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Neighbours Episode 6856 from 2014 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6855 - 6857>>
Episode title: 6856 (Kate Ramsay is shot)
Australian airdate: 07/04/14
UK airdate: 21/04/14
Writer: Margaret Wilson
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Mark Brennan: Scott McGregor
Naomi Canning: Morgana O'Rielly
Sophie Ramsay: Kaiya Jones
Zeke Kinski: Matthew Werkmeister
Sienna Matthews: Sarah Roberts
Stephen Montague: Damian Hill
Nell Rebecchi: Scarlett Anderson
Customer: Richard Sutherland
- "Got What You Need" by Eskimo Joe
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Sonya telling Toadie she sacked Talia.
- Toadie aghast at what Sonya thought he did.
- Sheila complaining to Sonya about her daughter.
- Sonya coming up with a solution (for Naomi).
- Mark telling Paul that Kate will still love him.
- Paul organising a surprise birthday party for Kate.
- Kate happy to celebrate her birthday alone with Mark.
- Mark looking at an engagement ring.
Number 24 balcony/Charlie's
The rival camps set up for Kate's birthday - Brennan an intimate breakfast table for two with the engagement ring in Kate's glass of bubbles and Paul going OTT with flowers/balloons and a cake at the bar.
Number 24
Mark leads Kate out to the table he set up for brekkie (she's to keep her eyes closed). Unfortunately they get an unwelcome guest (a wasp) which Mark is quick to kill but unluckily it ends up in Kate's glass and she pours it (and the ring) over the balcony! Mark looks aghast but quickly recovers to not let on as to what she's thrown away!
Number 30
Sonya's plans for a day at home chillaxing with Toadie are ruined when he gets a call from Charlotte unimpressed that he's trying to steal the Chile contract from them. He doesn't have a clue what she is on about but plans on going to the office to find out despite Sonya trying very hard to tempt him into staying before eventually saying she (and Nell) will accompany him.
Rebecchi Law
Toadie confronts Naomi with the news and she confirms that she has tried to woo them. He's impressed with how much profit they stand to make but thinks it's bad form to poach them plus doesn't want the time away from his family.
Harold's Store
Susan and Paul are chatting about the party when Karl arrives with a surprise visitor - Zeke! Stepson/stepmother warmly embrace each other and even Paul seems happy to see him too. Paul also adds that there is something else planned for Kate today (but doesn't say what) before he leaves them to it.
Ramsay Street
Mark makes arrangements to meet Kate for lunch at the lake before she heads off in his car. Once she's away, he makes a beeline for the garden to try and find the ring and thankfully for him, he finds it fairly quickly.
He then receives a mystery text from an unknown saying I'M WATCHING YOU. and looks around to see if he can see anything.
Number 26 backyard
Mark is showing Chris the text and who he thinks it's from (Montague) and it momentarily stops Sheila/Kyle from talking about the trouble Dane has got himself into in Thailand.
SHEILA: Oh great, I've got a grandson in an Asian jail and now we're all in mortal danger from some neighbours psycho ex-boyfriend. Is there any other good news that I've missed?!
Given the day, Mark doesn't want to make too much a deal out of it but asks that they just keep their wits around about them.
Lassiters Complex
Georgia hands over a pressie for Kate with instructions to open it later. Kate asks how she is and Georgia tells her about the text from Kyle wanting to meet up but she'd rather they put things on hold for a while, so Kate tells her to stop looking for excuses not to get back with Kyle and cut him some slack. I'm not quite sure if Georgia appreciated the comment or but not but she does have a large smile on her face and tells Kate to enjoy the rest of the day!
After Georgia leaves, Kate opens the bag to see the pressie - it's a framed photo of the two of them partying in Charlie's, taken obviously in happier times.
Number 24
Mark is staring at the ring now safely back in its box, when an unwelcome visitor makes their presence known - Sienna! He's not amused she's broken in again and tries to get it through to her that he's with Kate and that he loves/wants to be with her after Sienna tries to tell him that Kate doesn't want him.
MARK: I need you to understand that we're over.
She bemoans wasting two years of her life on him and promises that she will never forget that. Mark orders her from the house and to go back to the Blue Mountains.
SIENNA: I hate you and you're kidding yourself if you think you're going to live happily ever after. It's just not going to happen.
Lassiters Complex
Kate exits the store and gets a double surprise - not just Zeke but her sister Sophie too. She embraces them both and Sophie asks she doesn't tell Paul that she's see her nor that she's given the game away too about the surprise party! Kate promises to keep quiet but as they stand and chat, Paul spots the three of them as he exits the hotel. He's not happy the secret is blown but Kate sweet talks him round and asks that the main thing she wants from him for her birthday is his blessing to her/Mark.
PAUL: If that idiot is the man that you think that you want, I guess I can live with that.
"Thank you," she says before hugging him but as they do you can see from his facial expressions that he still isn't exactly happy!
Number 30
Naomi drops some papers round for Toadie to read and subtly tries to convince Sonya to give in to get Toadie to take on the Chile contract.
Number 28
Naomi's words have got to Sonya and she unloads on Sheila/Susan if she is being a bad wife by holding Toadie back from taking the Chile contract and wonders if she keeps objecting (to contracts like that) if he will end up resenting her. "Without a crystal ball who knows," Susan replies but adds that Toadie has his priorities right (he loves his family more than anything) and Sonya agrees wholeheartedly but wonders if she should reciprocate the support he's given her lately. Sheila asks if she wants to tell Naomi to back off but Sonya is quick to reject that offer and apologises for sounding off in the first place.
SHEILA: You're not moaning and we are your friends.
SONYA: Yes you are, you are and you've helped. I know what I have to do.
Sonya departs and Sheila asks Susan if she should talk to Naomi but her advice is not to for now.
Kate tells Kyle that she's just seen Georgia and urges him to stay in there. He replies that he will because he loves Georgia and almost lets slip why he's going home but she tells him about Sophie spilling the beans and they agree to see each other at Charlie's later on.
As Kyle is about to get into his Ute, he recognises Montague's car although he doesn't exactly keep his identity secret either as he slowly drives past Kyle before speeding up/taking off at speed.
Lassiters Lake
Mark compliments Kate on her attire when she arrives at the lake and she explains about dolling herself up for the party. She also thinks she knows why they were meeting there too (looking towards the padlocks on the chain) but instead he walks her to the rotunda.
MARK: I love you Kate. I know that we've only just found each other again but I want us to spend the rest of our lives together.
He pulls out the ring from his inside pocket to show to Kate and she is gobsmacked! Mark goes down on bended knees before continuing.
MARK: Will you marry me?
KATE: Yes!
Mark stands up and slips the ring onto Kate's finger before they celebrate with a pash in-between Kate telling him that she loves him.
The RSR's are enjoying the spread that Moneybags has put on while they wait for Kate and he too wonders where the birthday girl is. Karl then has to bail as he's been called into work but hopes to be back in time for cake.
Toadie is also celebrating too having won the Chilean contract and while he goes to get his wife a suitable drink (Naomi took over 3 glasses of bubbles) she thanks Sonya for letting him go for the contract and tries to reassure her that he won't be away as much as she fears.
Sonya moves away and Sheila moves in to have a quiet word with her daughter - the Chilean deal isn't going to be good for their relationship but all Naomi sees is $$$ signs.
Zeke and Sophie arrive for the party and report having seen Kate/Mark at the lake but felt it inappropriate to interrupt them! Paul asks one of them to go get her to the party but Zeke is more interested in feeding himself first.
Lassiters Complex
As he is walking through the complex towards the bar, Chris is spots Montague and takes off to chase him when he does a bolt. He loses Montague at the back of the complex but (unnoticed by Chris) someone spots him and hits him in the back of the leg, causing Chris to fall to the ground and unfortunately he's knocked out cold after hitting his head on some rubble lying around.
Lassiters Lake
Zeke, Chris, Georgia and Sophie have been sent out to get Mark/Kate to Charlie's. Kate explains that they do have a good excuse and shouts out that they are getting married while showing her finger now adorned with an engagement ring. The gang are shocked but thrilled and Sophie goes to hug her sister first before Zeke, then Georgia do the same. Kyle plays it safe and shakes Mark's hand before Sophie too hugs him, adding in a "welcome to the family."
As they continue to celebrate, we can see that someone else is watching on as we head into the final commercial break.
Lassiters Lake
Georgia reminds everyone that there is party that they should be going to but Kate asks for a wee bit more alone time with Mark first. She asks for them not to say anything when they get to the bar and they go rushing off trying to avoid getting wet (its pouring with rain so everyone was in the rotunda).
Just as the pair are exchanging their "I love you's" a gunshot is heard and Kate immediately begins falling to the ground. The others stop in their tracks too having heard the gunshot.
After seeing previous old scenes of Kate we then cut to Mark carrying an unconscious Kate.
<<6855 - 6857>>
Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6856
Paul Robinson

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6856
Mark Brennan

 in Neighbours Episode 6856

Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6856
Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6856
Mark Brennan

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6856
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6856
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Naomi Canning

Susan Kennedy, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6856
Susan Kennedy, Paul Robinson

Susan Kennedy, Zeke Kinski, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6856
Susan Kennedy, Zeke Kinski, Karl Kennedy

Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6856
Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan

Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6856
Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning

Mark Brennan, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6856
Mark Brennan, Chris Pappas

Kate Ramsay, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6856
Kate Ramsay, Georgia Brooks

Georgia Brooks, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6856
Georgia Brooks, Kate Ramsay

Sienna Matthews in Neighbours Episode 6856
Sienna Matthews

Sophie Ramsay, Zeke Kinski, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6856
Sophie Ramsay, Zeke Kinski, Kate Ramsay

Kate Ramsay, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6856
Kate Ramsay, Paul Robinson

Sonya Rebecchi, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6856
Sonya Rebecchi, Naomi Canning

Susan Kennedy, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 6856
Susan Kennedy, Sheila Canning

Kyle Canning, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6856
Kyle Canning, Kate Ramsay

Stephen Montague in Neighbours Episode 6856
Stephen Montague

Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6856
Kyle Canning

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6856
Mark Brennan

Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6856
Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay

Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6856
Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay

Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6856
Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Sheila Canning, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6856
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Sheila Canning, Paul Robinson

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6856
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Naomi Canning

Susan Kennedy, Zeke Kinski, Paul Robinson, Sophie Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6856
Susan Kennedy, Zeke Kinski, Paul Robinson, Sophie Ramsay

Chris Pappas, Victor Cleary, Stephen Montague in Neighbours Episode 6856
Chris Pappas, Victor Cleary, Stephen Montague

Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6856
Chris Pappas

Zeke Kinski, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks, Sophie Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6856
Zeke Kinski, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks, Sophie Ramsay

Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6856
Kate Ramsay

Kate Ramsay, Zeke Kinski, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks in Neighbours Episode 6856
Kate Ramsay, Zeke Kinski, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks

Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6856
Kate Ramsay, Mark Brennan

Kate Ramsay, Sophie Ramsay, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6856
Kate Ramsay, Sophie Ramsay, Mark Brennan

Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6856
Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay

Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6856
Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay

Sophie Ramsay, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 6856
Sophie Ramsay, Kyle Canning, Georgia Brooks, Zeke Kinski

Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6856
Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay

Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6856
Mark Brennan, Kate Ramsay

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