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Neighbours Episode 9140 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<9139 - 9141>>
Episode title: 9140 (Vera Punt moves into the share house)
Australian and UK airdate: 04/11/24
Writer: Lisa Maroun
Director: Iain Pirret
Guests: Victor Stone: Craig Hall
Vera Punt: Sally-Anne Upton
Richard Quest: As himself
- "The Dark" by Bigger Story Music
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Jeremai
- Vera suggesting she moves into #32 because she is homeless.
- Susan calling Paul when failing to get hold of Terese.
- Paul confronting Terese about her drinking.
- Terese lying to Susan, explaining she was unobtainable due to taking sleeping tablets.
- Terese discovering damage to her car.
- Paul spelling it out to Terese - she was the one who caused the gas leak at Eirini Rising.
- Paul coming up with a plan to cover up what Terese did.
- Melanie letting Vic be with Jane.
- The Stone kids preparing to get used to their parents being together again.
The Waterhole
Vic asks if Jane wants to accompany him to go check the pub he is interested in purchasing and she agrees.
After spotting Jane/Vic enter the bar and be with each other, Melanie drops a bombshell on Krista - it is time for her to leave Erinsborough! Krista reminds her home is Erinsborough and she drops the idea of leaving as quickly as it came to her.
Number 32 (garden)
Nicolette, Aaron, Byron and Sadie talk to Vera about her plan to move in. They think she's got enough money from the sale of her house to buy another one but turns out she hasn't.
VERA: I sold my house to pay my debts. I have a gambling problem.
Eirini Rising (outside)
Unseen by the residents, Paul makes his way to where the crash happened to remove a few bits of broken tail light that had fallen down the gap between the wall and the paving stones.
Number 32 (garden)
Vera explains to Nicolette, Aaron, Byron and Sadie about how she got into debt. Now they know the truth, she begs for them to let her move in.
Rural pub, Gippsland
Vic and Jane have been given the keys to look around the place and head inside to check it out.
Ramsay Street
After leaving #32, Vera spots Terese and asks if she's had issues with people using her bins to dump their stuff in. Terese tries to deflect attention by suggesting everyone does that when their bin is full. Vega doesn't think so and tells her about Karl's claim that she is an alcoholic after finding too many wine bottles in her bin.
VERA: I have problems but booze ain't one of them!
Thankfully for Terese, Vera lets slip that she plans to instal CCTV to see who is dumping their bottles in her bin!
Rural pub, Gippsland
Vic is very taken by the pub and is already making plans over what he'd like to do when he is the owner. Talking hypothetically, Vic asks Jane to describe her ideal alternative job and eventually she comes up with owning a bookshop as she's jealous of the school librarian.
Number 22
While Paul has removed the evidence and is getting Terese's car repaired, she still thinks that her drinking will be what catches her out (she thinks Vic will be the one who inadvertently says something to Jane). As there is no CCTV coverage of the accident (a convenient blind spot!) Paul thinks that even if her drinking is exposed, the police can't connect her to the accident.
He then asks about how bad her drinking is (and how many bottles did she put in Vera's bin) and after a moment's pause she replies "a lot" and goes onto say she's been back drinking for "a couple of weeks". Paul does the maths and realises it started after he stopped taking her calls but she's quick to say it isn't his fault.
TERESE: This is my disease. This is my battle.
Terese describes the accident as her "wake- up call" and plans on attending an AA meeting to pull herself together. He thinks she is paying lip service to her problem and demands that she tries harder.
PAUL: Please understand, if you want to hang onto this business you've built up, your drinking has to stop!
Number 32
Nicolette, Byron and Sadie debate whether to let Vera move in or not. Byron thinks they need to repay their recent good luck (Vic's money) by letting Vera move in (making it very clear that it is short term!) which eventually causes Nicolette to [reluctantly!] cave in and agree to their new housemate!
Number 22
As Terese gets ready to go to her AA meeting, she has flashbacks to Gino being in the hospital and heads to the kitchen for her secret bottle of wine but rather than drinking it, she pours it down the drain!
Rural pub, Gippsland
The pair have now gone outside to where the owner has left them some food (and wine) and they are very much taken with the view. Vic confirms that if the owner accepts his offer, he will move out of Erinsborough but after doing the long distance relationship with Mike, Jane isn't too keen on repeating that with him. He tries to explain this is different - he's only a couple of hours away and will return if she calls him, plus he feels like he needs to give the kids space too.
Lassiters hotel foyer
Melanie has a bit of a 'fan moment' after spotting Krista lead CNN International's Richard Quest out of the hotel.
After seeing Richard off, Krista then asks Melanie if she was serious about leaving. Melanie confirms she is because she can't "watch someone that I have feelings for move on with someone else" like she did when Toadie moved on with Terese.
Number 32
Vera is in shock that she is getting to move into the house but is reminded that it isn't permanent… and while Nicolette says 2 weeks, Byron contradicts her by saying Vera can stay until she finds her feet.
VERA: We're gonna have so much fun!
Vera isn't too enthralled to hear everyone is responsible for cooking their own meals and plans to instigate a roster to sort that out.. and wants everyone to then sit down and eat together! At this point, Nicolette could kill her brother!
Rural pub, Gippsland
Vic confirms to Jane that yes, he plans to put an offer in on the place. He does get that its his dream and not hers and so asks if she could see herself living there? Jane is more taken by the fact he's looking at something long term, which apparently isn't like Vic usually, and given it's a beautiful setting, remarks that "it might be a lovely spot to retire." That hope is enough for Vic and they head inside to chat with the owner.
Number 32
The other housemates (and Aaron) are holding an emergency meeting to discuss Vera moving in, while in the background, Vera unpacks a box and starts to put cat ornaments all over the place! When they spot what Vera has done, Nicolette suggest moving them to her room in case they get broken by Isla but she's happy if that were to happen
Paul's office
Paul is distracted and he isn't paying attention to Krista talking about the profits the hotel is making! As way of an apology, he invites her to join in for dinner at The Waterhole which she agrees to.
Before they go, Paul calls Terese but it goes straight to voicemail. He's barely hung up when Terese sends him a text asking if he can come see her, so it's a rain check for the dinner plans with Krista.
Harold's café
Jane and Vic are back from their trip and Melanie (who happens to be in the café at the same time) is the first to hear that the offer Vic put in has been accepted! Melanie is thrilled to hear the news… but its news to Jane that she knows about it and that it was Vic's dream. "He told me," Melanie replies and Vic explains that before he returned to Erinsborough the pair of them were matched together via online dating. Vic then adds that they met up in person when he arrived in town - Melanie doesn't look too happy to hear him tell Jane that! It then dawns on Jane that when she met them, they were actually on a date rather than having randomly bumped into each other!
Number 22
When Terese lets him into the house, Paul asks why she wasn't answering her phone. "I wanted to see you face to face," is her explanation and she literally stops Paul from walking towards the kitchen, turns him around [so they are face to face] and starts kissing him!
Paul hastily pulls away and asks if she's been drinking and when she goes to kiss him again, he pushes Terese away saying "this is not right." "We've always been right," is her immediate reply back and the pair stare into each other's eyes as the dramatic music plays in the background.
PAUL: God, I love you.
TERESE: Do you, Paul?
As the dramatic music ramps up the pair stand looking at each other… as the promo for tomorrow kicks in!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Remi questioning Cara.
- Susan being an observant neighbour and quizzing Terese.
- Melanie and Vic chatting about his new venture.
- Jane asking if Vic has feelings for Melanie?
<<9139 - 9141>>
Victor Stone, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 9140
Victor Stone, Jane Harris

Melanie Pearson, Krista Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 9140
Melanie Pearson, Krista Sinclair

Vera Punt, Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell, Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9140
Vera Punt, Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell, Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9140
Paul Robinson

Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell in Neighbours Episode 9140
Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell

Vera Punt in Neighbours Episode 9140
Vera Punt

Victor Stone, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 9140
Victor Stone, Jane Harris

Terese Willis, Vera Punt in Neighbours Episode 9140
Terese Willis, Vera Punt

Jane Harris, Victor Stone in Neighbours Episode 9140
Jane Harris, Victor Stone

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9140
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9140
Byron Stone, Sadie Rodwell, Nicolette Stone

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 9140
Terese Willis

Victor Stone, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 9140
Victor Stone, Jane Harris

Richard Quest, Krista Sinclair, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 9140
Richard Quest, Krista Sinclair, Melanie Pearson

Byron Stone, Vera Punt in Neighbours Episode 9140
Byron Stone, Vera Punt

Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 9140
Nicolette Stone

Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 9140
Nicolette Stone, Aaron Brennan

Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9140
Krista Sinclair, Paul Robinson

Melanie Pearson, Jane Harris, Victor Stone in Neighbours Episode 9140
Melanie Pearson, Jane Harris, Victor Stone

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 9140
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

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