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Neighbours Episode 7723 from 2017 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7722 - 7724>>
Episode title: 7723 (Aaron in Paris)
Australian and UK airdate: 01/11/17
Writer: Chris Phillips
Director: Kath Hayden
Guests: Hamish Roche: Sean Taylor
Gabriel Smith: Kian Bafekrpour
- "Still Lookin" by All The Colours
- "Howling" by RY X
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Jack is jealous that Mark is seeing Gabe more than he is, and suggests a stricter routine to Paige
- Jack joins the school as the new counsellor, much the female pupils' delight
- Jack gets a hug from Bec after a D&M, and tells a worried Susan he knows the boundaries
- Tyler confronts Piper about T- Bone; she admits he gave her flowers, but has no energy to fight
- Hamish commissions T- Bone to create some fake text messages between him and Piper
- Aaron turns detective after finding a picture of a mysterious woman in Paris in Hamish's suitcase
- Tyler's annoyed to learn Aaron is in France digging dirt on Hamish
- Mark tells Tyler they're investigating because they love him and don't trust Hamish
- Tyler finds copies of T- Bone's fake texts on the boat, and confronts Hamish
No 22
Paige and Piper are in the conservatory, playing sock-puppets with Gabe. Paige is helping Piper revise for her English exam at the same time - specifically, Shakespeare's Macbeth. Piper is feeling really confident, and Paige tells her she'll be amazing.
The Marina
Tyler and Hamish are on the boat. Hamish claims that the papers Tyler has found show screenshots of texts between Piper and T-Bone, which T-Bone gave to him. Hamish says he confronted T-Bone, who admitted having being in touch with Piper since leaving town.
HAMISH: I paid him for those screenshots, because I didn't think you'd believe it.
TYLER: You paid him?!
HAMISH: It was inappropriate. A stupid impulse. But now we at least know that they were involved.
Tyler says they're not involved, but Hamish continues to persuade him that the texts prove there's something going on.
HAMISH: I don't want you wasting your life on a girl that's not really committed to you. There's a whole world out there, Tyler. You should go out there and spread your wings - see what the world has to offer.
TYLER: When were you planning on telling me?
Hamish claims that he was putting it off as he was afraid Tyler would resent his interference. Tyler says he needs to be alone, and walks off.
Erinsborough Hospital / Hotel Le Metropolitan, Paris
David is bringing a couple of nurse extras (and wayward viewers) up to speed on Louise McLeod, who's still in a coma. He asks them to let him know if she wakes up.
He then gets a call from Aaron, who's just arrived in Paris. David says he hasn't seen Hamish lurking about the hospital today, but has the desk clerk looking out for him. Aaron says he'll go looking for the mystery woman and the green door once he's had some sleep, but is worried as the seventh arrondissement is a big area.
DAVID: Wish I was there with you.
AARON: Yeah, me too (...) I think I'm gonna start near the Eiffel Tower.
David tells Aaron to call him if he finds anything, and they end the call, exchanging 'I love yous'. Aaron sighs.
Erinsborough Hospital
Elly is coaching some pupil extras on exam technique, when Jack turns up. Elly's surprised to see him as he's not rostered on; he tells her about the impromptu counselling session with Bec, which he's just written up notes on. They also discuss Jack's new online forum where pupils can post questions.
JACK: Kids aren't always willing to talk to teachers about their problems. But if it's online, and it removes their identity, they might be more willing to open up.
Elly heaps praise on Jack, and he admits he's missed having anything so satisfying to do. Elly asks if Jack will come to the orientation evening tonight for prospective new pupils. He says he'd love to, and that he'll see if Paige can have Gabe tonight. Jack leaves.
Ramsay Street
Tyler confronts Piper outside No 22 with the fake texts.
TYLER: I know.
PIPER: Know what?
TYLER: That you're cheating on me. Maybe not physically, but these are bad enough.
Piper takes one look at the messages and completely denies sending them, and says someone has faked them - possibly Evan, her erstwhile cyber-stalker.
PIPER: This bit says I love the beach - I HATE the beach, you know that! I only ever go there for fish and chips!
But Tyler points out there's a lot about books, and Canada, and her uni plans too.
PIPER: Are you actually buying this?
TYLER: You think I'm not smart enough for you! Just like you said in the video. The one that got uploaded online when you got doxxed.
PIPER: You watched that?! Tyler, you promised that you wouldn't watch any of that stuff! You said that you would never disrespect my privacy like that!
TYLER: How could I not watch a video you made about me?
Piper says she can't do this right now as she's due for her exam. Tyler snatches the print-outs from Piper and marches off. Piper is very upset.
Erinsborough High School
Piper rushes into school, in tears. She asks Susan if she has time to make a phone call before the exam, as she's had a huge fight with Tyler and needs to clear the air so it doesn't distract her from the exam. Susan says there's no time - if Piper doesn't get to the exam now she'll get an automatic fail. Piper goes into panic, convinced she'll fail.
SUSAN: I understand how you feel, I do. Having a personal issue just before an exam, that's very difficult. But you need to put it aside, just for the next couple of hours, okay? Take some deep breaths, and you think about how hard you've worked for this.
Piper tries to take Susan's advice, but still looks upset.
Ramsay Street
Jack asks Paige if she could look after Gabe tonight, contrary to their earlier plans, as he wants to go to the orientation evening at the school. Paige reminds him that it was only last week Jack was saying they had to be more rigid with their schedule over Gabe. Jack says he still wants that - he just wants to make a good impression at work.
However, when Jack learns that Paige would be taking Gabe to Mark's place, he starts to backtrack, complaining that it will upset Gabe's routine being in an unfamiliar place. Paige is getting a little annoyed, and asks Jack if he wants her to take Gabe or not. He confirms he does, and Paige asks Jack to drop him off at Mark's. Jack reluctantly agrees.
Harold's Café
Paige is moaning to David about Jack being so fickle over her having Gabe this evening. David suggests he's probably just stressed due to the new job. Paige says it'll be good to have Gabe tonight, as it will help take Mark's mind off what's going on with Tyler and Hamish. David hopes Aaron's adventure in Paris will help shed some light on it all.
Aaron comes out of the hotel and begins to explore the city looking for the green door - taking in the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe and Notre Dame. He begins asking passers-by if they know the house, but has no success...
The Waterhole
Tyler meets Hamish, and tells him that Piper has denied sending the messages to Hamish. Tyler admits that some of them don't sound like Piper, and wonders aloud whether they could have been faked by T-Bone. But Hamish keeps using his persuasive arts to make Tyler think the worst of Piper.
Still wandering the city, Aaron comes across a door that's similar to, but not the same as, the one in the photo. He looks dismayed.
Harold's Café
Jack comes in with Gabe, and runs into Paige. He apologises if things got weird before. Paige apologises too, saying she wants to support Jack in his new job as much as she can. But Jack continues to act oddly, saying he's decided he'll take Gabe to work with him tonight, and drop him off afterwards. Paige again tells Jack that she's likely to be at Mark's tonight.
JACK: Yeah... About that. Are you planning on staying over?
PAIGE: Do we really need to talk about that?
JACK: Sorry. It's actually what I was trying to get at earlier. I just didn't put it that well. Gabe's sleeping in your bed now, right? With the night feeds. And when you're with Mark, does that mean you're all, you know, together?
PAIGE: Oh! Well, I actually haven't stayed at Mark's yet. But he has stayed at my house a fair few times. But we don't... Not while... He's in his cot.
JACK: Yeah. Right. Alright, well if the tables were turned, how would you feel if Gabe was staying in the same bed with Steph and I? You know, I just want you to see where I'm coming from.
PAIGE: ... No, that's okay. You make a good point.
Paige resolves to make Gabe sleeping in his cot a more permanent thing, and to see if they can get one for Mark's house too. Jack says he doesn't want to pressure Paige, but she says he isn't. Jack awkwardly laughs that co-parenting is a challenge, but Paige says they both want the best for Gabe.
Jack gets a call from Susan, saying she wants to see him before tonight's meeting. Jack is hopeful that this will mean his role has been extended.
Aaron has finally found the green door from the photo. He knocks on it and presses the intercom, but there's no answer - so he leaves a note, saying, 'I need to talk to you about Hamish Roche. Please call me,' and his number, and pushes it under the door before walking off.
No 22
Piper finds Tyler leaving the house through the garden, having collected his belongings. He says he needs space. She's angry, saying she's the one who should be needing space, after the offensive, ridiculous things he was accusing her of.
PIPER: Do you realise that I've just stuffed up my exam because of you?
TYLER: I didn't intend that!
PIPER: No. But you didn't think for one second that accosting me right before my most important paper, and accusing me of something that I didn't do, might not be the best idea!
TYLER: I don't know what to think! You and T-Bone have always had some weird connection. He gave you those flowers and then you lied about seeing him!
PIPER: You know, Tyler, it breaks my heart that you think I could cheat on you!
TYLER: I don't want to! But those messages...
PIPER: Oh my god! For the last time, I didn't send them! And you lied to me about watching that video.
TYLER: That's not as bad as making the videos in the first place! You know, on some level, that's what you've always thought, isn't it? That you're slumming it with me?
PIPER: No, Tyler, I was angry when I made that!
TYLER: And sometimes, that's when the truth comes out.
PIPER: Or maybe, you just want to believe that because you want to go on your boat trip?!
TYLER: Are you kidding me?!
PIPER: I dunno, Tyler. You're trying awfully hard to push me away right now!
TYLER: Maybe that's what you want, but you just can't admit it.
Barely able to believe what she's hearing, Piper storms away from him.
PIPER: You know what? Go, Tyler - just go on your trip, okay? Because the fact that we're even having this conversation just proves that we shouldn't be together!
Tyler looks upset as Piper leaves.
The Marina
Tyler tells Hamish he's decided their Queensland trip is on - and they can take the boat.
HAMISH: Mate, the idea of going on a trip with you would make me the happiest man in the world. Just the two of us. Are you sure this isn't some kind of overreaction to what happened between you and Piper? That you'll regret it down the track?
Tyler insists he won't, and that he just needs a couple of days to get things organised before they go, and to test-run the boat.
HAMISH: I know it's been hard for you, but it'll all turn out for the best.
Erinsborough Hospital / Hotel Le Metropolitan, Paris
David is on the phone to Aaron again, hearing all about how he found the green door and left a note under it. Now Aaron just has to see whether the woman will get in touch - and in the meantime, he's heading to the fitness convention. He'll try the door again this afternoon, as time is ticking before Hamish leaves. David gets a message mid-call, and looks at it worriedly.
The Marina
We see Tyler climbing onto the boat and preparing to launch it as, overlaid on this, David tells Aaron that he's had a message from Paige, telling him that Tyler and Piper have broken up.
Erinsborough Hospital / Hotel Le Metropolitan, Paris
Aaron's upset at this, and thinks he should call Tyler as he'll be devastated. Aaron wonders if the T-Bone spat had anything to do with it; David doesn't know, but reports that Paige says Piper is a mess.
AARON: Do you think Hamish had something to do with this?
DAVID: I dunno.
AARON: You know what? I bet he's involved somehow. I mean, poor Ty - like he hasn't been through enough lately.
The Sea
Tyler is seen speeding along on the boat, giving it a test-run, as Aaron continues to talk to David.
AARON: He's going to be all over the place. I don't want him doing anything stupid, like leaving Erinsborough in a hurry.
Harold's Café
Elly joins Jack at a table; she's surprised that he still has Gabe with him. Jack claims he wanted to let Paige have some quality time with Mark, and promises Gabe will be good at orientation evening. Jack admits he had an awkward chat with Paige earlier about co-parenting.
JACK: Don't get me wrong. I really like Mark, and I'm really happy with Gabe to be around him. But a part of me just is a little bit concerned with how close they'll get.
ELLY: Do you think Paige feels the same way about Steph?
JACK: I don't think so. You know, Paige is his mum. And it's not like Steph could ever come in and replace her.
ELLY: Yeah, but Mark could never replace you.
JACK: Yeah. Sure.
But he doesn't look so certain. Susan comes in, and asks for a private word with Jack before they leave for the orientation. Elly leaves them to it.
SUSAN: Jack, I'm sorry to have to tell you this. But ever since your online feedback forum went live, there have been some complaints made against you.
JACK: Complaints?
SUSAN: Yeah, quite a few. Well, certainly enough for the situation to be serious. Quite serious.
- Terese reassures an upset Piper that her exam score won't define her
- Paul and Terese exchange a look in Lassiter's reception, while Gary watches them from nearby
- David rushes towards the lift from the penthouse, asking Paul to call an ambulance
- Courtney tells Sheila that she only wants the 'hottest' staff working for the gala - so not her!
- Xanthe has fun dressing up for the gala
- Many extras admire the liveability fireworks display
- Someone's holding the Ace of Spades
- Ben and Xanthe look to be having a Momenttm, but turn to look at something
<<7722 - 7724>>
Paige Smith, Piper Willis, Gabriel Smith in Neighbours Episode 7723
Paige Smith, Piper Willis, Gabriel Smith

Gabriel Smith in Neighbours Episode 7723
Gabriel Smith

Tyler Brennan, Hamish Roche in Neighbours Episode 7723
Tyler Brennan, Hamish Roche

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7723
David Tanaka

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7723
Aaron Brennan

Elly Conway, Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7723
Elly Conway, Jack Callahan

Piper Willis, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7723
Piper Willis, Tyler Brennan

Susan Kennedy, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7723
Susan Kennedy, Piper Willis

Jack Callahan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7723
Jack Callahan, Paige Smith

Paige Smith, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7723
Paige Smith, David Tanaka

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7723
Aaron Brennan

Tyler Brennan, Hamish Roche in Neighbours Episode 7723
Tyler Brennan, Hamish Roche

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7723
Aaron Brennan

Paige Smith, Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7723
Paige Smith, Jack Callahan

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7723
Aaron Brennan

Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7723
Tyler Brennan

Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7723
Piper Willis

Hamish Roche, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7723
Hamish Roche, Tyler Brennan

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7723
David Tanaka

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7723
Aaron Brennan

Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7723
Tyler Brennan

Jack Callahan, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 7723
Jack Callahan, Elly Conway

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7723
Susan Kennedy

Jack Callahan, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7723
Jack Callahan, Susan Kennedy

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