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Neighbours Episode 6976 from 2014 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6975 - 6977>>
Episode title: 6976 (Kyle and Georgia's hen and bucks parties)
Australian airdate: 22/09/14
UK airdate: 06/10/14
Writer: Sam Meikle
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Dakota Davies: Sheree Murphy
Tony Ronson: John Van Putten
Zayn Robertson: Travis Khan
Lexi Stringer: Bridget Bailey
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Chris being asked by Georgia/Kyle to be their respective best man.
- Mark asking someone for info on Nate.
- Nate promising not to get physical with Chris ever again.
- Amber/Daniel agreeing to keep their engagement just between themselves for now.
- Amber asking Imogen to be her matron of honour.
- Sheila telling Naomi that she hasn't changed at all after finding out about Josh.
- Some stranger coming into the bar and kissing Paul before slapping him across the face!
There is an update to the titles tonight! Callum is still there but Mason has been removed (there's a new Turner/Lou shot). Nate, Paige and Mark are in a shot together and Daniel has been added to the one with Paul (and instead of catching the ball, Paul now throws it so it joins in better with the Kennedy shot).
Lassiters Complex
Paul runs after 'the slapper' and explains that due to the brain tumour, he doesn't know who she is but from what she's said to him the connection is his time in South America.
Number 22
Terese is disappointed that Imogen doesn't look like she's going to the hen party (she's a pile of studying to do) but promises to attend alter if she's done enough after a plea from her mum.
Sheila literally drags Josh home by the ear (he's at least got a towel wrapped round him!) and drops him in it enough that he's to spill to his parents about Naomi.
Number 32
Matt looks stunned at how beautiful Lauren is in her dress as she asks him to zip her up but the moment is spoilt when Chris/Sonya arrive to help carry the party food. He does at least kiss Lauren goodbye on the cheek before she leaves.
Number 22
Brad/Terese take the news from Josh about Naomi very well, more interested if its going to be a long term thing or not. They are concerned given all the stuff that's happened to him lately but he thinks having Naomi (as a distraction) has been good for him and suggests that they concentrate more on themselves than on him.
Harold's Store
Paul and the mystery woman are piecing things together over a coffee - he's remembered meeting her on the dance floor in the place where she worked and she fills in that they ended up living together for a few months in the hotel... where they packed in a lot!
PAUL: I wish I could remember that more clearly!
Mystery woman then explains that he upped and left one day and she thought it was related to the illegal activities he was involved with but in actual fact, he'd simply gone back to Australia. He 'likes' what she's been telling him and asks her to stay to help fill in more of the blanks.
Number 28
#28 is the venue for the hen party. The women are all dressed up as if it were the 1920s and The Charleston era as Sheila dishes out the bubbly to the gathered - Amber, Lauren, Sonya, Paige, Naomi, Imogen, Terese and a few other random ladies.
Terese is giving Naomi the death stare but all it does is cause Imogen to laugh, but she refuses to say why when Amber asks her. The girls then think trouble is brewing when they see Terese gravitate towards Lauren with a glass of champers but they plan on being on being extremely neutral with each other.
IMOGEN: I guess we can relax now?!
Chris arrives (he plans on spending the night dotting back and forth between the different venues before collapsing at The Waterhole later on!) to formally introduce Georgia to the gathered.
Lassiters Park
And now he's hot-footed it to the park where the men - Toadie, Josh, Brad, Daniel, Karl, Matt, Nate, Mark and like the hen's do a few other randomers (all dressed up similarly in 1920s period costumes) are having the bucks night to formally introduce Kyle to the gathered.
First trick of the night has been played - they've stolen Kyle's trousers to match his white dinner jacket but somewhat reluctantly throw them to him after he turns up wearing a pair of blue shorts instead!
Number 30
Paige joins the party as Chris begins round 1 of the truth game by asking Georgia how many people she's slept with! "I can't answer that," she pleads but the ladies want to know and remind her she's amongst friends here!
Lassiters Park
Daniel tries to offer Josh a non-alcoholic beer but turns it down and Matt adds that he's not drinking either as he's working later on.
Mark takes a call from his friend that he asked previously for info on Nate (prior to discovering he was a war vet) but whatever he's found out, it's surprised Mark.
Number 30
Next question is for Paige - has she kissed another girl and replies "who hasn't?!" Georgia pipes up that she hasn't so Lauren volunteers to kiss her (1920s style) so she can chalk that one off.
Lassiters Park
Matt isn't too chuffed when Brad knocks his ball out of the area (nobody knows the rules to know if that is allowed or not) and does the same to Brad's ball when he starts again.
Number 30
Terese decides to end the death stares and talk to Naomi. She admits that as Josh's mum, she can't but feel protective however Naomi's stance is that they are both single adults having fun with no-one getting hurt.
TERESE: Well you might think that but I think it's a lot more than that for Josh. Look he's just trying to get over one heart break, so if you're not serious about this, about Josh, then please let him go before he gets hurt again.
Lassiters Park
Naomi escapes from the hen's do to come to the park to tell Josh that they should end their 'fling' but he thinks that since their parents know its a good thing - no more sneaking around.
JOSH: This way we can be out and proud.
NAOMI: You're a nice guy Josh and it's been fun but its run its course and I'm sure if you think about it, you'll realise the same thing.
Kyle then spots the intruder and orders her away, which she does after a final "I'm sorry" to Josh.
Mark pulls Chris aside to ask him if he knows that Nate has a history of violence - what he found out in the call he took.
CHRIS: In what way?
MARK: Look it's serious. After he left the army he attacked a guy, put him in hospital.
The Waterhole
The bar has been similarly decked out in a 1930s theme as the guys arrive after their croquet. As they enter, Kyle asks Josh what the conversation with Naomi was about but he lies over what it was (said it was to do with some work he'd done).
Nate confirms to Chris that he lost it with the guy but adds there was a reason for what happened but since it all got sorted, asks him to drop it. Chris replies that it's not sorted with him and wants them to keep talking about it now otherwise Nate will take it as dropped forever. Kyle interrupts them as there is a problem with the entertainment but it was probably a good time as neither were willing to see the other's perspective and prior to leaving, Nate re-affirmed his promise to Chris not to be physical again with him. Chris then gets a call from Sheila about their entertainment (looks like there has been a mix-up and the wrong person has gone to the respective venues).
Brad approaches his son to also ask about the conversation with Naomi and Josh confirms that they've decided to stop seeing each other. "I'm sorry to hear that," Brad tells his son.
Lassiters Complex
Paul/mystery woman depart Harold's still talking about what they got up to in South America when it comes to Paul who he is talking to, and we discover that mystery woman is called Dakota Davies. Now he's put 2+2 together, he asks Dakota what she's doing here.
DAKOTA: I'm on holiday. I thought I'd look you up, kiss you and then slap you and finally get some answers. I wasn't expecting to give you all the answers instead.
He invites Dakota to stay at the hotel free of charge as way of an apology.
Number 30/The Waterhole
With the entertainers swapped round, everyone is more than happy now as they watch their respective shows.
The Waterhole
Both parties have converged now to the bar with Amber designated chief photographer. Georgia/Kyle begin by thanking Chris for organising the respective nights even with the mishap with the entertainment! The others are thanked for their input too and Kyle concludes by adding that he can't wait to marry Georgia and become the luckiest dude in the world.
Daniel calls out that what a great feeling it is to be in love and Sheila quietly asks Sonya what he's on about and her reply is that he is always like that!
DANIEL: I couldn't think of a better time to announce that Amber and I are getting married.
She (and Imogen) are as much aghast as Matt/Lauren are and Georgia suggests that it night be the right time for the music to start!
Josh doesn't look to have taken the news well - he's turned to alcohol despite his intolerance to it!
Commercial break later and Matt/Lauren are still stunned and Amber isn't amused at Daniel and stops him from going to talk to her parents, telling him that he's done enough! Instead, she approaches her parents to apologise for how they heard the news and Matt's first thoughts are if she is pregnant (no!) then why is she rushing into it.
AMBER: Dad, I know you and mum got married because you had to but Daniel and I love each other.
Lauren suggests they continue the conversation at home however Matt says he has to work and Amber doesn't want to leave the party but Lauren decides she's had enough and is going to call it a day adding that they will discuss it tomorrow instead.
Matt then over-reacts when he overhears Brad telling Mark that he's glad Imogen would never do something as stupid. Brad quickly apologises and Mark intervenes to remind them whose night it is and that they shouldn't ruin it.
Josh wonders over to congratulate the couple and Amber can immediately see that he's been drinking and adds that he should know what it does to him. He doesn't appreciate Amber looking out for him, nor Daniel calling him 'mate' either because he "stole Amber away from me." Chris intervenes to take him outside even though he isn't exactly willing to leave.
Lassiters Complex
Josh definitely doesn't appreciate being taken outside by Chris and yells at him to let go, he was only telling the truth. Chris can see where he's coming from but explains that he was ruining Kyle/Georgia's night and refuses to let him back inside.
Some random guy comes up to offer Josh his assistance since Chris isn't a bouncer. "Do what he says," Nate says in a very menacing voice after coming over from where he was talking to Lauren. "Loser," the random guy calls out to Chris before departing the scene.
Josh eventually (more because Chris is refusing to let him in) decides to walk away and Chris wants Nate to do that too after he decided now is the time for them to have the chat over what Mark discovered, and somewhat reluctantly he does that just as Lauren's taxi arrives to take her home - she could have offered them all a lift!
Ooh it would seem that Dakota has another reason for coming to see Paul, other than the holiday she told him, judging by the call she's having as she walks across the complex to the hotel.
Final commercial break later and Chris tells Georgia to stay in the bar, he will be in soon after getting some air having send Josh home.
The Waterhole (inside/outside)
Inside the bar, everyone is having a blast dancing away to The Charleston
Meanwhile Chris is still sitting outside when someone he's talked to recently, returns and literally punches Chris in the face, causing him to fall backwards and hit his head on the ground as he falls.
Those inside are oblivious as to what has happened outside as Chris lies unconscious.
Unmissable Drama
- Chris being found.
- The wait for news about Chris at the hospital.
- Trying to figure out what happened to Chris.
- Susan asking Mark if he's told the police about what he found out?
- Matt interviewing someone.
<<6975 - 6977>>
Dakota Davies, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6976
Dakota Davies, Paul Robinson

Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 6976
Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning

Imogen Willis, Terese Willis, Brad Willis, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 6976
Imogen Willis, Terese Willis, Brad Willis, Sheila Canning

Lauren Turner, Matt Turner in Neighbours Episode 6976
Lauren Turner, Matt Turner

Sonya Rebecchi, Chris Pappas, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6976
Sonya Rebecchi, Chris Pappas, Lauren Turner

Terese Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 6976
Terese Willis, Brad Willis

Paul Robinson, Dakota Davies in Neighbours Episode 6976
Paul Robinson, Dakota Davies

Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 6976
Sheila Canning

Imogen Willis, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6976
Imogen Willis, Amber Turner

Lauren Turner, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6976
Lauren Turner, Terese Willis

Lauren Turner, Chris Pappas, Naomi Canning, Sheila Canning, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6976
Lauren Turner, Chris Pappas, Naomi Canning, Sheila Canning, Terese Willis

Lauren Turner, Georgia Brooks, Sonya Rebecchi, Sheila Canning, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 6976
Lauren Turner, Georgia Brooks, Sonya Rebecchi, Sheila Canning, Terese Willis

Chris Pappas, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6976
Chris Pappas, Kyle Canning

Toadie Rebecchi, Josh Willis, Brad Willis, Daniel Robinson, Chris Pappas, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6976
Toadie Rebecchi, Josh Willis, Brad Willis, Daniel Robinson, Chris Pappas, Mark Brennan

Lauren Turner, Paige Smith, Sonya Rebecchi, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6976
Lauren Turner, Paige Smith, Sonya Rebecchi, Naomi Canning

Daniel Robinson, Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 6976
Daniel Robinson, Josh Willis

Chris Pappas, Mark Brennan, Kyle Canning, Nate Kinski in Neighbours Episode 6976
Chris Pappas, Mark Brennan, Kyle Canning, Nate Kinski

Lauren Turner, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6976
Lauren Turner, Georgia Brooks

Mark Brennan, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6976
Mark Brennan, Toadie Rebecchi

Terese Willis, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6976
Terese Willis, Naomi Canning

Josh Willis, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6976
Josh Willis, Naomi Canning

Mark Brennan, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6976
Mark Brennan, Chris Pappas

Chris Pappas, Nate Kinski in Neighbours Episode 6976
Chris Pappas, Nate Kinski

Zayn Robertson in Neighbours Episode 6976
Zayn Robertson

Josh Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 6976
Josh Willis, Brad Willis

Paul Robinson, Dakota Davies in Neighbours Episode 6976
Paul Robinson, Dakota Davies

Kyle Canning, Lexi Stringer in Neighbours Episode 6976
Kyle Canning, Lexi Stringer

Georgia Brooks, Zayn Robertson, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6976
Georgia Brooks, Zayn Robertson, Lauren Turner

Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6976
Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning

Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6976
Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning

Imogen Willis, Amber Turner, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6976
Imogen Willis, Amber Turner, Daniel Robinson

Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 6976
Josh Willis

Matt Turner, Lauren Turner, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6976
Matt Turner, Lauren Turner, Amber Turner

Matt Turner, Brad Willis, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6976
Matt Turner, Brad Willis, Mark Brennan

Josh Willis, Chris Pappas, Amber Turner, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6976
Josh Willis, Chris Pappas, Amber Turner, Daniel Robinson

Nate Kinski, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 6976
Nate Kinski, Lauren Turner

Tony Ronson in Neighbours Episode 6976
Tony Ronson

Dakota Davies in Neighbours Episode 6976
Dakota Davies

Sheila Canning, Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6976
Sheila Canning, Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning, Sonya Rebecchi

Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6976
Chris Pappas

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