Note: The following episode was screened as an hour-long special in Australia. The episode was divided into two parts for the UK: Part 1 screened as part of an hour-long special combined with 7336 and Part 2 screened as a standalone episode. The UK special also included additional footage, which has been indicated in square brackets and italics.
We are treated to a special 'story so far' recap, narrated by Alan Fletcher:
- "Paul Robinson used to be the richest man in Erinsborough..."
- Paul gives a speech as mayor at the Erinsborough festival
- "...until greed got the better of him."
- Paul is escorted away from his penthouse by police
- Paul tells Daniel that he's lost everything
- "His 2ic Terese gave him a home..."
- Paul moves into No. 22
- "...with benefits."
- Terese and Paul kiss
- "Now Lassiter's has a new owner, but Paul wants it back."
- Terese introduces us to Julie Quill
- Julie surveys her scale model of the Lassiter's development
- Terese tells Paul she's sick of choosing between him and work
- "He's not the only one attracted to strong women..."
- Karl gives Nene a hug and gets caught by Susan
- "'s no wonder Susan's getting tired of it"
- Flashback to Karl kissing Sarah Beaumont
- Flashback to Karl kissing Izzy Hoyland
- Susan tells Karl his behaviour is nauseating
- "Meanwhile Josh was planning a big move..."
- Josh helps Amber carry their baby Matilda
- Josh tells Imogen he's moving to Brisbane
- "...but there's something he has to do with his Pop first"
- Piper asks Josh what him and Doug are doing
- Doug tells Josh to keep it a secret
- "Kyle thought he found happiness with Georgia, but it wasn't to last."
- Kyle and Georgia get married
- Georgia tells Kyle that she wants to explore the world
- "Things seem to be looking up with Amy, until a familiar face returned."
- Kyle meets Georgia in a hotel room
- Kyle chases after Amy
- "It seems everyone is at Lassiter's Hotel today. It should be a joyous occasion..."
- Various residents approach the hotel
- "...but they've walked into danger."
- Julie tells Terese that she's going to steal the Citizen of the Year event from Paul
- Tom Quill invites Paul to conspire against Julie
- "Has Paul gone too far this time?"
- Paul tells Tom he may have already taken care of it
- Paul tears down a Citizen of the Year poster
- Paul asks Cecilia to make sure the event is a complete disaster
- The Lassiter's boiler starts to overheat
- There is a huge explosion and people are knocked to the ground
- We get a glimpse of the wreckage from within the hotel...
Cue the inappropriately cheery opening titles...
[Part 1]
Lassiter's Reception
Sirens blare and we get glimpses of the wreckage and a torn Citizen of the Year poster as guests escape the building. Inside the destroyed reception, Karl is urging people to get out and discovers an unconscious Daniel and Josh. Paul rushes in and starts panicking, but Karl assures Paul that Daniel is still breathing. Karl goes to Josh and tries to get a response.
Lassiter's Complex
Paige and the stranger she was with have been knocked to the ground, and Steph shouts for Aaron to call an ambulance. Paige wakes and says she's okay, although has a huge gash on her forehead. She starts worrying about the stranger who's unconscious next to her, but Steph says that he's breathing. As rescue workers start to enter the hotel, Paige worries about others who will be trapped inside. A paramedic asks for the stranger's name, but Paige says she doesn't know him.
Lassiter's Reception
Paul is trying to tend to Daniel, but Karl screams for him to stop.
KARL: Stop, stop! Don't move him at all! I have to assess his injuries.
PAUL: There isn't time!
KARL: There has to be time, or we could kill them both!
Imogen runs in and screams Daniel's name, but Karl tells her to leave as it isn't safe. She notices Josh as well, but runs to Daniel's side as Karl escorts Paul outside. The emergency services can be heard on a megaphone telling everyone to clear the building.
Lassiter's Complex
Guests and staff continue to be evacuated. Paul urges Karl to lift up the column so they can get Daniel out.
PAUL: We can't just stand around and do nothing!
KARL: Daniel's legs are pinned, and that column could be the only thing keeping Josh alive.
PAUL: Alright, so what are the chances of Daniel surviving if we don't get him to a hospital?
KARL: We just need to stop the bleeding.
PAUL: And what if you can't?
KARL: Then I'll reassess the situation.
PAUL: Listen Karl, I will give you everything, everything I have, if you move that column to save Daniel!
Karl continues to tell Paul that he can't risk Josh's life to save Daniels.
PAUL: So Daniel's going to die on the altar of your ethics, is that it?
KARL: I can't believe you, this is about saving both those boys!
Paul tries to re-enter the building with Karl, but he prevents him and says it's too dangerous.
Amy tells Kyle that she still can't get through to 000, and Kyle reckons it's because too many people are calling. He tries to reassure her but she backs away to the other side of the lift.
KYLE: Come on Amy, this is insane! I kissed Georgia once, that was it.
AMY: And is that supposed to make me feel better?
KYLE: She texted me and asked to see me at the hotel, I had no idea what she wanted! I just, I thought I'd better hear what she had to say.
AMY: It's okay, I get it.
KYLE: No, you don't. Before you walked in, I was telling Georgia how much I love you. How great you are. You and Jimmy mean so much...
AMY: Don't say his name! Just do not talk about my son, okay?
Lassiter's Reception
Imogen continues to sob over Daniel, and he slowly wakes. Across the room, a paramedic tells Josh that she's going to try and stop the bleeding. Imogen and Daniel say that they love each other, and are interrupted as Karl urges her to leave as the emergency services need to clear the area, but Imogen refuses to budge. Karl tries to rouse Josh and he slowly wheezes into life. Josh begins to panic, and Karl explains that he has a crush injury. Imogen shouts from across the room to Josh that she's there, and Karl demands that she has to leave the room. The emergency services prepare to lift the column, but as they do Karl cries out.
KARL: Wait, wait, stop! Don't move it!
JOSH: What's wrong?
KARL: There's a piece of steel that's pinning you down. I can't move you.
JOSH: But what about Daniel? Tell me.
KARL: I need to get him out as quick as I can.
JOSH: And what if you can't? Karl, you need to lift the beam now.
KARL: If I lift this column, you'll haemorrhage so badly that I won't be able to get you to the hospital.
JOSH: And if you don't lift it, Daniel will die?
KARL: Most likely, yes.
JOSH: Lift it now.
Karl looks anguished and glances between Daniel and Josh.
KARL: You realise what that means?
JOSH: Save Daniel.
Karl takes Josh's hand as he struggles for breath, and gestures for the emergency crew to lift the column.
KARL: I'm so sorry. I'm right here for you.
The column is slowly lifted and Daniel is freed, but Josh is flooded with more pain.
JOSH: How long have I got?
KARL: I don't know. It's not long. I'm sorry.
JOSH: I need Mum and Dad.
Karl says that they're coming and Josh continues to struggle for breath.
Lassiter's Complex
Outside, Karl explains the situation to Brad and Terese. Terese tries to enter the hotel, but he prevents her so he can break the news.
KARL: Terese, you need to know that Josh has been very brave. He insisted we release Daniel first, and that saved Daniel's life.
BRAD: He would, Josh would do that.
KARL: But when we lifted the column... We're giving him pain-relief. His injuries are very severe. The crush injuries have caused massive internal bleeding. And a steel rod has entered his side, into his lungs. He's barely breathing.
TERESE: But you can save him, can't you?
KARL: He won't make it to hospital.
TERESE: No, no no! He will, he will, he's much stronger than you think he is! He's a fighter, isn't he Brad?
BRAD: You're saying he's going to die no matter what?
TERESE: No, no he didn't say that!
Terese becomes frantic and urges Karl to get Josh out of the hotel and to the hospital.
KARL: Terese! Terese listen to me! You must go to him now, okay? You don't have a lot of time, you need to see your son. He's asking for you, he wants you. I'm sorry... I'm sorry.
Brad and Terese look broken. Daniel is wheeled into an ambulance and Imogen says she's going with him. Karl reassures Paul that Daniel will be alright, and spots Susan. He explains the situation to her and Sonya, and urges them to leave the site as it isn't safe. Terese continues to panic at Brad, who's putting on a brave face.
TERESE: Please Brad, you're his father, do something, please!
BRAD: Stop! Listen to me, okay? Listen, Karl is a doctor. He loves Josh. Do you really think he would give up on our son if he had a choice? He might pull through, but we need to be there for Josh, we need to be strong. Can you do that?
Terese nods and they slowly enter the hotel. Elsewhere, Paul looks utterly devastated and is frantically calling someone.
PAUL: Did you do this? Please tell me you didn't do this.
Lassiter's Reception
Inside, Josh has been wrapped in blankets and is being treated by a paramedic. Terese gasps as her and Brad enter and see the damage, and they hesitate a moment before going to Josh's side. Brad takes Josh's hand and tells him that they're not going anywhere.
JOSH: I just wanted to apologise before I...
BRAD: Hey, there's nothing you need to apologise for.
JOSH: I'm sorry I ruined everything with the swimming. I know you wanted that gold medal almost as much as I did.
BRAD: Mate - I don't have the words to tell you how proud I am of you. And how much I love you. So many times you've humbled me with your determination and your... your sheer bloody grit. All those years. I couldn't have asked for a finer son.]
JOSH: I love you Dad.
BRAD: I love you too. I want to let you know that we are never, ever, going to let Matilda forget who you are. And we're going to do everything we can for Amber.
JOSH: Thank you. Makes it a lot easier knowing she's going to be taken care of.
Josh says he's starting to feel cold, so Brad wraps his coat around him and takes his hand again. Josh says hello to Terese and she tearfully says that she loves him. Josh tells Brad that he needs to speak to Imogen, Piper and Matilda.
Kyle bangs on the lift door shouting for help, but Amy shouts for him to stop and tells Kyle to be patient. They sit together in the dark, lit by the lights on their phones, and Amy breaks down.
AMY: Was it me? Did I do something wrong? Is that what happened?
KYLE: No. Amy, you're amazing.
AMY: Then why did you go and see her?
KYLE: She's my wife, I thought we were done. I thought I was over that part of my life. I guess I still love her, I can't help it.
AMY: So what was I? Was I just the stand-in girlfriend, keeping Georgia's seat warm?
KYLE: No, of course not! You know how I feel about you.
AMY: I've been through some crappy things in my life, but no one has ever made me feel as though I was disposable.
KYLE: That is not the way I think about you Amy. Not for a second!
AMY: You used me! You let me think I was safe, and then you betrayed me. And I will never, ever forgive you for that.
The lift suddenly shudders and they both cry out.
Lassiter's Reception
Paige has arrived and Terese is sobbing her farewells at Josh's side.
TERESE: When you were a little boy, you used to let me hold me hold your hand all the time. And then you turned seven, and all of a sudden it wasn't cool anymore. Did I ever tell you how scared I was, when I found out I was having twins? And then you were born, and I took one look at you, and I knew everything would be alright. [You didn't blink, or cry. You just stared at me as if you were willing me to fail.
JOSH: You never did.
TERESE: I hope so. Cos I've always been really proud of you Josh. I really have. You know, the way you always throw yourself at things that you want. And the way you always believe in yourself.You're incredible Joshy, you're a wonderful, loving, brave man.
JOSH: I love you Mum.
TERESE: I love you too, I love you so so much.
Terese breaks down in tears and Josh jokingly tells Paige not to cry.
JOSH: I wish we had more time together.
PAIGE: Me too, so much.
Josh asks where Piper and Imogen are, and Brad says they're getting in contact with them.
Lassiter's Complex
Paige rushes over to Imogen and tells her that Josh's injuries are too severe to take him to hospital, and that she'll need to say goodbye.
Lassiter's Reception
Imogen rushes to Josh's side.
JOSH: Stop looking at me like someone just died, you'll freak me out!
IMOGEN: You're seriously making a joke right now?
JOSH: It's my job as your brother. I hope it hasn't been too bad, being stuck with me since before birth.
IMOGEN: Well, are we counting the time you flushed my head down the toilet?
JOSH: And the time I put that spider in your bed.
IMOGEN: Let me think.
JOSH: Don't take too long.
IMOGEN: (sobbing) What am I gonna do without you?
JOSH: You'll have to find someone else to annoy you.
IMOGEN: Yeah. I know I haven't said it enough but I love you. You're the best brother.
JOSH: You're okay too. You're gonna be amazing. You were always the smarter one. You'll smash the world for both of us, okay? I love you.
IMOGEN: I love you too little brother.
Kyle decides to try and escape via the hatch in the lift ceiling, and Amy helps him up. Kyle grabs hold of something, but electrocutes himself and falls to the floor. Amy screams for him to wake up.
Lassiter's Reception
Brad has got a video chat with Amber and Matilda on his phone.
JOSH: Amber, when Matilda's old enough, I want you to tell her some things for me.
AMBER: Anything you want.
JOSH: Tell her I lover her more than words can say. Tell her than I never knew how much I could love another human being, until she was born and I looked into her eyes.
AMBER: I will.
JOSH: I want her to be happy. Tell her to follow her dreams, and not to listen to anyone who tells her they're not worth chasing.
AMBER: Yeah, of course.
JOSH: And not be afraid of making mistakes, everyone stuffs up. It's what you do afterwards that counts. Tell her that I'm sorry that I didn't spend more time with her. I really wanted to see the sort of person that she became. And tell her...
Josh begins to gasp for air.
JOSH: ...the last thing I thought about was her.
Josh goes still, and Amber cries out Josh's name as Matilda starts crying. The family break down and Brad closes Josh's eyes. Brad and Terese cling to each other, and Imogen sobs into Paige's arms as the camera very slowly pans out of the rubble into the complex where Paul is standing looking horrified. Cue the Kleenex and buckets of tears. Goodbye Joshua Willis.
[Part 2]
Lassiter's Hotel - Fourth floor corridor
The emergency services are helping evacuate guests from their rooms, and Karl frantically knocks at the door of Room 401. He opens the door and it's none other than... Sarah Beaumont! She cries out in pain and says that she cut her leg when the mirror exploded, and Karl reassures her that everything will be fine.
Amy continues to call out Kyle's name as he lies unconscious, and she administers CPR. He wakes and groans in pain. Amy urges him to stay still, and notices the envelope with his plane tickets in his pocket. She looks at them for a moment but puts them back and calls an ambulance.
Amy hesitates in what to call Kyle, and says that her 'friend' has been electrocuted. She tells the caller than she doesn't know much longer the cable will hold and urges them to hurry.
Sarah's hotel room
Karl tells Sarah that the fire escape is blocked and the lift is out of order, so they'll have to escape via the cherry-picker lift - it's how he managed to got there himself to check the guests. Sarah pleads for Karl to stay with her, but he reassures her that the SES will get her.
SARAH: Never a dull moment, hey?
Karl gives her a meek smile and leaves the room, looking anxious.
The Waterhole
The bar has been turned into a make-shift triage centre. Terese, Brad, Paige and Imogen sit around a table looking shell-shocked. Imogen leaves to visit Daniel at the hospital and bumps into Piper, but doesn't say her anything. Piper tells her parents that she was caught up at a counselling meeting and can't believe what happened, but stops in her tracks when she sees how upset Paige is.
BRAD: Can you please just sit down for a minute.
PIPER: ...Mum?
TERESE: I can't, I can't do this. I'm sorry.
Terese leaves the bar in tears.
PIPER: Mum? What's going on, you guys are freaking me out.
BRAD: There's something you need to know about your brother.
Piper slowly realises what has happened and breaks down in tears.
Lassiter's Complex
Amy and an SES member help Kyle out of the hotel, and Sheila rushes to his side. Sheila says they don't know what caused the explosion, but that there's been at least one fatality. Amy goes to call Jimmy to warn him to stay well away, and drops Kyle in it with Sheila by saying that he's got a long flight ahead of him to be with Georgia. Sheila is suitably shocked!
Sarah's hotel room
Karl returns as the SES can't spare any crew to help Sarah. He tells Sarah that whatever she has to say to him can wait, as the priority is to evacuate her from the building. He leaves to let her change, and bumps into Mark into the corridor. He gives Mark Sarah's name as he's locating all of the guests inside the building.
Lassiter's Complex
Kyle is sat looking upside. Tyler stops Mark (no mention of what happened between him and Brodie?!) and asks if he knows the reason for the explosion.
TYLER: So you don't think it was an accident?
MARK: We can't rule anything out. The main people we need to talk to are Terese and Daniel, and right now they're not up for being interviewed.
TYLER: What are you talking about?
MARK: Mate, Josh is dead.
TYLER: What?!
MARK: And if this was a malicious act, then we're looking at a murder investigation.
On that blunt note, Mark leaves Tyler who looks stunned.
The Waterhole
Piper is devastated and is inconsolably crying into Brad's arms.
PIPER: How can he just be gone, how does that even happen?
PAIGE: He knows that we loved him, we've got to keep telling ourselves that.
PIPER: I didn't even say goodbye to him, I was at a stupid counselling meeting. I wasn't here and he needed me...
BRAD: Hey, you can't beat yourself up about that, okay. You weren't to know.
PIPER: I just want to see him again, I want to talk to him.
Paige comforts Piper, and Lauren enters and hugs Brad. She informs Brad that she's spoken to Amber who's devastated, but she's trying to stay strong. Brad realises that someone has to break the news to Doug, and Lauren says that he's at the motel with Steph. Brad asks her not to let anyone tell him until they've spoken. Tyler helps Hilary into the bar, who calls him her knight in shining armour. He notices Piper sat with her family and looks uncomfortable.
The café has also become an emergency centre, and Sheila trots over to look for Amy. Susan directs her to the kitchen, and Amy says she doesn't want to talk about it with Sheila - with everything that's happened, now isn't the time.
SHEILA: I can't believe that he'd even look twice at Georgia, especially after the way that she treated him!
AMY: Yup, but what does that say? He'd rather go back to more of that than stay here with me. Maybe he never actually loved me.
SHEILA: Of course he did, and he still does! He's just being stupidly traditional, and doing the right thing. That's what he'd be thinking!
AMY: Well that doesn't matter, does it? He's made his decision.
Sheila urges Amy to fight for Kyle, but Amy says it's too late. Amy starts to break down, and tells Sheila there's no point in playing around in 'what ifs'.
Erinsborough Hospital
In Daniel's room, Imogen sits at Daniel's side as he slowly wakes. Daniel starts to get memories back from the explosion.
DANIEL: Where's Josh? Is he here, is he in the hospital? I was mean to him before it happened, I need to find him and say sorry.
IMOGEN: Josh is gone. They couldn't save him.
Both Imogen and Daniel break down in tears.
[Lassiter's Complex
Sheila sits down with Kyle and urges him to speak to Amy, but he says that he can't help the way he feels. She tries to convince Kyle that Amy would change her mind if he asked to take her back, and tells him to think about it.]
Terese is on the phone to Lassiter's employees who are trapped inside the hotel, and reassures them that the SES are coming. Lauren looks concerned and tells Terese to put off her work.
LAUREN: Terese, you need to be with your family right now.
TERESE: There are people that will be worried, I need to let them know what's happening.
LAUREN: Look, if it was me I'd be doing the same thing you are. I'd be keeping busy, I'd be doing anything I can to block it out.
TERESE: It's not you. It's not your son. Please, please don't give me advice.
LAUREN: I'm so sorry.
TERESE: Josh was too young to die. He had his whole life in front of him. How did it happen? How am I going to live my life, just knowing that he's not going to be there?
Terese breaks down and Lauren cradles her in her arms.
Lassiter's Complex
Paige and Piper walk solemnly through the complex.
PIPER: I just feel like if we leave, we'll be leaving Josh.
PAIGE: We're never leaving Josh, he'll always be with us.
Piper stops and look at the hotel and the spot where Josh died.
PAIGE: Are you okay?
PIPER: It's Chas.
PAIGE: What?
PIPER: What if Chas was involved? Like, this wasn't accident. What if this was his way of getting revenge?
Lassiter's Hotel - Fourth floor corridor
Karl helps Sarah hobble out of her room. He gets a call from Susan, who says that Ben is safe at the library. He tells Susan to go home, and she tells him to take care. He hangs up, and looks very guilty.
Lassiter's Complex
Kyle approaches Amy and says that he just found out that Josh died.
KYLE: It really puts things in perspective. Makes you realise what's important, and what's not.
AMY: I thought you'd already figured that out.
KYLE: Look, Georgia just gave me the tickets. I haven't made any decisions yet. I just want me and you to talk this out.
AMY: What's there to talk about?
KYLE: Just all of this. You, Georgia, it's all messed with my head. I never meant to hurt you.
AMY: Kyle, you made a choice to go and see Georgia. You made that decision from your heart, and now you're just second-guessing things.
KYLE: I love you.
AMY: Yeah. Yeah you probably do. But you love her more. And I'm not going to spend everyday knowing that I'm second best.
KYLE: Hey, you wouldn't be.
AMY: What, until she sends you another letter? We're over Kyle. So you might as well get on that plane.
The Waterhole
Piper is sat with Paige and Brad, looking distraught. Terese walks in and they embrace, both breaking down into more floods of tears. Terese apologises for running out, whilst Brad gets a phone-call from Steph. Lauren offers to make calls for Terese but she says that it's something they'll have to do themselves. Paige can't believe that they're already discussing funeral plans, but Terese says she can't, even if she wanted to. Brad suddenly comes back looking worried - Doug is missing.
Lassiter's Complex
Karl continues to help Sarah hobble along, and puts her arm around him as she struggles. Sarah takes Karl's arm and says they still need to talk.
SARAH: Thank you for today. I'd don't know what I'd have done without you.
In classic soapie style, Susan has spotted them together and bustles over, mouth aghast.
SUSAN: Karl. What do you think you're doing?
- Sarah Beaumont walks back onto Ramsay Street
- Susan asks Karl what he was doing with Sarah
- Brad comes face to face with Ned
- "Two Arrivals"
- Sarah and Ned's faces are shown
- "One Departure"
- Karl tries to resuscitate someone
- Imogen is at a bedside
- Doug looks concerned
- Nene and Amy look devastated
- Karl uses a defibrillator