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Neighbours Episode 1119 from 1990 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1118 - 1120>>
Episode title: 1119 (Christina and Caroline Alessi arrive)
Australian airdate: 18/01/90
UK airdate: 01/03/91
UK Gold: 13/02/97
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Des is about to try abseiling.
A Cliff
Des is very scared. But his boss gives him a push and he ends up halfway down the cliff(!)
Madge and Harold have decided to go to Scotland, to see Doone Castle, or what's left of it.
Paul comes in for a private word with Madge. He's decided on some staff changes - he's appointing a new bar manager. Madge is offended that Paul is demoting her. Paul says he has to protect his female staff from drunkards, but Madge thinks it stinks - she's always been able to handle herself. Paul says it'll be less work, more money.
A Cliff
Des is halfway down the cliff and quivering with fear. He tells his boss that his foot is stuck but he'll get it loose soon.
Ramsay Street
Melanie is telling Bronwyn that the shortage of single men is due to the greenhouse effect and the ozone layer(!) There's a strange car outside Paul's place, so Melanie goes to knock on the door to "welcome" them.
A lady comes to the door, but she's not particularly friendly. She excuses herself and goes back inside.
MELANIE: Another weirdo moves into Ramsay Street!
The Waterhole
Madge is still steamed up about Paul and the demotion. Gloria suggests a strike by the whole staff, but Madge says she has another idea.
A Cliff
Des has managed to reach the bottom of the cliff, and his boss congratulates him. Des suddenly starts ranting that he was stupid to go abseiling in the first place. He tells Mr Sinclair that he's not prepared to work for someone who continually tests their employees in such a stupid and demeaning way. He's good at his job and he doesn't need stupid macho games to prove it.
DES: I resign!
He takes off his helmet and throws it to one side.
Bronwyn is appalled that Madge has been demoted because she's a woman. Harold is unwilling to offer his opinion but it's clear that he agrees with Paul(!)
Ramsay Street
It's raining! Hilary crosses the road to see the girl and No.24 getting out of her car. She introduces herself and says that everyone in the street is very friendly. She is evasive to Hilary's questions and then escapes into the house.
Des is recounting the story of his resignation to Paul and Melanie. Des says that he isn't sorry - he's had enough. Paul thinks Des is crazy for resigning, but Des says his boss uses his employees as fodder for his games.
Eventually Des calms down a bit and starts wondering how he'll get another job. He liked the job he had apart from the sports side - but he's burned his bridges now.
Bronwyn tells Madge and Harold about the new neighbour and how she's a bit stand-offish. Harold is still upset about Beverly and Jim seeing them in the nuddy! They start talking about Madge's job and Harold is forced to admit that he agrees with Paul - he's just protecting his staff. He also thinks that the self-defence classes have given Madge a false sense of confidence(!) And these days, Madge keeps talking like a feminist. Madge and Bronwyn are appalled and Madge resolves to take Paul on.
Ramsay Street
Hilary is doing some clearing in her front garden when Harold comes over. They chat about the new neighbour but neither of them knows much about her. Hilary felt she was quite secretive though. Harold starts wondering how a single young woman can afford such a high rent. A bloke has just gone up to the door and Harold looks over suspiciously. When the new neighbour invites the bloke in, he looks even more suspicious(!)
Des is wearing an apron and washing up when there's a knock at the door. It's Des's boss who has come to talk to him about yesterday. Des apologises for flying off the handle. His boss says he was shocked - not at Des shouting at him, but on hearing that the employees feel obliged to do sporting activities to get ahead at the company. His boss was just trying to encourage team spirit, but it hasn't worked out properly. Des is the first person to stand up to him. His boss wants him to come back to the company - he promises no more athletics. He thinks Des could go far in the company. Des eventually agrees and shakes his bosses hand (pity about the marigolds!)
Gloria is telling Madge about how her friend has worked in the same place for thirty years, but has never been promoted, whereas the men have. The Waterhole staff are all behind Madge apparently and are ready to go on strike. But Madge says she has an idea to put to Paul. Even though it's Saturday, Paul is in the office, so Madge goes off to sort things out.
Ramsay Street
Hilary sees the man coming out of No.24 and looks over suspiciously - he's been in there about an hour.
The Office
Madge and Paul are arguing about her demotion.
MADGE: This is blatant sex discrimination!
PAUL: It is not, I am trying to help you!
MADGE: Paul, you are forcing me to take drastic action!
PAUL: Such as?
MADGE: The Equal Opportunities Tribunal.
Paul says that he employs lots of women in important positions, but Madge won't have this. She's going to fight her demotion every inch of the way!
<<1118 - 1120>>
Des Clarke, Des
Des Clarke, Des's boss

Madge Bishop, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1119
Madge Bishop, Paul Robinson

Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 1119
Des Clarke

Melanie Pearson, Bronwyn Davies in Neighbours Episode 1119
Melanie Pearson, Bronwyn Davies

Caroline Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1119
Caroline Alessi

Madge Bishop, Gloria Lewis in Neighbours Episode 1119
Madge Bishop, Gloria Lewis

Des's boss, Des Clarke

Madge Bishop, Bronwyn Davies, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1119
Madge Bishop, Bronwyn Davies, Harold Bishop

Hilary Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1119
Hilary Robinson

Christina Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1119
Christina Alessi

Des Clarke, Melanie Pearson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1119
Des Clarke, Melanie Pearson, Paul Robinson

Madge Bishop, Bronwyn Davies, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1119
Madge Bishop, Bronwyn Davies, Harold Bishop

Hilary Robinson, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1119
Hilary Robinson, Harold Bishop

Des Clarke, Des
Des Clarke, Des's boss

Madge Bishop, Gloria Lewis in Neighbours Episode 1119
Madge Bishop, Gloria Lewis

Hilary Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1119
Hilary Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1119
Paul Robinson

Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 1119
Madge Bishop

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