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Neighbours Episode 8146 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8145 - 8147>>
Episode title: 8146 (Harlow Robinson arrives)
Australian and UK airdate: 15/07/19
Writer: Magda Wozniak
Director: Chris Langman
Guests: Harlow Robinson: Jemma Donovan
Robert Robinson: Adam Hunter
Gabriel Manfield (prison guard): Duncan Munroe
Luka Eve: Taylor Than-Htay
Elle Robinson: Pippa Black (uncredited)
David Bishop: Kevin Harrington (uncredited)
Liljana Bishop: Marcella Russo (uncredited)
Sky Mangel: Stephanie McIntosh (uncredited)
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Finn confirming that he might be falling in love with Bea.
- Bea questioning if Ned and Yashvi is moving too fast?
- Finn pointing out to Bea that Ned might find it strange if she hooks up with someone else.
- Bea declaring they're not going to be hooking up
- Roxy trying to discover who David is trying to contact.
- David getting confirmation of his meeting for the afternoon.
- Leo not happy at David going to see his half- brother - Robert Robinson.
- Paul walking in as his sons are talking about not telling him about the visit to Robert.
Number 32
Paul wants to know what everyone is talking about but is met with silence... until Roxy offers up that David and Aaron are going to foster a kid today! The boys play along with Roxy's story and admit they kept it quiet from Paul in case he tried to talk them out of it. Paul seems very curious about the whole thing, especially when the boys hurriedly leave the house despite the fact they were going to be hosting the lunch!
Number 22
Yashvi has set herself up to do 'Erinsborough street art tours' and runs through what she's done with Ned. She promises to stay off his patch, when he comments on her copying him, but all chat on the tour is detracted when Ned happened to comment that he was "her boyfriend."
Number 28, garden
After getting an invite from Yashvi about her tour, Bea suggests to Finn that they go along to give Yashvi moral courage... and to get over seeing Ned and Yashvi together (she has a feeling Ned will be on the tour too). "You don't have to dive straight in," Finn points out, but Bea doesn't "want to be less of a friend to Yashvi just because she'd hooked up with my ex-boyfriend," and adds that she'd have gone on the tour regardless.
Ramsay Street
Leo follows the boys out to their car to ask the obvious - what they doing to do when they don't come back with a kid! David hasn't thought of an answer yet; his mind is solely on meeting Robert for his research. Leo persists in trying to talk David out of it, but his mind is already met up.
DAVID: The fact remains, I don't know what I'm going to find because no-one from our family has visited him in over a decade.
LEO: Yeah, but that doesn't mean you have to do it.
DAVID: Yeah, but I want to.
Aaron promises Leo that he will take care of David as he gets into the car to get going.
Lassiters Complex
Only one person (Luka) has turned up for Yashvi's tour so Ned quickly hi-tails it over The Waterhole veranda to invite Chloe and along, who in turn drags a very reluctant Kyle with her! Just as they are about to head off, Bea and Finn arrive to join the tour.
Number 32
Out in the backyard, Terese tries to make painful polite conversation with Leo and Roxy but eventually gives up, to chat with Paul instead. He's worried at the haste David and Aaron are doing this fostering, worried too at the issues a foster child would bring, especially as they'd still be attached to their real parents. Roxy interrupts to point out that Paul has unattached children, although he counters that is because they are all older now. She then jokes, given the lack of chat about Robert, that he might have been better in foster care!
ROXY: Clearly something went wrong with the parenting there.
Terese is the one to chastise her niece and to hold back Paul at the same time, before with glaring menace, he tells her to "mind her own business right now."
Yashvi is struggling big time with the tour as she doesn't know much about the street art she is showcasing!
Bea and Ned find a brief moment to chat about him having brunch with the Rebecchi's and to say things are okay with Shane. As they reminisce over his first meeting with Liz, Yashvi interrupts pleading for help and he gives the lass a few pointers on how she can get the tour focused again.
Taking on board what Ned said, the next stop on the tour is Stingray's memorial and she uses the knowledge of her cousin to turn the participants around. Even Luka seems impressed!
Before they move off, Yashvi declares that Ned is "a genius" for the tip he gave her although when she kisses him, he breaks it off quickly when Bea walks past them. She is quick to tell them that she is cool with them kissing though.
Number 32
Terese thanks Leo for still hosting the lunch given, commenting that she wouldn't have blamed either Roxy or him for cancelling. "It was all right," he replies and she again comments on how quiet he is, and he explains why - he has been thinking of Robert and is curious to know why Paul barely acknowledges his son, let alone talk about him or visit.
LEO: I get he's a bad guy and everything for taking that plane down, but he's still dad's son.
He asks if Paul talks to her about Robert and she replies no, it's Susan who has been the one to fill in the blanks. Apparently, Robert was a bright kid but a little bit odd. He was really close to his mum and hated Paul for leaving her and the triplets.
TERESE: It was that anger that led him to attack the plane, thinking that Paul was on board.
Leo seemed shocked to hear that last sentence, as he'd no idea that Paul was the intended target. "I can't imagine the impact it's had on him," Terese acknowledges, and admits that she thinks Paul is scared of Robert. Leo looks very stunned at all she's said, partially as he had no idea about any of it.
Erinsborough History Wall
Yashvi is floundering again when she gets to the history wall, and the picture she chooses she knows nothing who painted it other than it features Kate Ramsay. She then goes onto tell the wrong story about what happened to Kate, so much so that a very annoyed Kyle interrupts to tell her she is wrong (but refuses to tell her the proper story) and to walk away having had enough of her "stupid tour."
While Yashvi takes Luka's photo next to Kate's mural, Bea proposes that the four of them (Finn, Ned, Yashvi and herself) have dinner tonight. The men look aghast at her suggestion, even when she suggests that "it'll be fun!"
Finn indicates to Yashvi that he is going to bail from the tour too, but she assures him this is the last one and then he can write her "a great review." On hearing Yashvi say his name, Luka's ears pick up and he seeks confirmation that Finn is the Finn Kelly. "And what's it to you?" Bea asks but rather than reply, the lad is overjoyed to have been on a tour "with the psycho Finn Kelly!" Luka then starts to take photos of the hastily disappearing Finn as Bea tells him not to before going to block his view of Finn.
BEA: Back off cockroach!
Number 32
Terese subtly tells Roxy that she owes Paul and apology as she passes her niece on the way to speak to Paul. He seems to be coming around to the idea of David and Aaron fostering a child, remarking that they will be "ten times the father I was." Paul is so on board now, that he wants to go the whole hog and get cake and pressies to welcome his 'grandchild' to the family.
Trying not to give the game away, but equally wanting to say something, Leo suggests waiting in case it doesn't happens (Paul is about to set the wheels in motion for the welcome party). "Why wouldn't it happen?" Terese asks and at Leo's silence, Paul wants to know what Leo isn't telling him.
LEO: Aaron and David aren't getting a foster child, they're in Albury at the prison visiting Robert.
PAUL: ...
LEO: Please don't blame David, he didn't know the full story, and neither did I until now.
Paul about turns and goes to rush out the house, before turning around when Terese asks where he is going.
PAUL: I am going to stop David. He has got no idea what he's getting himself into.
Terese says she will go with him but is told to wait here as he heads out the kitchen and towards the front door.
Number 28, garden
Bea does her best to try and cheer Finn up, who still looks upset over how Luka reacted towards him. "I just couldn't deal with it," he tries to explain to her but then has difficulties trying to open up towards how protective he's become of her (he thinks she is setting herself up to be hurt now Ned is dating Yashvi). Bea isn't seeing things from his perspective, she's simply trying to maintain a friendship with Yashvi, and eventually he realises that he needs "to stay out of it from now on."
Albury super max prison
As David and Aaron enter the prison, we see that there is a young lassie also waiting and the trio are disappointed when a guard comes out to hear that meetings will be delayed by an hour.
The Waterhole
Over post-tour drinks, Chloe reports that Kyle is okay, he is, he just gets emotional talking about Kate. She adds that what happened helped at least to "make the tour interesting" as well as helping keep her mind off Pierce!
"You're quiet," Yashvi remarks when they are alone, Chloe having gone off to call Pierce. She thinks it's to do with the PDA and it is - Ned didn't think it appropriate to kiss her in front of his ex and reassures her things will settle down so it's not so awkward.
Warrinor prison
Oops, Paul is sitting outside the wrong prison (or they've used the wrong stock shot!) as he has flashbacks to being held captive by Robert in the mine and to the fateful plane crash in 2005.
Albury super max prison
Despite it being longer than the hour wait they were told; Aaron and David are eventually rewarded for their patience when a very secure Robert (still played by the same actor) appears from behind a door into a glassed off room.
It must have been the wrong stock shot obviously because just as the brothers are about to start talking via telephone, Paul rushes in! "What are you doing here?" David turns around to ask but Paul is too stunned looking at his other son to reply.
Robert obviously isn't pleased to see his father, as he puts down the telephone, stands up and walks back out of the secure room. David isn't happy at his dad's entrance but again, he is still stunned from seeing Robert to reply back.
Number 32
Terese is trying to get hold of Paul but he's not answering his phone. Roxy seems to be taking some sort of perverse pleasure at seeing Paul squirm over Robert, even though Leo seems on edge but more so over how David is going to react.
TERESE: Roxy, when are you going to stop acting like a child?! You're a twenty year old woman, you should have at least developed some kind of basic empathy by now! Listen, I know that I have made mistakes when it comes to Vance.
ROXY: (interrupting) You could say that again.
TERESE: And I have done everything I can to make it up to you, but you keep throwing it back in my face.
ROXY: The face that was all over my boyfriend!
TERESE: Oh, just stop it will you!!! STOP IT! It was you that made the decision to move here, it was you that wanted to grow up and I was prepared to help you. But you are not doing yourself any favours and soon my patience will run out and I'm going to give up on you. Do you understand that?!
ROXY: ...
TERESE: Do you?
This time Roxy silently nods her head in acknowledgement before Terese walks out the house.
Albury super max prison
David isn't amused at Leo telling Paul, but he isn't angry at either of them, more concerned that there are things they do not understand. "I wanted to meet my brother," David tries to say but is told to stop as Paul has something important to say that he needs to listen to.
Their chat is interrupted by the same lassie that was in the waiting area earlier, coming back in. "Can we help?" Aaron asks and she is very annoyed that because of the three of them, Robert isn't seeing any more visitors today and she's come a long way.
With the lassie having an English accent, Paul remarks that she's wasted her time flying from England to see Robert.
PAUL: You've no business here.
"I think that's for me to decide," she replies back to him. Aaron is curious though to know why she is here to see Robert.
HARLOW: Because my name's Harlow and he's my father.
The trio are gobsmacked to hear that!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Mark giving Toadie a pep talk.
- Heather confused over how two people can look identical.
- Dee seeking answers.
- Toadie and Dee visiting Andrea.
<<8145 - 8147>>
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Roxy Willis, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8146
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Roxy Willis, Leo Tanaka

Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8146
Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis

Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8146
Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson

Aaron Brennan, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8146
Aaron Brennan, Leo Tanaka

Luka Eve, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8146
Luka Eve, Yashvi Rebecchi

Chloe Brennan, Ned Willis, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8146
Chloe Brennan, Ned Willis, Kyle Canning

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8146
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson, Chloe Brennan, Kyle Canning, Finn Kelly, Luka Eve, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8146
Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson, Chloe Brennan, Kyle Canning, Finn Kelly, Luka Eve, Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8146
Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson

Leo Tanaka, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8146
Leo Tanaka, Terese Willis

Luka Eve in Neighbours Episode 8146
Luka Eve

Chloe Brennan, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8146
Chloe Brennan, Kyle Canning

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8146
Finn Kelly

Paul Robinson, Roxy Willis, Leo Tanaka, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8146
Paul Robinson, Roxy Willis, Leo Tanaka, Terese Willis

Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8146
Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8146
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8146
Harlow Robinson

Prison Guard in Neighbours Episode 8146
Prison Guard

Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8146
Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8146
Paul Robinson

Robert Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8146
Robert Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8146
Paul Robinson

Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8146
Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson

Robert Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8146
Robert Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8146
Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Robert Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8146
Paul Robinson, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Robert Robinson

Terese Willis, Roxy Willis, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8146
Terese Willis, Roxy Willis, Leo Tanaka

Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8146
Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson

Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8146
Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson

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