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Neighbours Episode 4299 from 2003 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4298 - 4300>>
Episode title: 4299 (Dee Bliss' memorial service)
Australian airdate: 7/8/03
UK airdate: 30/9/03
Writer: Michael O'Rourke
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Angie Rebecchi: Lesley Baker
Stonefish Rebecchi: Anthony Engelman
Magda Bliss: June Jones
Cecille Bliss: Molly McCaffrey
- "You Only Hide" by Something For Kate
Summary/Images by: Carly/Mona
- Stu telling Steph he can't make her the apprentice
- Nina making excuses so she doesn't have to be close to Jack
The Scullys
Joe has lent Jack the car for the night. Nina suggests they drive to the city for dinner and a movie, but Jack was thinking a drive to the mountains and parking somewhere. Nina looks uncomfortable, and tries to persuade him about the city. Jack realises that she doesn't want to go for a drive, and settles on dinner and a movie. Nina looks happier.
Number 30
Toadie is talking on the phone to Cecile about eulogies for Dee's memorial. Toadie is insistent on not being a speaker. Stonie asks Stu who's on the phone. Toadie hangs up and walks into the kitchen annoyed that Cecile wanted him to say something "uplifting". He walks away. Stu asks Stonie if Toadie has opened up to him. Stonie says no, and wonders how he's supposed to help him when Toadie won't let him.
The Pub
Boyd brings up the topic of the apprenticeship at the garage, but Max says to forget about it. He says that he doesn't want Boyd to be a grease monkey, and that he can do better things for his future. Summer drags an annoyed Boyd away to finish their pool game. Steph says she didn't realise Max felt that way, that he'd be "throwing away all his options." Max says he doesn't, but he knows that Boyd could do better. Steph asks what Max would say if she was thinking of applying. His eyes widen. "I'd say that was a great idea!" Steph gets slightly annoyed that Max thinks it's a dead end job, and Max opens his mouth to change feet.
The Coffee Shop
Harold tells Lou that he's got one more gig as Afro Harold, for the Eden Hills Engineering Club at Lou's Pub. Lou thinks it's a bad idea, and tells Harold not to be "high and mighty" with them. Harold says he'll just look for divine inspiration, and Lou says he needs some of that. He's trying to write a piece for Dee's memorial, but it's sounding more like a reference than a eulogy. Harold says not to worry about it, and to think about what Dee brought into their lives. Nina escapes Jack at the drinks fridge, and asks him if he saw Tom (from school) at the movies with some girl that wasn't his girlfriend. Jack says they broke up because Tom got tired of waiting. Nina looks oddly at him, and Jack explains they had been going out six months and Tom said his girlfriend was like a nun. Nina gets testy and says if Lisa wasn't ready, then what's it to Tom. Jack says if they weren't ready after six months, it probably wasn't meant to be. Nina looks annoyed.
Lou's Office
Max is doing some paperwork, and Steph pops her head in saying that the kids are getting restless. Max calls her back as she goes to walk off, and apologises about before. She says not to worry about it, but he says that he put his foot in it and he's sorry. They sit down and Max asks if she really wants to do it. Steph says she wants to earn a living doing something she likes. Max smiles and says it's a great idea. He asks what the next step is, and Steph says she could talk to Lou, just as he walks in. Max leaves her to it, and Steph asks Lou if he's got a minute.
Number 30
Stu is placing pictures of Dee on the kitchen table so Toadie can choose one for the service. He gets tired of it and quickly picks one and walks off. Stu looks at the photo sadly, and Stonie comes up and says for him to "have a damn good cry". Stu says that he can't when Toadie is being so strong about it. Stonie says that there's nothing strong about denial. Stu answers the door to Lou. They talk about how their speeches aren't coming along. Lou tells him that he's found the perfect person for the apprentice - Stephanie Scully. Stu looks taken aback. "Give that girl a choice between mascara and a bit of grease on her cheek, I'd know which one she'd take!" Lou jokes. He says they'll get her started a.s.a.p, and walks out. Stu looks mighty p'oed, and follows Lou out the front door.
The Hoylands
Steph opens the door to an angry Stu. "I can't believe you did that!" She rushes to turn the boiling kettle off, and Stu follows her inside. Steph tells him that she really wants the job, and Stu says that she went running to Lou behind his back. Steph says that Lou was there when she was talking to Max about it, but Stu won't hear of it and says it's obvious how much respect she has for him. Steph says it's more about Stu's insecurities than anything, and that Lou thinks she's good enough and he'll have to deal with it. Stu tells her that having a full time job is harder than tinkering with the odd engine every now and then. "I just don't think you can cut it, Steph." He leaves in a huff, leaving Steph upset.
Nina's House
Jack knocks and Nina answers the door in surprise, saying that she thought they were meeting at the Coffee Shop. Jack says he wanted to see her, and kisses her. She invites him inside, and he says that she doesn't look happy to see him. Jack asks if her parents are home, and is happy to hear that they aren't. Nina ducks away from him and says that her parents will be home soon though. He says they better make the most of it then, but Nina scrambles upstairs saying she'll get ready and he can grab a drink. He goes to the fridge and spots a note on there from Nina's mum and dad, with reminders about trash night etc, and they'll see her in a few weeks. He looks confused.
Number 30
Toadie is spinning a coin on the table, and Bob is whimpering at him. Stonie calls out that their mum's arrived, and she comes in and hugs Toadie. Everyone is in formal wear for the memorial. Stu's organized transport for everyone, and Lou is having the wake at the pub. Angie, Stonie and Stu head out to the car leaving Toadie by himself for a moment. He looks at a picture on the wall of a lake, and in the reflection of the glass you can see him fiddle with his tie.
Toadie, Angie, Stonie, Stu, Lou, Harold, Steph, Max, Boyd and Summer are sitting, listening to Cecile deliver the end of her eulogy. She presses play on the tape recorder, and they all get up and walk to the edge of the cliff as the song starts to play. One by one they throw a single white rose off the side. Stu hugs Steph and they throw theirs together. Toadie stands there looking despondent, clinging on to the rose. He doesn't throw it away, and goes and sits back down. Lou gets up for his speech, and Toadie traces his thumb over Dee's picture on the booklet. Lou says that he hates hospitals, but whenever he saw Dee in there with that "dazzling smile on her face" it made it better. The camera pans across everyone looking upset. Lou says he's not a religious man, but he likes to think that Dee's in a better place looking down upon them. Toadie shakes his head and gets up saying he can't take it anymore. "All this talk of a better place, it's just a load of garbage mate." Lou apologises, but Toadie says that Dee's place is beside him and he feels sorry for everyone because they're deluding themselves. He walks away to stare at the ocean, leaving everyone looking on in concern.
The Coffee Shop
Nina and Jack walk in. Nina complains about her boring assignment, and Jack says his is okay. He has to make a documentary about an interesting couple... and he was thinking about doing it on Nina's parents. Jack says that they're perfect because they're a showbiz couple. Nina's shocked, and tries her best at talking him out of it. Jack says it'll be fine and they can go and ask them today, but Nina says they won't be home for ages. She suggests Joe and Lyn, but Jack says he'll make them his second choice. Nina says she doesn't want him to ask her mum and dad, and Jack asks her how he supposed to fix the problem because it's obviously a touchy subject with her. Nina yells at him, and says "Why do you have to be so pushy about it?" She gets up and leaves.
The Pub
Everyone is gathered sadly in there for the wake. Summer asks Max why Toadie said all that stuff. Max says he's going through a tough time, and he doesn't blame him. He did the same when Claire died. "It's just some people's way of letting go of the pain." Angie and Harold are at the bar with Toadie at the other end. Lou asks Angie if she's sticking around. She says she wants to but she has to get back to the busy diner. "Life goes on, hey," says Lou. Stonie goes up to Toadie and asks if he's okay, and if there's anything he can do. Toadie says he's fine. Steph walks up to Stu and says all is forgiven. Stu says Dee would've liked to hear that. Steph says that Dee didn't have a bad bone in her body, and Stu adds that sounds like someone else he knows. Steph laughs lightly, and says she's a dragon in comparison. Stu smiles and says that she can be feisty at times, "but then again, that's what I like to see in an apprentice." Steph smiles, and Stu says she starts next week. Lou goes up to Toadie and apologises to him, saying how insensitive it was of him. Toadie says he's the one that should be sorry, he didn't know where the outburst came from. Toadie says that what Lou said was nice, he just wishes he could believe it. He gets upset. "Even if there was some better place, there's no way she'd wanna be there." Everyone looks sadly at him. "I mean, we just got married. There's no better place than that. I mean, we were supposed to grow old and have kids. We're never gonna do that!" Lou pats him on the arm.
Nina's House
Nina answers the door to Jack and coldly tells him her parents aren't home yet. Jack says he knows she's lying, and she tries to deny it, but he says he saw the note on the fridge. She gets annoyed that he was sneaking around her stuff, and lied to her all day. Jack gets a bit exasperated, and asks what's going on. She says that he could have asked earlier, and he says he's asking her now. "Yeah, well maybe now is too late! I'm beginning to wonder if we've even got a relationship anymore." She shuts the door in his face.
Number 30
Toadie's looking at the memorial stuff on the table. Stonie walks out with his bag saying that he's going to go back to the road house to help out. He says he can stay if Toadie wants, it's just he's getting the feeling that there's not much else he can do around there. Toadie nods. Stonie says that Toadie might want to think about opening up to someone. "I know it's tough mate, but unless you face up to the fact that Dee's gone, you're never gonna get any better." Stonie tells him that he knows where he is if he needs him. He pats him on the back and goes, leaving Toadie by himself looking around.
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Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4299
Toadie Rebecchi

Stonie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4299
Stonie Rebecchi

Jack Scully, Nina Tucker in Neighbours Episode 4299
Jack Scully, Nina Tucker

Angie Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4299
Angie Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4299
Toadie Rebecchi

Stonie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4299
Stonie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Stonie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4299
Toadie Rebecchi, Stonie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4299
Toadie Rebecchi

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