- Boyd's drug test
- Creepy Frank declaring his love for Carmella
- Karl telling Izzy it's over and to move out.
No. 30
Izzy is round bending Carmella's ear over Karl telling her to move out especially after Karl almost sleeping with Susan. Carmella tries to compare it to Izzy's affair with Paul but Izzy says it was different... it was fun! Carmella says Izzy brought it all on herself before breaking down because she's still upset over the whole stalker thing, for which Izzy hasn't even asked how she or Connor is. Izzy feels sorry for a second before asking Carmella for her help but Carmella tells her to sort it out for herself.
No. 32
Izzy now decided to bend Steph's ear having given up on getting sympathy from Carmella. Izzy tells her that Karl will come crawling back, even begging her, after a few days. Steph isn't so sure saying Karl has made lots of sacrifices. This starts Izzy off on the sacrifices she's had to make - putting up with agro from Susan and the moral majority, so she wants help and support from her family. Steph interprets this as Izzy wanting to move back into number 32, and from the look on her face she doesn't exactly want that to happen.
No. 30
Connor puts on some new age relaxing music to help calm Carmella. Connor seems to think it will be all over when Frank is locked up. He starts giving her a massage and suggests they relax in another way, but Carmella suddenly gets up and leaves.
The Community Hall
It's wrestling night at the hall and Boyd and Sky are watching. Sky wonders if he's worked out who 'Lawman' is, but Boyd everyone knows it is Toadie bar Toadie himself! Toadie the Lawman is paired with Eva the Damsel of Destruction against Hillbilly Hell and Hillbilly Helen. Toadie looses the round by submission after a hard fought bout.
No. 30
Carmella is still traumatised by the stalking, telling Connor that she can't get Frank out of her head, and she is scared about leaving the house. Connor says it is natural and with some counselling it will get better. She tells Connor she loves him but she is uncomfortable with him being close to her and suggests that they spend some time apart.
Karl's Place
Izzy has called round, but knocks on the door instead of using her key, so he didn't think she was intruding. Karl wonders why she is there, and she says to collect a few things, so he tells her to take the lot so that it will be less painful. Izzy starts on at him by why is he not asking how she is or if she's got a place to stay. Karl doesn't reply so she tells him she is staying at a flea-infested motel in Anson's Corner. Karl still doesn't say anything so Izzy says that he doesn't give a damn since he's thrown her out. Karl now finds his voice and tells her he spoke to Steph, so hence knows everything, before adding that it was the games that she played that got them into this mess in the first place. Izzy begs him not to give up on them and says she wants to change.
KARL: You know Izzy I don't think you have a genuine bone in your body.
IZZY: That hurts Karl.
KARL: Yes well the truth often does hurt. I don't think you are capable of change.
IZZY: You're not willing to give us a chance? Give me a chance?
KARL: No. No, I've had it. Do you know what, I'm glad. I've never felt more at peace with my life. This relationship Izzy has been such hard work and it didn't need to be. All I wanted to do was to love you but it was never enough.
IZZY (going to hug Karl): It is enough. We can work this out.
KARL (moving away from her): No, what I think I need to do now is give you the time and the space to pack. Don't rush I won't be hurrying back.
He leaves and Izzy starts crying.
The Community Hall
And it's back to the wrestling. Lawman is pulling off some good moves this time but still ends up losing the round by submission. Sky tells Boyd he'd better watch out as she is taking notes so he asks if that is a thread or a promise before spotting Karl enter to watch the wrestling. Round two and this time Toadie wins with a submission.
No. 32
Izzy is on the phone begging Paul to fly her up to Sydney, as she needs to see him. He has obviously turned him down so Izzy starts to get agitated and tells him to forget about it. Boyd and Sky walk in wondering who was on the phone and Izzy makes a sarcastic remark so Boyd asks Izzy if she is ok but she walks into Summer's room without answering. Sky picks up the phone and hits redial, before saying "sorry wrong number" to the caller then going into the livingroom and telling Boyd that she just spoke to Paul. Boyd just thinks Izzy phoned him to talk about the new bar, but Sky thinks it was some other reason.
The Community Hall
Toadie and Eva have changed out of their wrestling costumes and chat about the wrestling. She asks him if he wants a drink and leaves to get them some. Steph comes over and says he's being sly about his new lady friend, but Toadie says she is just his colleague then a mate. Steph doesn't believe him, saying there is definitely chemistry between them, which he of course dismisses. Genevieve comes back with their drinks and is introduced to Steph before she makes a subtle retreat. Eva comments on Toadie's reluctance to be open about his "nocturnal activities" whilst she is quite open about it (she tells him she is a teacher by day). She suggests they go on elsewhere but he turns her down citing work to be done.
Steph comments to Karl that she didn't think he was a wrestling fan before asking how he is. Karl replies fine, and Steph says that she hopes that they (Kizzy) can work things out. Karl tells her that he doubts it and adds before leaving that it is all for the best.
No. 30
Connor is setting up a bed in the lounge so Carmella can have some space. He tries to kiss her goodnight but she recoils before he can reach her. Toadie comes home and Connor explains to him why he is sleeping there. Toadie mentions that Frank has his bail hearing in the morning, and to Connor's relief adds that he probably won't get bail. Connor is relieved as it will mean that Carmella can get on again with her life and Toadie adds that Connor can then stop sleeping in the livingroom with Bob.
Karl is giving Boyd a medical as the test results came back negative for steroids and he wants to why Boyd is suddenly having mood swings. Karl says that if it isn't steroids then what is it. Boyd quickly says it is the extra training increasing his testosterone levels but Karl doesn't buy this. He notices a bruise on Boyd's leg and tells him that it is the result of inexperienced people trying to inject themselves, so Karl wants to know what he's been injecting into himself or does he run further tests.
Boyd is quickly getting dressed and Karl is trying to lecture Boyd about the HgH that he's been injecting himself with. Boyd tells him the good things that HgH does but Karl asks if he knows the side effects of it. Boyd doesn't reply so Karl starts telling him and he starts to look worried but insists he knows what he is doing. Karl asks him why he is being secretive about it, so Boyd says it is because people like to judge things they know nothing about. Karl now asks him about the moral ramifications if he wins something by injecting himself over someone who hasn't. Boyd can't answer him.
No. 30
Connor is trying to cheer Carmella up with Irish jokes, but thankfully Toadie comes in and stops him. Toadie tells them that Frank got bail, so Carmella immediately starts to panic.
Boyd is now trying to justify taking the HgH to Karl claiming he needs it as without it he isn't good at anything else. Karl tells him that he is a smart kid and that he has a family who loves him and Boyd sarcastically says that his father is really proud of the way he has turned out. Boyd then tells Karl that Krystal thinks he has a good chance of winning the competition, so Karl asks why is she pushing him so hard and he says that she has been a good friend to him and unlike everyone else, hasn't given up on him. Karl tells Boyd he doesn't need to go through life letting people manipulate him and wants him to stop taking the HgH. Boyd refuses point blank so Karl tries another tactic by asking him if he is scared of losing the only advantage he has. Boyd isn't impressed with the change in tactics replying back that it is up to him what he does, so Karl adds in that Max and Steph might not see it that way. Boyd says that he can't tell them because of patient confidentiality but Karl says that there is the greater good and if he stops taking the HgH then he take things further. Seeing that he doesn't have much option Boyd agrees and Karl talks to him about other ways he can maintain his competitive edge. As he is leaving Boyd asks Karl if he would really break patient confidentiality but Karl doesn't reply and when Boyd leaves Karl phones someone to tell them to re-arrange his patients as he is taking the afternoon off.
Karl is driving in the country when he pulls over with a flat tyre. As he begins to change the tyre he starts feeling pain in his arm before getting very breathless and collapsing onto the ground. He reaches into his pocket and phones for an ambulance as he's having a heart attack but before he can tell them exactly where he is he drops the phone because of the pain.