Helen telling Jim and Beverly that she's moving out.
No. 26
Jim exclaims at Helen:
JIM: You're not serious...
HELEN: Absolutely!
BEVERLY: But where will you go?
HELEN: Next door. Bronwyn wants to be with Henry in New Zealand, but she can't leave Sharon in the house unattended, so I'll go in and look after both until Madge and Harold come back.
Beverly tells Helen that she had no idea they were upsetting her so much. Helen retorts that No. 26 is like a warzone: the boys can go to school or seek refuge with their friends, but *she* has to stay there and stop the two of them from clawing at each other. Jim murmurs:
JIM: I feel like we're driving you out of your own home... Please... stay.
HELEN (retorts): So you can use me as a referee? Coerce me into taking sides? No thank you. No, I've made up my mind: I'm going to see the girls now - and if Bronwyn agrees, I'll move in as soon as possible. Oh, and while I'm gone, take a long hard look at what you're doing to your marriage...
With that, Helen walks out through the back door.
No. 28
Des is sitting at the dining table, reading the newspaper, when Melanie bursts out of the bedroom area and yells:
She runs round to Des and kisses him on the top of the head! Looking bemused, he remarks that she got out of the right side of the bed! Melanie beams at him that it's the weekend and that means she's free: she got two whole phantasmagorical days away from the office! Des comments that he gathers things are a bit tense between her and Paul... Melanie just shrugs:
MELANIE: Paul? Paul who?! I'm going to forget all about him and enjoy myself!
She starts chopping fruit at the kitchen counter, muttering as she does so that Paul very cleverly suggested that she find herself another job. Des joins her and comments that she's not going to quit, is she? Melanie retorts that there's no way - and if Paul tries to sack her, she'll take him to the Anti- Discrimination Board. Des comments in surprise that he can't see Paul firing her. Melanie, however, tells him that he certainly gave it a good shot. She then cries:
MELANIE: *Why*, Des? After that night, I really felt like he cared about me. Now it's pretty obvious that he was just using me. It really hurts, you know?
Des puts a comforting hand on Melanie's shoulder.
No. 24
Helen is sitting with Bronwyn at the kitchen table as Sharon makes some tea. Bronwyn says to Helen:
BRONWYN: I can't ask you to move out of your own home for *my* sake.
HELEN (insists): You didn't ask; I *offered*.
Sharon asks Helen how her tribe will cope without her. Helen just replies that they'll survive - and besides, she thinks Jim and Beverly would like some time to themselves. Bronwyn says:
BRONWYN: What about Madge and Harold? I promised them I'd look after the house.
HELEN: They will be thrilled that you're finally joining Henry! And I'm sure that they're very glad I can look after the place.
Sharon hands out the mugs of tea and sits down, telling Bronwyn as she does so that she and Henry should be together. Bronwyn asks her sister where she'll go when Madge and Harold get back, but Sharon insists that she'll work something out. Bronwyn tries to protest again, but Helen tells her that she's running out of excuses - there's no possible reason why she shouldn't go to New Zealand! Bronwyn looks at Sharon and asks her if she's sure she doesn't mind. Sharon just grins:
SHARON: What does it take to get rid of you, woman?!
BRONWYN (shrugs): OK - I'll go! I just can't believe I'm finally going to be with Henry!
Only Helen notices Sharon's smile dropping slightly.
No. 26
Jim hands Beverly a cup of tea at the kitchen counter and remarks that Nick and Todd left early. Beverly sighs that it seems like they've driven everybody from the house. Jim murmurs:
JIM: We've really blown it this time. So tied up in our *own* problems, we didn't realise the effect it was having on the *rest* of the family.
Beverly tells Jim that she feels awful about Helen - they can't let her move out. Jim, however, says he doubts she'll change her mind unless they resolve their differences. Beverly asks:
BEVERLY: Do you think we can?
JIM: Well, *I'll* give it a try. You?
BEVERLY: Maybe she'll stay if she knows we're trying to work through our problems?
JIM: I'll talk to her. Worth a try.
No. 22
Caroline is sitting at the coffee table in the lounge room when Christina runs downstairs and asks if she can borrow some violet lipstick. Caroline remarks:
CAROLINE: Getting all dolled- up for Trevor- boy, are we?!
CHRISTINA: I haven't seen him for a while - of *course* I want to look my best. By the way, I'm going to be catching up with some of the old gang: do you want to pass on any messages at all?
CAROLINE: No thanks - I'll get round to seeing them sooner or later.
Christina looks at her sister and mutters that it's as if her old friends don't matter to her anymore. Caroline retorts that she cares about them, but there's nothing wrong with meeting new people. Christina says sarcastically:
CHRISTINA: Like the Robinsons? Yes, what a lovely dinner party we had last night. I think we were lucky to get out *alive*.
Caroline points out that there was obviously some family problem; if Christina just gave them a chance... Christina retorts that she has, and she finds that like everybody else round there they're uptight and strung- out. Caroline persists:
CAROLINE: What about Paul? He's been really good to us.
CHRISTINA: Oh, whoop- de- doop: one person. I just can't wait for you to say that you want to come home.
CAROLINE (firmly): Chris, I am not moving, so you might as well save your breath.
Christina asks what will happen if she doesn't get a job and they can't afford to pay the rent - then they'll *have* to move. Caroline tells her sister that they'll find a cheaper place in Erinsborough: she loves her job at Lassiter's and has no intention of giving it up or leaving Erinsborough. Christina mutters:
CHRISTINA: You are so selfish - you really are. I mean, why should *your* happiness be more important than *mine*? It's as if what *I* think - what I feel - doesn't even matter.
CAROLINE: Excuse me, I've always decided what's best for *both* of us, haven't I? And I'm usually right.
CHRISTINA: Only because I let you get your way every time.
CAROLINE: You'd be lost without me and you know it.
CHRISTINA (exclaims): Don't you patronise *me*. I don't need you at *all. If I wanted to - in fact I *will* - I'll do what *I* want from now on; and if it means that we have to separate, then good.
With that, Christina walks out, leaving Caroline looking worried.
Lassiter's complex
Paul and Des are walking across the complex, Paul telling Des that he thinks the nightclub is exactly what Erinsborough needs. They sit down at a table outside the Waterhole, where Des tells Paul that he has nothing against him building a nightclub; it's just tearing down a kid's playground to do it. Paul tells Des that he's a bit of a mug if he's going to be following Kerry Bishop and a band of do- gooders; once his interview appears in the Erinsborough News stating all the facts and figures supporting the case, the opposition's going to be squashed. Des frowns:
DES: Come on, mate, there are so many arguments *against* development. Be fair.
PAUL (shrugs): So? I've got nothing against 'fair'. Look, it's Ms. Bishop, if anybody, who's playing dirty.
DES: How do you mean?
PAUL: Well, *I'm* not the one who goes around enticing little kids to vandalise other people's cars, am I?
DES: Oh come on... as if Kerry would tell kids to put graffiti all over your car.
PAUL: All I'm saying is I'm not going to be beaten on this one. This project is going ahead no matter what.
Des changes the subject and asks how things are going at work. Paul just shrugs his shoulders. Des asks him how he's getting on with Melanie. Paul sighs:
PAUL: Oh - so she's been in your ear too, has she? Des, I'm not treating her any differently to what I was before. She's the one that's giving *me* a hard time.
DES: Mate, you have really *hurt* her.
PAUL: Well, I'm sorry it turned out that way-
DES: You wouldn't care *either* way.
PAUL: Look, she *is* a big girl now, you know.
Des stares at Paul and says tersely:
DES: You know what, mate, it's not just Melanie, you know - it's anybody that disagrees with you. One of these days you're going to push it so far you're going to turn around and ask for help and there's going to be no one there...
No. 24
Sharon and Bronwyn are packing Bronwyn's clothes into a suitcase in the lounge room, Sharon commenting as they do so that she wonders what Helen will be like to live with. Bronwyn says she thinks she'll be great: Nick always seemed to get along really well with her. There's suddenly a knock at the front door. Sharon goes and answers it while Bronwyn heads to her bedroom to get some more stuff. Sharon finds Ryan standing on the step and, looking surprised, she invites him in and asks him what he's up to. He says:
RYAN: Um, would you believe it's almost Saturday night and I haven't got anything on?
SHARON (smiles): Really?! What a coincidence - neither have I!
RYAN: Um, is Bronwyn around? I want to tell her what a good time I had at the Ball.
SHARON (pointedly): Yes - she's just in the middle of packing to join her fiancé in New Zealand.
RYAN (frowns): Not *forever*...?
SHARON (nods): Mmm.
Bronwyn emerges from the bedroom area and smiles at Ryan that she *thought* she heard his voice. Ryan looks at her and tells her that he's sorry to hear she's going: he'll miss her. Bronwyn smiles that she'll miss everyone too, but she can't wait to see Henry again! Ryan stands there awkwardly and wishes her all the best. He then turns back to the door. Sharon exclaims:
SHARON: You're not going already?
RYAN: Yeah - I have to pick up Lochy from a friend's place.
SHARON: Didn't you come over for a reason, though?
RYAN (glancing at Bronwyn): Just to say hello.
Sharon gets the message. Ryan heads out, leaving Bronwyn to remark to Sharon:
BRONWYN: I think he might be a bit keen on you!
SHARON (sadly): No, Bronny, I don't think so...
She sighs heavily.
No. 22/Ramsay Street
Caroline is pacing around the lounge room in a quiet No. 22. She peers out through the front curtains and sees Christina approaching from the street. She quickly grabs a magazine and sits down on the couch, pretending to be reading. The front door opens and Christina comes in and says hi. Caroline smiles and asks her how her day was. Christina shrugs that it was OK. Caroline asks her where she's been all this time. Christina sits down and tells her:
CHRISTINA: Sandra's place. I really needed someone to talk to.
CAROLINE: What about Trevor?
CHRISTINA (looking upset): Trevor? Well, um, he couldn't wait around for me and he's seeing somebody else.
CAROLINE (sympathetically): Chrissie, I'm so sorry...
CHRISTINA (mutters): Don't be a hypocrite - you never liked him.
CAROLINE: No - but I still care that you're hurt.
CHRISTINA: All I know is it would never have happened if I hadn't been locked up here like a prisoner. I just feel like my whole life's been *ruined*.
CAROLINE: Don't be so dramatic - it's not *that* bad.
CHRISTINA (retorts): What would *you* know? You weren't the one who was cut off from everyone and every*thing*. You've been out there in the real world, enjoying your fancy new job.
CAROLINE: It wasn't easy for you - I do understand that - but it's over, Chrissie: you can make a fresh start.
CHRISTINA: I don't *want* to make a fresh start. I'm not like you - I don't adjust to change as easily. I really need to be with my family and friends. I just want to go home; I want to be happy again.
CAROLINE: If that's how you feel, maybe you should go.
CHRISTINA: Well... will you come home *with* me?
CAROLINE: Chrissie, I have told you time and time again: I am staying right here.
CHRISTINA: Oh - if that's what you really want...
Caroline just nods her head. She then comments:
CAROLINE: It's really sad that we're going to go our separate ways - but if that's your decision, I guess I have to accept that.
No. 26
Helen is sitting on the couch, reading, when Jim emerges from the bedroom area. She comments to him that it's awfully quiet there. Jim sits down with her and tells her that he and Beverly were hoping to take in a movie with the kids, but Beverly got a house- call - not that he's complaining! He then goes on:
JIM: About you moving out: I don't think either of us had any idea we'd become so hard to live with.
HELEN: Don't apologise to *me* - it's *Beverly* you should be talking to.
JIM: Yeah, and I'll be doing a lot of that from now on: we've decided to try to sort things out between us - quietly.
HELEN: I'm pleased to hear it. You two love each other and it breaks my heart to see you at odds.
Jim tells Helen that they were hoping she might change her mind and stay now that they've decided to call a truce. Helen, however, says she's committed to looking after Sharon now - and besides, she thinks he and Beverly could do with some privacy. Jim presses:
JIM: You *will* come home once Madge and Harold come back?
HELEN: Well, that depends on whether you and Beverly have sorted out your differences by then.
JIM: Oh, I hope so. Neither of us like the way things are.
He then asks Helen when she's leaving them. Helen tells him that it'll be first thing on Monday.
Ramsay Street
It's the next morning, and everyone has gathered in Ramsay Street to say goodbye to Bronwyn. Melanie gives her a hug and says:
MELANIE: Promise you won't forget me?
BRONWYN: Melanie, I could *never* forget you!
She turns and hugs Helen and tells her that she can't thank her enough for taking over the reins. Helen tells her to have a wonderful time in New Zealand and give Henry her love. Bronwyn looks around and says sadly:
BRONWYN: It seems strange leaving Ramsay Street - it's been a real home for me.
Sharon is holding Jamie and Bronwyn strokes the boy's head and smiles that he's the reason she settled there in the first place! Des takes his son from Sharon, leaving Sharon to say sadly to Bronwyn:
SHARON: I wish I could come to the airport.
BRONWYN: What - and miss school?! See you soon, Shaz...
The two of them hug and tears begin to well- up in their eyes. Sharon murmurs:
SHARON: I love you, big sister.
BRONWYN: I love you, too. You be good for Helen.
SHARON: Yeah, I will.
BRONWYN: And no slacking off at school - this is an important year for you.
SHARON: Aye aye, Captain!
BRONWYN: And make sure you write all the time, or you're in big trouble.
SHARON (cries): Yeah, course I will. You will too?
Bronwyn nods, sadly. Des joins them and suggests to Bronwyn that they'd better get moving or she'll miss the 'plane. Melanie smiles at Bronwyn and tells her to give Henry a big kiss for her! Bronwyn looks again at Sharon, who says sadly:
SHARON: Take care. I'll miss you so much.
They hug tightly. Bronwyn calls out:
BRONWYN: You look after her, Helen - she's the only sister I've got!
HELEN: Don't worry - I shall!
With that, Bronwyn looks at Sharon one last time and then climbs into Des's car. It heads off down the road. Sharon stands watching, tears streaming down her face.
Coffee Shop
Sometime later, Sharon is sitting on her own at a table in the Coffee Shop when the door opens and Ryan comes in. He asks Sharon if he can sit with her. He sits down and comments that it's a shame about Bronny leaving - he really liked her; but he'd be kidding himself if he thought someone as gorgeous as her would have a bar of *him*. Sharon suggests:
SHARON: Maybe you should stick to girls your *own* age? I mean, you've made a bit of a stir with some of them at school!
RYAN (blankly): Like who?
SHARON: Ryan, I think you'd better work that one out for yourself!
RYAN: Well, I don't really *know* any girls that well.
SHARON: You know *me*...
RYAN: Like who's available and who isn't. Like, what about Belinda? *She's* really cute.
SHARON: Her boyfriend thinks so, too.
RYAN: Danielle?
Sharon shakes her head, adding that, before he asks, Lisa and Sarah should be avoided at all costs. She then asks him what kind of girl he's after anyway, and he tells her that he guesses he's a sucker for a good personality and a great sense of humour. Sharon quickly starts telling Ryan a joke(!) - but before she can get very far, Melanie bounces in and says hi! Sharon introduces her to Ryan and explains that he's Lochy's brother. Ryan says he's going to get a drink and he asks Melanie if she wants anything. She declines, though, saying she gave her order to Lee outside. Ryan heads to the counter and Melanie sits down with Sharon, beaming:
MELANIE: Hmmmm... so what's the Sharon and Ryan story, I wonder!
SHARON (glumly): No story - we're just friends.
MELANIE: Oh. You missing Bronny?
SHARON: Yeah - already.
Melanie tells Sharon that she'll be her surrogate big sister - every time Sharon needs a sisterly chat, she can come and see *her*. Sharon doesn't look convinced!
Office of the Robinson Corporation
Christina walks into the office, where Paul is working at his desk. She asks him if Caroline's around, as they're having lunch. Paul tells her that she should be back in a minute. He then asks her how she's settling into Erinsborough. Christina, however, says she *isn't*: she's decided to go back home. Paul remarks that that's a shame, and he asks Christina if it's because she hasn't found work yet. She nods that it is, partly. Paul comments that she's had a pretty miserable time of it, especially being cooped up in the house all day. He then says:
PAUL: If you *did* find work, would you consider staying on?
CHRISTINA (shrugs): I guess so.
PAUL: Good. Good. Because there's a position available in the gift shop here, as of next week. It's yours if you want it.
Christina asks Paul warily if Caroline put him up to this. Paul, however, insists that it's because she told him she had sales experience and he figured she deserved a break. Christina shakes his hand in delight and tells him that she really appreciates it. Caroline comes in at that moment and says:
CAROLINE: Appreciate *what*?
PAUL: Caroline, I would like you to meet the new gift- shop assistant here at Lassiter's. She starts next week.
Caroline beams at her sister that that's fantastic: she knew all along that she'd end up staying!
No. 26
Helen emerges from the bedroom area with a case and her coat. She tells Beverly and Jim that she has all she needs at the moment; she'll be on her way. Beverly says:
BEVERLY: Keep in touch!
HELEN: It's only next door!
Jim gives Helen a kiss goodbye and she heads out. When she's gone, Jim tells Beverly that he promised Helen they'd sort things out before Madge and Harold got back, and he asks her if she's got time for a chat. Beverly says:
BEVERLY: Yeah. Jim, I know that my job is the main problem, so why don't we start there?
JIM: OK. Well, I've always respected your work. [Beverly rolls her eyes.] When we had Rhys, I got spoilt by seeing you at home every time I got here. It was nice - like we were a real family, you know? Now, I *never* see you.
BEVERLY: Look, I admit I threw myself back into work to get over losing Rhys, but that's not the reason I work long hours now. I'm a doctor, Jim - you *knew* I was dedicated to my career when you *married* me.
JIM: You were prepared to sacrifice all that to be a mother for Rhys. Why can't you slow down just a little for *me*?
BEVERLY (snaps): Oh Jim, please - Rhys is a helpless baby; you're a grown man, for God sake.
JIM (coolly): I'm not sure I can handle a relationship where my wife is not home for me.
BEVERLY (retorts): And I'll only be miserable with a husband who expects me to tie myself to the house.
There's an icy silence.
Reception area at the Robinson Corporation
Melanie is working at her desk when a delivery man comes in with a bunch of flowers for her. Paul emerges from the office as Melanie says she wonders who they're from. The man heads off and Melanie reads the note:
MELANIE: "Sorry. It never should've happened. Paul."
She then mutters at Paul:
MELANIE: What a lovely way to put it. I suppose this is your idea of an apology.
PAUL (blankly): I don't get it. I thought you'd be *pleased*.
MELANIE: Huh! If you think you can buy me off with a bunch of flowers and a lousy card, you're wrong.
PAUL: Oh Melanie, can't we just forget it and be friends?
MELANIE (angry and upset): *You* might be able to forget it, Paul, but *I* can't turn my emotions on and off like a tap. Now I know why your wife left you: you're insensitive, you're cold- hearted, you're ruthless. You know what you can do with your stinking flowers and your stinking job. I QUIT.
With that, Melanie throws the flowers at Paul and storms out in tears. Paul stands there looking as if he's wondering what just happened.