- Kate kissing Noah and then telling him it was a mistake
- Mal sticking around for his parents but also Jade
- Jade trying to justify her flirting with Mal by saying she flirts with everyone
- Mal getting jealous at Jade hanging out with another guy
Number 26
Rhys and Dane have a bicker about who cleans the BBQ - Dane cooked so he feels Rhys should do it, but Rhys feels Dane should do it *because* he cooked so the mess is his. Meanwhile Jade ignores them when she sees a text from Malcolm: "Playing hard to me."
Number 24
Another girl having boy problems over here. Kate picks up the picture of a rose that Noah drew for her and shed scrunches it up as she leaves the house.
Harold's Store
Susan comes in to buy some vanilla cupcakes to cheer Summer up because she's upset about the PirateNet fiasco. Noah comes in all friendly and normal and Kate gets her snark on and tells him to leave unless he orders something. So he smiles and orders a burger.
Number 28/Number 26
Mal and Jade are staring at their phones in their respective homes. Karl questions Mal on his relationship with Cath and Mal claims that all is hunky- dory. Jade half- heartedly assists in cleaning the house and while she's joking around with Dane, she gets a missed call from Kyle. Over at number 28, Mal's phone beeps: Recharge now and get 30 mins bonus talk time!
Harold's Store
Noah is drawing and hanging around and Kate tries to get rid of him but he grabs another juice so he can stick around. Sonya pops around to buy provisions for the book club that she's starting with Susan. Kate agrees to join in after her shift and Noah gives her a creeper smile.
Jade's picking up an order and Mal comes in for dessert.
MAL: Did you get my text?
JADE: Yeah, yeah I did.
MAL: And?
JADE: And what?
MAL: You seriously still doing this?
JADE: What am I seriously still doing, Mal?
MAL: Last week you were all over me.
JADE: I don't know where you got that idea from.
MAL: And now this?
JADE: Why, because I didn't talk to you enough at the party?
MAL: Yeah, pretty much. And given what's been going on since that soccer game...
JADE: I didn't talk to half those guys at the barbeque.
MAL: You didn't take your top off for half those fellas at the soccer either. And you didn't stay up partying til late for half those guys.
JADE: I don't know what you want from me.
MAL: I'm not wrong about this.
JADE: Mal. You're married.
MAL: But I'm not wrong. You tell me I'm reading this the wrong way.
JADE: OK, you want to hear it out loud? You've got it wrong.
She grabs her order and leaves. Mal is being so creepy.
Number 28
Mal is on the phone with his wife who he seems to have forgotten about. Susan heads off to her book club and Karl asks some domestic- y questions like "when will you be home" before remembering that she doesn't have to answer them since they're separated. Mal looks at various messages on his phone.
From Catherine: Miss you babe, can't wait to cya.
From Jade: Cya tomorrow, get ready to sweat!
From Catherine: Skype me so I can see your face.
From Jade: Old man, r u chicken to head out again?
From Dad: Are you home for dinner?
Number 30
Details are being hammered out at the first book club session and Callum tells them they should just invest in a computer where you can download a bunch of books.
SUSAN: I like the feel of the paper when you turn the page.
SONYA: Yeah, me too.
Callum doesn't get it. Talk turns to the books they'll be reading, and Susan suggests one about a government cover- up and Sonya and Kate look completely uninterested. Susan jokes about finding one about an older woman seducing a young man and Kate looks freaked. Callum is also freaked at the potential sex- talk coming from that sort of book.
Number 26
Dane is headed out to hang out with Honger. Rhys won't join because he's studying and Jade won't join because she doesn't want to. Dane tells Jade to call Kyle because he's apparently been leaving messages for Jade.
DANE: Anyway, I'm going to go to the pub and pretty much dominate.
Rhys is mightily amused at that while Jade calls Kyle.
Number 30
Susan laughs about how Paul went through one of the articles with a red pen like he was marking it. Kate is lost in her world of flashbacks about Noah. Susan brings her back to earth and comments that she's a little pale so Kate blames it on a long day and makes a quick exit. Sonya and Susan look confused and Sonya offers to check on Kate.
History Wall
Kate has flashbacks about the kiss and she starts crying.
After the commercial, Sonya has come to see Kate. Walking past the police station, Sonya thinks it's about Brennan. Sonya tells her that there are people who are there for her and advises counselling if she doesn't want to talk to them.
Number 24
Arriving home, Kate unscrunches Noah's pictures of the rose and rips it up instead.
Number 26
Jade is having a nice chat with Kyle, where we actually hear his side of the conversation too. They hang up and Rhys makes his opinion known.
RHYS: Long phone call...
JADE: Rhys, if you've got something to say, just say it.
RHYS: You really want to know what I've got to say.
JADE: Yeah, come on. Let's have your pop psychology diagnosis then, Dr. Lawson.
RHYS: Hey, you work people out, find out what they want. It's the easiest way to get them to like you.
JADE: Well I guess you're a long way off from working me out then.
Rhys' theory is that Jade has a fear of intimacy stemming from parents who died young and an older sister who went off the rails which meant that she had to look after herself. She's scared of commitment with Kyle and Mal is just a distraction.
JADE: Nice try, Dr Freud.
Rhys reckons he's pretty close though. It would appear he's hit some sort of mark though because Jade gets defensive and angry and tells him to back off.
Jade is the one having flashbacks now - first of Kyle kissing her and then wanting a relationship, and then of Rhys hitting the mark with his assessment that she backed off when Kyle wanted a relationship. She picks up her phone and calls to meet someone. She walks outside and meets with Mal and kisses him.
MAL: I'm married, remember?
JADE: I know.
Mal hesitates but then kisses her back.