Liam turning up at No. 30 and warning Joel off.
Hannah realising they're leaving Ramsay Street and Ruth telling her she'll get over it.
Martin's backyard
Hannah is in the tree house "talking" to Helen whilst looking through old photos. Paul comes in wondering who she's talking to. He spots the photo of Helen and Hannah gets upset saying she doesn't want to go.
No. 30
Lance brings over his belongings relieve he hasn't got as much to pack as Phil and Ruth. He asks who he saw leaving earlier and Joel explains it was Liam, Natalie's son, and he went off at him, which Joel admits he could do without. Lance wonders if he'll tell Natalie but Joel isn't sure. When Lance mentions that he (Joel) isn't about to immediately become Liam's stepfather, he changes direction and will now tell her!
Karl and Pippa are giving Ruth a farewell present - a hammock. Susan arrives and the champagne is opened. Ruth asks Susan to keep her up to date with the gossip, which Susan says she's had enough of because of the gossip arising from the magazine article and hopes that nobody from the Education Department has read the article. Susan also wonders who would have told the magazine about them - just as the camera pans onto Pippa's face.
Martin's backyard
Hannah has now cheered up a bit and they talk about what life will be like in 10 years time - Hannah wants to be an actress and Paul an astronaut until she points out he's afraid of heights.
PAUL: But no one can her you scream in outer space. Right?
They both laugh and Hannah asks that they don't loose touch.
Phil and Anne now join in the party and it's time for Karl's farewell speech. Thankfully it is quite short and as he's proposing a toast Pippa suddenly blurts out that she was the one who talked to the reporter.
No. 30
Natalie arrives and chitchats with Lance until Joel appears. Lance subtly leaves and she tells him about concert tickets she's got for them. Joel can't get a word in edge-wise for her telling him about "their" plans but eventually he gets the chance but chickens out of saying what he really wants to say and instead talks about their night out instead.
Karl is going mental at Pippa. She thought she was doing the right thing but Karl thinks otherwise! Outside in reception Ruth says to a shocked Phil and Anne that she feels sorry for Pippa. Back in Karl's office, Pippa is explaining what happened - she was trying to put right the allegations of the journalist but the journalist twisted what she said. Susan asks why she didn't say anything earlier and Pippa replies she didn't know she was the source until now and begins to cry. Karl and Susan comfort her and agree to put it all behind them and get on with life before heading back to into the reception. Upon seeing Pippa in tears, Ruth wrongly thinks that Karl has sacked her and starts to defend her until Karl points out that he hasn't sacked her. Pippa now starts a fresh load of tears in thanks at Ruth sticking up for her and hugs a bemused Ruth.
Joe and Natalie are back from their night out. He's very jumpy and quiet so after she prompts him, he tells her about Liam's visit. After spilling his guts out to her, he says it is over between them due to Liam, as he is her first priority. They part amicably and Natalie leaves before she breaks down crying.
Martin's backyard
Hannah spends her last night in Erinsborough in the tree house with Paul. They talk about the departure and chat idly about everything before they start making eyes at each other...until Bonnie interrupts them by passing wind!
Lou's Place
It's more farewell drinks and Karl is winding Ruth up about Pippa spending her holidays in Darwin. Lou brings over more champagne and wishes Ruth and Phil all the best. Lance eventually arrives and thanks Phil for being a dad to him. Anne echo's those sentiments and he hugs them both and Ruth gets emotional again.
Phil, Ruth, Lance and Anne come back to an almost empty house. They reminisce and have a group hug.
Martin's backyard
Paul and Hannah are having a pizza messing around with Bonnie. Spying from the kitchen window, Ruth says it's getting late and wonders if they should stay outside all night long. Phil says she can since it is her last night.
Anne comes across a box of letters from Billy and she talks about it with Lance until Phil and Ruth coming though from the kitchen stops them. Phil heads off to bed so Ruth can talk to the kids. Tearfully she says she is going to mess them and that they must look after each other as she breaks down completely as the three of them hug.
Martin's (next day)
Hannah and Paul eventually come in for some breakfast. Paul thanks her for a "great" night last night but Phil coming in to tell her to finish packing spoils a "moment" between them.
Ramsay Street
It is farewell time now, with hugs and kisses being exchanged. Tearfully Ruth hugs her kids and Hannah kisses Paul before they get into the car and depart Ramsay Street...just as a removal van and the Scullys (complete with Steph Mk 1) arrive.
To the watching residents who've just waved the Martins off... Lyn moans to Joe about him getting lost and Steph is complaining about Michelle being sick in the car. Joe spots his audience and announces:
JOE: G'day. We're the Scullys.