- Paul asking Rebecca to farewell him at the airport
- Declan and Didge failing to find Paul at the airport
- Didge freaking out over the idea of marriage
- Steve and Miranda reconciling with a kiss
- Declan's car breaking down
- The teens setting off to collect Declan and Didge
- Molly the church organist telling Didge that Dec's a keeper
- Didge asking Declan to marry her right then and there
Ext - Country Church - Front
Declan doesn't think Didge is being serious, but Didge says that she loves him and that it feels right. They didn't stumble across a beautiful church for no reason. Declan murmurs that he should have just brought her here a month ago. Didge says that it didn't feel right back then - but now she's ready.
Charlie's Bar
Steve and Miranda are enjoying each other's company again on their first date since reconciling, but Rebecca ruins the mood when she tells them her concerns about Dec and Didge being MIA. Rebecca hasn't been able to get in contact with them, or the other teens, in hours.
Ext - Country Church - Front
The rest of the teen gang rock up and are stunned when Declan and Didge tell them they're getting hitched.
DONNA: Shut up!
ZEKE: Married?
DECLAN: Today!
RINGO: Now?!
DEC and DIDGE: Yep!
DONNA: Shut! Up!
There are hugs, handshakes and squees all around. Noticing that Sunny's a bit quiet, Zeke takes her aside and asks if she's mad at him. But Sunny and her zebra print tie pretend they're fine. Donna asks the happy couple if they've made any plans but is aghast to discover that they've only managed to organize a priest and an organist. Didge doesn't want any fuss, but Donna whisks Didge away and clicks at Sunny to follow them, warning the boys that it's women only. This cute little (unscripted, I think) exchange follows:
RINGO: (mimicking Donna's clicking) Zeke...
DECLAN: Go boy.
ZEKE: I'm not a woman!
Harold's Store
Rebecca, Steve and Miranda run into Toadie and find out that the teens borrowed his car to go and pick up Declan and Didge after their car broke down. When Rebecca hears what town the gang were heading towards, she confesses to the Parkers that Declan and Didge might have gone to the Northern Plains Airfield to confront Paul. Toadie gives Rebecca the stink eye for mentioning the 'P' word while the parents decide to go and look for their kids.
Ext - Country Church - Garden
Sunny and Donna are picking flowers to make bouquets. Didge doesn't want Donna to go overboard when she makes her over, but Donna assures her she'll look lovely and natural.
DONNA: (beaming) This is so romantic what you're doing! It's something you can tell your kids, and your kids' kids, and your kids' kids' kids...
DIDGE: That's probably enough.
DONNA: It's like a dream come true. (To Sunny) Isn't it?
SUNNY: (blasé) Yeah.
DONNA: Wow, way to go overboard, Sunny.
Ext - Country Church - Front
The boys sit in silence, waiting on the girls.
ZEKE: So what are you wearing?
DECLAN: ... Camo shorts and a black t-shirt.
More silence.
DECLAN: (sniffing his armpit) Smells alright.
ZEKE: Cool.
More silence.
Ext - Country Church - Garden
Donna is ticking off her to-do checklist when she realises Dec and Didge don't have any rings. But she quickly offers her friendship ring to Didge, adding that Declan can borrow Ringo's. That's also Didge's "something borrowed", now all they need is old, new and blue.
Ext - Country Church - Front
Tumbleweed. Tumbleweed. Tumbleweed.
RINGO: Should we be doing something?
DECLAN: Um... Well... You're my best men.... Guess you could organize me a bucks' night?
Ringo and Zeke thoughtfully ponder this. Cue more tumbleweed.
Ext - Country Church - Garden
Donna is uber-thrilled when she's asked to be bridesmaid. Didge invites Sunny to be bridesmaid as well, but Sunny smiles and says she'll just watch. Donna doesn't understand why Sunny's being such a total downer, but Sunny confesses that she doesn't think it's right to have a wedding without the parents. Didge ponders this just as Molly returns with an armful of potential outfits from the op shop.
SUNNY: Sorry.
DIDGE: Oh Sunny, if that's how you feel that's fine.
SUNNY: You don't think your parents will mind not being here?
DIDGE: They'll be cool.
But she doesn't look too convinced with herself.
Country Church
Declan and Didge are having a chat with the priest, who is a bit concerned that their parents aren't there. But Dec and Didge assure the priest that their families have given their blessing, and that they're totally ready to be committed to one another.
DECLAN: I love Bridget, and she loves me. We've been through too much for anybody to tell us that we're just young kids getting carried away. Whether you marry us or not, we're going to be together.
DIDGE: Absolutely.
DECLAN: The three of us.
DIDGE: Always.
The priest agrees to marry them and asks to see the note of intent of marriage. Declan just so happens to be carrying it around in his wallet... If only he could remember where he last put it.
Number 26
The Parkers, Rebecca and Toadie scour a map and are disheartened when they realise how far away the town is where the kids are. Steve and Miranda go off to get car keys and things, giving Toadie a chance to tsk tsk Rebecca. He believes that none of this would have happened if Paul wasn't playing hide and seek and reminds Rebecca not to blab to anyone that Paul's been back in town. Rebecca promises and heads off with Steve and Miranda to fetch the kids.
Declan, Ringo and Zeke are turning Declan's car inside out looking for his wallet. Declan thinks he may have left it at the airport, and has to confess to the guys that he and Didge were looking for Paul. Declan then wonders if Rebecca will be mad that he's getting married without her there, but Zeke thinks she'll be stoked that he's doing it at all. Suddenly, Ringo locates the wallet under the passenger car seat.
Ext - Country Church - Garden
The girls are looking through all the op shop clothes when Didge has an attack of the guilts - maybe her parents should be at the wedding.
DONNA: OK, Rule #1: the bride cannot be negative. (To Sunny) I blame you for this.
DONNA: Yes. You have been anything but a little ray of sunshine. Should've called you 'Stormy', you're good at putting a big, dark cloud over everything.
Sunny reiterates that the parents should be included, but Donna retorts that she stresses too much about what her parents think. She's surprised Sunny even told them about Zeke. Sunny admits that she lied to Zeke - her parents don't know about him. The girls are surprised, but Sunny knows her parents wouldn't approve because he's not Korean and he's part of her host family. Didge and Donna tell Sunny that she can't keep lying to Zeke.
Northern Plains Airfield
Steve returns from getting info and tells Rebecca and Miranda that the kids were there 3 or 4 hours ago, and so was Paul. They put their thinking hats on and realise that there are only three main roads leading out of town, and they've already been down one. They just need to check out the other two for signs of Declan's car.
MIRANDA: I just hope they haven't done anything stupid.
Well, maybe in your books, Miranda... The Parkers jump back into the car. Rebecca and her killer stilettos take one last wistful look around the airfield before joining them.
Ext - Country Church - Garden
Didge (wearing a robe to cover her dress) sits while Donna puts the finishing touches on her hair. It's in a nice up-do with white flowers from the garden tucked into the side. Sunny has even decided to dress up and join in, despite her grievances. The girls tell Didge to ditch the wrist bandage and count down the something old (her vintage dress), borrowed (the ring) and new (freshly picked flowers). Donna slightly flips out when there's no blue, but Sunny finds a blue ribbon to tie around Didge's bouquet.
Zeke rocks up in his op shop suit and ugly old man shirt to collect the corsages. Donna gives them to Sunny and whispers to her to tell Zeke the truth about her parents. But Sunny can't do it. Molly pokes her smiley head around the corner and asks if they're ready. Donna squeals.
DONNA: I'm so nervous! Soon you're going to be Declan Napier's wife!
DIDGE: And he's going to be Bridget Parker's husband!
Country Church
The boys wait at the altar with the priest. Declan fidgets around with his shirt collar.
DECLAN: Hey is this alright?
ZEKE: Yeah, I'd marry you myself. Rachel's going to be so grumpy that she's missing out on this.
Donna sticks her head in the door and signals for Molly to crank up the organ (but then a pop song starts up on the soundtrack and completely drowns her out - she just looks like she's having a grand old time rocking out!).
Donna and Sunny walk up the aisle, and then Didge makes he grand entrance. She's wearing a gorgeous knee-length vintage dress with lace up the top, which really suits her. She's also barefoot, giving her a slight ethereal feel. Declan can't wipe the grin off his face as he watches her walk towards him.
DECLAN: Ready?
DIDGE: Ready.
Crossfade to Declan and Didge exchanging their vows.
DIDGE: When we first met, I never dreamt we'd end up here. I thought we'd end up in jail. But then you kissed me. I promise to always put us before me. To share everything. And I promise not to be too cranky... At least most of the time.
DECLAN: When you dropped my abseiling rope is when I fell for you.
They all laugh.
DECLAN: We are so much better together then we are apart. You make me be a better man. You'll also help me be a great dad to Tadpole.
DIDGE: Just like you'll help me be a great mum. (She looks down at her stomach) And we'll always love you.
DECLAN: Always.
DIDGE: Even if you steal cars with the girl next door.
They exchange rings and the priest pronounces them husband and wife. They grin and kiss one another. Donna cries happy tears. Didge suddenly flinches but everything is cool - Tadpole's just saying congratulations. Dec and Didge kiss some more.
Ext - Country Church - Front
The teens clap and cheer the newly married couple, throwing rose petals into the air. Molly is put in charge of taking some pictures on someone's camera (after getting a quick crash course when she holds the phone back-to-front). All the teens pose for happy snaps then Donna, Sunny, Ringo and Zeke step aside for the newlyweds to get some taken alone.
Sunny thinks Dec and Didge should go on a honeymoon and Ringo suggests the Winter Cool Music Festival. Donna thinks Ringo's insane - why would Didge want to camp out in the cold? But Didge overhears and thinks it's an awesome idea. Didge then does the throwing of the bouquet, but it lands at Donna's feet with a thud because everyone's attention has been drawn to a car pulling up at the church. Rebecca, Steve and Miranda have arrived and they look utterly gobsmacked (well, Rebecca looks kind of shocked and kind of like she just wants to go, "... OMG! WEEEE!").
MIRANDA: What have you done?!
Declan and Didge perfect the deer in headlights look.