- Finn makes an attempt to leave town, leaving the Kennedys and Bea a goodbye note
- Bea deliberately avoids Ned so she can go and track Finn down
- In The City™, Bea convinces Finn to come back to Erinsborough and face up to things
- Finn returns and reports for his check- in with David
- Dean goes snooping in Elly's medical file and finds the real ultrasound photo
- Elly initially refuses to buy Dean alcohol after he begins to blackmail her
- Kyle finds out about Paul paying Chloe to stay away from him
- Kyle reveals to Terese, Amy and Gary that Paul has been plotting to get Kyle back with Amy
- Terese tells Paul that his moving in was supposed to bring them closer
- Gary tells Paul that he and Amy have never been stronger, despite Paul's best efforts
- While pashing Gary, Amy has a daydream fantasy in which it's actually Kyle she's kissing
No 26
Amy and Gary are getting extremely frisky, and are about to undress so they can TITTNL™ on the desk in the living area, when Kyle walks in and is immediately traumatised!
KYLE: Heard of a bedroom?!
Kyle says he'd just called round to find out how Amy and Gary were going, after the whole Paul-bribing-Chloe debacle.
KYLE: But I can see you both are totally fine! Anyway, I thought I'd just let you know that me and Chloe are still on, big-time - so there's that. I'll leave you to it - sorry!
Kyle leaves.
GARY: Timing's never been his strong point.
AMY: ...
GARY: I suppose he's killed the mood.
AMY: You think? (!)
No 24
Elly is doing schoolwork, when she gets a text from Dean. It says, 'Back from camp. Your fault I didn't get to party,' - alluding to her failure to get any alcohol to him.
Mark comes in, and she quickly turns her phone over. He can sense that Elly's stressed, but she covers. He asks why she's working, assuming it's prep for her substitute teacher. But Elly tells him she's going back to work tomorrow - it's only half-days, but she needs to be there as there are things only she can deal with.
Mark's very unsure about this given she's only recently out of hospital, but eventually relents from trying to persuade her, and says the schoolkids are lucky to have her.
No 28
Finn is working at the table, while Bea and Yashvi hang out on the sofa. Yashvi's frustrated because Dean - whom she describes to Bea as 'a dumb guy with a loud mouth' - is back from school camp tomorrow, and he always gives her grief about her repeating Year 12. Bea suggests Yashvi tell Elly, as she wouldn't let her him away with that.
YASHVI: I can deal. Elly's too busy being wrapped around his little finger, anyway.
BEA: I doubt that.
YASHVI: He's gotten nothing better than a D all year - Elly comes in, gives him a B. She didn't even give *me* a B!
BEA: Well, maybe he earned that?
YASHVI: Not possible.
Finn is listening with interest. His phone starts to ring, but it's closer to Bea so she gets it for him - the number calling is Swiss, so Finn assumes it's Shaun. Indeed it is, and Finn goes to his room to talk to his brother. Meanwhile, Yashvi has picked up on the calm, co-operative atmosphere between Bea and Finn.
YASHVI: That was all... nice and friendly.
BEA: (...) Just keeping the peace at home, you know, that's all.
YASHVI (teasing): Are you guys gonna have D and Ms, then solve each other's problems?
BEA: Hardly.
Bea tells Yashvi she'll be sleeping at Ned's tonight; with everything that's gone on with Finn, she wants to spend as much time with Ned as possible - to make sure he knows he's her number one.
The Waterhole
Gary and Amy are waiting for a food order to arrive, but things are clearly a little awkward after Kyle walked in on them.
GARY: It could've been worse. Could've been Mum!
Paul comes in. Gary assumes he's here to grovel to Amy to come back to Robinson Pines because Kyle's quit.
PAUL: Actually, I've come to invite you two to join Terese and I for brunch tomorrow.
GARY: Brunch - in exchange for paying one of your employees to help break us up?
PAUL: No, it's a way to apologise.
AMY: And this is your idea?
PAUL: That's not important, is it?
GARY: Nah, course it's not! Terese has put him up to it, and he's swallowing his pride so he can get back in her good books.
PAUL: Doesn't mean the offer's not genuine.
GARY: Oh, it kinda does.
AMY: Yeah, I think we'll keep our distance for now.
GARY: No, I'm up for it - I reckon it'd be fun! So, thanks for the invite, old boy - we'll see you tomorrow with bells on. Wedding bells!
Paul forces a strained smile, and says he'll see them then, before leaving. Amy doesn't look happy.
No 22
Ned and Bea are hanging out on the couch. Bea's not paying much attention to the film they're supposed to be watching, so Ned moves in for a pash instead. Once that's done with...
BEA: Hey, you know how I said no about moving in?
NED: Oh, we don't have to talk about that tonight.
BEA: No, it's alright. I just thought, instead, do you have a spare drawer that I could keep my stuff in?
NED: Yeah.
BEA: Yeah, well - it'll make it easy for me to be here more.
NED: Great. You're not just saying that to make me feel better about Finn?
BEA: No, of course not.
NED: Cos I don't want you to feel obligated.
BEA: ... No, I just... want to spend as much time here as I can.
They kiss again. Ned goes to fetch them a drink from the kitchen, where Roxy is manicuring herself over the kitchen work surface.
NED: People make food there, you know.
ROXY: Bit of dead skin in your breakfast won't kill you.
Roxy asks Ned how his plan to 'nail Finn' is going. Ned quietly admits that he's backed off a bit; Mark hasn't been able to give him any leads to help pin anything on Finn, and Bea wants to focus on their relationship, so it's maybe for the best. But he'll keep an eye on Finn.
NED: You're not even listening to me anymore, are you?
ROXY: Mm, 'focus on us' - yeah, boring.
Roxy smiles as Ned walks off.
No 24
Elly and Mark are at home when Finn turns up. Mark is visibly displeased to see him, and Elly surprised.
MARK: What can I do for you?
FINN: Sorry for... I heard Elly was out of hospital.
MARK: Yeah, she's pretty tired.
FINN: I just - I wanted to say how sorry I am for what happened.
ELLY: Thank you.
FINN: I hate to think that it was me that was the reason you were attacked.
ELLY: Of course not. We don't know who it was.
FINN: Have you found Miranda? Or anyone it could've been?
MARK: The investigation's still ongoing. Anything else?
FINN: I was just checking that you were okay. Actually, it was Shaun that made me come over here. I just got off the phone with him.
MARK: Why would that matter to him?
ELLY: ... Yeah, I've only met him once or twice.
FINN: Well, he cares about Susan and Karl. They've done so much for him - for both of us. He heard that you were pregnant, and he was just wondering -
ELLY: You can tell him I'm fine.
Mark tells Finn it's time he left. Finn says he's glad Elly is alright. Outside, he looks perplexed.
Harold's Café
Finn greets Ned with a chirpy 'morning!' while he's waiting at the counter. Unsurprisingly, this doesn't go down well.
FINN: Haven't seen much of Bea at home lately. Guess that means you guys are pretty loved up at the moment?
NED: How we are is none of your business.
FINN: I know, I wasn't -
Ned goes to leave, but Finn follows.
FINN: I'm just glad that what happened the other day hasn't caused any tension between you two.
NED: What?
FINN: Well, how Bea found me and brought me back, after I left. I know you probably weren't stoked.
NED: What the hell are you talking about?
FINN: Sorry, I was just -
NED: You tried to run away?!
FINN: No, it wasn't like that, I just - I freaked out about everybody hating me, and Bea talked me down (...) I just assumed that she told you.
NED: Yeah, I'll bet you did (!)
FINN: No, I had no idea you didn't know!
NED: Saw your chance to stir things up, huh?
FINN: No, Ned, it's not like that!
But Ned's out of the door already.
No 22
Paul and Terese are preparing the awkward brunch of the century, while Amy and Gary sit in the other room - looking awkward and smug respectively. Roxy lingers around them provocatively. In the kitchen, Terese reminds Paul that this brunch won't solve everything.
TERESE: You made this bed, and you need to lie in it. So behave!
PAUL: I will!
They enter the living room to join Gary, Amy and Roxy.
ROXY (to Gary): So, let me get this straight. You and Auntie T almost got married, right?
GARY: Yeah, it was a while ago.
ROXY: And now she's hooked up with Pauly - and you're about to marry his daughter?
AMY: Sounds more complicated than it is.
ROXY: Hey - no judging! Well, kind of judging - but we're all adults here, aren't we? You know, it's a shame that we can't clone Gazza over here. There'd be one for both of you!
PAUL (to Roxy): Don't you have somewhere else to be that's not here?
ROXY: No, not really.
But Terese gives her a look, so Roxy departs - with half of the brunch.
ROXY: Thanks, Uncle P!
PAUL: Don't call me that.
Paul says he's been chatting to his sister Lucy on the phone; Amy asks how she is. Paul replies that she's good, and wants him and Terese to represent Lassiter's at the hoteliers' conference in The City™ next week. Terese changes the subject, reminding Paul that there's something he needs to say. Paul claims he's already apologised for his behaviour, but Gary pointedly corrects him!
PAUL: ... I'm sorry.
GARY: Sorry for...?
PAUL: Sorry for... for... trying to influence your relationship by paying Chloe to dump Kyle.
GARY (laughs): There we go! Wasn't so hard!
AMY: Thanks, Dad - we appreciate it. Not that it would've worked anyway. It's gonna take a lot more to come between me and Kyle.
GARY: ...
PAUL: ...
AMY: ... Did I just say Kyle? I'm s... You know what I meant. We were just talking about him, and Dad said his name.
But Gary is looking gutted, and Paul increasingly smug.
No 28
Ned storms in, demanding to know why Bea didn't tell him about Finn almost leaving town.
NED: You asked me trust you, and I did. And then you sit there and lie to me?
BEA: Okay, that is true - and I'm sorry that I lied. But I knew that you would freak out, and you would call the cops on Finn.
NED: Yeah, because that is what is supposed to happen when someone breaks their parole conditions!
BEA: He panicked! And he doesn't deserve to go to jail over one tiny little mistake. Look, I'm sorry that I lied to you. But I'm part of the reason why he took off, and I had to go after him.
NED: ... This isn't even about Finn anymore. All that stuff you said last night - wanting to stay at my place more, the drawer for your things? It's just you feeling guilty - wasn't it?
BEA: Maybe a little bit. But I did mean what I said. I do want to spend more time on us. Look, I should've explained to you what I did. But we've been so good lately, and I didn't want to wreck that.
NED: Yeah, well - somehow you did.
He begins to leave; Bea shouts after him that it won't happen again, but he goes anyway, retorting that it shouldn't have happened in the first place.
Lassiter's Complex
Dean accosts Elly in the courtyard before school. She coldly tells him that they don't need to walk there together.
DEAN: Don't you want to know about camp? About how it sucked with nothing to drink?
ELLY: I have been in hospital, Dean.
DEAN: Why? What happened?
ELLY: It doesn't matter. The point is - what you are doing, these threats you're making - you're putting me under a lot of stress.
DEAN: It's only stressful if you don't do what I want.
ELLY: No, enough. My baby was in serious danger. I'm not gonna let you make it worse. I'm not doing anything illegal for you.
DEAN: Actually, you will.
Dean shows her the real ultrasound photo, that he's stolen from his mum's file. Meanwhile, Finn has turned up, and is skulking around, watching them from behind some trees. Elly tries to grab the photo, but Dean snatches it away.
ELLY: Dean, come on - please.
DEAN: You know, I think I'm gonna be late for school this morning. You'll be cool with that, though, won't you?
Dean walks off. Finn is still watching with interest.
Harold's Café
Dean sees Yashvi at a table, and approaches for some verbal sparring, leaving his bag on a nearby table, as well as the ultrasound, face-down.
DEAN: How's it going, loser?
YASHVI: Ugh. All that time on camp with no friends, and that's the best insult you've got?
Finn comes in while they're talking. Seeing the ultrasound on the table, he picks it up.
DEAN: Where are your friends? That's right - they all moved on with their lives while you're still here repeating.
YASHVI: Both your parents are doctors, and you're failing every subject. I'm the dumb one, am I?
Finn looks at the ultrasound, and sees it has Elly's name on it. He pockets it, and leaves before Dean even notices.
DEAN: Get stuffed.
YASHVI: Oh, you're killing me with those zingers today (!)
No 22
Amy is apologetic to Gary, and kicking herself for saying Kyle's name in place of his.
AMY: Of all the names I could've called you - I'm so sorry.
GARY: Ames, don't worry about it - it's fine.
In the kitchen, Paul can't keep the smirk off his face, despite Terese's instruction to do so!
TERESE: It was an innocent slip of the tongue! And if you think this validates your meddling, then you're deluded.
PAUL: No, I've learned my lesson. I'm quite prepared to step back and just let whatever happens happen.
Roxy comes in; she's heard from Leo that he has picked up the keys to the Back Lane Bar, and it's now officially theirs. Terese hugs her and offers congratulations, but Paul doesn't look so pleased. Roxy's celebrating by heading down to the bar to sink as many cocktails as she can before lunch. Terese encourages her to be more responsible.
ROXY: I am. I am testing our products!
Paul asks Roxy if she even understands the basic principles of profit and loss. Roxy retorts that that will be Leo's side of the business - 'boredom corner'.
PAUL: If you think that Leo is gonna be a pushover, you are in for a rude awakening, my girl.
ROXY: Chill, P Robby - I am just pulling your leg. I know how to work hard, and I'm not about to stuff this up.
The Waterhole
Finn's just picking up a coffee, when Elly comes in. She's not especially keen to talk to him, but Finn wants to make conversation.
FINN: I just want to say sorry about last night.
ELLY: Oh, that's okay. Just give us some notice next time.
FINN: Of course. Won't happen again.
Elly's phone rings - and Finn notices it's a Swiss number, and specifically, Shaun's. But he doesn't say anything, and instead leaves, wishing her a good afternoon.
As he leaves, Leo comes in; and Elly fills him in on Dean blackmailing her with the ultrasound, threatening to take it to Mark. Leo is not impressed, and asks her how this happened.
Power Road
Finn is wandering along with the ultrasound, looking pensive. He sees Mark giving bus-catching advice to some extras nearby, and walks towards him, looking down at the ultrasound. As if making a decision, Finn then continues on his way...
Lassiter's Complex
Ned is catching up with Gary to update him on Finn skipping town and Bea convincing him to come back. Ned says that Bea's been sucked in by Finn, like she was before.
NED: She tells him that they're not friends, and then, he does a runner, crying, 'oh, it's all too hard!'
GARY: He's been manipulating her by making her feel guilty.
NED: Yeah, and she doesn't even know it's happening. And then he tells me (...) just wants a reaction.
GARY: I guess he got what he wanted.
NED: I want him gone.
GARY: Yeah, we all do.
NED: I'm serious. You and I, we missed our chance. I'm not letting that happen again.
GARY: Yeah, just don't do anything stupid.
NED: I won't.
GARY: Ned, I nearly went off my nut when he first landed here. But Ames got me to pull my head in. So just don't get yourself into trouble for the bloke; he's just not worth it.
NED: But Bea's worth it.
GARY: Then keep an eye on her (...) Finn's messed up before, and he'll mess up again. And this time, we'll be waiting for him.
Ned nods in agreement.
The Waterhole
Leo is appalled to learn from Elly that she's been using Caitlin's ultrasound and passing it off as her baby's. Elly says that Mark assumed, and she wasn't thinking straight so went along with it.
LEO: Elly, you said you'd tell Mark. You have to do it now.
ELLY: I can't.
LEO: No, this Dean kid could spill and make things worse.
ELLY: If I tell Mark now, it will break him.
LEO: (...) Elly, there are gonna be many more milestones, and many more ultrasounds, okay? How are you gonna cover those up?
ELLY: It's a difference of a few weeks. I dunno; I will think of something.
LEO: Even if you get through this pregnancy without being found out, what about the rest of your kid's life? Can you really do that to your own child? Look, you've just made a mistake that snowballed, Elly, okay? It's not too late to fix it.
But there's a sense of resignation to this course of action in Elly's demeanour.
ELLY: Even if I come clean now, I will ruin my child's chance of growing up in a happy family.
LEO: So you're really not gonna tell him?
ELLY: I can't. And I'd appreciate it if you didn't, either.
LEO: Okay. I won't. But as far as this is concerned, we're done (...) You always said you were gonna change; you were gonna come clean. That's why I supported you.
ELLY: Leo, please - you're the only one I can -
LEO: No. If you're gonna keep doing this, you're on your own.
No 24
Elly arrives home, and sighs deeply, then puts her hand against her stomach. There's a knock at the door; it's Finn.
ELLY: I told you not to come over unannounced!
FINN: This won't take long. I only have one question.
He shows her the ultrasound. She takes it from him.
FINN: Are you pregnant with my brother's baby?