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Neighbours Episode 6571 from 2013 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6570 - 6572>>
Episode title: 6571 (Sarah Beaumont returns)
Australian airdate: 04/02/13
UK airdate: Sarah Mayberry
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
This week on Neighbours
- Sarah meeting Karl.
- Karl turning up to Sarah's room as requested.
- Sophie showing Rani a Facebook page about her mum.
- Paul summoning the police to Lassiters.
- The police paying Ajay a visit in connection with the vandalism.
Previously on Neighbours
- Susan discovering that Paul's sold the paper.
- Sonya telling Vanessa how Lucas feels about her.
- Vanessa asking Lucas if he's in love with her.
- Lucas asking the same question back.
- Patrick taking a turn for the worse.
Vanessa/Lucas are concerned when all the medics rush into Patrick's room. They catch hold of Rhys for an update and he quickly gives them one - the upshot is that if they don't operate on Patrick now then he risks brain damage if his oxygen levels get too low. He also adds that the operation is just a temporary one to stabilise him, he will still need the big operation later.
Lassiters complex
Callum is chatting to his mum about Jellyfish when he thinks he recognises a guest checking into Lassiters.
Harold's Store
Karl chats with Susan over how things are (not) going with the merger. She is fearful that she won't get the job and have to contemplate retirement much earlier than she was hoping for.
Paul catches hold of Susan to tell her about someone coming from the UK to tie the deal up and to say if she keeps things professional then there is a chance she can stay on. She doesn't take too kindly on Paul using the world "professional" to her and gets a dig back at him!
Sonya rushes to the hospital following a call from Lucas. She tries to reassure them but Vanessa is extremely anxious and rushes from the room to go get some water. Lucas opens up to Sonya and thinks their chat about how they feel about each prior to the alarm going is contributing to Vanessa's anxiety levels being raised.
Charlie's veranda
Karl and Toadie chat briefly about Patrick before turning maters onto the state of the Kennedy marriage and Karl admits that he's going to do his best to reunite with Susan.
KARL: I'm tired of us living apart.
He then confesses that he is unsure how to go about it (as he's having trouble reading Susan) so Toadie suggests that they begin by having a meal at his place, and he'll lure Susan there.
Erinsborough News
Toadie (and Nell) drop in on Susan to invite her to dinner and she agrees.
Lucas, Vanessa and Sonya wait patiently for news on Patrick.
Commercial break later and the waiting is getting to Vanessa when Rhys comes out to give them an update - Patrick is in recover and is doing good although the next couple of hours are still crucial. Vanessa rushes off to go see her son and Lucas sincerely thanks Rhys and then Sonya for waiting with them before he too rushes off.
Patrick is back in his own room as Georgia does a quick check on him. She reminds his parents that they need to take care of themselves too and suggests to Vanessa (again) that she takes up the family accommodation offer but she doesn't want to leave her son. Lucas wants to know what this accommodation is, so Georgia explains it to him and he tries to sell it to Vanessa. When she doesn't reply, Lucas tells Georgia they will take the accommodation, so she leaves to go sort it out.
Vanessa tries to talk to Lucas about their conversation before the alarms went off, but he quickly stops her as that can wait for another day. He then leaves to go home and get supplies.
Number 30
Sonya isn't amused at the guests coming for dinner but Toadie sells her on the reason behind dinner. She reminds him that he's a hypocrite (following his lecture to her about Vanessa/Lucas) before agreeing to it.
Toadie wonders why Callum has been looking for the Ramsay Street reunion video and he explains about seeing someone familiar at Lassiters that was in it.
Paul checks that the organisation for the UK VIP is completed and wants to know when Mrs Hannay arrives but the receptionist says someone has already checked into that room, and Paul panics that she's arrived earlier than planned.
Number 30
Callum has found the mystery lady and tries to tell Toadie about her but he's more concerned about getting the house ship- shape for their guests. Eventually Toadie comes to see who it is - Sarah! Toad is sceptiCallum given Sarah doesn't live in the country and hasn't done so for years. Callum starts asking questions about her and Toadie gives him the edited highlights!
TOADIE: She broke up their marriage.
Paul goes to room 106 and introduces himself to Sarah Hannay.
Commercial break later and Paul (after eyeing up Sarah's rear!) hands over some documents to her and makes polite small talk about their time in Erinsborough (she doesn't say that she lived in Ramsay Street).
Number 30
Callum is after details on the affair and Toad explains that Sarah was Karl's receptionist when he had his own practice and that it was just a kiss.
Sarah vetoes meeting Susan in person, when she hears who the editor is, and says that she can do most of it over the phone.
Number 30
Callum now wants the juicy details but Toad isn't sure as the only two that know are Karl and Sarah but adds in that all hell broke loose after Susan found out. "Susan must hate her?" he asks.
Paul wants to know why Sarah is avoiding Susan and thinks it's because she's the one wielding the axe but she plays along with his theory. He then starts subtly quizzing her about her family but she remains tight lipped!
Number 30
Toad fills in the details for Callum - that Sarah married Peter and they moved overseas, and suggests that it was another woman with long dark hair that he saw. He then tells Callum to get rid of the evidence before going to let Karl and Susan in.
Georgia shows Vanessa into her hospital accommodation and tells her the numbers to call if she wants to get an update on Patrick.
Number 32/Hospital
As the strains of 'Right here' continue, Lucas arrives home to a dark and empty #32, before we cut back to see Vanessa sitting alone on her bed as we head into the next commercial break.
Lucas drops by with Vanessa's belongings and some foodstuffs. He spots that she covered up the toys that were sitting in a corner and reassures her that things will be okay by going to hug her. Almost as soon as he's done that, he pulls back in case she feels that he's all over her, and that she needs some alone time. Vanessa is puzzled by his behaviour and stops him from bolting. She goes to say something to him but rather than say what she's thinking, she pulls him in for a kiss.
Sarah looks mightily bored in her hotel room and goes into her bag and pulls out her filofax which she then opens up and pulls out a photo - one of Karl!
Number 30
Toadie leaves his guests to see what is keeping Sonya and they aren't complaining at being left (literally) holding the baby. They pass the time reminiscing about Susan's pregnancies and their family.
KARL: I'm glad things are good between us again.
SUSAN: Me too.
Sarah sits holding the photo of Karl while polishing off a glass of wine.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Paul/Sarah chatting about the paper.
- Rhys thinking Vanessa will come to her senses and realise she's made the wrong choice.
- Sarah asking Callum to keep quiet.
- Karl going to Sarah's hotel room!
<<6570 - 6572>>
Rhys Lawson, Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6571
Rhys Lawson, Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante

Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 6571
Sarah Beaumont

Callum Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6571
Callum Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6571
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6571
Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy

Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6571
Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald, Sonya Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6571
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6571
Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy

Lucas Fitzgerald, Sonya Rebecchi, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6571
Lucas Fitzgerald, Sonya Rebecchi, Vanessa Villante

Sonya Rebecchi, Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6571
Sonya Rebecchi, Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante, Rhys Lawson

Patrick Villante in Neighbours Episode 6571
Patrick Villante

Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6571
Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald, Georgia Brooks

Callum Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6571
Callum Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Wendy Leung, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6571
Wendy Leung, Paul Robinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6571
Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi

Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 6571
Sarah Beaumont

Paul Robinson, Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 6571
Paul Robinson, Sarah Beaumont

Vanessa Villante, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6571
Vanessa Villante, Georgia Brooks

Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6571
Lucas Fitzgerald, Vanessa Villante

Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 6571
Sarah Beaumont

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6571
Karl Kennedy

Nell Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6571
Nell Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 6571
Sarah Beaumont

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