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Neighbours Episode 1287 from 1990 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1286 - 1288>>
Episode title: 1287 (Kerry Bishop's funeral)
Australian airdate: 11/9/90
UK airdate: 23/10/91
UK Gold: 7/10/97
Writer: David Phillips
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Amber Martin: Alison Whyte
Eric Jensen: John Ley
Funeral Celebrant: Vic Gordon
- "Solo Panpipe" by FComedes
Summary/Images by: Kulin
Joe throws Amber out of the house, saying it's her fault that Kerry's dead
Matt and Harold come in to see Joe sitting with his head down. Harold asks Joe if there's any news of the inquest and offers to organize the service. They argue about whether Kerry should have a religious burial. Harold insists she's entitled to one, but Joe is equally adamant that she wouldn't want to be hypocritical. Matt stops them when it becomes heated, saying they don't have to take their anger out on each other - Kerry wouldn't have wanted that. Harold says they'll come back to the details later.
Gemma asks Madge when the funeral will be. Madge answers that they haven't even set a date for the inquest yet. She's been trying to ring Joe's but not getting through. She plans to go over there instead but to Gemma's surprise agrees to let Gemma go. Gemma asks if she doesn't mind that she might bump into Matt since she's banned from seeing him. Madge tells her the ban's off - she can see him any time she likes. Other people, including Harold have been telling her she's too strict with Gemma and life's a bit short for her to worry about whether she can trust her or not. Gemma says 'You can trust me' and gives her a big hug.
MADGE: Thanks - I needed that!
Coffee Shop
Melissa rushes in to talk to Josh, excitedly telling him she's an eye- witness.
JOSH: To what? A bank job?
MELISSA: No, frozen tuna.
She goes on to tell him that she saw frozen tuna being delivered to Lassiters Brasserie. From a brochure Kerry gave her she recognized the brand-name and knows that they use driftnets and don't care how many dolphins they kill in the process. She's going to protest and has to tell Kerry as she'll know what to do. Josh tells her that he thought everyone knew that Kerry was shot and killed during a protest, sticking up for what she believed in.
Shaken, Melissa says nobody she's known has died before. Kerry was teaching her, was her friend. What is she going to do without her?
Matt answers the door to Amber and they argue outside as she tries to persuade him to let her speak to Joe. He reluctantly agrees and they go in, but Joe is on the phone, answering questions from a journalist. Matt and Amber look on as he says Kerry just wanted a better place for her kids and she dared to standup for what she believed in. He didn't always agree with her but he respected her. What was he doing there? He was looking after her.
He adds 'You've got your story' as he puts the phone down. Amber tells him that she said the wrong thing or said it the wrong way and she didn't mean to hurt him. He says to forget it as he over-reacted, but when she asks about the funeral he explodes with anger, saying that he doesn't want her there; he's not blaming her, but Kerry would be alive still if she hadn't come. Harold restrains Joe while Matt takes Amber out.
Gemma tells Matt she'll come and look after the children if it helps and will take Sky whenever the funeral is. She tells him that Madge has lifted the ban. He doesn't seem pleased enough but explains that he's had a pretty rough morning. Gemma apologises for the things she'd said when he didn't meet her. From his reaction, she realizes Ryan didn't give him her note. Matt says he needs to go and will see her later, leaving her to sort Ryan out.
Harold tells Joe the funeral is fixed for two days' time and asks to talk to him about the service. He concedes it won't be a religious funeral, but Joe says it's conditional on Harold saying what needs to be said as he himself would mess it up and he wants the words to be good. Harold says he'll do his best.
Sad pipe music plays as the residents stand solemnly. The service begins and Harold is called to speak.
HAROLD: Kerry was my daughter, born of my first wife Mavis. We raised her together and she was a very happy uncomplicated child. Until the day she learned to talk. From that moment she never took anything for granted; she wanted the world to justify itself. As she grew up, I found myself disagreeing with her about almost everything. For a time my own stubborn conservative nature prevented me from seeing just how lucky I was - lucky to have a child with a free, generous spirit, keen intelligence, a great capacity for love....
He starts to falter as he tries to go on and then breaks down completely. Madge, who has been becoming more and more nervous for him, asks Jim to come and help. Jim gently takes Harold back to sit down while she steps up.
MADGE: I think what Harold was talking about was love and that's why we're here - to say goodbye to someone we'd all come to know and love.
Amber enters quietly and both Matt and Joe turn and see her.
MADGE: Kerry wasn't always the most comfortable person to be with. People who stick by their principles never are.
Joe and Amber stare at each other.
Ryan comes in to see Gemma, who's looking after Sky.
She tells him she's split with Matt because he must be telling lies, until Ryan admits that Matt didn't lie and he didn't give him the note. She asks him to try an explanation.
No 26
Melissa tells Josh she feels she should have gone to the funeral and now she wants to do something. But she thinks Kerry tried and it made no difference and now she's dead. He tells her she's being negative and it's not what Kerry would have said. If she wants to do something for Kerry why doesn't she do something about the driftnet fishing? He'll back her and lots of other people would too. She wonders why she should break her heart - let the world mess itself up.
...Madge is still talking.
Maybe that's the day when you begin to grow up - the day when you realize that nothing lasts for ever. We're the ones grieving and yet we know that that grief won't last for ever either. And we shouldn't try to replace it with bitterness, just the good memories.
Meanwhile, Matt and Joe are obviously uncomfortable because of Amber's presence.
MADGE: And Kerry'll always be with us.
The celebrant asks if there's anyone else who'd like to say something. Matt restrains Joe from stopping Amber as she steps up.
Amber speaks movingly about growing up with Kerry as her best friend. Kerry was stronger and believed harder. When she came to find Kerry she saw she had a home and family and thought she'd sold out, but she was wrong. When she realized how much Kerry loved the kids and Joe she learned from her something new - that that's what all the struggle and protest comes down to - love. If that isn't at the heart of it, what's the point?
Joe cries as she adds that Kerry was lucky to have found someone like Joe, even if it was for a very short time.
Gemma won't accept that Ryan lost the note to protect her and Matt so they wouldn't get into trouble from Madge. Finally he admits that he tried to slow things down between them. He wasn't trying to hurt anyone but he wanted a chance with her and still does. She tells him she lied in saying she'd split with Matt because she wanted him to admit what he'd done. He has to realise she's with Matt and even Madge has accepted that, so he has to stay out of it.
No 26
Josh shows Melissa a book illustrating protests that made a difference, all which started with a group of individuals. Kerry would have said that. Lassiters Brasserie is still serving fish caught in driftnets. Is she going to let them get away with it?
MELISSA: Me against Paul Robinson?
JOSH: He hasn't got a chance.
MELISSA: OK, I'll do it. (Softly) For Kerry.
Gemma arrives to find Matt crying and tries to tell him his depression is natural as he's been supporting Joe. She begins to tell him about Ryan until he cuts her off, saying he wants to be alone to deal with it in his own way. He talks about all the things Kerry did for him and when he says he doesn't know what he's going to do without her, Gemma asks if he was in love with her. He says yes and in reply to her shocked comment that Kerry was Joe's wife, says he knew nothing could ever come of it but he's still in love with her, even now - he's sorry but he can't help it.
<<1286 - 1288>>
Joe Mangel, Matt Robinson, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1287
Joe Mangel, Matt Robinson, Harold Bishop

Gemma Ramsay, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1287
Gemma Ramsay, Madge Bishop

Josh Anderson in Neighbours Episode 1287
Josh Anderson

Melissa Jarrett in Neighbours Episode 1287
Melissa Jarrett

Matt Robinson, Amber Martin in Neighbours Episode 1287
Matt Robinson, Amber Martin

Harold Bishop, Joe Mangel, Matt Robinson, Amber Martin in Neighbours Episode 1287
Harold Bishop, Joe Mangel, Matt Robinson, Amber Martin

Gemma Ramsay, Matt Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1287
Gemma Ramsay, Matt Robinson

Joe Mangel, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1287
Joe Mangel, Harold Bishop

 in Neighbours Episode 1287

Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1287
Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop

Toby Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1287
Toby Mangel

Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1287
Joe Mangel

Jim Robinson, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 1287
Jim Robinson, Des Clarke

Matt Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1287
Matt Robinson

Eric Jensen in Neighbours Episode 1287
Eric Jensen

Funeral Celebrant in Neighbours Episode 1287
Funeral Celebrant

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1287
Harold Bishop

Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1287
Madge Bishop

Joe Mangel, Toby Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1287
Joe Mangel, Toby Mangel

Harold Bishop, Jim Robinson, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1287
Harold Bishop, Jim Robinson, Madge Bishop

Amber Martin in Neighbours Episode 1287
Amber Martin

Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1287
Joe Mangel

Gemma Ramsay, Sky Bishop, Ryan McLachlan in Neighbours Episode 1287
Gemma Ramsay, Sky Bishop, Ryan McLachlan

Melissa Jarrett, Josh Anderson in Neighbours Episode 1287
Melissa Jarrett, Josh Anderson

Eric Jensen, Matt Robinson, Jim Robinson, Joe Mangel, Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 1287
Eric Jensen, Matt Robinson, Jim Robinson, Joe Mangel, Des Clarke

Amber Martin in Neighbours Episode 1287
Amber Martin

Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1287
Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop

Joe Mangel in Neighbours Episode 1287
Joe Mangel

Ryan McLachlan, Sky Bishop, Gemma Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 1287
Ryan McLachlan, Sky Bishop, Gemma Ramsay

Melissa Jarrett, Josh Anderson in Neighbours Episode 1287
Melissa Jarrett, Josh Anderson

Matt Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1287
Matt Robinson

Gemma Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 1287
Gemma Ramsay

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