Lou, Susan and Karl all vying for votes in the Citizen Of The Year award.
Jade wanting to get to know Sonya again.
Lyn worried about raising money for Steph's appeal, and pulling tree lights off the Christmas tree which she had deliberately made faulty.
Andrew telling Tash that if he wanted to be with Summer he would be.
Lyn telling Andrew to stay away from Summer.
Andrew and Summer fighting.
Number 26
Summer looks at pictures of Andrew on her laptop, reminding herself that he's with Tash. Lyn says goodnight to her, and sees a picture of Andrew on the laptop. She reminds Summer how Andrew abused her trust at that house party. Summer sighs.
Ramsay Street
Karl is posting campaign leaflets for the COTY award, but Lucas points out that Susan's beaten him to it. Karl's annoyed - he thought Susan was still in bed, but she must've snuck out whilst he was having a shower! He goes off to find her.
Jade runs up to Lucas, asks him if he wants to join her for a run. Lucas suggests she take Sonya instead, but Jade says that Sonya's more like a warden, wanting to know what she's doing all the time! Jade doesn't understand why Sonya doesn't lighten up and talk to her. Jade runs off.
Number 30
Lucas comes in to find Sonya cross with Jade leaving her clothes everywhere - it's like living with a teenager, apparently! Sonya admits to Lucas that Jade has stirred up things she would rather forget. She's settled right now, and happy, and doesn't want things to have to change. Lucas is sure that Jade won't go anywhere until Sonya tries to sort things out with her - so if she wants Jade gone, she needs to start getting on with her sister...
Harold's Store
Donna's telling Lyn her Christmas plans - and adds that Andrew's spending the day with Tash which seems to frustrated Summer. Lyn doesn't believe that Andrew is serious about Tash because "he's a player".
LYN: (to Summer) Thank God I managed to keep him away from you.
Cue awkwardness, and a 'what?' look from Summer, who's furious that her nan told Andrew to keep his distance! Lyn admits she told Andrew that Summer didn't need a broken heart, and Summer can't believe that her nan has been interfering. Lyn reminds her that if Andrew wanted to be with her, he could have, but he chose Tash. Summer storms off.
Karl is campaigning, but Summer tells him - as she storms past - that she voted for Susan. Paul walks past ordering flowers for Rebecca and tells Karl he also voted for Susan because it's good for the paper. Lou arrives, dressed as Santa. He announces that he got Sophie to nominate him, and now he's canvassing votes. The Kennedys are not happy.
Number 26
Summer arrives home and throws herself on a chair.
Harold's Store
Summer tells Andrew which lucky dip (Secret Santa type thing) present he has to choose - because she bought it especially for him. Michael points out that it kind of ruins the point of it, and Tash rudely tells him that rules are to be broken. Does she ever have anything nice to say? Andrew gets a text from Summer, asking him to come over.
Number 26
Summer paces, waiting for Andrew to come round. She gets a call from Lyn and rejects it. As we hear Lyn's voicemail, apologising for interfering in her life, Summer spots the discarded faulty tree lights, and puts them back on the tree. Pleased with her decoration, she walks to her bedroom.
She leaves her phone on the chair - and the faulty lights start to flicker...
Cut to later and Summer's room where she's listening to music loudly. Andrew knocks on her window - her music was so loud she didn't hear him at the front door. She unlocks her window and throws the key - which skips off her chest of drawers and lands on the floor.
She's furious that Andrew was warned off by Lyn, and he says he didn't want to create any problems for her. Summer's sick of trying to be good and smart - she's been so worried about getting hurt and listening to what everyone else says she should do. But she knows who she wants to be with.
Andrew smiles, grabs her and kisses her. A lot. Like, a lot.
Cut to later where the faulty lights are flickering and Andrew and Sum lay on the bed, kissing away. Andrew tells her he never wants to hurt her and they carry on making out - like, a lot - and the flickering lights in the lounge start to make strange, faulty electric noises.
Lou is still canvassing for votes, and Donna, Zeke, Karl and Susan watch as he makes a sales pitch to all his canvassees about his car yard.
Meanwhile Sonya approaches and introduces Jade to the Kennedys, who are surprised to learn she has a sister. Jade suggests that the Ks find something to offer potential voters, then they can compete with Lou.
KARL: We've got to stop him.
SUSAN: Yeah. Where is that jolly fat man?
Harold's Store
Donna is enthusing about Christmas, and convinces Lyn to lift Karl's ban so he can come in for the COTY award announcement.
At another table, Tash is trying to get hold of Andrew and is annoyed that he's not answering her texts. Michael gets out his new wallet - and no, that's not a euphemism - and Tash comments on it. He lies, saying it was a present to himself. Tash hopes that by next year her dad will be all loved up, like her. That puts a big smile on Michael's face, and you just know he's thinking about Becca.
Number 26
Now the Christmas lights fizzle - and the tree catches fire. The smoke alarm doesn't go off (reminder: Lyn removed the batteries).
In Summer's bedroom, the making out is over - thankfully - and a half- naked Andrew gives Summer a zombie badge which reads "Summer of the Dead" for her Christmas present. How romantic.
ANDREW: You know, I didn't really was different.
SUMMER: Good different?
ANDREW: Yeah, it was a great different.
Right. So they had sex, then. Glad that's cleared up. Tash texts Andrew; she wants him back to Harold's for the lucky dip. He tells her that he's going to tell Tash he doesn't want to be with her. Summer convinces him to wait until tomorrow, and they start kissing again. The kissing is overlaid with the Christmas tree in flames - possibly as some sort of analogy for their hot, burning and yet destructive passion.
Harold's Store
At the store, Tash is sulking at the lucky dip because Andrew's not there. She tells her dad that he's still in the business meeting and won't be coming back. She takes the present she bought him and leaves. Sonya opens her lucky dip.
JADE: What did you get?
SONYA: Beef jerky.
LUCAS: Every vegetarian's favourite.
Sonya goes to ask Donna if she'll swap it for her bubble bath, and Jade admits to Lucas that things are going okay with Sonya, but she can't wait to meet Toadie and his kid. Lucas is surprised to hear that Sonya barely mentions them.
Jade gets a text from a barman who's asked her out, and leaves. Sonya is thrilled that Jade seems happy - and tells Lucas that her sister will be gone by Boxing Day for sure.
Paul arrives and in the kitchen presents Donna with letter from a Fashion Institute in New York. It's a letter, accepting her application and asking her to start in the Spring Term. Donna's confused - she didn't apply. But Zeke remembers that Ringo applied on her behalf. Donna doesn't want to think about it now - the presentation's about to start.
Lyn makes the presentation, with a group of 5 candidates next to her, including Lou and the Ks. She opens the envelope, and Lou is the winner! Even though he was only nominated, like, yesterday? This morning?!
Susan claps graciously. Karl is outraged.
Number 26
Summer and Andrew are asleep on her bed as the room fills with smoke.
Ramsay Street
At number 22, Tash knocks on the door, but with no answer she leaves Andrew's present outside. Over the road she sees smoke billowing from the Scullys', and calls the fire brigade.
Harold's Store / Ramsay Street
Lou is making a presentation speech, and Lyn invites everyone to stay and eat, drink and be merry. She tells Karl it includes him, too. Michael receives a call from a panicked Tash - the Scully house is on fire, and she asks if Summer's there. Michael says no.
From the street, Tash says that Summer's not answering her phone - she's worried her friend is inside. The fire brigade aren't here, she thinks she should do something.
Michael orders his daughter not to do anything and as he leaves, remembers to yell at Lyn that her house is on fire.
Ramsay Street
Impatient, and with no sign of the fire brigade, Tash busts the front door open and walks into a wall of flames.
Lucas and Michael arrive - and in horror see the orange flames at the windows. Lyn and Karl arrive and the look on Lyn's face says she already realises what's happened. Michael is up by the house, screaming for Tash, trying her mobile.
Lucas prevents a distraught Michael from going inside. But then Lyn makes a break for the house and - distracted by Lyn - Lucas takes his eye of Michael who legs it inside. As Michael enters the house, the fire bursts through the windows and roof.
Lyn screams out for Summer as Karl and Lucas pull her back...