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Neighbours Episode 7848 from 2018 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7847 - 7849>>
Episode title: 7848 (Cassius Grady arrives)
Australian and UK airdate: 23/05/18
Writer: Sarah Walker
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Finn Kelly: Rob Mills
Cassius Grady: Joe Davidson
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- During a day at the beach, David and Aaron propose to each other, and agree to get married
- Brandon returns Paul's car having damaged the roof, after blackmailing Leo into letting him drive it
- While fixing the car, Mark finds Chloe's bra under the passenger seat
- To deflect attention from Leo, Chloe tells Mark that she's been having a fling with Brandon
- Gary tells Sheila that she can't be involved in his management of the Flametree from now on
- Susan recognises Bea in the Lassiter's Complex
- Elly and Susan invite Bea to stay at the house, but she explains she's booked an apartment
- Later, we find out that Bea's boyfriend is staying in the apartment with her - and it's Finn Kelly!
Apartment of Evil™
Bea continues to whine to Finn about Elly.
BEA: It's always been like this. The whole world lays down at Elly's feet, and she doesn't realise how lucky she is.
FINN: Isn't she glad to see you?
BEA: Well, she makes out she is. But I'm not buying it. It's not like she ever has been before. I'm sorry. You must be sick of hearing this.
FINN: Never. I know Elly was horrible to you in Sydney. But maybe she really has changed.
BEA: Or she's trying to look good. Our auntie and uncle think the sun shines out of her. Look, I'm not sure it was a good idea letting you talk me into coming here.
FINN: Hey. I know this is hard for you. But getting close to your sister and resolving things can only be good. Trust me. Coming to terms with your past is the only way we ever move forward. You should give it a chance.
BEA: Okay. For you. But you'll know what I'm talking about when you meet her. You'd better not like her more than me.
FINN: Impossible!
They kiss.
No 24
Chloe is excited as she's just been paid. She tells Mark she'll send him some rent, and pay some of the bills that Fay brought. Aaron reminds Chloe (and us) that it's his engagement party tomorrow - a low-key champagne breakfast is being held at The Waterhole. Chloe isn't keen on 'low-key', saying they should 'party hard' - but Aaron says David just wants a quiet one.
AARON: I'm fine with that. But what I'm not keen on is his idea of a long engagement.
MARK: Why? You're not in a rush. Take all the time you need.
CHLOE: No, I'm with Aaron. They know what they want. They should go for it!
MARK: Since when have you been an advocate of marriage?
CHLOE: Just because I'm in no hurry to walk down the aisle myself, doesn't mean everyone else needs to stall.
Aaron explains that Fay is Not In This Episode™, so will miss the first half of the party - making it all the more important that Mark and Chloe are there. Chloe promises she'll be there, and asks who else is coming.
Paul's Penthouse
Cut to Leo, talking to David about the party.
LEO: Just try and keep me away. In fact, I'm going to get all the champagne.
David thanks Leo, but says all he really cares about is Leo being on time - especially since Amy's going to be late, since she's Not In This Episode™ either. Paul comes in with the mail, which Leo is keen to try and intercept, as he knows the speeding fine that Brandon racked up in Paul's car will be arriving imminently.
Leo's too late and Paul opens the letter, so Leo lies and says he was the one speeding in the car - saying he'll pay the fine and take the points. Paul isn't impressed, but seems to accept this, telling Leo to be more careful in future.
Ramsay Street
A man is putting leaflets into mailboxes, advertising his gardening services.
No 26
Gary welcomes the man into the back garden, and introduces him to Sheila as Cassius Grady; apparently they've been talking, and Gary suggests to Sheila that they take on his services as a gardener. Sheila is sulking, and abruptly refuses.
SHEILA: Unemployed people cannot afford to hire gardeners (...) I have all the time in the world to garden myself. Because I'm unemployed!
Guessing Sheila's still sore about not being able to help at the Flametree, Gary reminds her that she's still appreciated. But Sheila insists that gardening is her way of relaxing - she doesn't need Cassius doing it for her. He looks disappointed as her overhears.
SHEILA: Now I'm clearly hopeless at everything else in my life, I'm not letting go of the one thing that I'm good at.
No 28
Karl has arrived home from the hospital on crutches, and Susan and Elly are fussing over him. Karl hopes that his being an invalid didn't put Bea off from staying with them, but Elly explains she'd already booked the apartment. Susan asks how long Bea will be there.
ELLY: She said a couple of weeks. So what's that? Like a fortnight, or a month?
A couple of weeks is a fortnight, Elly. Anyhow, we learn that Bea can't get a refund because she paid in advance. Elly thinks she should come and stay with them anyway, but stingy Karl can see the argument for her staying in the apartment and getting her money's worth! Elly asks if Susan passed Bea's number to their mum, Liz - Susan says she did, but felt awkward about it.
KARL: Liz is the one who should feel awkward. Fancy not having a contact number for your own daughter! You'd never let that happen with Libby.
ELLY: Maybe that's why Bea's here and she feels so lost.
Susan and Karl are keen for Elly to encourage Bea to spend more time with them, so they can get to know her better. Elly is keen too.
Apartment of Evil™
Finn and Bea are lying in bed together. Bea's been tossing and turning all night; she explains Elly texted her, asking to meet up again.
FINN: You should.
BEA: I don't know. There's only so much smiley face I can do before I lose it.
FINN: Hey. If you find yourself feeling that way, just do that meditation technique I taught you.

They both breathe in and out, and this seems to make Bea feel better.
BEA: I don't deserve you. Not when I've caused you so much pain.
FINN: Hey - whatever happened, happened for a reason. We were Meant™ to meet each other. So we could help each other. It's fate.
BEA: I love the way you're so sure. I wish I was like that.
FINN: I know you find it difficult to be around Elly. But whatever happens out there with her, just know that you can come back here and unload to me. I'll be happy to hear anything...
He kisses her.
FINN: ... and everything.
Terese is hectoring Paul about why hotel staff are still contacting her with complaints while she's on leave. She says they're upset because Brandon has received a pay rise and no-one else has, yet he isn't even pulling his weight. Paul seems surprised by this, but Terese tells him to take it up with Leo; she's going to go and spend some time with Piper.
Gary and Xanthe walk into the courtyard. Gary is feeling guilty about banning Sheila from having a role in managing the Flametree; Xanthe says he's doing the right thing, but is worried that Sheila has lost her spark since losing her Waterhole job. They hear a cry from within Toadie's new office and go in - Toadie's frustrated with all the unpacking he's got to do. Xanthe says she knows who could help.
TOADIE: Great, they're hired! Who?
XANTHE: Gran - she needs a job.
Shortly afterwards, Sheila arrives, all dressed up. She takes a look around, unimpressed.
SHEILA: Who was the idiotic removalist that you hired that left you in this chaotic state?
TOADIE: I moved myself.
SHEILA: Oh. Well, in that case, I'm sure there's a method to your madness.
Toadie explains to Sheila what needs to be done, and she says it's right up her alley.
SHEILA: You need someone with a systematic brain to tackle this properly.
TOADIE: Yeah, right. Definitely need someone with a brain of some sort.
Toadie heads off to a meeting, and leaves Sheila to get on with the job.
Erinsborough Backpackers
Leo and Chloe are getting dressed after a romp in Jack's old bed! Leo explains that Paul got to the speeding fine letter before him, but that he's sorted it out and their secret's still safe. They start kissing again, but Chloe says they need to get to Aaron and David's engagement party. At that moment, they hear Terese and Piper arriving downstairs, to randomly play a game of pool!
PIPER: Mum, you told me that you needed me for something important. I'm not sure that the backpacker pool comp fits the brochure.
But Terese begs, saying she's good at pool and that it will be nice to spend some time together. Piper grudgingly agrees. Leo and Chloe listen from the mezzanine - they can't get downstairs and go to the party without Terese and Piper seeing them together, so are trapped...
No 28
Bea is chatting to the Kennedys and Elly. She reveals she hasn't been doing a lot over the last few years - just a few odd jobs. She confirms she's been doing some Study™ but doesn't elaborate, other than to say she dropped out. Susan gushes about Elly being a 'terrific teacher' and how quickly she's risen to assistant principal. Bea is unimpressed.
BEA: That's nice for her.
Elly says that if Bea decides to stay in Erinsborough, there's the TAFE and the uni nearby, as well as short courses at the community centre. Bea says she hasn't made any decisions yet, but that she'll think about sticking around. Elly invites Bea to join her at David and Aaron's engagement, and she agrees - but doesn't look thrilled.
The Waterhole
Mark and Mishti are already at the champagne breakfast when David and Aaron arrive. They're perturbed to see that Leo and Chloe aren't here yet, and both have text messages from their respective siblings saying they're stuck at work. Mark's surprised, as Chloe wasn't meant to be working.
DAVID: I don't understand why Leo would have let anything get in the way of him being here. I told him how important this was to me.
AARON: He'll show up, alright? They both will.
They get a drink, but David looks sad.
Erinsborough Backpackers
Leo and Chloe are still hiding upstairs, while Piper and Terese play pool. Piper gets a text, and tells Terese that Sheila needs her to go and help with something. She rushes off, promising to come back. Terese carries on potting balls while she waits!
Leo suggests to Chloe that they brazen it out and walk downstairs talking about work as if nothing's happened, but Chloe doesn't think Terese will be fooled.
LEO: Maybe getting caught is a better option than letting our brothers down?
CHLOE: Really? If we get busted, I'll lose my job and then I'll never be able to pay my own way. And then your dad will kill you for sleeping with the staff!
LEO: But it's such a big day for David and Aaron...
The Waterhole
At the party, Mark and Paul are having an awkward 'we'll soon be related'-type conversation! Paul moans about Leo being late, and happens to mention the speeding fine Leo incurred last week. Mark visibly puts two and two together, and Paul notices that he's realised something. Mark tries to slope off to the bar, but Paul isn't having it.
PAUL: If you know something about Leo and my car, you need to tell me!
Lassiter's Complex
Outside, Aaron greets Elly, who introduces him to Bea as her half-sister. As Elly talks about how she and Bea haven't seen each other for five years, Bea looks increasingly agitated, explaining she spent most of her life living with her dad Lars in Broome. They did spend some time together when Bea was about 15, though, Elly explains.
ELLY: It's great to make up for lost time, and you know what sisters can be like.
Bea is now looking very awkward, and suddenly announces she's really tired and has to go, before walking off. Elly looks worried.
The Waterhole
Mark is still being evasive with Paul, but makes it clear from his facial gestures that Paul's on the right track with his suspicions: that Leo damaged his car and got Chloe to cover for him. Paul rants about Leo lying to him and taking advantage of Chloe; but Mark admits that Chloe said she was the one driving.
MARK: She was with Brandon.
PAUL: What, Brandon from reception? Oh, god, this just gets better (!)
MARK: Yep. Apparently, they were having a fling.
PAUL: Hang on - I just found out that Leo gave Brandon a pay rise. Well, that certainly can't be coincidental.
MARK: So if Chloe was with Brandon, why would Leo take the blame, and then give the guy a pay rise?
Paul is determined to find out, and asks David if he's heard from Leo - but David says Leo's not answering his phone. Mishti, who is lingering around, remembers that her phone is still linked to Leo's via the Find My Friends app. She logs in, and it shows that Leo is at the backpackers'.
PAUL: According to his calendar, he's meeting with someone called Elliott Spielberg. Who the hell's that?
Realising it's a reference to Chloe, Mark says he has a fair idea who Leo's meeting!
Rebecchi Law
Toadie comes in to find the filing and unpacking all done, and the office looking immaculate. Toadie can't believe what he's seeing.
SHEILA: I roped in some passing tradies, you know - regulars who drink at The Waterhole. They love me - more than that Judas, Fay Brennan!
As well as having sorted out the office, Sheila reveals she texted Piper and got her to come and sort out the broadband and phones. Toadie is hugely impressed by Sheila's efficiency - so much so, that he offers her a job as his assistant!
TOADIE: How would you like the role?
SHEILA: Is the bear a Catholic?
Apartment of Evil™
Finn is sitting at the table when Bea comes in, ranting about Elly again.
BEA: It was torture listening to Elly's version of our time together - I couldn't take it.
FINN: Poor baby - come here.
Bea notices that there's a bowl of cereal spilled all over the floor.
FINN: Oh, it was an accident. I just haven't had a chance to clean it up yet. Sorry.
BEA: No, I'm sorry - for leaving you by yourself and not looking after you properly. I shouldn't have gone out.
FINN: I can look after myself.
BEA: Do you need anything else?
FINN: Nothing.
BEA: Alright - do you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna go get some groceries and cook us a nice meal.
FINN: You don't have to do that.
BEA: I want to. I'd do more if I could.
FINN: You do enough.
BEA: Looking after you - it's the least I can do after you saved my life.
FINN: Hey - I got the best end of that deal. Because I love you.
BEA: I love you too, Patrick.
Discordant underscore at the reveal, as 'Patrick' smiles manipulatively...
Lassiter's Complex
Cassius the gardener comes across Sheila in the courtyard; he's not having much luck promoting his business in the area. But Sheila announces that now she's a paralegal, she'll need someone to look after her garden after all! Cassius is pleased, and thanks her.
SHEILA: It'll be good to have you around the place. But just don't touch my gnomes!
Cassius smiles as Sheila walks off.
Erinsborough Backpackers
Leo and Chloe are still hiding out on the mezzanine, when an intervention team comprising Mark and Paul arrive! Terese accosts Paul with her pool cue!
TERESE: Why haven't you sorted out this Brandon situation?!
PAUL: Maybe I have - and do you mind not pointing that thing at me?
TERESE: Well, I know you haven't, because I'm still getting calls from the staff, asking why Brandon's taking two-hour lunch breaks at the day spa - amongst other perks! Paul, I'd like an explanation.
PAUL: So do I, and that's why I'm here.
Mark, having been checking the dorms, says Leo and Chloe aren't there. So Paul shouts up to the mezzanine!
PAUL: Leo - Chloe! Show yourselves now!
Chloe and Leo emerge sheepishly from the mezzanine.
PAUL: You have got some serious explaining to do.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Mishti pays Leo a visit, saying she's heard about him and Chloe
- Chloe tells Terese she'll work hard for her, if she gives her another chance
- Sonya is dropping around some flowers for Karl, from Rita Newland
- Karl, Susan, Sheila and Clive are discussing somebody having a hidden agenda
- Paul asks a worried- looking Liam if there's anything else going on
- Bea says she barely knows Elly; 'Patrick' replies that she should get to know her
<<7847 - 7849>>
Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 7848
Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson

Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7848
Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan, Chloe Brennan

David Tanaka, Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7848
David Tanaka, Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka

Cassius Grady, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7848
Cassius Grady, Gary Canning

Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7848
Sheila Canning

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7848
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 7848
Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7848
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Xanthe Canning, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7848
Xanthe Canning, Gary Canning

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7848
Toadie Rebecchi

Sheila Canning, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7848
Sheila Canning, Toadie Rebecchi

Leo Tanaka, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7848
Leo Tanaka, Chloe Brennan

Piper Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7848
Piper Willis, Terese Willis

Elly Conway, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 7848
Elly Conway, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Bea Nilsson

Mark Brennan, Mishti Sharma, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7848
Mark Brennan, Mishti Sharma, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Leo Tanaka, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7848
Leo Tanaka, Chloe Brennan

Piper Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7848
Piper Willis, Terese Willis

Mark Brennan, Mishti Sharma, David Tanaka, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7848
Mark Brennan, Mishti Sharma, David Tanaka, Paul Robinson

Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 7848
Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway

Bea Nilsson, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7848
Bea Nilsson, Aaron Brennan

Mark Brennan, Mishti Sharma, David Tanaka, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7848
Mark Brennan, Mishti Sharma, David Tanaka, Paul Robinson

Sheila Canning, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7848
Sheila Canning, Toadie Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 7848
Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly

Sheila Canning, Cassius Grady in Neighbours Episode 7848
Sheila Canning, Cassius Grady

Paul Robinson, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7848
Paul Robinson, Mark Brennan

Chloe Brennan, Leo Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7848
Chloe Brennan, Leo Tanaka

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