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Neighbours Episode 8975 from 2024 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8974 - 8976>>
Episode title: 8975 (Chelsea Murphy arrives)
Australian and UK airdate: 18/01/24
Writer: Jo Zantuck
Director: Scott Major
Guests: Chelsea Murphy: Viva Bianca
Slade Westall: Charlie Di Stefano
Summary/Images by: Carly/Jeremai
- A lady called Alyssa recognising Trevor as her missing dog
- Haz refusing to talk to Alyssa about Trevor
- Holly giving Mackenzie her blessing to be with Haz
- Mackenzie telling Haz she wants him and Trevor to be together
- Remi and Cara inviting David and Aaron to another dinner
- Dex thinking JJ's crush on Sadie is ridiculous
- Karl advising Mel to find a way to put Toadie out of her mind
- Mel telling Nell that she's going on a date with a guy called Bruce
- Mel's date not showing up
- Mel getting harassed by hoons in a car who deceived her about Bruce
Power Road
Mackenzie is on a night walk with Haz and Trevor. She asks Haz why he ended up choosing a rescue dog in the first place. Haz says he used to work for an awful company who weren't making the world a better place, so this was his way of somewhat atoning. They're horrified when they suddenly see Mel getting harassed near the garage by a car full of hoons. The leader, Slade, tells Mel to talk dirty to him and Mel says their mothers would all be ashamed. Slade then throws a drink all over Mel. Haz races over, screaming for them to leave Mel alone, with Mack and Trevor not far behind. The hoons speed off and Mel is incredibly upset.
Number 30
Cara and Remi are having a fun night with David and Aaron. Dinner is finished and so is their boxed wine. “Do not tell your brother that we drink this,” Cara grins, pointing at David. Aaron says empty glasses might be their cue to leave.
REMI: I suppose you don't wanna roll in too lit and give Jane flashbacks of your nudie cocktail hour.
AARON: (laughing) I'm really glad we told you guys about that.
Cara asks them to stay for one more wine. While David agrees tonight has been a nice distraction for them, they should probably head off. They're interrupted by a knock at the door. Cara checks the security cam on her phone, delighted when she realises it's her sister Chelsea on the other side. Remi doesn't appear to share the enthusiasm. Chelsea is all smiles, hugging her sister, giving a hello to Remi and encouraging David and Aaron to stay.
REMI: You can actually go if you need to.
CARA/CHELSEA: No, the party just started!
Number 28
Mel arrives home escorted by Mackenzie. Mel is overwhelmed and says she just wants a shower to wash the night away “literally and metaphorically”. Mack grabs some paper towel to get the gunk out of Mel's hair as Haz rushes in after dropping Trevor at home. Mack wonders if they should wake up Karl, or maybe call the police, but Mel's eyes grow wide.
MEL: No. No police.
MACKENZIE: Okay. Well just whenever you feel comfortable. There's no rush.
MEL: I would be happy if I never see them again in my life.
HAZ: You don't have to decide what you're gonna do right now.
MEL: You know what. I will feel better once I've had a hot shower. I can do this.
Mack and Haz are concerned but they allow Mel to show them out. Mel assures them she'll be fine, she's going to throw out her ruined dress, but she'll survive. Once they're gone, though, Mel slides down against the front door and bursts into tears.
Number 30
Aaron and David are being charmed by Chelsea's wild stories about playing ‘never have I ever' with the flight attendants on her delayed flight. Cara is also amused - Remi is not. Chelsea says the delay is the whole reason why she showed up late tonight. Remi points out that they didn't actually know she was coming in the first place. But it seems as though Cara was vaguely aware, she just didn't realise her sister was making firm plans.
CHELSEA: I can't wait to get a full tour of this place. And I'm so excited to see the boys. My place is no fun now my kids have moved out. (To Cara) I've missed you, babe.
CARA: We've missed you too.
CHELSEA: So I've got some meetings lined up about my fragrance, but I wanna get in as much family time with you as possible.
AARON: You will have to stop into The Waterhole for at least one cocktail.
CHELSEA: The Waterhole?
CARA: It's the name of the bar in the complex. Aaron and I work at the same place.
AARON: Yep, for David's dad. He's the big cheese.
CHELSEA: Hmm, tight- knit community.
DAVID: Sometimes too tight- knit.
CHELSEA: No such thing, sounds social! Try and stop me from joining.
Number 32 Backyard
Mack tells Haz she's going to get in contact with the garage to see if they have any CCTV footage of the car rego of Mel's bullies. Mack understands it might be hard for Mel to re- live, but having evidence should make it easier. Haz smiles and says Mel's lucky to have a friend like Mack.
MACKENZIE: Not just me.
HAZ: I'm not sure what I'm contributing.
MACKENZIE: Friends matter.
HAZ: Trevor and I are lucky to have you in our corner as well.
MACKENZIE: You seem to be doing okay. That other family hasn't been in touch again.
HAZ: Yeah, so far.
MACKENZIE: Well we know you're Trev's legal owner, so maybe you could stop keeping him hidden now?
HAZ: It's fine. Everyone likes the night walks. Although you probably still want me to call them and straighten everything out.
MACKENZIE: I'm not criticising anyone who's protecting the people they love. Including fur people.
She puts a hand on Haz's arm and they smile at one another.
Number 28
Mel is trying to make her breakfast the next morning but is struggling to open the bottle of milk. Karl walks in and helps her out, asking how her date went last night. He can tell by the look on her face that it wasn't great and wonders if he was a “maybe potential” or not even that. Mel starts to reply, but Nell suddenly bursts in all smiles and curiosity, wanting to to find out the goss about Mel's date. Mel tries to perk up a bit for Nell's sake and says she had a lovely conversation with her date, but it wasn't a perfect match.
Number 30
Cara is feeling the effects of her big night as she joins Remi, the boys and Chelsea in the living area. Dex blabs that his aunt is trying to give JJ pointers on how to win over Sadie. Grinning, Chelsea puts her arm around JJ's shoulders and says she has many ideas.
REMI: Let's not pin all our hopes on this. Sadie's a lot older.
CHELSEA: I've dated much younger men. I didn't think you'd be against unorthodox relationships. Following your heart is all that matters. (She gives JJ a kiss on the cheek)
REMI: JJ is about to start Year 11. Maybe just focus on that.
CHELSEA: All right, fun police.
CARA: Hey, fun is always allowed in this house.
REMIL: Thank you, Cara.
Cara asks who has plans for the day and Dex says his aunt is going to help him make a cologne called ‘Dragon's Breath'. Remi doesn't look impressed.
Number 32
Mackenzie shuffles into the kitchen while Haz is making breakfast for Trevor. Mack asks where “Trevi- kins” is, but Haz chuckles and says that nickname isn't going to happen. Mack wonders if Haz wants to give the dog some yard time for a few minutes so he's not so cooped up in the house. But Haz is quite paranoid about it and says Alyssa could be lying in wait to steal Trevor from the backyard. Mack says in that extremely unlikely event that happens, they have Alyssa's phone number and socials so they'll find him again. Mack gets an email from the garage about the CCTV footage but it turns out their camera isn't working. Undeterred, she says she'll get in contact with Grease Monkeys or the bottle shop - someone is bound to have footage: “These bullies aren't getting away with this.”
Ramsay Street
Mel walks out of Number 28 with Nell, who thinks that Mel should try and date a younger guy next time since she's a “young spirit”. Nell then heads over to the car where Toadie and Terese are waiting to go and meet Jane at Harold's.
Mackenzie walks over to Mel and lets her know she's been looking into finding CCTV footage. The garage was a bust but she's put in a call to Grease Monkeys.
MEL: Are you talking about the police again?
MACKENZIE: Look I know you don't want to speak to them. Obviously it's horrible. But this is also an opportunity for you to take your power back.
MEL: Power? I'm staying at the Kennedys' because I have no money. They think I'm a charity case. Krista thinks I'm a charity case. My ex- husband and his new wife have front row seats to how pathetic I am.
MACKENZIE: I know, I know. But isn't that all the more reason to…
MEL: (starting to cry) I literally have one thing that I can control in my life. I need you to let this go.
Harold's Cafe
Remi bumps into David and Aaron, apologising for Chelsea monopolising their time last night. The boys don't seem to mind, though, telling Remi that Chelsea's “a hoot and a half”. Remi says that they shouldn't feel like they have to indulge her just because she's Cara's sister. In awkward timing, Chelsea appears and asks if the boys have ordered yet - turns out they ran into each other just before and decided to have coffee together.
CHELSEA: I invited myself to join them. As much as I love to be beautiful and alone in a cafe, I have a feeling me and these boys are going to be kindred spirits.
Chelsea asks if Remi's seen the boys' engagement watches and adds that she and David were just saying how nice they look on a muscly male arm, fondling Aaron's bicep with a grin. Remi looks quite thrown by the whole interaction.
Number 32
Mackenzie has updated Haz on her conversation with Mel. Haz says it seems as though Mel's got more on her mind at the moment than a bunch of stupid teenagers. He reminds Mack that you have to just prioritise your energy sometimes and assures her that she did everything right.
HAZ: No stressing that you should have done more.
MACKENZIE: (smiling) How did you read my mind, smarty pants?
HAZ: I'm telepathic. With you anyway.
Trevor whines at the back door so Haz sighs and allows him out in the backyard for a run. Working up the courage, Mack tells Haz that she wouldn't mind continuing the conversation they started about the two of them.
HAZ: I screwed things up pretty bad with Holly. I don't think I'm good at relationships.
MACKENZIE: It is easier with the right person.
Haz goes to place his hand over Mackenzie's then thinks better of it and pulls away.
HAZ: I think I'd be a disaster with anyone.
MACKENZIE: So you'd just like to stay friends?
HAZ: Yeah, and housemates. I love living with you.
MACKENZIE: Yeah, same. (Regrouping) Smart again! You know I don't think I'm ready for another relationship. I'd probably be a mess.
HAZ: Yeah it's not good to rush into things.
HAZ: No.
Haz walks out to check on Trevor, leaving Mackenzie looking forlorn.
Number 32 Backyard
When Haz gets outside he starts to panic when he can't see Trevor. His fear escalates when he realises the back gate is wide open. Mackenzie runs out and tries to calm Haz down, saying they'll go into the street and look for the dog. But Haz fumbles with his phone and says he needs to call the cops, convinced that Alyssa and her family have kidnapped Trevor. Turns out that Trevor was just around the other side of the house, much to Haz's intense relief. “Don't do that to me again, okay?” Haz says, hugging Trevor. Mackenzie is also relieved, but looks concerned by how much Haz freaked out.
Harold's Cafe
Terese, Toadie and Nell are celebrating with Jane over Eirini Rising finally starting construction. Jane is a little bit concerned with how close the machinery is to the school side, though, but Terese assures her that security will keep them separate once the students start back tomorrow. “Start of a new era is both wonderful and a little terrifying,” Jane admits with a chuckle. She then makes tracks to head home and tells Terese she'll see her at work. Nell also wants to head off - she's keen to see Mel and help her pick out a new date. Terese can't help but ask how Mel's date last night went, which makes Toadie uncomfortable, but Terese insists on the goss. Nell says that Mel had a good time but wants to check out who else is out there.
Number 30
Remi complains to Cara that Chelsea just keeps taking over things as per usual. “Marrying off our teenage son to an adult woman,” she quips. “Moving in on Aaron and David,” Remi adds. “I mean, apparently now they're kindred spirits.” She just feels as though Chelsea's barging in when their friendship with the boys was only just beginning.
CARA: I think you might be taking this a bit to heart. I know that Chelsea grinds your gears.
REMI: Yeah, not just her. You always side with her. You're different when she's around. You encourage her.
JJ and Dex arrive home and soon realise a familiar argument is playing out.
JJ: Uh- oh.
DEX: Seriously? It didn't even take a day.
JJ: Yeah, haven't you guys had this conversation enough times to work it out already?
REMI: Seems not.
JJ: You know, some of her advice about Sadie was actually kind of smart.
CARA: Look, we all know that she can be a lot. But it really means something to me to spend time with her. And she wants to be here with family, which is a really beautiful thing. I love seeing my sister bonding with my boys. And you know what? It won't be for long.
Cara gives Remi a kiss but Remi still doesn't look convinced.
Number 32
Haz gives Trevor a bowl of food to eat then sits on the kitchen floor next to him while he eats. Mackenzie joins Haz on the ground and gets him to open up about his paranoia over Trevor. Haz admits that it sucked keeping Trevor cooped up and acting like he wasn't constantly on edge.
HAZ: He needs to run around and I need to not go crazy.
MACKENZIE: I'm sorry it's so hard.
HAZ: I suppose I should call Alyssa.
HAZ: That's what everyone thinks I should do, right?
MACKENZIE: Just a conversation. No one's saying that you should give up your best friend.
HAZ: We all need to put this behind us so we can move on with our lives.
MACKENZIE: (taking Haz's hand) That's a very mature way to look at it.
HAZ: Yeah, well, saying it and feeling it are two very different things.
Ramsay Street
Mel puts a bag of rubbish into the bin and becomes upset when she sees her dress in there that she threw out. She has flashbacks to the hoons terrorising her and quickly shuts the bin.
Number 28
Karl asks Mel if she wants to go on a walk with him but Mel declines. She looks as though she's come to an important decision in her head. Mel thanks Karl for looking out for her, but she's realised she can't keep staying with the Kennedys.
KARL: Did something happen?
MEL: I feel fine. And I have done everything except open the milk by myself today. I was never going to impose on you long- term.
KARL: Yeah, but…
MEL: It's time. It's time for me to say adieu and farewell to Ramsay Street.
Harold's Cafe
Chelsea sees Cara approach and wonders if she's there because of her crack about the fun police to Remi. Shrugging, Cara says it is what it is by this point, but would love to know how long Chelsea's staying.
CARA: As long as you like, obviously.
CHELSEA: I was hoping you'd say that. So I'm thinking about moving down here.
CARA: (pleased) What?
CHELSEA: I may need some time to get things set up
CARA: Really?
CHELSEA: My cherubs are too grown up to need me. And I want to spend proper time with you and the boys, not these brief little catch- ups once in a while.
CARA: This is great.
CHELSEA: You're excited?
CARA: Mmm- hmm. I'm not sure how Remi's going to take it. I might have to get her a butter- up bribe.
CHELSEA: You'll need pharmaceuticals to get her to take this one well.
When Cara goes to the counter to order, Chelsea opens up her laptop where she's got a document open of the Robinson family tree - with the focus on Paul and his descendants. Cara rejoins her sister at the table and smiles.
CARA: Murphy girls back together again, hey?
CHELSEA: Wish me the luck of the Irish.
<<8974 - 8976>>
Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8975
Melanie Pearson

Slade Westall in Neighbours Episode 8975
Slade Westall

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Melanie Pearson, Haz Devkar in Neighbours Episode 8975
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Melanie Pearson, Haz Devkar

Chelsea Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8975
Chelsea Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

Melanie Pearson, Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8975
Melanie Pearson, Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Chelsea Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8975
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Chelsea Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy

Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8975
Cara Varga-Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy

Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8975
Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8975
Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson, Nell Rebecchi

Melanie Pearson, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8975
Melanie Pearson, Nell Rebecchi

Chelsea Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8975
Chelsea Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

Remi Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8975
Remi Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy

Melanie Pearson, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8975
Melanie Pearson, Mackenzie Hargreaves

David Tanaka, Chelsea Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8975
David Tanaka, Chelsea Murphy, Remi Varga-Murphy, Aaron Brennan

Haz Devkar, Trevor in Neighbours Episode 8975
Haz Devkar, Trevor

Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8975
Terese Willis, Toadie Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Jane Harris

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8975
Toadie Rebecchi

Remi Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8975
Remi Varga-Murphy, Dex Varga-Murphy, JJ Varga-Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

Trevor, Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8975
Trevor, Haz Devkar, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson in Neighbours Episode 8975
Karl Kennedy, Melanie Pearson

Chelsea Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8975
Chelsea Murphy, Cara Varga-Murphy

Chelsea Murphy in Neighbours Episode 8975
Chelsea Murphy

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