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Neighbours Episode 6484 from 2012 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6483 - 6485>>
Episode title: 6484 (Andrew is diagnosed with epilepsy)
Australian airdate: 06/09/12
UK airdate: 04/10/12
Writer: Pete McTighe
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Aidan Foster: Bob Morley
Gavin Hall: Gavin van der Meer
Lucy Hall: Jessica Clifford
Summary/Images by: Sarah (Stew)/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Toadie tells Ajay that he's in line for a promotion, but he's disappointed to find that Charlotte's given Ajay the job.
- Andrew sets his computer to record and sees himself having a seizure
Lassiters complex
Andrew is walking along looking upset and he sees Tash in the distance. She turns away when she sees him, does a detour to avoid him. Karl walks up, and asks Andrew how he is. He replies that he's good. Karl tells him that Sophie is improving and that Andrew should come in and see her. He says he will. Karl says he doesn't look well. Andrew thanks him wryly, but Karl says he looks pale and points out that trauma after a serious accident can take days or weeks to come out. He tells Andrew to come and get checked out.
Andrew is sitting in the waiting area, while blurry figures move around him. He seems not to notice them. Karl comes over to speak him to him there, as there are no treatment rooms available. Andrew stares into space as Karl questions him. Then Andrew says he's been feeling weird: headaches, dizziness, blacking out, and that he saw himself having a fit. Karl goes off to organise some tests.
In a treatment room, Aidan brings in the results. Karl tells Andrew that the prelimanary diagnosis is epilepsy. Andrew wants it fixed. Karl says it's not curable, but once they know the type, they should be able to control it. It was most likely caused by the head trauma. Andrew says it was barely a bump. Karl says that the brain is very delicate. He tells Andrew to go home and talk to his father and come back tomorrow for more tests. Andrew shakes his head, and Karl asks if he should call Paul. Andrew says no. Karl says he shouldn't go home on his own. He gives him some information leaflets and tells him he needs support.
ANDREW: Karl, I don't have epilepsy.
As Andrew walks out, Aidan is standing by the door, and he and Karl exchange a worried glance.
No 22
Andrew walks in and briefly glances at the leaflets, then quickly stuffs them in a drawer when he hears Paul. Paul asks where he's been and Andrew lies that he's been to see a friend in a band. Paul is impressed that it was business. After Paul has gone to bed, Andrew watches the clip of his fit again. Kate walks in and Andrew shuts the lid of his laptop. Kate asks if he's been to the hospital. He's a bit taken aback, but she clarifies that she means to see Sophie, to which he replies that he saw a friend she wouldn't know. Kate says good night, and he calls her back and tells her Karl said that Sophie is improving. Kate says that's good news, but then, looking slightly puzzled, asks if he's OK. He replies that he's fine, just tired. After Kate has left, he deletes the clip and shuts the laptop, looking worried.
No 30
Sonya is trying to persuade Toadie to have some breakfast. She tells him he's good at his and that he will get another chance at promotion.
TOADIE: That job was mine.
There's a knock at the door. Toadie thinks it's Callum who has forgotten his lunch or his keys. But it's Ajay and Priya: Ajay suggests they go to work together, to save petrol.
SONYA: Jarrod's really excited about you guys working together.
TOADIE: Sure am(!)
Simmons and Colbert
Toadie and Ajay are walking along towards the boardroom, and Toadie tells Ajay that if he needs any help, just to ask.
In the boardroom, Toadie and five previously unseen collegues are sitting round the table listening to Ajay. He tells them he's very excited to be joining such a great team. He tells them how he was very impressed with the McArthur Tools case they'd been involved in. Toadie adds that they'd "really hammered them". Cut to the unenthusiastic looking team. Toadie adds: "Tools". Ajay asks what he just called the team, and Toadie says he didn't mean them. Ajay laughs and everyone joins in. He then nominates Toadie to head up a team for a merger they've acquired, which Toadie is pleased about. Ajay says they'll have to share out Toadie's other responsibilities. One of his collegues (Gavin) says they don't want to lose the social club. He and Toadie exchange a look. Ajay says he'll take it on so he can get to know everyone. Ajay comments to Toadie that it went well, as the other four leave. Toadie rolls his eyes.
Andrew is having flashbacks to the crash and his fit. Aidan comes in and sits opposite Andrew. He tells him that he's seen lots of people with his condition, and that it will be easier to manage when they have the right information. Andrew says he's not doing the tests. Aidan doesn't think that's a good idea, and asks if he's told his family. Andrew tells him to butt out. Aidan says that he needs his friends and family. Andrew warns him not to tell, but Aidan says he wouldn't: it's confidential. Andrew tells him to keep it that way, adding that he wouldn't feel like himself as people always want to talk about illness. Aidan says it's because they are worried. Andrew says he doesn't want people getting the wrong idea. Aidan says that Paul will understand: he's really looking out for Sophie, so he'll do the same for Andrew. Andrew says there's nothing to tell. Aidan points out that unless his epilepsy is managed, Andrew shouldn't be drinking, driving or even taking a bath on his own. Andrew looks concerned.
No 22
Paul is reading the paper when Andrew walks in and says he's got something to tell Paul. Paul interrupts and gives Andrew a sheaf of papers. He says it's a Letter of Offer for Charlie's: he thinks they should buy it together. Andrew would put in 25k, he would put in the rest, and split the business 50/50. Andrew stares at the paper, saying nothing. Paul says he thought Andrew would have been excited. Andrew says that it's a lot to think about: he [and we] didn't even know it was for sale. Paul suggests he think it over, and asks Andrew if he's OK. He replies - obviously not entirely truthfully - that he's fine.
Simmons & Colbert
Ajay comes in. Toadie thanks him for letting him head up the merger team, and adds that he can still do the social club. Ajay tells him not to worry, but Toadie says he wants to because it keeps him involved. Ajay tells him that just because he didn't get the promotion, he shouldn't feel insecure - he's a valued member of the team! Toadie looks disappointed. Gavin goes past and Ajay tells him the bar looks great. Toadie watches as Gavin tells Ajay more about the bar.
Paul is bringing some magazines for Sophie. He meets Susan and asks how Sophie is. She replies that Sophie's bored, and asks him how Andrew is. Paul replies that he's fine, then tells Susan that they're thinking of buying Charlie's. Tash happens to be at reception, and hears Paul say that Andrew's still thinking about it. Tash interrupts and says that maybe he's feeling guilty because it's dirty money. Paul says he sold the app to a willing buyer.
TASH: Only after forging my signature. Yeah, he screwed over his own business partner. Have fun working with him.
Tash walks off and Paul frowns.
No 22
Andrew is reading some information on epilepsy, which he hides as he hears the door open. Paul tells Andrew he knows exactly what's going on. Andrew says he's been meaning to say something, but Paul interrupts him to say that he found out from Natasha, who was shouting about the forgery at the hospital. Now he realises why Andrew didn't accept his offer straight away. He was lucky that Tash didn't have him up on criminal charges. Andrew admits it was wrong and promises it won't happen again. Paul says that's good, and then shows Andrew some new business cards for Charlie's with their names on. [For the record, there's probably a typo, the fax number is (03) 550 .... and the phone number (03) 5550 ....] Paul says he trusts Andrew and the offer still stands.
Simmons & Colbert
Toadie brings some documents for Ajay, and asks if he's got time. Ajay says he'll make time and Gavin has been giving him some ideas. Ajay sees Gavin with a woman he guesses is Lucy, his wife. Toadie says he knows Lucy, and Ajay can't expect to be best buddies with everyone. Ajay says he ought to go and congratulate them since Lucy appears to be pregnant. [This seems like a perfectly reasonable assumption actually.] He asks Toadie if it's their first. Toadie tells him to hold off. Ajay introduces himself and asks Lucy when the baby's due. Gavin and Lucy look shocked and Gavin says that Lucy's not pregnant. Ajay tries to apologise but they walk off, looking annoyed. He calls after them that it was nice meeting her, and looks frustrated with himself.
Toadie, Ajay, Priya and Sonya are sitting at a table in Harold's. Toadie says it'll blow over. Ajay responds that he was trying to make a good impression. Sonya and Priya think this is a good time to buy some drinks... Ajay still can't believe he did it. But he thinks he deserves it - he's just a pompous moron! Toadie disagrees, but Ajay adds that he can take the social club back, apologising because it's Toadie's thing. Toadie looks sheepish, then says he has a confession: he knew Lucy wasn't pregnant. He tried to tell Ajay, but he didn't try very hard. Ajay asks why Toadie didn't stop him. Toadie says nothing. Ajay says he gets it. He looks serious.
AJAY: If you ever do that to me again, I'll hammer you.
Toadie gets the reference and the two men grin, Ajay putting his arm round Toadie's shoulder.
Aidan goes over to ask Andrew how he got on with telling the family. Andrew says that Aidan has no idea how hard it is. Aidan says he's seen his fair share of illness, but Andrew says he doesn't understand. He shows Aidan the business card.
AIDAN: What's this?
ANDREW: That, there, is everything that I have ever wanted.
AIDAN: What, Charlie's?
Andrew says he wants a business, to be successful, but scoffs at Aidan saying that he can still do it: his dad won't let him run the bar if he's sick. Aidan tells him that epilepsy can be managed and that he can't keep it hidden for long. Andrew tries to end the conversation, but Aidan reminds him it's not going to go away, and he's risking his life.
AIDAN: Yes, you can have all this, you can run a business, make your dad proud. But only if you're still around.
Andrew frowns as Aidan walks off.
No 22
Andrew walks in and Paul says he's not going to wait forever. He asks if Andrew's made up his mind. In reply, Andrew puts the business card on the counter. Paul assumes he's not interested, but Andrew says he's in. Paul asks if he's sure, because there's no pulling out once they set it up. Andrew puts his hand out for Paul to shake. But Paul says that, given what happened with Tash, he needs to make it clear that they have to be completely honest with each other. No secrets, no lies. "For sure," lies Andrew. They shake hands. Kate comes in with the washing as Paul fetches a bottle of champagne. Andrew tells her they're buying Charlie's. She thinks it's amazing and Paul tells her they're buying it as soon as the contract's arranged. Andrew's phone rings: it's Karl. Kate asks him if he's going to get it; he says it's no-one important. Paul toasts Andrew and New Beginnings.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Paul asks Andrew to drive them to Charlie's
- Sophie tells Chris she hates being in hospital. He gets an idea.
- Ajay tells Priya he has to work late
- Susan comments to Priya that Paul likes to make life hard and Priya says that she's seen another side to him
<<6483 - 6485>>
Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6484
Andrew Robinson

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Natasha Williams

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6484
Andrew Robinson

Karl Kennedy, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6484
Karl Kennedy, Andrew Robinson

Aidan Foster in Neighbours Episode 6484
Aidan Foster

Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6484
Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson

Kate Ramsay, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6484
Kate Ramsay, Andrew Robinson

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6484
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Ajay Kapoor, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6484
Ajay Kapoor, Toadie Rebecchi

Gavin Hall in Neighbours Episode 6484
Gavin Hall

Aidan Foster, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6484
Aidan Foster, Andrew Robinson

Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6484
Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson

Ajay Kapoor, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6484
Ajay Kapoor, Toadie Rebecchi

Paul Robinson, Natasha Williams, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6484
Paul Robinson, Natasha Williams, Susan Kennedy

Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6484
Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson

Lucy Hall, Gavin Hall in Neighbours Episode 6484
Lucy Hall, Gavin Hall

Ajay Kapoor, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6484
Ajay Kapoor, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Ajay Kapoor, Priya Kapoor, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6484
Toadie Rebecchi, Ajay Kapoor, Priya Kapoor, Sonya Rebecchi

Aidan Foster, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6484
Aidan Foster, Andrew Robinson

Kate Ramsay, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6484
Kate Ramsay, Paul Robinson

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6484
Andrew Robinson

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