly with the police involved. But Lou says that they all think he burnt it down. Susan moves to the side as Jamie-Lee and her father Joe walk in.
JAMIE-LEE: I was the one who burnt down your bus.
Lou can't believe it but Joe tells him not to worry, the police have been informed. He offers to pay for the damage but Lou says that won't be necessary with the insurance. They both leave.
Susan moves back towards Lou. Susan says that that must be a relief to Lou, and he says he is relieved but can't believe a kid would do that. Susan says she hopes Lou understands what she was trying to say before.
LOU: Susan, I know you expect loyalty from your friends. So do I. Let's not pretend for one minute that any of you have behaved like friends.
Susan looks sad.
Ramsay Street
Lance is walking home soaking wet, which Toadie points out. Lance says he fell into the lake and left Amy. Toadie and Hannah burst into laughter.
Doctors Surgery
Karl is teaching Marlene about dragging and dropping files whilst Sarah looks on. He turns away for half a second and turns back. Marlene hits the delete button and Karl puts it's hands to his head as Susan walks in. The computer screen has gone blank as sad music plays in the background.
SARH: Don't worry Marlene, Karl will fix it.
KARL: He's not going to fix it this time.
Karl and Sarah leave Marlene and Susan. Susan tells Marlene it was Jamie-Lee who burnt down the bus. Marlene is thrilled that someone has admitted and goes to see Lou, with Susan shouting after her not to as Lou isn't happy with them all.
Lou's Place
Marlene comes into the office saying she's just heard about Jamie-Lee and is pleased they finally have it sorted. Lou is obviously still angry. Marlene asks about moving back in but Lou doesn't want her back. Marlene apologises and says if he wants to see her she'll be at Helen's and then she's going home.
Number 28
Karl asks Toadie for the computer books, and tells him about Marlene deleting everything from the computer. Toadie doesn't think Marlene is very good with technology and Karl says that once he caught her trying to change the channel with the calculator. Toadie laughs. He offers to teach Marlene for money. Karl says if he's sees improvement then he'll be paid a fair rate which will take into consideration that Toadie lives with him.
Toadie leaves to wind Lance up and Susan comes through. Susan thinks it's a good idea to get Toadie to teach Marlene and Sarah. Karl goes to talk to Marlene and tell her the news about Toadie.
Number 32
Toadie tells Lance to call Amy, which he does. Her mum answers and when Lance asks to speak to Amy he's told she's washing her hair.
Number 26
Karl has come to visit Marlene as Hannah leaves. Marlene apologises about the computer but Karl tells her not to worry and then says that Toadie will be teaching her from now on. However, Marlene isn't keen particularly with everything going on with Lou. She asks for the day off which Karl allows and then he leaves.
Debbie apologises to Marlene for everything that's going on with Lou and offers to sort things out for her by going to speak with him.
Number 32
Hannah says that sometimes people do call when you wash your hair but Lance isn't buying it. The phone rings and it's Amy - he invites her over, to which she accepts. Lance then kicks out Hannah and Toadie.
Number 22
Debbie explains to Lou that no-one thought he was guilty just thought about it for a split second. Debbie explains that if he lets this come between him and Marlene then Helen will never forgive herself - or him. Lou looks thoughtful.
Ramsay Street
Hannah and Toadie are waiting to see what Amy is going to be wearing - they joke about her in a swimsuit in case Lance takes her to the lake. As they joke Amy rides up the road on her bike. Toadie shuts over to Amy and asks if she's going swimming today. She ignores him and walks up the drive.
Number 32
Amy says she saw Toadie outside and he asked about swimming. Lance tells her not to listen Toadie because he's an idiot. Amy asks where Lance was yesterday as she thought he was just going to get changed. Lance asks her if she wants to go out again sometime and she kisses him saying she'll think about it.
<<2893 - 2895>>
Toadie Rebecchi, Marlene Kratz, Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2894
Toadie Rebecchi, Marlene Kratz, Debbie Martin

Toadie Rebecchi, Hannah Martin, Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2894
Toadie Rebecchi, Hannah Martin, Debbie Martin

Karl Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 2894
Karl Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont

Amy Greenwood, Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2894
Amy Greenwood, Lance Wilkinson

Amy Greenwood, Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2894
Amy Greenwood, Lance Wilkinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Hannah Martin, Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2894
Toadie Rebecchi, Hannah Martin, Lance Wilkinson

Susan Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont, Karl Kennedy, Marlene Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2894
Susan Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont, Karl Kennedy, Marlene Kratz

Lance Wilkinson, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 2894
Lance Wilkinson, Amy Greenwood

Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2894
Lance Wilkinson

Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 2894
Amy Greenwood

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2894
Lou Carpenter

Jamie-Lee Duggan, Susan Kennedy, Joe Duggan in Neighbours Episode 2894
Jamie-Lee Duggan, Susan Kennedy, Joe Duggan

Toadie Rebecchi, Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 2894
Toadie Rebecchi, Hannah Martin

Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2894
Lance Wilkinson

Susan Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont, Karl Kennedy, Marlene Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2894
Susan Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont, Karl Kennedy, Marlene Kratz

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2894
Lou Carpenter

Marlene Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2894
Marlene Kratz

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2894
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2894
Toadie Rebecchi, Lance Wilkinson

Debbie Martin, Karl Kennedy, Marlene Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2894
Debbie Martin, Karl Kennedy, Marlene Kratz

Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2894
Lance Wilkinson

Lou Carpenter, Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2894
Lou Carpenter, Debbie Martin

Hannah Martin, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2894
Hannah Martin, Toadie Rebecchi

Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 2894
Amy Greenwood

Lance Wilkinson, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 2894
Lance Wilkinson, Amy Greenwood

Lance Wilkinson, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 2894
Lance Wilkinson, Amy Greenwood

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