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Neighbours Episode 1501 from 1991 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1500 - 1502>>
Episode title: 1501 (Brad Willis arrives)
Australian airdate: 19/08/91
UK airdate: 14/08/92
UK Gold: 03/08/98
Writer: Ian Coughlan
Director: Philip East
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/David
Paul and Glen have an argument. Paul accuses Glen of coming between him and his family.
Outside No.22
Paul pushes Glen.
PAUL: Come on, hot-shot!
GLEN: What's this going to achieve?
PAUL: Oh, we're backing down now, are we?
GLEN: No, I'm not backing down. Just has to be a better way to settle this.
PAUL: Well I can't think of any. So come on.
He slaps Glen on the face.
GLEN: Why don't you do that again?
Paul tries, but Glen ducks.
Jim is putting out the rubbish and hears the fight. He goes over. Paul is on the ground by now and Jim helps him up. Gaby has also seen the fight from across the road.
GABY: That was really impressive. Do you feel better now?
GLEN: Butt out, it's none of your business.
PAUL: You! You keep off my property. Otherwise in the future I'm going to call the cops.
His lip is bleeding.
JIM:(to Glen) I'll talk to you inside.
Josh congratulates Glen on his fighting skills(!) but Jim send Josh off to his room. Glen tells Jim that he didn't start the fight - Paul has been pushing and pushign him since he's been there. Jim doesn't care - he doesn't want to see anything like that again. Karen rushes in, but Glen says he's fine.
Pam and Doug have arrived home! They hug Gaby joyfully - they haven't seen her for a very long time.
GABY: Brad. Mum, how is he?
PAM: Why don't you ask him?!
Brad staggers through the door with luggage and a surfboard and Gaby hugs him.
BRAD: Hey, big sister! Watch the board, watch the board.
GABY: It must have been horrible in that jail.
BRAD: Oh, it wasn't *that* bad. Some of the hostels were even worse! Let's just say it's good to be home.
Karen comes to see Glen who is sitting in the kitchen. She sits down and asks Glen if he ever gets lonely. She does. Even though they're getting married, they're practically strangers - separate bedrooms and everything. Glen says that being friends isn't a bad thing to build a relationship on. There's knock at the back door and Doug bring Brad in and introduces him. Doug wants to get together with Glen tomorrow and talk about work stuff.
Jim comes out and is delighted to see that Doug is back - and with Brad. Josh comes out too.
JOSH: I think you'll find that Erinsborough is a bit on the quiet side.
BRAD: It's looking pretty good compared to where I've been recently!
In the living room, Doug tells Jim that Brad is a bit messed up on the inside - the jail was awful. He wants everyone to steer clear of the subject until Brad is ready to talk. In the meantime, Josh and Brad are making plans to go surfing.
Jim tells Paul that now that Doug is back, they should get started on the guesthouse again. He also broaches the subject of the fight with Glen. Jim is rather upset and says that Glen is quite hot-headed. Paul says that maybe he shouldn't have pushed Glen - there are better ways to settle things.
JIM: Of course there are. It's just a matter of making an effort.
Brad is up in the middle of the night. Gaby comes out and asks him what he's doing. Apparently he's having breakfast, then he's going to wake up Josh and check out the surf. Gaby thinks he's out of his mind - the water will be icy. Brad starts making a fruit smoothie and Gaby finally agrees to come along. Pam and Doug have been woken by the noise of the blender and stagger out of their room. Pam starts to sneeze and hopes she isn't coming down with anything.
Pam is still upset that Brad has been in jail and Doug hugs her, saying it's all over now.
Ramsay Street
Brad has crow-barred Josh out of bed and they and Gaby jump in the car.
JOSH: OK, we're in!
They set off.
JOSH: Brad - it's just a small thing, mate, but in Australia we like to drive on the left-hand side of the road!
Brad screeches on to the left side.
BRAD: I knew that!
They drive off, as the sun starts to rise.
Glen and Karen are feeling better this morning. Karen is cooking breakfast and Glen has got the day off today. Karen tells Glen that Paul came over earlier - he wants to see him later. Karen thinks that Paul just wants to talk.
The Beach
Brad and Josh are in their wetsuits and Brad can't wait to get into the surf. Brad laughs at Josh's board and says that it's an antique! They run off into the sea.
There follows a montage where Gaby sits on the beach and watches Brad and Josh going for it. They are both quite impressive surfers.
Paul answers the door to Glen.
PAUL: Right, let's get straight to it. I didn't invite you round for social reasons, I have a proposition.
GLEN: Oh, yeah?
PAUL: Basically, I want to know how much you want to take your girlfriend and get out of Erinsborough.
GLEN: What?
PAUL: You heard me. How does $10,000 sound?
GLEN: Is this some kind of joke or what?
PAUL: No, no joke. Alright, I tell you what, I'll make it $15,000. And you and your girlfriend get out of Erinsborough and I don't see you again, ever.
GLEN: You're serious. You expect me to just walk away from Dad after everything he's done?
PAUL: Oh, yeah, and that will just be so painful, won't it, eh? I mean, you're so close and everything. Alright, final offer - $20,000. And before you make a decision, think what that money will mean to the little woman and the kid. All those little luxuries you'd have to do without? $20,000.
The Beach
Josh and Brad are tying their boards back on the car - they've had a great time. Gaby is freezing cold. They decide to go off to find the old burger place that used to be down the road.
As they drive off, Josh's board isn't tied on properly and falls off.
JOSH: Oh no, it's wrecked! It's wrecked!
BRAD: Let's face it, mate, it was already wrecked. It probably just saw the chance to put itself out of its misery!
JOSH: Very funny, Brad.
Brad says that he'll build Josh another board - he makes terrific boards. He chucks Josh's board in a nearby skip and heads off for burgers!
Glen is showing Karen Paul's cheque. They aren't sure what to do. Glen doesn't want to walk out on Jim, but it would be useful for the baby. Karen says that they don't need Paul's money if it means selling his soul.
Glen says she's right and goes to ring Paul.
GLEN: It's me. I've thought about your offer and the answer's no.
PAUL: Too late, you've already accepted the cheque.
GLEN: Listen to this.
He tears up the cheque.
GLEN: That was the cheque. If you want the pieces you can come over and get them from the garbage bin.
Paul tells Doug that his valuer has come up with a cut-price cost for the guesthouse but Doug is skeptical - it's already down to the bone.
Pam comes in feeling awful - she thinks it might be Bahgee flu.
Karen and Glen are talking. Apparently the registry office has rung and Glen and Karen are free to get married as soon as they like. Karen is pleased.
Jim comes in from his golf game and says he should take up bowls. When Jim puts some rubbish in the bin, he sees the torn-up cheque. Glen says it's nothing, but Jim wants to know what going on.
Jim storms round to see Paul. He holds up the cheque.
PAUL: That was supposed to be between him and me. But I should have known better. I knew he'd come whining to you!
JIM: He didn't tell me. The only reason I know about it is that I found this in the rubbish bin. I had to drag the truth out of him. The truth is pretty sick, isn't it, what did you hope to achieve?
PAUL: Well I thought with him and his girlfriend out of Erinsborough, maybe, just maybe you and I might be able to get back to treating each other like human beings.
JIM: Human beings? You don't know how to treat someone like a human being, Paul, to you it's all so much merchandise - merchandise and money. I guess you hoped that I'd think he'd walked out on me, that I'd get bitter and maybe one day cut him out of my will altogether, was that the plan?
PAUL: No. Look, all I wanted was for you and I to have a decent relationship again, is that too much to ask?
JIM: Yes, it is. Until you can start to grow up and start to treat people with some respect. I can understand why Glen punched you out last night, right now I feel like doing exactly the same thing!
He throws the pieces of the cheque and Paul and storms out.
Pam has wrapped herself in a blanket. Brad and Gaby come in and Pam asks if Brad has been ill lately. He apparently had a bout of something when he was in jail. Pam realises that he's the carrier, and when Paul pops round she hustles him out. But Doug says it's too late - Paul was around for an hour this afternoon. Pam won't let Paul go home - she has to quarantine him because he hasn't seen Christina yet. It wouldn't be worth the risk. Paul says he could check into the hotel, but Pam says it's better than they try to contain it here. She'll make Paul up a bed.
PAUL: Hang on, does this mean I'm stuck here?
PAM: I'm afraid so!
She sneezes. Paul doesn't look at all impressed!
<<1500 - 1502>>
Glen Donnelly, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1501
Glen Donnelly, Paul Robinson

Jim Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1501
Jim Robinson, Paul Robinson

Glen Donnelly in Neighbours Episode 1501
Glen Donnelly

Gaby Willis, Pam Willis, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 1501
Gaby Willis, Pam Willis, Doug Willis

Brad Willis, Gaby Willis in Neighbours Episode 1501
Brad Willis, Gaby Willis

Jim Robinson, Glen Donnelly, Brad Willis, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 1501
Jim Robinson, Glen Donnelly, Brad Willis, Doug Willis

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1501
Paul Robinson

Brad Willis, Gaby Willis in Neighbours Episode 1501
Brad Willis, Gaby Willis

Pam Willis, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 1501
Pam Willis, Doug Willis

 in Neighbours Episode 1501

Glen Donnelly, Karen Constantine in Neighbours Episode 1501
Glen Donnelly, Karen Constantine

Gaby Willis, Brad Willis, Josh Anderson in Neighbours Episode 1501
Gaby Willis, Brad Willis, Josh Anderson

Brad Willis, Josh Anderson in Neighbours Episode 1501
Brad Willis, Josh Anderson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1501
Paul Robinson

 in Neighbours Episode 1501

Brad Willis, Gaby Willis, Josh Anderson in Neighbours Episode 1501
Brad Willis, Gaby Willis, Josh Anderson

Karen Constantine, Glen Donnelly in Neighbours Episode 1501
Karen Constantine, Glen Donnelly

Glen Donnelly in Neighbours Episode 1501
Glen Donnelly

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1501
Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 1501
Paul Robinson, Doug Willis

Doug Willis, Pam Willis in Neighbours Episode 1501
Doug Willis, Pam Willis

Karen Constantine, Jim Robinson, Glen Donnelly in Neighbours Episode 1501
Karen Constantine, Jim Robinson, Glen Donnelly

Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1501
Paul Robinson, Jim Robinson

Brad Willis, Gaby Willis in Neighbours Episode 1501
Brad Willis, Gaby Willis

Doug Willis, Pam Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1501
Doug Willis, Pam Willis, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1501
Paul Robinson

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