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Neighbours Episode 0091 from 1985 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0090 - 0092>>
Episode title: 0091 (Philip Martin returns to his wife, Loretta; Debbie Martin's first appearance)
Australian airdate: 22/07/85
UK airdate: 05/03/87
UK Gold: 08/03/93
Writer: Wendy Jackson
Director: Peter Benardos
Guests: Philip Martin: Christopher Milne
Marilyn Temple: Kassie McLuskie
Bernie Sutton: Jason De Giorgio
Bob Sutton: Christopher Waters
Loretta Martin: Lyn Semmler
Wally Walters: Reg Gorman
Debbie Martin: Mandy Storvik
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
- Wendy tells Maria that she's going home.
- Maria and Max have a row.
- Daphne says Joan has improved Des!
- Phil gets a call to say that his daughter Debbie has tried to kill herself.
Much later at Phil's place
Phil has come back - apparently Debbie is going to make it. She took some of Loretta's sleeping tablets that were lying around. Julie says maybe it was an accident - Debbie is only Lucy's age after all. But Phil says Debbie was serious - she told Loretta she didn't ever want to wake up. Phil says it's his fault - he should have been there to explain to them about the divorce. Apparently Loretta has bad-mouthed Phil to the kids. Phil is very upset. Julie offers to stay with him tonight, but he says he'll run her home - he'll have to go back to the hospital anyway.
Robinsons, the following morning
Julie is subdued at breakfast. When Helen gets Julie on her own she tries to get her to talk to her, but she isn't ready and goes off to work.
A bloke called Bob has come to see Helen and Jim - he's getting Helen and Jim to witness his will. The talk about their kids and it seems that Bob spoils his boy a bit.
Ramsay Street
Bob's son is outside on a posh bike. Jim thinks the bike looks a bit dangerous for such a small boy. Jim warns him to get off the road because he's getting his car out.
The Bank
Julie can't believe that Phil has come in to work, but he's had to come in to sign something. Phil says that Debbie doesn't believe him when he tells her he loves her. Julie offers to come to the hospital with Phil - not to come in, but just wait outside. Phil tells Julie he loves her. They head off together. Marilyn takes this in, nosily.
Scott is looking forward to jacking in his job at the Coffee Shop tonight. Helen tells him to be nice.
Ramsay Street
Scott is nearly run over by Bob's son on his bike.
The Hospital
Julie is waiting outside for Phil when Loretta gets out of a taxi. Loretta says she'd like to talk to Julie. She tells Julie to leave them alone. Julie says Loretta has had enough chances. Loretta says that Phil and the kids are her whole life and she doesn't want to lose them. Julie says she already has - if she cares so much she wouldn't be drinking. Loretta says she couldn't cope with a successful husband and turnd to drinking to give her confidence. But she does care for Phil very much.
Julie says she didn't take Phil away from her, and she loves him. Loretta says she's going to the clinic tomorrow and she needs her family with her.
LORETTA: You have your family, Julie. Please, give me a chance to have mine.
After a few minutes, Julie follows Loretta into the hospital. She peeps round the door of Debbie's hospital room and sees Phil and Loretta reassuring her together. Julie turns and leaves. Reluctantly she turns everything over in her mind and looks like she's trying to make a difficult decision.
Coffee Shop
Scott is not having fun.
Julie comes in looking upset. Jim and Helen try to get her to talk, saying that Phil isn't having a good effect on her. But Julie still doesn't want to talk.
Coffee Shop
Scott is run off his feet, The manager comes over and says that Scott has paid his debt off, so he'd like to offer him a paid after-school job. Scott is pleased and accepts.
Phil comes round and Jim answers the door. Jim doesn't call Julie straight away - he wants Phil to tell him what's going on. When Jim goes off to get Julie, Helen and Phil sits down. Phil says Julie means a lot to him and he wouldn't hurt her for the world. Just then Julie comes out and Jim and Helen retire to the garden.
Julie tells Phil through tears that it's over. She talked to Loretta about them and Julie has realised that it would be awful for Loretta to lose her family. Loretta and the children need Phil. Also she saw Phil with Loretta and Debbie at the hospital - the kids need Phil and Loretta together as a family. Julie explains how jealous and awful she was when Jim wanted to marry Anna. She thinks the kids will be the same with her.
PHIL: Julie, I love you! I want to make a life with you!
JULIE: And I love you, alright. But there are three other people who love and need you more.
Julie says that Phil and Loretta have a good chance of holding their family together and they shouldn't throw it away. Julie takes off the engagement ring Phil gave her, but he tells her he wants her to keep it. Julie says through tears that she couldn't bear to.
JULIE: Goodbye, Philip.
PHIL: Julie...
JULIE: It's alright (tries not to cry) Go, please.
Garden of the Robinsons
Jim is beside himself with worry - all he wants is for Julie to be happy, to find a decent man and be happy. Just then Phil comes out looking very depressed. He walks past Jim and Helen without a word.
Jim makes to go into the house but Helen says Julie will need some time on her own, so she sends him off to pick Lucy up.
Helen goes into the house and hugs Julie.
Ramsay Street
As Jim drives down the road, Bob's son darts out on his bike and Jim has to brake sharply...
<<0090 - 0092>>
Philip Martin, Julie Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0091
Philip Martin, Julie Robinson

Bob Sutton in Neighbours Episode 0091
Bob Sutton

Scott Robinson, Bob Sutton, Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0091
Scott Robinson, Bob Sutton, Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson

Bernie Sutton, Helen Daniels, Bob Sutton in Neighbours Episode 0091
Bernie Sutton, Helen Daniels, Bob Sutton

Bernie Sutton in Neighbours Episode 0091
Bernie Sutton

Philip Martin, Julie Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0091
Philip Martin, Julie Robinson

Julie Robinson, Loretta Martin in Neighbours Episode 0091
Julie Robinson, Loretta Martin

Loretta Martin, Philip Martin, Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 0091
Loretta Martin, Philip Martin, Debbie Martin

Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 0091
Debbie Martin

Julie Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0091
Julie Robinson

Scott Robinson, Wally Walters in Neighbours Episode 0091
Scott Robinson, Wally Walters

Philip Martin, Julie Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0091
Philip Martin, Julie Robinson

Julie Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0091
Julie Robinson

Julie Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0091
Julie Robinson

Julie Robinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 0091
Julie Robinson, Helen Daniels

Bernie Sutton in Neighbours Episode 0091
Bernie Sutton

 in Neighbours Episode 0091

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