Writer: Margot Knight
Director: Steve Mann
Guests: Simon Hunter: Frederick Whitlock
Dr Burrows: Tony Morgan
Clinic Nurse: Colleen Ricci
Mrs McCrae: Patricia Anthony
Policemen: Paul Stacey-Martin, Greg Glendinning
Witness: Rene Zandveld
Music:- "
Telephone Booth" by
Ian Moss- "
When The River Runs Dry" by
Hunters And Collectors Recap
In a hurry, Todd runs across a road and is hit by a van.
Family Planning Clinic
Dorothy anxiously paces the floor. A nurse comes out of a room. Phoebe istalking with the doctor and won't be long. Everything is alright, and ifPhoebe is up to it Dorothy will be able to take her home within the hour.Dorothy is surprised, but the nurse reassures her. Dorothy tells her shewill be well looked after. The nurse tells her she will tell her when she isfinished.
The Accident Scene
Police and paramedics are at the accident scene. The driver of the vandidn't see Todd - he just ran out. On the asphalt Todd lies in excruciatingpain. A paramedic asks his name, but gets no response. As they put an oxygenmask over his mouth Todd sees a flashback of the van coming towards him andhim turning around. The paramedics cut through his clothes. Todd looks up tosee the van driver asking if he's alright. The paramedics put a collar roundhis neck. A police officer asks for witnesses and one man comes forward whosaw the whole thing. The van comes towards him in Todd's mind - he turns andit hits him. The paramedics lift him up. The witness says Todd was in a hellof a hurry. The van driver cries that she has a boy of her own, but thewitness says not to blame herself - he wasn't looking where he was going.The police find Todd's ID. Todd is lifted into the ambulance as the crashplays through his mind. The ambulance leaves the scene while witnesses lookon.
Number Twenty-six
Jim and Paul are sitting talking. Jim pledges his support to Todd andPhoebe, should they decide to have the baby. Paul adds that Andrew will berapt - it's the next best thing to having a baby sister or brother. Jim askswhether Paul's been thinking about having any more kids with Christina buthe says they haven't progressed that far yet - he's doing his best but partof her still thinks he's a traitor. Jim tells him to be patient. Paul saysthe hardest thing for her is to believe he's still crazy about her afterwhat happened with Caroline. Jim is telling him to be persistent when thephone rings. Jim answers and Paul asks what's wrong when he hangs up. As hescrambles about to find his keys Jim tells him it's the hospital - Todd'sbeen hit by a car and it's serious. They work out that Phoebe is still inthe clinic. Paul tells him they'll go in his car where Jim can use themobile.
En-route to Erinsborough Hospital
Paul is frustrated by the phasing of the traffic lights. The clinic is stillengaged and Jim tries again. The nurse answers and Jim asks for Dorothy. Thenurse tells Dorothy the call is urgent - Dorothy is confused as to who itcould be and thinks it must be Todd. Jim corrects her and asks if Phoebe isthere - Todd has been run over. Dorothy is shocked and Jim goes on to tellher that Todd had been on his way to the clinic to see if Phoebe wouldchange her mind about the baby. He's badly hurt and Phoebe should be told.Dorothy tells the nurse she has to speak to Phoebe as something hashappened, but the nurse tells her she will be in theatre. Dorothy tells Jimshe will get Phoebe to the hospital as quick as possible and hangs up. Shestresses to the nurse that the father of the child has had an accident andit's an emergency - the nurse will see what she can do.
Number Twenty-four
Madge and Lou are looking at a leaflet for a holiday destination - Madgereads that it is a peaceful retreat with panoramic views - better than thatclaustrophobic nudist resort. Lou replies that it was only claustrophobic asshe locked herself in. Madge hugs Lou, thanking him for backing down ontheir bet - she didn't want to go back to Verity Valley. Lou says he wouldhave backed out anyway. The phone rings and Lou tells her not to get it, butMadge says it'll only take a second. It's Jim and Madge tells Lou the news.Madge tells Jim they'll make sure Helen finds out and hangs up. She tellsLou they're going to be needed here. It's bad, Lou says and Madge says yes.
Corridor, Erinsborough Hospital
Jim is trying to get through to Todd's mother Annette but she isn'tanswering. Jim relays to Paul about Madge telling Helen - Paul says at leastthey can rely on her to break the news gently. Dorothy and Phoebe arrive,and Phoebe asks if she can see Todd. Jim says that he's in theatre and tellsthem to sit down so he can tell them the whole thing. But Phoebe isinsistent and asks what the doctors are doing. Jim tells them that Todd wasbrought in with very serious injuries. The doctor wasn't certain butsuspected a ruptured spleen and they took him to theatre straight away. Buthe'll be okay, Phoebe ventures hopefully. They aren't certain - it's a raceagainst time. It's not the removal of the spleen but the loss of blood thatis dangerous. Dorothy assures her that the doctors are doing their best andJim says if they stop the internal bleeding there's a chance. Dorothyreminds her that Todd's a fighter. Phoebe is convinced that they have tosave him.
Number Twenty-eight
Madge and Lou sit with Pam and Gabby. They haven't heard anything but Pamsays this isn't unusual - accurate diagnosis is tricky when the patientcomes in unconscious, but Todd's in good hands. Gabby is frustrated. Madgeand Lou decide to go over to Helen's to wait for her. Madge offers the tripto the mountains to Pam for her and Doug but at a time like this Pam wouldrather be close to the hospital. Madge turns to Gabby who has a newboyfriend, Simon, but Gabby refuses, saying it wouldn't feel right. But Pamsays she would just be waiting around and she can do it up there - it wouldbe good for her to get away. She agrees, saying she can always come back ifneeded. Madge and Lou leave.
Corridor, Erinsborough Hospital
Jim is telling Phoebe that he should have given Todd a lift - he must havebeen thinking more talking to her than the traffic. Phoebe asks why hewanted to speak to her. When Jim is less than forthcoming she demands toknow. Jim confesses that Todd was having second thoughts about thetermination and was on his way to discuss it with her when he was run over -but Jim says he thought she knew that already, as Todd had been troubledabout it. Paul tells her he spoke to Todd some time ago and he wasn'tconvinced. Phoebe asks why he didn't say something, but Paul says he wasscared of losing her. Todd's father had told him it would be a mistake tosettle down young, which he bought at first but then realised his lifedidn't have to turn out like Bob's did. Phoebe excuses herself, taking itall in. Dorothy appears and Jim admits he might have just put his foot init. Dorothy is dismayed, but Jim thought she had already told Phoebe.Dorothy points out that, with Todd fighting for his life, Phoebe already hasenough to cope with.
Number Twenty-eight
Pam talks about Simon, saying he's a nice guy and genuine but Gabby shouldmake sure he doesn't get the wrong idea by being invited away for theweekend. Gabby assures he knows she wants to take things slowly. But Pamkeeps on at it, saying she should make sure he knows. Gabby says she'll ringthe guesthouse and change the booking to two separate rooms. But then shesays she feels callous about going away - she can't stop thinking aboutTodd. Pam says the opportunity might not come again though and hands her thephone.
Corridor, Erinsborough Hospital
Phoebe won't forgive herself if anything goes wrong with Todd but Dorothysays she mustn't blame herself. Phoebe asks why didn't she ask him what hereally felt but Dorothy reminds her she did. But Phoebe is convinced sheshould have done something. Paul is frustrated that they haven't told themanything and it's been ages since Todd was taken to recovery. Then Phoebeshouts 'Todd' and they see him being wheeled down the corridor. The doctortells them Todd will be fine - he's a very lucky young man. It got hairy intheatre at one stage but Todd is a courageous fellow. Jim thanks him. Toddwill need to rest but will be fighting fit in a few weeks. Phoebe thanks thedoctor, telling him it's unreal. He's allowed visitors but not too many, soJim and Phoebe go in to see him first.
Todd's Room, Erinsborough Hospital
Todd comes round and is glad to see them. Phoebe tells him what the doctorsaid. Todd asks if anyone else was hurt but Jim tells him the driver wasfine. Todd can't really remember the accident but thinks it was his fault.Phoebe says the main thing is he's okay. Todd tells it would take more thana lousy car to get rid of him, but Phoebe tells him not to. She wasterrified she'd lose him. Todd promises he isn't going anywhere - he lovesher too much. Jim leaves to let Todd rest but Phoebe remains by his bedside.
Gabby rings the bell for attention. Simon thanks her for inviting him. Gabbyapologises for being such a basket case earlier but he tells her she hadevery right to be anxious about Todd. At least they found a phone and, nowthey know Todd will be fine, Gabby promises him she'll be the mostscintillating company. Simon kisses her, but she reminds him about goingslowly. He tells her he's had his share of disappointments and doesn't wantto blow his chances with her. Gabby rings the bell again and Simon opens theoffice door but no ones there. He tells her to wait and he'll have a lookoutside.
Number Twenty-six
Paul is on the phone to Annette. He hangs up and sits at the table with Pam,Lou and Madge. Annette was going through hell and burst into tears when Paultold her Todd was fine. Lou says it takes it's toll and Madge sarcasticallytalks about all the nights he's worried about Guy and Lauren. Lou says he'sbeen lucky but Pam tells them it's instinctive to fret and she gets worsethe older they get - at least when they're little you can keep them by yourside. Paul unhappily says it's what you hope for and Pam realises she's puther foot in it. But Paul tells her not to apologise - whatever happensbetween him and Christina, Andrew will not suffer. Madge says they aregetting too serious and suggests they hold a welcome home party when Toddgets out of hospital. Lou starts planning his speech to Madge's annoyance.
Todd's Room
Jim and Dorothy watch over Todd and Phoebe. Todd asks her how she's feeling,and she replies fine. Dorothy decides to give them some space and leaveswith Jim on the pretence of getting something to eat. Phoebe says she feelsashamed for not showing more interest in Todd's feelings but Todd says shehasn't been selfish. She reveals she knows why he was going to the clinic.Todd tells her he did want the baby but he's not about to lie that guilt onher after what she's been through. Phoebe tells him she's still pregnant -she got the news about him just before she was about get the anaesthetic.Todd smiles and she says she's going to keep it. She's had a lot of time tothink about life without him and it's not nice. With the baby being part ofhim she wants to have it. Todd is concerned about money but she says thatafter today she knows things will work out. Todd tells her she's beautifulthen rolls onto his back, struggling for breath and seizing while the heartmonitor alarm rings. Phoebe asks him what's wrong as a nurse comes in. Asshe is taken from the room by nurse she screams at 'Todd, what's wrong?'.Two nurses run with a crash cart past Jim and Dorothy in the corridor andinto Todd's room, where the nurse is performing cardiac massage. The doctoruses a defibrillator as Jim, Dorothy and Phoebe watch from the doorway. AsTodd flatlines Phoebe shouts 'Todd, don't do this!' The doctor continues toshock him as Phoebe screams out Todd's name.