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Neighbours Episode 9035 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9034 - 9036>>
Episode title: 9035 (Mackenzie hits Haz with a car)
Australian and UK airdate: 02/05/24
Writer: Sarah Mayberry
Director: Kate Kendall
Guests: Wade Fernsby: Stephen Phillips
Summary/Images by: Clare/Jeremai
- Haz disappears
- Byron thinks Haz and Wade are working together
- Nicolette tells Aaron to stay away from Isla
- Toadie tells Terese he hasn't given up on their marriage
- Chelsea feels she's losing out with Paul
- Terese is fed up with Paul lying to her
- Terese doesn't want to try again with Toadie
- Terese runs to the bathroom
The Waterhole
Toadie tells Nell and Hugo they need to be prepared by having things put into storage.
HUGO: I don't want to find a new place.
Toadie apologises, Nell suggests he tries to sort things out. Then she suggests she has a try but Toadie vetoes that idea.
Nell and Hugo let themselves into No.22. Nobody seems to be around so Nell suggests Terese might have forgotten their plans. Hugo knocks on her bedroom door and announces who it is. There isn't any answer so Nell opens the door and find Terese asleep in bed. She goes to hug them and changes her mind as she's got a stomach upset. She doesn't want them to catch any germs. She feels sick again and rushes to the bathroom. Nell decides to ring Toadie.
Work-Share in Melbourne
Haz comes out of a lift.
Harold's Cafe
Mackenzie is amazed how empty the Cafe is and that Haz has disappeared.
MACKENZIE: Trevor sits at the front door waiting for him to come home.
Susan is hopeful Haz will return as Haz didn't take Trevor with him. Mackenzie points out that the police will arrest Haz when he returns.
Work-Share in Melbourne
Haz has his own laptop but Wade tells Haz he is using one of his. Wade refuses to listen to Haz and wants him to start doing the deep- fake video of someone cheating.
Harold's Cafe
Mackenzie is going through it in her head and knows it's down to her. Susan points out that Haz made his choice at the start and right now.
Work-Share in Melbourne
Wade thinks Haz is sailing through it. Haz wants to know what the client plans to do with this video. Wade couldn't care less.
WADE: You do what I want and I'll leave your girl alone.
Harold's Cafe
MACKENZIE: He's doing this for me but knows it's the last thing I wanted. I'm worried about him. I'm angry at him. I'm just so confused.
The Waterhole
Someone serves Aaron a drink as he is in thought Jane arrives.
AARON: Nic won't take my daughter away from me. Isla is all I have left.
JANE: It's not going to happen.
Aaron knows he's made a great mess of everything. Jane won't let this happen to Aaron, Aaron thanks her. Aaron is trying to get his head around the fact that Nicolette still did this after everything she has done in the past.
AARON: The moment I put my foot wrong, she threatens me with my daughter. I would never hurt Isla. Isla is my life.
JANE: The way that you have been behaving... You've already hurt her.
Aaron is wondering how he can make things right. Jane will sort things out with Nicolette and she wants Aaron to work things out what he needs to himself. Aaron agrees.
Nell has contacted Toadie and he has brought over some food supplies to help Terese. She doesn't feel so good though when he lists the supplies. He wants to know how long she's felt ill. She blames it on the chicken sandwich from the petrol station and she's felt ill all afternoon.
TOADIE: Truck stop sushi. Always a good option.
Terese starts laughing but it doesn't help her stomach. She thanks him for caring but she will be ok. He offers to tidy up whilst she takes a shower. He offers to go but thinks she needs someone with her. She agrees and gets a text telling her Susan has agreed to be the Operations Manager. Toadie is pleased as Terese heads to the shower.
Harold's Cafe
Karl and Susan greet Paul as he arrives. Paul mentions the new role, Susan proudly tells him she has accepted the post. He knows she'll do a great job. Susan gets a text from Terese and tells the others that Terese isn't well. Paul decides to head off. Mackenzie arrives, Karl invites her on a walk. Mackenzie is looking for Haz. She's gone over everything and analysed the note from Wade.
SUSAN: Maybe it's time to let it go and leave it to the police.
Mackenzie wants to make Haz think it's the right idea to turn himself in which will help him. Karl tells her she's done all she can. Susan repeats the walk invite but Mackenzie declines and heads off. She looks at the letter and at the address on the bottom of the piece of paper.
Toadie makes the bed and tidies up the room. He finds Terese's jogging bottoms. Terese comes back in, the shower has helped a bit. He tells her Nell and Hugo are concerned about her. Terese wishes she'd found out more about their trip. Toadie tells her they had a great time.
TOADIE: Very different trip for them than it was for me.
TERESE: You didn't have fun?
TOADIE: All I did was think about us.
He starts talking about them but Terese cuts him off. He wishes he'd taken things slower and sorted everything out before their wedding.
TOADIE: For that I owe you a huge apology. I was just so excited. I know you hate me right now but I can't leave you in this state.
TERESE: I don't hate you. It would be so much easier if I did.
Toadie heads off.
The Waterhole
Mackenzie arrives, she thinks the note will help the police search for Haz. The address is a work- share place in the city. Andrew promises to look into the address but isn't in a rush which surprises Mackenzie. Andrew wants her to stay calm and they've got a lot of leads to follow including this one. Mackenzie agrees and seems to head off. Then she turns back and gives Andrew a puzzled look.
Jane arrives home. Nicolette tells her there is pasta for her in the fridge but has no interest in Aaron. Jane who has a disappointed look knows Nicolette is upset with Aaron.
JANE: You can't weaponise your daughter like that.
NICOLETTE: I'm protecting her.
JANE: From her father? When she's just lost her other father?
Jane points out she's disappointed with Aaron's behaviour. Jane knows Aaron has been grieving
NICOLETTE: Being a parent means you can't fall apart.
JANE: He's human and he's lost right now. It is up to us to help him find his way. Not to judge him when he stumbles.
Nicolette isn't so agreeable to just let him keep doing what he wants. Jane reminds her about giving Abigail instead of Isla to Aaron and David. They forgave Nicolette and became a family.
JANE: Doesn't Aaron deserve the same compassion and forgiveness?
Toadie answers an urgent knock at the door. Paul is surprised to see him and calls to Terese. Toadie tells him Terese is asleep and wants him to be quiet. Paul knew Terese wasn't feeling well, Toadie explains it was food poisoning.
PAUL: You're going to take advantage of that. Really classy.
TOADIE: I'm just here to look after her.
Toadie knows he doesn't deserve to look after her and thinks Paul should realise he doesn't have the right either. Paul is still determined to see Terese but Toadie halts him. Toadie wants Paul to put Terese before himself. Paul thinks that Toadie has no right to say that! Terese appears and wants to know what's happening. Paul explains, Terese thanks him but not what she needs. Toadie is sorting this, Terese heads back upstairs. Toadie is smug as Paul heads out.
Work-Share in Melbourne
Wade is not happy with how Haz is doing the deep fake. Haz promises to sort it in a couple of hours. Wade needs to head off but the client will need it asap. Wade thinks it was pretty easy for Haz to do this again and heads off. Haz plugs in an external drive and starts copying a file from the laptop.
Time passes, Haz has been copying files and Andrew arrives. Haz is relieved, Andrew explains they're watching Wade. Haz is trying to get Wade to chat to him but Wade is being cagey.
HAZ: But you are getting everything?
ANDREW: Every word.
Haz explains he's found the files and has copied them. He hands the external drive to Andrew. There is proof Wade took the money belonging to Holly. Everything is there. Andrew tells Haz Wade needs to put the transaction through so they can catch him. Haz agrees to carry on what he's doing.
HAZ: He doesn't trust me. If I push too hard he might get suspicious.
ANDREW: You're doing good man. You did the right thing coming to me with all this. Hang on in there. We nearly got this guy.
Toadie is asleep in the chair outside the door. A thud wakes Toadie. He goes into the room and finds Terese having a drink. He explains he thought Terese had stumbled. She explains the books fell off. He apologises and she realises he was asleep outside the room.
TOADIE: I've let you down with everything else. Least I can do is get this right.
She agrees to some dry toast. She's been pondering over what he mentioned about rushing their relationship.
TERESE: It was easier to focus on us instead of doing the work to move on from Paul.
TOADIE: Regardless of how we started I will always regret hurting you.
Work-Share in Melbourne
Haz wants to know who the client and the woman are. Wade refuses to tell him but Haz thinks he has a right to know. Wade disagrees and refuses to discuss it. Haz agrees and asks for the transfer details.
Andrew is outside in an unmarked car and is listening in. Wade is going to do the transfer. Haz wants to know if it's an encrypted app, Wade doesn't answer.
HAZ: I'm not going to do a single thing until you can prove you're gonna keep us both safe.
WADE: You'll do what I tell you to do.
HAZ: I'm not going to prison for you.
Wade thinks Haz is wanting his client. Haz wants to protect himself. Wade confirms it's an encrypted file and instructs Haz to prepare the transfer file.
Hugo and Nell will miss not being at No.22 anymore. Toadie proises to find another nice place possibly with a pool.
HUGO: It won't be the same. Terese won't be there.
Terese has come downstairs and is impressed at their speedy packing. Toadie wanted to get out of her way asap. Toadie starts taking boxes to the door but Terese stops him.
TERESE: I don't want you and the kids to leave. Not right now.
NELL: Dad say yes.
Toadie agrees, Terese wants him to stay in the spare room.
TERESE: I'm not ready to give this up.
Harold's Cafe
Karl is surprised to see Paul picking up a toastie which isn't his usual order. Paul explains it's for Terese. Susan has just got a text from Terese saying Terese is feeling a lot better which surprises Paul. Karl updates Paul about Toadie and the kids.
SUSAN: Maybe not the best time for a visit.
Paul leaves the toastie with them and leaves. Mackenzie arrives and tells them about the work- share address she's found in the city. She's handed it over to Andrew but doesn't think he'll act immediately. Mackenzie has decided to head over there and give him the option to do right. Susan and Karl aren't so sure that's a good idea. Mackenzie is determined so Karl decides to go with her. They head off with the toastie as Susan looks unsure.
Aaron comes out of the bedroom. Nicolette apologises for the day before.
NICOLETTE: I shouldn't have used Isla against you.
AARON: I'm sorry about everything. I let you both down when you needed me the most. I just feel so disconnected. We used to be a family unit. Now David's gone. I feel like I'm a stranger in this house.
Nicolette tells him this isn't true. David helped Krista and Aaron knows he saw her relapse. Aaron thinks David would have been irate and disappointed with him.
AARON: I don't know if I can do this without him.
NICOLETTE: We're still your family. We're still a little unit. Nothing will ever change that.
Nicolette gives Aaron a hug. She suggests that Aaron spends time with Isla. Aaron agrees to do this, thanks her and heads off to find Isla. Nicolette has a list on her phone of how Aaron's been messing up since David's death. She updates the list.
Work-Share in Melbourne
Wade is pacing when Haz tells him that the file is ready to be transferred. Wade doesn't want Haz to look.
HAZ: If we're going to work together we need to trust each other.
Wade wants Haz to go outside but Haz keeps asking him to let him transfer the file. Wade is fed up of Haz talking about the client. Haz wants to get this over and go to sleep. Wade seems to have cottoned onto something. Wade grabs the laptop and heads off. The lift isn't there. Haz tells Andrew to use the fire escape. Two onlookers start heading towards the Work- Share as well. Haz chases Wade down the fire escape. Karl and Mackenzie head towards the building in the car as Wade runs out of the building. Haz chases him. Mackenzie slams on the brakes as Haz cuts across but can't avoid hitting Haz.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Andrew tells the residents about the accident
- Mackenzie feels guilty about what happened
- Remi thinks JJ will avoid juvie but JJ isn't so sure
- Cara finds JJ's returned unopened letter to Felix
- Dex overhears about the letter
<<9034 - 9036>>
Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9035
Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi

Nell Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9035
Nell Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi, Terese Willis

Wade Fernsby, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9035
Wade Fernsby, Haz Devkar

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9035
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Susan Kennedy

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9035
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Karl Kennedy

Aaron Brennan, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 9035
Aaron Brennan, Jane Harris

Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9035
Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9035
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Andrew Rodwell, Wendy Rodwell

Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9035
Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone

Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9035
Toadie Rebecchi, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Haz Devkar, Andrew Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9035
Haz Devkar, Andrew Rodwell

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9035
Toadie Rebecchi

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9035
Terese Willis

Nell Rebecchi, Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9035
Nell Rebecchi, Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi, Hugo Rebecchi

Hugo Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 9035
Hugo Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi

Paul Robinson, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9035
Paul Robinson, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 9035
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9035
Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan

Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9035
Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone

Wade Fernsby in Neighbours Episode 9035
Wade Fernsby

Wade Fernsby, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9035
Wade Fernsby, Haz Devkar

Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9035
Haz Devkar

Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 9035
Haz Devkar

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