- Sonya dies on the beach, in Toadie's arms
- Toadie tells the RSRs gathered at the memorial that Sonya made him a better man; he misses her
- Elly finds a note from Mark saying he's gone away for a few days
- It's later followed up by a text, telling her that the wedding is off
- Chloe and Elly kiss
- Aaron tracks down Mark in the outback
- A conveniently- surfaced letter from his late fiancée Kate puts things in perspective for Mark
- Mark returns to Ramsay Street, and asks Elly to marry him
No 28
Elly is in tears, and doesn't know what to think about Mark's proposal.
ELLY: How am I meant to marry you, after everything that's happened?
MARK: I'm sorry -
ELLY: I thought we were over! You left, and then you sent me that message!
MARK: I was in shock. Sonya had just died.
ELLY: Yeah. And it's all things I could've helped you with, Mark - but you disappeared!
MARK: I was a coward. I shut down, and I ran away. But that will never happen again, I promise!
ELLY: (...) I'm sure you think that. We can't undo the last few days.
MARK: When I ran away, I was trying to protect myself and you (...) I thought you were better off without me, but I know it was unfair to make that call. I love you, Elly - more than anything.
ELLY: No! You say that - I'm just an afterthought! You lost Kate - Paige left you. I'm here, and you ran!
MARK: And I'll apologise a million times for that. But I need you to know I am as committed as you are! I know I don't deserve it; but I want this wedding to go ahead. Marry me - and I will spend the rest of my life making sure that you never doubt me again.
Elly is still crying, but lets Mark draw her into a hug.
Meanwhile, in the garden, Karl tells Susan and Bea that Mark is back and talking to Elly indoors. Elly emerges.
ELLY: The wedding's back on.
No 24
Mark, Aaron and David get ready for the wedding, as Fay and Chloe arrive, surprised to see Mark home. He tells them the wedding's back on. Fay is thrilled, but Chloe looks appalled - and it doesn't escape Aaron's attention. Before he gets ready, Mark says there's something he needs to do, that he promised Elly.
No 28
In the garden, Bea asks Elly if she's sure that marrying Mark is definitely what she wants.
BEA: Mark really hurt you.
ELLY: Yeah, but there were mistakes on both sides. The important thing is, we love each other, and we're committed to a life together.
BEA: Alright. Well, as long as he doesn't pull this stunt again.
But Elly says she's finally sure that Mark wants to marry her.
Lassiter's Lake
Mark is alone, visiting a floral display that's been left near the lake in memory of Sonya.
MARK: So, I'm getting married after all. But before I do, Elly thought I should come down here and say goodbye, seeing as I wasn't at your memorial.
He becomes emotional, as Toadie approaches behind him. Mark doesn't notice him.
MARK: I should've been here sooner. The thought of letting you go... your friendship meant so much to me.
Now Toadie's welling up too.
MARK: I know that's no excuse for not being there for you and your family. I'm so sorry.
Toadie makes Mark aware of his presence, putting a hand on his shoulder.
TOADIE: Hey - it's okay.
MARK: No, it's not. I should've been there for you and the kids. It was really selfish of me.
TOADIE: You did what you had to do. It's alright.
MARK: ...
TOADIE: I'm glad I bumped into you. Sonya's flowers that she picked for you - they're still at home. If you... only if you want them.
MARK: Yeah. That'd be great.
TOADIE: Sonya would've hated it if you'd cancelled your wedding because of her.
MARK: Yeah. That's why I'm choosing to embrace all the happiness I can. For me, and Elly - and for Sonya.
No 28
Chloe turns up to see Elly, who's alone in the living room.
CHLOE: So this is definitely happening? Even though Mark left you in the lurch, and probably will again?
ELLY: Chloe...
CHLOE: I'm not saying that to be mean. Or because I'm hurt, which I obviously am. I'm saying it because it's the truth; I don't want either of you making a big mistake.
ELLY: I get where you're coming from (...) But I love Mark.
CHLOE: So much so that you slept with me!
ELLY: I was upset, and I needed comfort. And I'm really sorry I used you like that, but it never should've happened.
CHLOE: Yet it did. And not just because you were upset.
ELLY: I was more than upset; I was out of my mind - you saw that! What happened between us, it was a complete betrayal of my feelings for Mark. He can't ever know!
CHLOE: So on top of everything, I have to keep your lie and play happy bridesmaid? You're gonna hurt each other.
ELLY: If you care about me and Mark, then you'll do this. It will look too weird if you pull out. You can't do this to Mark...
No 24
Aaron touches base with Chloe; he says he's been worried. Chloe's still annoyed with him for bringing Mark back for the wedding, but Aaron says Mark loves Elly - he couldn't just ignore that because Chloe has a thing for her.
AARON: I get it. I get what it's like falling for someone who doesn't feel the same way. You can't stop thinking about her; you're convinced it's Meant To Be™. But it's not going to happen!
CHLOE: Except it already has. While Mark was away, Elly and I slept together.
Ramsay Street
Shane and Callum are hanging out in the street, when Toadie comes out to join them. He asks whether Callum is thinking of heading back to America soon; he's sure he's being missed back at work.
CALLUM: Are you just trying to get rid of me?
TOADIE: Come on, mate. If I had it my way, you'd be here forever. But it's time to start getting life back to normal. And that means going to work, and going to weddings - and whatever else life throws in our path.
Callum doesn't say much in response to this. Shane says Toadie doesn't need to go to the wedding today if he's not ready - but Toadie says there's no point sitting around crying. He goes to get dressed for it, having passed Shane some provisions for the kids, who are being looked after at No 32 while the wedding's on. Shane looks worried for Toadie.
No 24
Chloe and Aaron are having a heated discussion about Chloe having slept with Elly. Aaron's annoyed she didn't tell him before he went to Silverton to find Mark.
CHLOE: Please, you have to help me stop this wedding. Mark is going into it blind, and Elly's under some weird delusion that everything's gonna be okay (...) She thinks what happened between us is a mistake. But she is kidding herself. Aaron - it meant something!
David emerges, and asks why Aaron and Chloe aren't dressed for the wedding yet. He asks if there was a problem over at Elly's; but Aaron says there's nothing to worry about. Chloe looks guilty.
No 32
Dipi comes to join Shane in the sun room, in between entertaining Nell and Hugo. Shane admits he's worried about Toadie; he says he's trying too hard to move on by going to the wedding.
SHANE: Why would he go? Weddings are the beginning. If it were me, it'd feel like a kick in the guts.
DIPI: I don't know. Maybe being around people, having a good time, might help him forget about things for a while.
Toadie himself appears, and asks for their advice on which of two ties to wear. Dipi recommends the pink one, and Toadie puts it on - but he looks emotionally drained.
Wedding Venue
Ned, Leo and Piper arrive at the venue, and are welcomed by Susan - who tactfully tells them not to talk so loud about how the wedding was almost cancelled, as there are some people here who don't know that! Meanwhile, Fay, Mark, Aaron and David wait outside where the ceremony is being held, on a platform overlooking the river. Fay notices the flowers in Mark's lapel - he explains they're from Sonya.
Mark says he's ready to go, so Fay and David leave him to talk to Aaron, who's the ring-bearer.
MARK: Can you believe, this time yesterday, I was holed up in a caravan in the middle of nowhere? I've put Elly through so much. I lied to her, I pushed her away - I abandoned her right before the wedding. She must've been falling apart. But she forgave me. And now we have that future together. I feel like the luckiest man on earth.
Aaron looks sheepish.
No 28
Elly is showing off her wedding dress to Bea, who is in her bridesmaid's outfit. Bea is getting teary.
BEA: I don't know why - it's just so good to see you happy.
They hug. At this point, Chloe turns up, and Elly asks Bea if they can speak alone. Bea goes to wait for them in the car, while Elly thanks Chloe for going through with being a bridesmaid.
ELLY: You have a million reasons not to.
CHLOE: Lies come out. They do. I know that better than anyone.
ELLY: And if you don't tell him, then he'll never find out.
CHLOE: I'm not going to say anything. But if you really care about Mark, you should tell him yourself. You can't start a marriage with a lie.
Wedding Venue
Mark and Susan are wondering where the bridal party has got to, as per tradition. Susan goes to send them a text; and Mark asks Aaron if he's okay, as he's looking more nervous than Mark is! Aaron looks as if he's about to say something - but it's too late, as Elly turns up. The guests (Karl, Ned, Piper, Leo, David, Fay) all stand up as the bridal party walks down the aisle - first, a conflicted-looking Chloe; then, a much happier-looking Bea.
Elly herself then emerges. She puts on a show of happiness, but interspersed shots of her looking nervous and tearful reflect her inner turmoil. She arrives at the end of the aisle, and holds hands with Mark.
MARK: You look beautiful. There is no doubt in my mind that I want a life with you. Today, and forever. Ready to do this?
Elly nods, and the guests are seated. Susan begins her speech.
SUSAN: Today is a celebration. A celebration of love, of commitment, of friends, and of family. And of two people who are in this forever.
We skip to the vows.
MARK: Above all else... I promise to live in truth. To communicate fully, and without fear. I give you my hand, and my heart. And I pledge my love, devotion, and faith.
ELLY: We've been through our ups and downs, and we've held on tight. I'm so glad we have. You are a wonderful man. One that I love and cherish more than anything in this life. Which is... which is why, I...
Elly falters, and everyone looks worried for a while - Chloe and Aaron in particular. But Elly regains her composure.
ELLY: Which is why I promise to build an amazing life with you. One we both deserve. One where we can learn from each other; and we're patient; we forgive.
At Susan's request, Aaron brings over the wedding rings. Mark and Elly put them on one another's fingers.
MARK: I give you this ring, without beginning or end.
ELLY: This is a symbol of our love. Which is complete, beautiful and endless.
Chloe looks peeved.
SUSAN: Mark and Elly have expressed their love for each other with the commitment and the promises that they've made today. So with those in mind, I proudly and joyfully pronounce you husband and wife. Mark, that's your cue!
Mark kisses the bride. Chloe is tearing up, and Aaron gives her the side-eye.
Ramsay Street
Callum walks down the drive of No 30, and sees Toadie, in his wedding suit, sitting behind the wheel of his car, motionless. Callum opens the car door.
CALLUM: Are you already back from the wedding?
TOADIE: I didn't go. I was running late anyway, and I got in the car... and I found myself just sitting here. Waiting for your mum. I thought she was - I thought she was inside. Just, like, going to the toilet, or putting the slow cooker on, or changing her shoes. I... I don't know. There was... There was always something. And then I remembered that she's not here.
Toadie breaks down in tears.
TOADIE: And I didn't want to go to the wedding - I didn't want to go without her!
CALLUM: Hey, look - I don't want to go anywhere either, Dad.
TOADIE: Oh, Squid -
CALLUM: No, listen, okay? I know you said that I need to go back to the US, but... the truth is, my life there is a mess. My job is all up in the air, and I haven't been able to think up an app idea in months. And even if it was great, I'd rather be here, with you, and Nell and Hugo. Because when I am, it feels like Mum's still around.
TOADIE: Oh, mate.
They share a tearful hug.
Wedding Venue
Aaron checks in with Chloe, to see how she's doing - it's clear she isn't very happy, and neither is he. David and Fay join them for a selfie.
FAY: Tyler's insisting on live updates.
Mark suggests to Elly that they do the official photos now. She's looking awkward, and says she needs to go and touch up her make-up first.
MARK: Don't take too long! I'll miss you, Mrs Brennan.
Mark kisses Elly, and goes off to chat to the guests - but it's clear Elly's barely holding it together because of the guilt. She glances over at Chloe, and then runs quickly out of the venue, in tears. Only Chloe (and some extras) notice this.
No 32
Hugo and Nell are playing in the garden, as Toadie talks to Shane, Dipi, Callum and Yashvi on the patio. Toadie is telling the family that he's taking Hugo and Nell back to the USA for a holiday, so they can all spend some more time with Callum there - via a quick trip to Colac to 'visit the olds'.
TOADIE: Callum didn't want to leave us, and I didn't want him to chuck in his job, without giving it a red hot crack. So this just makes the most logical sense.
Callum thanks Yashvi for convincing him to tell Toadie the truth about his job difficulties. Toadie further explains that he won't be doing any work while he's abroad, so will have loads of time to concentrate on just being with the family. Piper will be looking after all his admin while he's gone, and he's going to organise a lawyer to take over his caseload. Shane volunteers to give Gary some help at the nursery while he's gone.
NELL: Dada, come and play!
TOADIE: Yeah. I think I will.
Callum and Toadie go over to join Nell and Hugo on the lawn. Shane suggests to Dipi that they shouldn't 'add to the load'.
SHANE: Let's not tell him what Andrea said about Dee until he gets back, hey?
Wedding Venue
Outside the venue, Elly is sitting on a bench, in floods of tears. Mark has come to find her.
MARK: Hey, what's happened? Why are you upset? ... Elly, talk to me, please!
ELLY: No, I just need a minute.
MARK: Hey - you're not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on! Hey, I'm your husband now - you should be able to tell me anything. Talk to me.
ELLY: I am so sorry. I cheated on you. I slept with your sister.
MARK: ...
Coming up on Neighbours
- Chloe and Aaron are driving home; Chloe says she told him the wedding shouldn't go ahead
- Aaron asks if Chloe still thinks something is going to happen between her and Elly
- Mark angrily storms towards Chloe in the street
- Mark asks Elly to help him understand; she replies that he abandoned her
- Karl tells Susan and Bea that the hospital has called, with a request from Finn
- At the hospital, Finn asks Bea how well they know each other