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Neighbours Episode 6921 from 2014 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6920 - 6922>>
Episode title: 6921 (Naomi makes a move on Toadie)
Australian airdate: 07/07/14
UK airdate: 21/07/14
Writer: Sarah Mayberry
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Mark Brennan: Scott McGregor
Daniel Robinson: Tim Phillipps
Nell Rebecchi: Scarlett Anderson
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Toadie/Sonya having a public argument.
- Toadie suggesting some time apart for himself/Sonya.
- Josh uninterested in watching Amber developing photographs.
- Daniel/Amber kissing each other.
Despite realising its wrong, Amber/Daniel struggle to stop kissing each other until eventually he walks out of the darkroom.
Number 30
Josie has returned to the nursery to relieve Georgia of her duties and she/Kyle arrive home to see Sonya packing for her mum/baby time away with Nell. Georgia seems rather shocked at how far things have developed between Sonya/Toadie.
Harold's Store
Amber arrives for her shift and tries to give Imogen the brush off on the way to the kitchen to get ready (Imogen wanted them to have a coffee before her shift started). Imogen thinks her funny mood is due to fighting with Josh, but she's put right on that theory, so her next suggestion is that it's down to the school captain but that too is put right and she's left standing puzzled in the kitchen while Amber rushes out saying she's got to get ready for her shift.
The Waterhole
Daniel leaves a voicemail message for his mum asking for a call back as he needs advice. Karl has overheard him leaving the voicemail and offers himself if he needs help but Daniel doesn't want to say however does end up telling Karl what advice his mum would give - that he should clear his head by skating/surfing. "Sounds like a plan," Karl says to him and is talked into accompanying the lad to go skateboarding!
Number 24
Sonya is round to tell Mark about her trip away but ends up telling him the real reason for the trip.
SONYA: I never thought that Jarrod and I would want time apart. I mean it's always been the opposite you know.
She then gets emotional (but not crying otherwise she wouldn't stop) and Mark offers his support/help but when he goes to hug her, she pulls back.
Harold's Store
Amber doesn't seem happy at Bailey telling her about the trip to the beach with Josh/Brad nor the fact he was there with them in the first place. He comments that her customer relations "sucks" and she apologises for snapping at him before taking his order.
Number 26
Kyle/Georgia are telling Chris about events at #30.
GEORGIA: It's like they've just given up.
CHRIS: Makes you think doesn't it, one in three marriages end in divorce.
KYLE: It's not that bad.
CHRIS: Yes it is. Think about all the people we know - Paul's been married how many times? And Brad. And your old man was never around when you were growing up. My parents would go weeks without talking and then there's Susan and Karl.
Kyle decides he's heard enough and Georgia tries to re-address the gloom with her parents' marriage and closer to home, Matt and Lauren.
Naomi arrives home after a successful shopping trip and wonders who the trio are talking about. Kyle fills her in and Naomi comments that despite what she/Georgia witnessed, she didn't think it was that serious. With the barest hint of a smile, Naomi than adds that Toadie "must be really upset."
Road outside Community Centre
Karl is having a bit of trouble learning to skate and bows out gracefully! He compliments Daniel on introducing Josh to skating as he needed something to fill the void after the swimming.
Number 30
Naomi does her good neighbour routine by checking on how Toadie is going with Sonya/Nell leaving.
NAOMI: I just didn't think she'd actually leave you.
TOADIE: She hasn't left me; it's just a couple of days!
Naomi then quickly explains what she actually meant.
The Waterhole
Imogen is loving Daniel tell her about Karl skateboarding and can't wait to tell Amber to help lift her from the mood she is in. He asks what kind of a mood and she explains that Amber's been acting weird lately and wonders if she's said anything to him given how long they both spend in the darkroom. Daniel replies back "no" which confirms to Imogen then that it must be down to the school captaincy but then two seconds later tells him that she wouldn't have it back. She then quotes back to him one of his quotes (life is now, you've got to go with what feels like at the moment) and he takes his own advice and when she leaves having got her order, sends Amber a text saying Hey, if you want to find me I'll be in the dark room.
Number 26
Mark returns with an escaped Bossy and decides to try to get more social after realising how out of touch he's been, by inviting Chris, Kyle and Georgia round for dinner.
The Waterhole
Georgia has taken what Chris said plus seeing how things are with Toadie/Sonya to heart and has come up with a list of reasons why marriages break down. Kyle tries to reassure her that not all marriages are doomed and adds that people would never do anything if they thought it would fail. Georgia isn't totally convinced though.
Number 26
Chris is depressed after seeing on Facebook that Will has a new boyfriend and Naomi reassures him that he'll find someone new soon enough.
NAOMI: The truth is when you find the right person nothing can stop you from making it happen.
CHRIS: Is that what you had with Charles even though he was married?
NAOMI: When somebody's with the wrong person they can keep trying to make it work until they're black and blue but if the cracks are there eventually it will all fall apart.
CHRIS: So Polly didn't stand a chance then?
NAOMI: Well what can I say? When it comes down to it true love always wins.
Harold's Store
Amber is reading the text from Daniel when her brother walks in and just about gets his head bitten off when she wrongly thinks he's in for freebies when in actual fact it was an offer to walk her home. She quickly apologises to him and he offers to lend her his ear, which she politely declines, but tells him to go and sit while she finishes her shift.
Meanwhile at one of the other tables, Georgia/Kyle/Chris/Mark debate amongst themselves whether to go and check on how Toadie is doing but decide not to. Georgia is sure something's changed (but isn't sure what) and cites her theory again and Kyle chips in and says if they are struggling what hope do the rest of them have? Chris wonders if they are having cold feet and Kyle quickly says no, "it just makes you think that's all."
CHRIS: Way to sound convincing!
GEORGIA: It would be stupid not to be concerned.
MARK: Sure there are risks. I mean look at me, the worst possible thing that could happen happened but even though it was horrible it was worth taking the risk. I got to share part of my life with Kate and I wouldn't take back a single moment, not for a second. The good stuff always outweighs the bad.
That message seems to resonate with Kyle/Georgia and they immediately seek each other's hands out to hold.
Number 30
Naomi enters the house and chastises Toadie for wasting his alone time by ironing and tempts him into giving that up in favour of watching a WWF DVD with accompanying junk food! He's buying her offer since his alternative was a bowl of cereal and invites her to stay to keep him company, which she readily agrees to.
Amber arrives to meet Daniel still annoyed at herself for the kiss especially since she knows what it's like to have someone cheat on you (her first boyfriend). He tries to reassure her that even if it was just a few seconds, it was worth it. Neither want to hurt Josh and Daniel reassures her that whatever she decides he will stick my it.
DANIEL: But if this is the end I won't try and change your mind, promise. So what do you want to do?
I want to pretend that no one else exists; it's just you and me.
They then begin pashing as we head into the final commercial break.
Number 30
Toadie and Naomi are reminiscing over WWF matches and he compliments are as being the perfect woman!
TOADIE: Seriously, what bloke wouldn't want someone who loves wrestling and can actually remember the matches as well.
They disagree over some hold they've just seen and Naomi tries to re-enact it to prove, for a $20 bet, she'd had been able to get out of it. Naomi wins her bet as not only has she gotten out of the hold but has knocked Toadie to the floor... and literally jumps on him (body slam?) to pin him down get him to submit. With him at her mercy (and totally unawares) she goes for the kill by leaning down and kissing him!
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Sheila demanding to know what Naomi has done!
- Karl dishing out the advice to Toadie.
- Toadie fearful about what will happen when Sonya gets home.
<<6920 - 6922>>
Amber Turner, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6921
Amber Turner, Daniel Robinson

Sonya Rebecchi, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6921
Sonya Rebecchi, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks

Sonya Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6921
Sonya Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks

Imogen Willis, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 6921
Imogen Willis, Amber Turner

Daniel Robinson, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6921
Daniel Robinson, Karl Kennedy

Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6921
Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan

Amber Turner, Bailey Turner in Neighbours Episode 6921
Amber Turner, Bailey Turner

Chris Pappas, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6921
Chris Pappas, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks

Daniel Robinson, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6921
Daniel Robinson, Karl Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6921
Toadie Rebecchi, Naomi Canning

Imogen Willis, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6921
Imogen Willis, Daniel Robinson

Chris Pappas, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6921
Chris Pappas, Mark Brennan

Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6921
Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks

Naomi Canning, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6921
Naomi Canning, Chris Pappas

Amber Turner, Bailey Turner in Neighbours Episode 6921
Amber Turner, Bailey Turner

Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning, Chris Pappas, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6921
Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning, Chris Pappas, Mark Brennan

Toadie Rebecchi, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6921
Toadie Rebecchi, Naomi Canning

Amber Turner, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6921
Amber Turner, Daniel Robinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6921
Toadie Rebecchi, Naomi Canning

Toadie Rebecchi, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6921
Toadie Rebecchi, Naomi Canning

Toadie Rebecchi, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6921
Toadie Rebecchi, Naomi Canning

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