- Dave apologising to Lil for rubbing Paul's misfortunes in her face.
- Sky and Dylan looking for Paul.
- Paul sliding off the log into the water.
National Park
Dylan is yelling out for Paul, as Sky trails after him. They have reached the lake, but Sky wants to turn back, saying one missing person is enough, why make it three? Dylan agrees that maybe they should come back first thing tomorrow. Sky adds that they'll tell the cops to organise a proper search. But Dylan thinks maybe she should go back and he should keep looking. Sky is frustrated, but says they will stick by the lake and stick together. Dylan suddenly spots a hand on a log in the middle of the lake.
DYLAN: It's him...
What?! You recognise him from a *hand*! You loyal servant you. Anyhoo, Dylan throws himself into the lake while Sky screams for him to be careful. He drags a moaning Paul off the log as Sky looks on from shore.
Hospital Room
Darcy! Darcy! Darcy!
The camera pans across the room - heart monitor...patient file...roses...drip...DARCY!!
National Park
Sky helps Dylan drag Paul to shore, where Dylan promptly straddles him and starts slapping his face. Sky pushes him off, and starts compressions and CPR. On ya, Sky.
Hospital Room
Darcy is still sleeping like a baby. But wait! As the camera closes in on his face, his eyelids begin to flutter...the tension mounts...and....his eyes open! DARCY'S AWAKE!
Scarlet Bar
Izzy and Karl are laughing, and Karl says he hasn't seen her this relaxed for ages (not for long, Karl...little does he know...). Izzy replies that it must be her Dad leaving - she didn't realise how on edge she was while he was around, waiting to see what he would do next, if he would pass the good father test. Karl asks what the result was. Izzy says it is Bobby - he was always bound to fail - she knows that know, and she may even accept it...well, she's getting there. She received a postcard from Malawi today, but Karl points out Bobby doesn't mention the money he owes Izzy.
IZZY: Look, 'Having a great time, wish you were here.'
KARL: Yeah, I bet he's glad I'm not!
(Izzy laughs)
KARL: I just don't know how he could do that to you - he must have known how much he was hurting you.
IZZY: 'Cause he's got the hide of a Rhinosaurous and he thinks that everyone else does too.
Karl says that Bobby's going to end up a very lonely old man, but Izzy says Karl will never be lonely, because he will always have her. She says she 's been reminded in the last few weeks just how lucky she is to have him in her life. Karl replies that he has been reminded in the last few weeks how lucky she is to have him in her life too. In fact, she's so lucky he has even decided that seeing as they are a couple of 'plastic DINK's', that it is time they treated themselves - he has picked up a load of travel brochures, and says it is her choice where they go. Izzy is stunned and excited, but then Karl gets paged to go up to the hospital.
An almost lifeless Paul, looking like a giant kebab in his foil insulator bag, is wheeled through the corridors, Karl cutting Sky and Dylan off as they try to follow. Dylan tells Karl he nearly drowned and he wants to stay with him, but Karl says he is in good hands. Sky sits Dylan down, but he jumps up again, saying he has to go and get Lil. Sky doesn't think it is a good idea, but Dylan says they love each other - she should be here.
Lil is telling Susan about her lunch with David, and how when she looked at him she thought 'you're a really nice man' but she is just not in love with him anymore. But once she loved him sooo much - they were sitting there sipping tea, and it was terribly civilized, and what was she thinking about?
SUSAN: The night Serena was born.
LIL: How do you do that?
SUSAN: Been there.
They talk about how close you are to your partner at the birth of your child, but then a few years later, wonder where all that went. They joke about how they could bottle all the 'second hand love - still in good condition' and sell it at a garage sale. Lil says she got a lot of respect back for David, which is a good thing - they both apologised and agreed to be nice to each other, for Serena's sake. Susan asks where Paul fits in, and Lil says he doesn't - she doesn't know where he is, or why he went, and she doesn't really want to know, because she has a feeling she won't like the answers. Dylan bursts through the door. Where's the fire Dyl? Oh, it's Paul.
DYALN: Lil, Lil thank god you're here - sorry to barge in Suse, but it's Paul - he's in the hospital and he's half dead, you've got to come, you've gotta come now!
General Store
In the kitchen, Harold is instructing David on how to ice a cake, and David is either gagged or constipated, because he is making these weird sort of moany, whimpering noises. As David spreads the icing, Harold asks if he wants to hear about a scandal - he saw Max Hoyland putting non-recyclables in his recycling bin! Oh the horror! Dave seems dis-interested, as Harold says it is definitely worthwhile stopping.
Out in the store, Izzy is chatting excitedly to Max about her trip as they flip through travel brochures. Izzy asks where Max would pick to go, and he replies 'not the Middle East!' She asks why not, and he asks if she ever picks up a newspaper. She says she does, and that maybe they should just stay in Australia. Max says they don't need to hide frightened, but to be sensible and keep the risk lower.
IZZY: Ok, so no Middle East, and no Malawi.
MAX: Hey, there's good fishing in Lake Malawi.
IZZY: Yeah...and Dad's there...
MAX: That too...
Izzy says she owes Max an apology - she was hell to be with while Bobby was around, and Max was right all along - Bobby is one big disappointment, always has been, always will be. Max says Bobby loves his own way.
MAX: Look, he's the one who's missing out - on you, on Boyd and Summer, on me and Steph...we've all got each other - we are family!
MAX & IZZY: Oooh (burst into song) WE...nah...
Back in the kitchen, David is putting choccie sprinkles on the cake. Harold comes in, still talking about Max. He says it isn't just the recycling - has Dave checked out the state of the Hoylands' front yard? If it isn't overgrown it's dead!
Harold tries his next tactic.
HAROLD: And when I heard the rumour about them keeping chooks...
He has Dave's attention now, as he continues to tell him about the Hoylands Rhode Island Reds, and the rooster that is going to wake them up at the crack of dawn. And with the sacks of grain - rats will follow, of course! This self-sufficiency thing is all well and good, but you can go too far, Harry comments.
DAVID: Much too far Dad!
He slams down the icing-spreader-thingy and storms out of the kitchen, up to Max and Izzy's table.
DAVID: Sorry to interrupt, but I think it's about time we had a little chat, Max.
MAX: About what?
DAVID: Neighbourliness, Max - a concept you seem to be losing sight of. And shall we start with the subject of poultry?
MAX: ???
Lil suggests they come back later, but Dylan says Paul has to know she is here - it will give him a reason to fight. Karl comes out and Dylan asks how Paul is. Karl rattles off a list of injuries as long as Santa's Naughty List, as Paul is wheeled out the doors, on his way to surgery.
PAUL: Lil...Lil? I'm scared...god I love you...
LIL: I love you too...
Hospital Room
It's all happening at the Erinsborough Hospital tonight! Darcy is asleep again, but his eyes soon flicker open, and he tries to focus on the vase of roses in front of him. A male nurse comes in and Darcy shuts his eyes again, as the nurse comments on what a waste the roses are, and what a waste of his taxes it is to keep a crook like Darcy alive. He says he doesn't feel the least bit guilty about 'nickin' your roses' and takes the vase with him as he leaves the room. Darcy opens his eyes again.
Hospital Corridor
Dylan and Sky reassure Lil that Paul is tough enough to get through this. Karl comes out and tells them they'll be a good while yet - there is an awful lot to do. He asks if they know what actually happened. Dylan says he was in the lake when they found him, and Lil asks what was he doing if his car was found at the top of the cliff? Karl says he imagines he wanted to get away from things, but Dylan is adamant he was taken by the thugs from Affirmacon. Karl says his injuries are consistent with a fall, but Dylan says he wouldn't have fallen - Karl says he was very stressed - maybe he didn't look where he was going. Dylan still doesn't agree, but Karl has to get back to it - he says he'll keep them posted. Sky hugs Dylan.
Scarlet Bar
The music is pumpin', and Max is having a good old boogie. Izzy joins him and they shake some tail feather.
And that's just in the background!
At the table, David can't believe it is the end of the working day and he is having a drink with his Dad! Harold says he could do worse - and he might even pick up a few pointers from him! He has had a lot more experience at being a bachelor afterall! (Max and Izzy are still doing the funky chicken) Harold tells David to Watch. And. Learn.
DAVID: (Starts to panic as Harold gets up and onto the dance floor) Dad...Dad! I was joking!
Harold's disco moves are right up there with the best of them, and Max and Izzy laugh it up. David apologises to the Random Extra's on the dance floor as he drags DiscoStuHarry away. David says he knows that Harold is trying to distract him - and it's working! Cheers Dad!
Izzy comments to Max that they can be a bit painful at times, but they do have a special bond. Max says it is just like the bond they wanted with their Dad.
IZZY: Yeah, well there's always tomorrow!
Max comments that Lyn is the same - he's crossed swords with her often enough, but she's a world beater at motherhood - he can't fault her. Izzy gives him a look.
MAX: What? You don't think she's a good mother?
IZZY: Oh I think she's great.
MAX: So?
IZZY: Let's just say Lyn's halo might have slipped a little lately.
MAX: Izzy...
IZZY: You're right - I never gossip. (Audience chokes)
MAX: (dies to know gossip)
IZZY: OK...The old Bobby Dazzler, and our precious Lyn Scully.
MAX: (doesn't get it)
IZZY: Well?
MAX: (gets it) No!
IZZY: Yep!
IZZY: Cross my heart and hope to die.
MAX: Oooooh, you're not the only one!
(they shudder)
MAX: Eeew I'm getting some visuals of this now...
IZZY: Yeah, think about this - if they got married, that would make your wife your step-sister.
MAX: (eyes pop) She promised she wouldn't though...
IZZY: Well, picture this - Bobby popping a bottle of Champagne, and Lyn thinking all of her Bold and the Beautiful fantasies had come at once.
Geez, recycling horror stories, secret affairs - the Scandal is ripe on Ramsay Street tonight! Max suddenly realises what this means - he has something over her! For the rest of his life, Lyn can't say a thing - he has the ultimate comeback! This is his nuclear deterrent - he hopes he never has to use it, but it is nice to know it's there!
MAX: (insert evil cackle here)
Hospital Corridor
Sky has fallen asleep on the chairs, and Susan announces she is going to get some coffee for them all (4 sugars Dylan? No wonder you Timmins' have so much excess energy!). When Susan leaves, Dylan comments to Lil about how long they are taking. Lil says they are, but they would have heard something if something had happened. She says it gives them more time to pray for him. Dylan's not into that type of thing, but Lil tells him faith is a good thing to have. Dylan says maybe he'll look into it sometime. Karl comes out and tells them he is almost out of surgery and they will take him to Intensive Care. Dylan asks if he is out of danger, and Karl replies that he has a big battle ahead, but so far he is doing ok. Dylan wants to see him, but Karl won't let them - he says it would be best to go home, but they want to stay, so Karl tells them to 'join Sleeping Beauty' (Sky) and get some rest. Dylan says to Lil that he guesses they still need her miracle.
Hospital (morning)
Oooooh I see a liiiight! Wait...Darcy sees it too - he opens his eyes to focus on the sun streaming through the window. The male nurse returns, whistling to himself. Darcy closes his eyes. MaleNurse greets Darcy.
MN: Morning Darcy. Still here then? Such a shame, a piece of scum taking up a valuable bed. Why they don't pull the plug is beyond me.
He tells Darcy he better check his pressure areas, or the DOC will have his guts for garters. As he leans over Darcy, he sneers that the roses worked a treat on his girlfriend, if you get my drift. For his efforts, he receives a punch in the privates, and Darcy's first line of the year:
DARCY: Shall I call a nurse?
Darcy! Darcy! Darcy!
Hospital Corridor
Sky is still sleeping, Lil is waking up, and Dylan is pacing the corridor. It is after 8am, and he has hardly slept - only long enough to have a nightmare. Lil asks if he wants to talk to someone - he doesn't always have to be the tough guy. Dylan replies that's how they were brought up. Lil asks if their Dad was the tough one. Dylan said he had to be to put up with all Janelle's nagging. But one good thing - it was how they learnt to swim. On their fourth birthday, their Dad took them down to the lake and chucked them in the end of the jetty. Sky wakes up just as Karl and Susan come up the corridor. Karl tells them Paul is in intensive care at the moment, and he is serious but stable. The internal injuries he had were quite considerable and he is very lucky to be here at all. Karl still doesn't think visitors are a good idea, but Lil really wants to see him, so he allows Dylan and Lil in for a short time. Susan sits down next to Sky - 'hey sleepyhead' - and gives her an orange juice.
Karl shows Lil and Dylan to Paul's bed, where a battered Paul is laying. Dylan tells him he's going to be fine, and he is in the hospital now, he's as safe as houses. He adds 'look who's here!' Paul spots Lil, who smiles.
Number 26
Sky comes into the loungeroom and says the shower's free - it'll freshen him up. She then spots that he is crying, and tells him it will be ok, and Paul owes his life to Dylan - he was the only one that didn't give up. Dylan says he is the only one who has ever believed in him, and made him feel good about himself. Sky wipes his tears and tells him it's ok, but Dylan says the Paul he knows is strong and powerful and always in charge - to see him hooked up to all those machines hardly able to speak... Sky kisses his cheek and hugs him.
Hospital Corridor
Karl is telling Susan and Lil that Paul has a long way to go - the first few days are critical, and he might need more surgery yet. He tells them that he doubts he will be allowed many visitors, but seeing as he doesn't have any immediate family here...Karl is interrupted by a commotion - MaleNurse is storming down the corridor.
MN: We shouldn't have to put up with violent patients - it's a Psych ward for god's sake! If nothing's done here, I'll take it up with the union.
Susan asks what his problem is, but Karl replies there's always a problem. Izzy arrives with a cup of proper coffee for Karl, and he is very grateful. She thought he might need it seeing as though he hasn't been home. Karl updates her on Paul, and Izzy replies that he is no one's best friend right now, but you wouldn't wish that upon anyone. Susan agrees and tells her that Dylan is the real hero of the day, he...she pauses mid-sentence in shock, as she spots something behind Karl. It's Darcy! He is being wheeled up the corridor in a wheelchair, looking freakishly zombie-like. Izzy turns to see what Susan is looking at, and promptly faints and collapses impressively, as Karl tries to catch her.