- Paige agreeing to her parent's suggestion of moving to the Gold Coast.
- Steph trying to make Mark understand that someone is messing with her.
- Nell going missing from the backyard and being found on the street with Josie.
- Steph warning Josie to stay away from her/Nell.
- Josie taking out an intervention order on Steph and asking Mark if she is the one with the problem now.
- Dee contacting the Warratah Star about the fake Elly/Angus photo.
- Toadie wanting to talk to Willow about the stuff she's done.
- Toadie reaffirming to Sonya that she's the only woman for him.
Robinsons motel, Dee's room
Susan calls to tell Dee that Willow risks not getting into South East Grammar as her non-talking also seems to be applying to school, where she's failed to do an oral science assessment that counts towards her overall term mark.
Both literally plead with Willow to talk but she ignores them and heads into the bathroom instead. Susan suggests talking to Willow tomorrow but Dee fears she'll waste her time, the only person able to get through to her is Toadie and she is unable to contact him just now.
Number 30
Despite Steph telling her she doesn't want to see her, Victoria enters the house because she's heard about what Josie has done. Steph shows her the paperwork Mark handed over and Victoria wants to know the full story.
Harold's café
Paige has looked out some extra kitchen equipment to donate to the church but offers Tyler first dabs on condition he makes a donation to the church.
Jack drops in to get confirmation from Paige on the rumour he's heard about the store being sold and she confirms that they're moving to the Gold Coast to be nearer the rest of the family. He seems disappointed to hear that Paige is also going and just as she's about to say something to him, his mobile starts ringing and he moves away to take the call.
Mark has joined Tyler for a coffee and the younger brother can't believe that Josie has taken out an intervention order on Steph, calling it extreme. Mark also admits that he is now starting to think that someone is targeting Steph and the pair wonder if it is Ellen, since she's angry at her. He isn't sure how to play it, since Ellen shut him down when he tried to speak to her about it, other than keeping his eyes open.
MARK: Either Steph's wrong or Ellen's lying and if she is, she's going to slip up sooner or later.
Number 30
Steph tells Victoria that Mark is accusing her of losing her mind and admits that she has thought that too but Victoria immediately reassures her she isn't. She tells Steph that she's spoken to both Josie and Ellen and while Josie hasn't admitted to being behind it, she did get very defensive about Ellen.
VICTORIA: She's been a cop way too long to give herself away but I know when she's lying. I'm pretty sure she's the one that's been hassling you.
Steph admits she thought that too but adds when stuff started to go wrong, it was Josie who then kept appearing. Victoria thinks that is Josie trying to protect Ellen including genuinely fixing the bike tail light. She tells Steph that she terrified Josie after what happened earlier with Nell, putting it down as a "really huge misunderstanding." Steph sincerely apologises for losing it with Josie as she genuinely thought she was taking off with Nell. She then says if Ellen is behind it all, then they can't have anything to do with each other but Victoria replies she doesn't want that and thinks that Steph doesn't want that either.
STEPH: If Ellen keeps this up, then someone could get really hurt. You need to go to her and tell her that there is nothing going on here.
VICTORIA: It's not the truth.
STEPH: It is the truth.
VICTORIA: It's not the truth. Okay you pushed me away because you wanted to protect me but I want to be with you okay, that is why I am here.
STEPH: Vic, it's too messy, there are too many people involved.
VICTORIA: Okay, you look me in the eye and you tell me you don't want to be with me.
Steph can't look her in the eye and Victoria repeats it again before kissing Steph.
Lassiters Complex (next day)
Susan spots Toadie sitting outside Harold's and asks how the night away went. He replies good however knows it won't magically solve all their problems but "it was a good reminder of what's important." She then mentions to him about the trip to see Dee about Willow and thinks that Dee needs help with her.
TOADIE: I'm trying to be there for Nell and Sonya right now.
SUSAN: I know, I get this is complicated for you and I encouraged you to stay away from Dee but I don't know, it doesn't seem right that Willow should suffer because of it. I think she really needs you Toadie.
Robinsons motel, Dee's room
Toadie takes Susan's advice and calls into see Dee. She admits she was worried about not being able to contact him but he ignores that and gets straight to the point about Willow - he tells her that it's now serious and pleads with her to be allowed to take Willow to see Karl. "Good luck with that, she won't listen to me," Dee tells him and knows what is at risk if Willow keeps this up. "There has to be something we can do," he pleads but Dee admits she's tried everything but the lassie won't say what is wrong. Dee comes up with a plan that if they could prove someone else sent in the fake photo. "Why would someone do that?" he curiously asks and then at her silence, asks if there is something she knows.
DEE: It was me.
Toadie doesn't believe her but she elaborates and explains why - that Elly was going to tell everyone that Willow was responsible for the fake IDs and this was the only way she could discredit Elly. He can't believe what she did to Elly's reputation but Dee claims that it was "for Willow" because it's her job to protect their daughter. Toadie is literally speechless and Dee volunteers to call Susan to apologise to her/Elly as a way to fix things. "Admitting it is a start," he replies and Dee twists things so that it appears how much she now relies on him because she can't do things alone.
Church vestry
Paige interrupts a busy Jack as she's something important to tell him but before she can get it out, Bishop Green calls Jack on his mobile. He's calling to tell him that he's leaving (for the meeting) and to reassure Jack before his meeting with the Premier's office. Once Jack hangs up, the pair discuss the forthcoming meeting (he is very nervous about it) and when he finally remembers she's here to tell him something, she chickens out of saying what she was going to say and instead tells him concentrate on his meeting.
Police Station
Ellen arrives in the station and can't but (quietly) gloat that she/Josie are able to sleep easier knowing Steph can't come anywhere near Josie. "Although there is still the question of who's been targeting Steph," Mark reminds her but she tries to make out that it's all in Steph's imagination, hinting that she's having mental health episode "or some play at getting sympathy." Mark isn't buying that as there is too many incidents happening.
MARK: I can't just ignore them.
Ellen points out that "Steph has made a lot of enemies in her time" and goes to list them - Jacka, Ari, Belinda and him! However Mark reminds her Jacka/Ari are locked up, that Belinda is in NSW so not exactly "plausible suspects" and he's forced to remind her that Josie was caught tampering with Steph's bike light, hence a link to her family. Ellen is immediately defensive and asks if "anyone can back that up or are you simply taking Steph's word for it?"
MARK: Ellen, I don't think Steph would do this.
ELLEN: Well I disagree. What better way to destabilise my family and pull Victoria towards her?
MARK: They're not even together anymore.
ELLEN: (scoffing) You really will believe anything she says, won't you?
Mark suggests going and talking to Steph to get it all out in the opening, but she interprets that as bringing Steph in for questioning!
MARK: No Ellen, we need to accept the fact that there is personal baggage here that could be clouding our judgement... the both of us.
ELLEN: (annoyed) Fine! If it will get you off my back, let's go talk to her.
Toadie tells a shocked Susan/Elly that it was Dee who leaked the photo and why. Elly can't believe that Dee could have done something like that and Toadie agrees with what she is saying but then explains that Dee thought she was helping Willow by doing what she did (so she gets into SE Grammar). Elly is rightly still furious especially because of the online comments the photo has attracted and wants to know why Dee isn't the one explaining things. Toad clarifies he isn't here apologising for Dee, he is here for Willow and wants to know if the admission will help with things at SE Grammar. Susan agrees to talk to the Principal and explain things but adds that Willow can help her case more by talking.
Number 30
Steph is telling Victoria that she needs to go and she pleads to stay "a little bit longer." In the process of Victoria tickling Steph to renege on that idea, Mark/Ellen enter the house without knocking and spot the pair together on the sofa. "What are you doing here?" Steph asks them and Ellen already has a thunderous look on her face as Mark explains that the door was open.
ELLEN: So you've been sneaking around behind my back all this time?! I knew it!!!
STEPH: No, no, no, this is not what it is.
ELLEN: (to Mark) Great suggestion Constable!!!
MARK: Ellen.
VICTORIA: (to Ellen) Don't be mad at them, they've done nothing wrong.
Ellen storms out of the house and Victoria quietly picks up her back before following her out of the house. Steph wants to know what Mark was thinking bringing Ellen to the house!
Lassiters Lake
Paige muttering away to herself as she sits by the side of the lake.
PAIGE: I'm starting to think that there's someone up there who really doesn't like me. (Sighs) I'm just trying to do the right thing by everyone, by Jack, by you my little one.
As she feels the baby, it responds by kicking her!
PAIGE: Don't you give me a hard time too! I tried today, I really, really thought that I was going to do it.
Robinsons motel, Dee's room
Toadie is round to tell Dee/Willow the result of his talk with Susan/Elly - after Susan's chat with SE Grammar, and some input from him too, the review has been dropped so Willow has her place at the school. Dee is thrilled but Willow is still staying silent, so he asks her to come over towards the table where the pair sit closely together on the chairs. Toad gives her a pep talk about screwing up and reassures her that he will always be there for her.
TOADIE: You have to remember that I love you and always will okay, there's also part of me being a dad. Sweetheart, tell me what's wrong okay, I just want to help. Please, just tell me.
Willow, despite the tears running down her face, is still staying silent. Dee gets off the bed and comes over to comfort her daughter, but she's having one of that, and immediately stands up and walks towards her bed before lying down on it and crying properly. Toadie immediately heads over to comfort her and simultaneously, Dee gets on the bed to behind her to try and console Willow.
DEE: (to Toadie) I don't know what I would do if you weren't here.
Number 30
Steph is very annoyed when she looks out the window to see a police car sitting outside.
Ramsay Street
It's Mark/Ellen that are sitting in the car and she tells Mark that coming to #30 was a bad idea. He wishes she'd heard Victoria out but Ellen replies that she couldn't even look at her! Mark concedes that he wouldn't have brought her had he known what was going on.
ELLEN: Yes well we both should have known what was going on. You know, when you said that it was all over between them, part of me desperately wanted to believe you. You know, all my life I've done the right thing, you know. I was a good cop, a good wife and where has it got me? And now I've pulled my daughter into this mess.
The pair then spot Steph exit the house and getting ready to ride her bike.
ELLEN: I really thought we could work this through. Vic would have her fling and then she'd come back to me but she went back to her. (Ellen looks straight at Steph)
MARK: Okay Ellen, listen to me. None of this is your fault alright. Maybe you should see a police psych before this gets any worse. Think about Josie, think about your career.
Mark would have been as well to have saved his voice because Ellen hasn't been listening to him. Steph is now all set to leave (she's finally got her biking gear on) and Ellen pulls her seatbelt on (she's in the driver's seat) and starts the car. "What are you doing?" Mark asks and points out she can't go after Steph.
ELLEN: Yeah I can and if you don't want to, get out.
MARK: Okay, this is a really bad idea, you're upset.
ELLEN: Yes and so is she and she's a menace on the road.
MARK: I'll call in another unit, they can deal with it.
ELLEN: We're right here now, and she has a record of dangerous driving.
MARK: Ellen, you're letting your emotions take over. She hasn't done anything wrong.
ELLEN: Well, you were wrong about the two of them being together and you're wrong about this.
As soon as Steph drives out of the driveway of #30 and onto the street, Ellen starts following her.
Road somewhere
Ellen is still right behind Steph and a worried Mark warns Ellen she is getting too close but she bluntly tells him that she knows what she is doing.
MARK: If you keep tailing her for no good reason I won't back you up if she makes a complaint.
ELLEN: Well that's hardly surprising but she'll slip up.
Steph now notices the police car is literally right at her back and Mark again tells Ellen to pull the car over. "No," she replies.
We then see Paige in her mum's 4x4 and she stops at a set of lights and starts playing with the car radio to find a channel to listen to.
Mark is pleading with Ellen to pull the car over right now because it's "getting ridiculous", but Ellen has that determined look on her face.
Steph then spots the set of temporary roadwork lights and accelerates through just as the lights are changing. Ellen puts her foot down to follow Steph but the traffic in the other direct has started to move and she literally runs right into the side of the 4x4 Paige is driving.
Paige realises what is about to happen and tries to brace herself as the two cars hit each other. They hit each other with so much force that the 4x4 is literally knocked sideways, with Paige being thrown around inside the 4x4 while the airbags go off in the police car.
- Mark trying to get into Paige's car but the door is jammed.
- Jack appearing and Tyler asking him if the baby is in trouble?
- Lauren/Brad appearing at the accident site and being held back by Mark.
- Petrol escaping from the car.
- Mark trying to stop Tyler from getting Paige out but he goes ahead.