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Neighbours Episode 7336 from 2016 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7335 - 7337>>
Episode title: 7336
Australian and UK airdate: 04/04/16
Writer: Sarah Mayberry
Director: Laurence Wilson
Guests: Doug Willis: Terence Donovan
Georgia Brooks: Saskia Hampele
Tom Quill: Kane Felsinger
John Doe (person talking to Paige): Andrew James Morley
Julie Quill: Gail Easdale
- "Its My Fault" by Pierce Brothers
- "Smile" by Sheppard
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Lauren happy at Brad getting recognition by being nominated for Citizen of the Year (COTY).
- Paul telling Nene that the motel has lost its liquor license.
- Julie gloating to Terese that Lassiters is now hosting the COTY awards.
- Paul wanting Cecelia to make sure the COTY awards are a complete disaster.
- Someone creeping into the boiler room at Lassiters.
- Doug telling Josh he's lived his life, its time for him to get out and live his.
- Kyle receiving a letter from Georgia.
- Nene thinking Amy had resolved the Georgia issue.
- Kyle sending someone a text asking where/when to meet.
Lassiters Hotel, room 301
The mystery person Kyle was texting was his wife as he arrives at Georgia's hotel room. Things are a bit standoffish between them and both admit that they didn't think the meeting would take place, with Kyle admitting that he isn't sure he doesn't want to run away but thought he'd better stay to hear what she has to say.
Cue titles!
Lassiters Hotel, room 301
Georgia tells Kyle about her job offer in Germany at the clinic wHear hear mum was treated. Kyle is happy she's getting her wish to work overseas and thinks she's cutting it fine when she reveals she is leaving later in the afternoon.
GEORGIA: I didn't leave without wanting to talk to you first.
She then says that she knows (courtesy of Toadie) that he's seeing Amy and that she's got a kid. Kyle eventually asks what he is there for and she cuts to the chase.
GEORGIA: Kyle, I love you, I never stopped loving you and I want you to come to Germany with me. I want us to be husband and wife again.
Number 22
Josh breaks the news of his plans to move to Queensland to his family (minus Piper). Terese is having the greatest difficulty accepting the news and she vetoes him coming to work with her to discuss it further.
BRAD: It's going to be a bit of a shock for her.
IMOGEN: For all of us.
JOSH: But you do get it right?
Brad does and won't stand in his way of being a good father and ending up with the same regrets he has. Imogen drags him away to suitably attire him for the COTY ceremony and Doug confirms to Josh that he's all set for today (both COTY and what they've got planned).
JOSH: Don't worry, dad doesn't suspect a thing.
Number 28
Karl receives a mystery call, surprised to hear from the caller but agrees to meet whoever it is. He puts the kyboshes on having lunch with Susan, telling her instead he'll meet her at the ceremony because he's to make a house call to Lassiters.
Harold's Café
Toadie is keeping Sonya/Steph amused by doing some great impersonations of the COTY nominees before he leaves to head to the city for a meeting, asking them to record the winner's acceptance speech for him.
Amy comes over to chat with Steph about losing out on hosting the award and she's sure Paul will find a way of getting the upper hand at Julie.
STEPH: That worries me too though.
Amy confirms she won't be attending the ceremony as she/Kyle have another gazebo order to fulfil and plans on surprising him with brekkie before they start. Steph mentions she saw him entering the hotel about 20 minutes ago, which seems news to Amy.
Lassiters Complex
Paul spots one of the posters up advertising COTY being on at Lassiters and immediately rips the poster off the wall and throwing the scrunched up paper on the floor.
"Still playing with your dolls house," Paul greets Julie with when he sees her standing beside the model of Lassiters that's now in the middle of the complex and asks if she thinks she can still pull it off? She concedes that she didn't think so after Tom's involvement but thinks the community event will help swing things for her.
PAUL: What could possibly go wrong?
Paul now walks over to the hotel foyer where Daniel is about to transport the portrait of Mrs Mangel to the mezzanine and he mutters to Terese not to let Paul get to her, they're simply doing their jobs.
"How's my event going?!" he asks and is told that he shouldn't he here. "No, it shouldn't be here," Paul counteracts with and Terese asks him to go because it's making things worse.
The preparations for COTY continue accompanied to Smile by Sheppard.
Lassiters Lake
Josh looks through some pictures on his iPad.
Lassiters Complex
Amy looks in two minds about what she wants to do before deciding to go with one of them.
Paul is surprised to run into Tom outside the hotel foyer as he thought he was banished back in Sydney.
TOM: I had a better idea. I hate my step mum, you hate my step mum.
PAUL: (going to walk away) I haven't got time for this.
TOM: Well I'm making you an offer, what if we put our heads together and really suffers?
PAUL: How do you know I'm not a step ahead of you already mmm?
Boiler room
Someone, with a lot of tools, is looking at the plans for the room.
Lassiters Hotel, room 301
Kyle looks very shaken up by Georgia's suggestion but she explains that she couldn't walk away without trying. "You didn't seem to have a problem last time," Kyle points out and brings up her doubts too. "I was scared," she explains reminding him of what she'd been through with her mum and the fact he wanted to settle down and have kids when she wasn't ready to.
GEORGIA: I wanted to see the world.
KYLE: What happened?
GEORGIA: I saw it and the whole time I kept wishing that you were there.
GEORGIA: Do you love Amy?
KYLE: Yeah I do
GEORGIA: Yes... and do you still love me?
Kyle doesn't get a chance to reply before she then says that she still loves him.
GEORGIA: I think about you every day, how you're going, what you're doing, if you're happy.
She then tells him that when she's having a bad day, she listens to an old voicemail he left over and over.
GEORGIA: I've been to so many places in the past few months and every time I see something breathtaking and amazing, I want to look over and see your face but I can't because you're not there because I left you. Kyle, leaving you was the biggest mistake of my life.
KYLE: So why didn't you come back until now?
"I wanted to," she replies and tells him about sending letters that he didn't reply back to.
Kyle then notices that Georgia is still wearing her wedding/engagement rings and goes to touch them. After a few seconds, she pulls her hand away, saying she will go as it's obviously been a bad idea and he can be with Amy but he reaches out and pulls her hand and with more tears in his eyes, touches her rings again. Georgia sits down again on the bed and both stare into the opposite's eyes before they begin to head towards an inevitable kiss (although they don't actually kiss).
Lassiters Complex
We see a man laden down with luggage almost collide with Paige who wasn't looking where she was going.
As he's about to head for his meeting in the city, Toadie gets a call and he changes direction and enters the hotel instead.
Aaron spots Tom and as he takes off, decides to follow him.
Meanwhile, Paul calls Cecelia to check if everything is on track and it obviously is given the smile on his face.
Boiler room
Someone puts on a pair of heavy duty gloves before picking up a hammer and starting to bash away somewhere.
Lassiters Hotel, 4th floor
Karl exits the lift and hovers outside room 401 but before he can knock on the door, his phone starts ringing - it's Susan. She's calling to see how long he's going to be as she is about to head for the hotel and wondered if they can still do lunch. "I will join you if there's time," he replies and can't get off the phone quick enough, leaving Susan looking rather bemused on the other end.
He knocks on the door of room 401 but whoever is in it, isn't rushing to the door to open it!
Boiler room
There is a lot more steam building up in the room and the pressure in the boiler is going up.
Lassiters Complex
Aaron is being all cloak and dagger as he follows Tom.
Lassiters Hotel foyer
Terese is wistfully looking at a photo of Josh when Daniel arrives to inform her that there have been reports of power surges on some levels and Julie is worried that they will lose the air con again.
She isn't amused to see Paul enter the foyer and reminds him that he's meant to be staying away. He ignores that and instead tries to get her and Daniel to come work for him at Robinsons, beginning by taking them personally to the motel to show them his vision. Terese points out that the COTY is on but is told Julie can handle that and it would be better to let the failure be on her head! Having heard enough, Terese leaves and Daniel resumes his hotel duties.
Amy catches Terese to see if she's engaged Kyle for his services today (she hasn't) so then asks if she's seen him. Terese is very hesitant in replying, but Amy forces her to because she wants to know.
Lassiters Hotel, room 301
Kyle/Georgia are sitting on the bed holding each other when a reminder goes off on her phone.
GEORGIA: I've got to get to the airport.
She then goes into her handbag and pulls out an envelope and hands it to Kyle - it contains a ticket to Germany with his name on it! Georgia explains that she wanted to be prepared in case he said yes. "What are you thinking?" she asks a very stunned Kyle.
KYLE: That I can't just pack my bags up and walk out on Amy... or Jimmy.
GEORGIA: No, no of course you can't. So where does this leave us?
KYLE: I don't know. All I can think about is Amy. I love her, we're good together her, me and Jimmy, like a little family you know.
GEORGIA: (nodding) Just like you always wanted.
KYLE: Yes.
Kyle picks Georgia's hand up and tells her that he missed her so much before kissing her.
Meanwhile outside the room, Amy stands debating with herself what to do.
Boiler room
The amount of steam has really increased now.
Lassiters Hotel foyer
Paul is still trying to persuade a very busy Daniel (and for him to persuade Terese) to come over to the motel so he can pitch his vision to them. "Now is not a good time, you know that," Daniel reminds Paul but he wants him to convince Terese to come along, he'll be waiting for them both. "I'll see what I can do," he pacifies his uncle with before resuming his duties.
Meanwhile, Josh comes out of his mum's office as she's not there to ask Daniel where she is. Daniel replies that she's with the maintenance staff but doesn't know how long she will be but will tell her he is waiting.
As he sits waiting, Josh tells Daniel that he is going to move to Queensland in the next couple of weeks. Daniel asks how Amber feels about that and is told she doesn't know about the impending move yet! "I thought she didn't want you to move up there before?" Daniel comments but Josh thinks they are in a better place now.
DANIEL: Right, so you're just going to rock up on her doorstep?
JOSH: No, I'm going to sort it out with her before I leave, I'm not an idiot!
DANIEL: Good, because she's got a lot on her plate. You've got a kid, its time to start acting like one and man up.
Boiler room
It's getting very hot and steamy in there!
As she's inspecting the glassware, Terese seems to get a sixth sense about something.
Community centre
Susan passes the community centre on her way to Lassiters.
Boiler room
It's getting even hotter and steamier in there!
Lassiters Hotel, room 301
Kyle tells Georgia its time to go so she can get her flight but it appears there is still time for another kiss!
Outside the room, Amy's decision is made for her when she notices the door isn't properly closed and as she pushes the door open, sees Kyle/Georgia kissing. Kyle pulls away on hearing a noise and looks up to see Amy staring at them
AMY: I guess this is Georgia?
Kyle immediately stood up after seeing Amy and finds himself in 'no man's land' between the two women and tells Amy that [the kiss] it wasn't planned, it just happened and he only came over to talk.
AMY: So are you together again?
Kyle stands in his 'no man's land' looking first at Georgia and then Amy and she interprets that as meaning he's made his choice and hurriedly leaves them to it. He rushes to the door to try and catch her but doesn't follow her.
KYLE: Amy, I'm so sorry, please...
Georgia tells him to go after Amy but before he does, she hands him the ticket.
GEORGIA: You know where I'll be if you decide to come.
Kyle takes the ticket from her.
GEORGIA: I love you.
She then tells him to go, which he does, but he stops outside the door and looks like he is in two minds over what to do before eventually putting the ticket into his trousers and following the direction Amy took.
The lift finally arrives and Amy gets into it, followed seconds before the door closes by Kyle. "I don't want to talk to you right now," Amy tells him and he pleads with her to hear him out knowing that it looked bad.
AMY: You know how it is for me to trust someone after Liam.
KYLE: Look sorry.
AMY: At the very least I thought you cared about me
KYLE: I do!
AMY: No you obviously don't and I'm wrong about this just like I'm wrong about everything else.
KYLE: Amy.
Before he can finish his sentence, the lift suddenly stops. "Oh you are kidding me!" Amy cries.
Boiler room
The pressure in the boiler is dangerously high now and an alarm is sounding.
Lassiters Hotel foyer
Karl comes looking for Susan in amongst the chaos as guests are complaining including one concerned that the water is very hot.
Boiler room
Nobody seems to be responding to the alarm going off.
Amy is trying to get them out but Kyle warns her from trying to prise the door open in case they are between floors. "I don't care!" is her response but Kyle's is that he does.
AMY: It's too late for that.
Lassiters Hotel foyer
Josh demands to know if Daniel told Terese he was waiting for her or not but Daniel is more interested in doing his job and tells Josh to "get out of his face." "What is your problem," Josh demands to now.
Meanwhile outside in the immediate exterior of the foyer, Paige almost runs into the stranger again because she's not looking although this time he is minus the luggage of earlier. "Do you mind," he remarks and she tells him that he obviously doesn't remember her.
Boiler room
The pressure is extremely dangerously high now.
Lassiters Hotel
Eventually the pressure is too much for the boiler and it blows! The stranger Paige was talking to seconds earlier, grabs her and takes the worst of the impact of the blast from her by positioning her to his front. Amy and Kyle are rocked in the lift while on the mezzanine, Sonya is almost blown over the balcony by the explosion and Steph holds onto one of the barrels outside The Waterhole for support.
As the dust starts to settle and alarms sound we see inside the foyer and both Daniel and Josh are trapped under the rubble.
There isn't the usual promo at the end of the episode, instead captions are shown telling us to watch the next episode, a 1 hour special, to see who won't survive.
<<7335 - 7337>>
Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 7336
Georgia Brooks

Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 7336
Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks

Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 7336
Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning

Doug Willis, Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 7336
Doug Willis, Josh Willis

Terese Willis, Brad Willis, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 7336
Terese Willis, Brad Willis, Imogen Willis

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7336
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Sonya Rebecchi, Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7336
Sonya Rebecchi, Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi

Steph Scully, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7336
Steph Scully, Amy Williams

Julie Quill, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7336
Julie Quill, Paul Robinson

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7336
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Sonya Rebecchi, Nell Mangel in Neighbours Episode 7336
Sonya Rebecchi, Nell Mangel

Julie Quill in Neighbours Episode 7336
Julie Quill

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7336
Terese Willis

Josh Willis, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 7336
Josh Willis, Amber Turner

Matilda Turner in Neighbours Episode 7336
Matilda Turner

Josh Willis, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 7336
Josh Willis, Amber Turner

Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7336
Amy Williams

Paul Robinson, Tom Quill in Neighbours Episode 7336
Paul Robinson, Tom Quill

 in Neighbours Episode 7336

Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 7336
Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning

Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7336
Jack Callahan

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7336
Toadie Rebecchi

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7336
Aaron Brennan

 in Neighbours Episode 7336

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7336
Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7336
Susan Kennedy

 in Neighbours Episode 7336

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7336
Aaron Brennan

Terese Willis, Daniel Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7336
Terese Willis, Daniel Robinson, Paul Robinson

Terese Willis, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7336
Terese Willis, Amy Williams

Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 7336
Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning

Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7336
Amy Williams

 in Neighbours Episode 7336

Daniel Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7336
Daniel Robinson, Paul Robinson

Daniel Robinson, Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 7336
Daniel Robinson, Josh Willis

 in Neighbours Episode 7336

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7336
Terese Willis

Amy Williams, Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 7336
Amy Williams, Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning

Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 7336
Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks

Amy Williams, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 7336
Amy Williams, Kyle Canning

 in Neighbours Episode 7336

Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7336
Daniel Robinson

Kyle Canning, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7336
Kyle Canning, Amy Williams

Jack Callahan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7336
Jack Callahan, Paige Smith

 in Neighbours Episode 7336

 in Neighbours Episode 7336

 in Neighbours Episode 7336

Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 7336
Kyle Canning

 in Neighbours Episode 7336

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7336
Steph Scully

 in Neighbours Episode 7336

Paige Smith, Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7336
Paige Smith, Jack Callahan

Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7336
Daniel Robinson

Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 7336
Josh Willis

 in Neighbours Episode 7336

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