- Toadie interrupts and ruins Melissa's bodyshaping practice with Billy.
- Stonie reveals to Cath how strong his feelings are for her, and how he's not intending to leave Erinsborough with his family.
- Toadie and Billy are going to be interviewed by a popular underground journalist.
- Sarah reveals that she has moved to Ramsay Street because her sister lives there.
Coffee Shop
Angie is on the phone to Big Kev. She tells him that she doesn't mind where they live and will leave the decision up to him. She hangs up and tells Stonie that Big Kev is searching the entire country for a business that's just right for them. She reels off some complicated place names.
ANGIE: You know, if we shift somewhere like that, we'll all have to learn to spell, won't we?
Angie guesses there's something wrong and Stonie reveals that he's not moving. Angie is upset because she had her heart set on the whole family being back together again. Stonie says that his whole life is set up in Erinsborough - uni, his mates and Cath. He concedes that he could defer uni but he really loves Cath and can't leave her.
ANGIE: She could come and visit.
Stonie points out that he'd be missing her in the exact same way Angie is missing Big Kev. Angie asks him to think about it, but Stonie says there's no point. Angie is upset because Toadie doesn't want to leave either, so her dreams of having the family back together for a new start seem unlikely.
Stonie then brings up his idea of letting him and Cath run the Coffee Shop if Angie moves away. Angie feels that he's rather sprung it on her and she needs time to think.
Number 28
Hannah thinks Johnny Popgun is a stupid name. She asks which magazine he writes for - and apparently he writes for a zine. The lads take the mickey out of Hannah for not knowing that's an underground magazine, asking her where she's been all her life(!)
BILLY: It's pretty cool, actually.
TOADIE: (to Hannah) That's probably why you haven't heard of it, haha!
Apparently, people wrote in wanting to know more about Shockwaves. Toadie thinks that they already must be legends. Hannah points out that if they're in a magazine, they won't be able to stay anonymous. Toadie reckons he's already thought of the solution and it's under control.
Danni's Shop
Sarah has evidently told Danni (but not us!) who her sister is. Sarah makes her swear not to say anything to anyone. Danni promises. Sarah says that it's been a very long time since she's seen her, or even spoken to her and she hopes she remembers who Sarah is!
Coffee Shop
Angie acknowledges that Toadie doesn't want to leave Erinsborough but says that once they're back with Big Kev and the house is up and running, everything will be fine. Toadie wonders what Stonie has said, and Angie tells him that Stonie isn't keen on leaving either. Toadie says that he'll be fine once they move, but for now, he wants to spend as much time as he can with his friends. Angie lets him go.
Number 28
Mel rebukes Billy for eating cereal because he needs to eat protein to build up muscle! Billy tells her he likes cereal and he's not entering the competition anyway. Mel tells him not to be so boring, but he thinks it's too much of a hassle.
Mel turns a guilt trip onto Billy, suggesting that he doesn't want to do it because it's her idea. She tells him that the previous winners will be down at Lassiter's that afternoon, so it'll be a good opportunity to check out the competition - unless he's too scared!
Billy tells her that he's not scared, but he can't go with her because he's doing an interview. He tells her about Johnny Popgun but she's not very interested, saying that his whole life is devoted to Shockwaves.
BILLY: Because the radio station is exciting!
MEL: Oh and being with me isn't?
Billy tells her that Toadie is moving away soon and they just want to have some fun before it happens. Mel angrily asks him what she's supposed to do whilst he's gallivanting around with Toadfish! Just then Toadie and Hannah burst in to go for the interview. Hannah and Billy still don't know what Toadie's plan is to keep their anonymity and he says that they have to go shopping first.
Coffee Shop
Stonie is tidying some plates away. Cath creeps up behind him.
CATH: Heeeeey, you spunk!
STONIE: Compliments are good but tips will get you further!
He asks why she's so happy and apparently she got a call back from the wilderness society so she's on the shortlist. He's not so chuffed and she wonders why.
STONIE: It's just, that I've kinda been thinking.
CATH: Must've hurt.
STONIE + CATH: Ha ha ha.
Stonie tells her that he's not moving with Angie. Cath is pleased because she would've missed him. Stonie tells her that she's the reason why he's staying. He tells her idea of running the Coffee Shop and then when they've got some money behind them, they could get a flat together. Cath doesn't say a word.
STONIE: (unsure) Do I take your silence as wanting to do it or..?
Cath is a bit speechless. Eventually she says that he's rushing into things a bit. She's pleased he's staying in Erinsborough but she was thinking of getting a flat on her own so that she could have some of her own space.
CATH: But that doesn't mean that anything's changed between us.
STONIE: Huh, you reckon?!
Cath says they should talk about it later and Stonie is very dismissive and sarcastic. Cath leaves.
Number 26
Angie is at the door. Philip says he's just been going over some accounts and he's enjoying the new challenge of his new job. Angie says that Toadie and Stonie are enough of a challenge for her, and she's come over for some advice.
Angie tells him about Big Kev's idea for getting a business, which they want to be able to afford outright. She says that it won't be in Erinsborough, so she'll have to give him notice on Number 32. It turns out she's after some advice about Stonie and Toadie and not her finances - which they think is probably a good thing after what happened with her shares!
Angie says that Toadie and Stonie are about as enthusiastic about leaving Erinsborough as they would be a trip to the dentist! She says that Stonie is intending to get a flat of his own and Toadie won't shut up about losing his friends. Philip tells her that it can be hard to see the big picture when you're faced with losing everything that you're comfortable with.
ANGIE: There's not much I can do about making Stonie come - he's old enough to make his own decisions. But Toadie is not going to have much choice, I'm afraid.
PHILIP: Really?
ANGIE: Well, he's going to have to do what he's told.
PHILIP: Well, I hope he doesn't cause you any trouble but he is at that age where he might surprise you.
Angie looks worried. (Is that really advice?! Bloody hell, Helen had better hurry up and get home soon.)
Number 28
Billy, Toadie and Hannah all walk in with masks! Toadie thinks it's a top idea but Mel says that they'll all look like major dorks.
MEL: Don't expect me to be a part of it.
TOADIE: Did anyone ask you to?!
They don their masks and leave.
Number 30
Sarah is sitting on the sofa going through a photo album of all of her professional modelling shots, including a front cover of a magazine. Then she comes across a photo with her showing off an engagement ring and another of her standing up with a wedding dress pressed against her.
It's clearly thrown up some unhappy memories and she puts the book to one side.
Danni's Shop
Sarah arrives at the shop. Danni asks how last night went, and Sarah says she didn't get around to meeting up with her sister. Danni says that if her sister was in town and didn't let her know, there'd be trouble! Sarah says that Danni's sister wouldn't stay away so long without getting in touch (er, Janine must've been gone a year, surely?!). Sarah says that the last time she saw her was on her sister's birthday...and Sarah was even late for that.
Danni says that it won't matter - they're family. Sarah kicks herself for not going over now, but she was so worried about the reaction. Danni tells her that the longer she waits, the harder it will be. Danni forces Sarah to go now instead.
Billy, Toadie and Hannah are being interviewed. They say that they're sick of hearing kids being put down, so they exercised their democratic right to free speech! Toadie says that they don't see themselves as revolutionaries. Johnny Popgun says that they're sending out a message to kids to break all of the rules. Toadie points out that the rules were made by people who think that the under 40s opinions don't count. Johnny talks about their success and how they've managed to make cult status almost over night.
TOADIE: We always had cult status. It just took everyone else a long time to work that out.
Coffee Shop
Stonie is suggesting that they change the design of the menu. Angie thinks it doesn't need it and says that she's still not sold on the idea of Stonie taking over. She wonders if Cath is as enthusiastic and Stonie tells her that Cath loves the Coffee Shop!
Angie finally admits that she and Big Kev will need every cent that they can get their hands on, so that will mean selling the place. Stonie looks crushed.
Number 28
Billy and Hannah rave about how cool Johnny Popgun thought they were. Toadie brags about his mask idea. They discuss where to transmit the next show from, and Hannah points out that they can do it anywhere where there's power as they can move the transmitter with a shopping trolley. They wonder about the place where they did the interview from.
Mel says that she and Billy need to leave shortly. Mel can't believe that Billy forgot about the bodyshaping demo. Toadie and Hannah can't believe that he's back in it again!
BILLY: I changed my mind.
TOADIE: Kept that quiet, didn't you?(!)
Billy wants to give it a miss, but Mel points out that he promised.
TOADIE: Why are you always giving in to her?
MEL: He's not giving in to anyone.
TOADIE: You reckon?
He tells Billy to come and help him set up for the broadcast at the very least because he can't do it alone.
Erinsborough High
Toadie is bragging about another one of his great ideas, which is setting up at the school as no-one will be hanging out there on the weekend!
BILLY: I always knew the school would come in handy for something.
Billy asks if Toadie's got anything lined up for the broadcast, or if he's just going to wing it. Toadie thinks that he'll keep it in line with the surroundings and he'll pay out the teachers! Billy tells him that as long as Susan doesn't find out, it's fine.
Mel drags Billy off, and Billy warns her that they have to be back in time for the broadcast. Toadie whinges to Hannah about how under the thumb Billy is.
TOADIE: You want to know something? I've always dreamt of taking over the school. This is going to be HUGE!
Coffee Shop
Cath comes in - she's got the job! Stonie breaks the news about having lost the opportunity to run the Coffee Shop but guesses that Cath wouldn't be interested in that now anyway. He's very pleased for her.
SARAH: Catherine!
Cath spins around. She and Sarah happily embrace and Stonie is stunned to realise that Sarah is Cath's sister.
Erinsborough High
Toadie is pacing up and down because Billy should've been back ten minutes ago. He worries that he can't do the show on his own. Hannah reassures him but Toadie isn't convinced. Hannah offers to help him out, which Toadie seems relieved at. Hannah promises to be better than Billy but says that Billy will be there shortly.
TOADIE: Yeah, well, he better be, else I'll kick his head in.
Coffee Shop
Sarah and Cath are gushing about how they've missed each other. Cath is surprised that Sarah will be staying for a while as her career is just taking off. Sarah tells her that modelling isn't so great.
Billy and Mel rush in. Billy is annoyed because he should've been back at Erinsborough High 15 minutes ago. Mel bitches that she'll get a drink, they'll watch the demo and then Billy can get back to where he really wanted to be in the first place! Billy grumps about how he promised not to be late.
MEL: We're meant to be having fun. Shall I go and get my dictionary so you can look up what the word means?
Two very burly guys walk into the Coffee Shop and Mel's jaw nearly hits the floor. She goes on about huge they are and Billy thinks that they look deformed. He can't believe that she wants him to compete against guys who look like them. (Neither can I. Billy's body shape looks about 12, bless him.)
MEL: Billy, take a pill. How many times do I have to tell you, it is just for a laugh.
She goes on about how fantastic the prizes are and imagines what it'll be like if Billy wins. Billy doesn't believe that will happen and storms off. She follows.
Erinsborough High
Toadie says that they can't stall any longer, so he and Hannah put on their headphones. Toadie announces that B-Boy has disappeared and has been replaced by Ghost Girl. They start bagging out teachers, and Hannah points out that if teachers are so smart, why did they become teachers in the first place?! Toadie says that once he's finished with school, he'll never go back, no matter how much money he was offered.
Billy and Mel run in. Toadie puts on some music. Billy apologises for being late, but Toadie isn't impressed and says that he and Hannah can handle Shockwaves alone. Toadie tells him to go back to his steroid mates and ponce around. Billy says that he hates bodybuilding and doesn't care if he never hears about it again.
Mel wants to talk about the situation but Billy flips and says he's not entering the stupid contest. Toadie picks up on a good opportunity when he hears one and turns the music off and points the mic subtly towards their argument. Hannah and Toadie giggle as the argument is broadcast live.
Toadie interrupts just after Billy announces that he likes his body the way it is, and jokes that B-Boy loves himself! Toadie giggles as he announces that they'd just heard another argument from B-Boy and his girlfriend and then puts the music back on. Mel storms off.
Toadie tells him it makes great radio. Toadie and Hannah giggle some more. Billy is not a happy chappy!
Coffee Shop
Sarah says that it's a shame that she and Cath can't live together, as that would be so cool. Cath jokes that Sarah just wants someone to do her washing up! Sarah eyes up Stonie.
SARAH: Mmm, he's cute. Good work!
CATH: (tightly) Yeah.
SARAH: There's the voice of a woman madly in love(!) So what's up?
CATH: I just think Stonie wants a bit more out of this relationship than I'm prepared to give. I know he does.
Cath says that she does like him, and Sarah guesses that he's cramping Cath's independence.
SARAH: Maybe we can live together after all.
CATH: Do you still use all the hot water?
Sarah keeps pushing that they could live together. Stonie overhears and asks what's going on. Sarah blurts out that she and Cath are thinking of living together like they used to in the past. Stonie possessively puts his hands on Cath's shoulders.
STONIE: Oh right, well, I'm sure that if Catherine wanted to move in with anyone, she'd move in with me. Right, Sweetness?
CATH: Sweetness? Can we have a word in the kitchen?
Coffee Shop - Kitchen
Stonie apologises for getting carried away. He says he doesn't want to lose her but Cath says it's all getting too full on for her.
STONIE: What's wrong with full on? I like full on. Full on's GOOD!
Stonie says that his mum is leaving soon and they have to make some decisions. Cath tells him that she doesn't want to make the decisions that he wants her to make.
STONIE: (annoyed) So what are you saying? Either you want to be with me or you don't. The only reason why I'm staying here is because of you.
CATH: I don't think we should be seeing each other any more.