- Toadie promises Willow he can afford to pay her tuition fees
- Dee tells Toadie that she loves him and wants him back
- Paige tries to tell Jack some news but is interrupted
- Ellen and Mark walk in on Steph and Victoria together
- Mark warns Ellen not to go after Steph
- Steph races away on a motorbike
- Mark cries out as Ellen smashes their police car into the side of Paige's vehicle at a red light
Silence falls on the crash scene as some road-workers in the distance phone for help. Ellen is dazed but insists to Mark that she's alright. Mark goes to check on the other car and panics as he realises that it's Paige who's trapped in the driver's seat. He climbs in the passenger seat to attend to Paige as she clutches her tummy.
PAIGE: I didn't see it coming!
MARK: That's okay, it wasn't your fault. Are you hurt, are you injured?
PAIGE: Mark, I can't move my legs!
Mark coaches Paige through her breathing. Steph joins them at the car, who claims to have witnessed the accident, and is shortly joined by Piper and Tyler who are miraculously on the scene as well. Paige begins to panic, and Piper and Tyler promise that they'll get her out. Steph checks on Ellen, who is drifting out of consciousness. Mark tells Tyler that all of the emergency services are held up at a train collapse in Eden Hills. Despite Mark's protests, Tyler decides to save Paige himself, and fetches an angle-grinder from garage.
Robinson's Motel
In their room, Dee comforts a forlorn looking Willow.
DEE: I know you feel bad about what we've been doing to Toadie, but trust me, we've made him really happy. Even if it's just for now.
Dee says that the bank is ready to clear Toadie's loan, and promises that it will all soon be over. Sindi interrupts them and jokes that the walls are thin so they should talk quieter. She tells Dee off for 'ghosting' her.
DEE: Sindi, the money is on its way.
SINDI: And then you are going to leave Toadie and Sonya alone. This whole charade should have been done ages ago.
DEE: Could you just get off your high-horse, alright? You're getting a decent cut!
Dee says she has somewhere to be, and Sindi says she'll come along so she can update her.
Fitzgerald Motors
Tyler rushes into the garage and tells Keith to help him find an angle-grinder as there's been an accident. Jack overhears and they both take the van as he fills him in.
Ben is surprised when Xanthe tells him that she's serious about pursuing a career in nursing. He suggests that she speaks to Dee to get a better sense of what the career entails as she was previously a nurse. Ben also mentions that he saw her earlier with Sindi, who he recognised from old photos.
XANTHE: Hmm, that is weird. What's with the ex convention?
Jack and Tyler arrive on the scene. An ambulance leaves with Ellen, whilst Paige remains trapped in her car.
Lauren tells Brad that she's worried about breaking the lease on Harold's so Brad suggests they find a broker online. Lauren begins to express doubts about the move, but Brad reminds her that Amber needs them and Paige can focus on her baby. Whilst they both list all the things that Paige has to look forward to, we cut back to Paige in agony stuck in the car. We then cut to Lauren's bag in Harold's office, which rings on silent as Piper tries to call her.
Road/Erinsborough Hospital
A paramedic tells Jack that they're worried about Paige's abdominal pain and her blood pressure is dropping. Tyler checks the car's damage to free Paige and notices that petrol is dripping from the underside of the car. Mark clears everybody from the scene, but Piper and Jack insist that they won't leave Paige and join her in the car. Jack tries to reassure Paige that the paramedics can do a proper check on the baby once the driver door has been removed. At the hospital, Karl receives a phone call from Jack who begs him to say what Paige's symptoms mean for her and the baby. Karl says its possible that Paige has a placental abruption, which could lead to premature labour, and tells him to get Paige to a hospital as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Tyler is ready to remove the car door but Mark reckons that it's unsafe to do so with the leaking petrol.
No. 30
Toadie asks Sonya if they can both meet with Dee to discuss the payment of Willow's school fees. He tells Sonya that Dee was responsible for the photo of Elly and Angus leaking to the newspaper, and suggests that he finds her help. He asks if they can set up a room for Willow at No. 30 so he can keep a distance from Dee and offer Willow a refuge. Sonya thinks it's a good idea and Toadie thanks her.
Jack relays Karl's instructions to get Paige to hospital as soon as possible and Tyler says he's going ahead with the rescue. Mark orders everyone away from the car as Tyler lays a tarp over the petrol to prevent the sparks from the grinder from igniting. He begins to cut into the car door, as petrol continues to drip ominously from the tank.
Erinsborough Hospital
At the hospital entrance, Steph is shocked to hear news of the rescue from Karl. They are interrupted as Ellen tries to leave the hospital in an emotional state, saying that she needs to help, and Victoria tries to lead her back inside. Karl promises to get her bumped up the list to be treated sooner. Victoria takes Ellen inside and gives Steph a worried look.
Sonya bumps into Willow and asks to have a chat. She tells her about Toadie's offer of a room at the house and says she'd like to get to know her better.
SONYA: Maybe when we're proper friends, you might feel comfortable to talk to me about stuff? Because I think there's something bugging you, sweetie. That you can't tell your mum or your dad, and I want you to know that you can talk to me. You can talk to me about anything.
Willow sits in silence and then leaves. Elsewhere, Lauren and Brad finally notice that they have several missed calls from Piper.
Jack holds Paige's hand and prays for her and the baby as she drifts in an out of consciousness. Sparks continue to fly from the angle grinder perilously close to the petrol. Brad and Lauren arrive on the scene just as Tyler manages to remove the door, and Paige cries out as her leg is released.
Robinson's Motel
Willow returns to Dee's room and slams the door shut.
WILLOW: You want me to speak? Fine. Then this is what I have to say. Forget the money, we're leaving. Today.
DEE: Willow...
WILLOW: No. If you try to take anything else from Toadie and Sonya, I'll tell them everything. I'm not messing around. Don't test me.
Before she can react, Dee gets a text from Toadie asking her to come over.
Erinsborough Hospital
Paige has been placed in a bed whilst Karl instructs a nurse to set up a scan and monitor the baby. Jack arrives in the corridor with Lauren and Brad, who thank him for comforting Paige. Piper arrives and Karl delivers the good news that there's no damage to the baby.
No. 30
Toadie hands Dee the cheque of $100,000 for Willow's school fees, and she is left speechless at his generosity. Toadie explains that he and Sonya decided a lump sum was the best idea so they can keep awkward conversations to a minimum. They both explain the idea of Willow having a room and Dee thinks it's a lovely idea.
DEE: There's nothing left to say. You've changed our lives forever.
TOADIE: I'm just doing my duty as a dad.
Dee thanks and hugs them both.
Erinsborough Hospital
In another ward, Ellen apologises to Steph for the car chase and confesses to messing with her bike, admitting that Josie caught her in the act and tried to cover for her. Mark also gets Ellen to confess that she asked the mechanic to lie about the stolen bike. Victoria scolds Ellen for trying to make Steph believe she was sick, and Ellen claims she only wanted their family back together. Mark says that Ellen will be suspended, and she vows to get help. Mark also says that Steph's intervention order will be cleared and they both leave Victoria and Ellen alone. Steph eavesdrops at the door and hears Victoria telling Ellen that she still wants to be with Steph.
Robinson's Motel
Dee packs the last of her things. She promises Willow that she'll love London, especially as they can track down Willow's real dad. As Dee heads outside to flag the taxi, Willow leaves a letter for Toadie on the table alongside her model airplane.
Erinsborough Hospital
Steph thanks Mark for his help, despite everything they've been through. Victoria apologises to Steph for Ellen's behaviour and is glad that they can finally be together. Steph says that she doesn't want to get in between Victoria and her family, and says that their relationship has to end.
Elsewhere in Paige's room, Karl tells Jack that she'll be heading into surgery but both will be fine. Paige tells Jack that she's scared and he promises to support her.
PAIGE: Jack, my body has been through so much today, and now this. If something happens to me, you have to look after the baby. Your baby. You're the father, Jack.