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Neighbours Episode 5042 from 2006 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5041 - 5043>>
Episode title: 5042: The Katya In The Ride
Australian airdate: 29/08/06
UK airdate: 21/11/06
Writer: Martin McKenna
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Loris Timmins - Kate Fitzpatrick
Elle Robinson - Pippa Black
Cameron Robinson - Adam Hunter
Katya Kinski - Dichen Lachman
Joanna Fleming - Lucy Huntomri
Summary/Images by: Shona/Izzy-da-vixen
Number 28
Katya drops the letter she was reading and phones someone (who turns out to be Max). He tells her it's not a good time to talk as Katya begins to shut the lounge room blinds. Shakily, she tells him that something's happened and asks him to come over for a few minutes - she has something she really needs to tell him. Max thinks it's not a bad idea that they should get together but could it wait? Katya starts to wonder what she's doing even calling him...
Max says it's easier he goes and sees her before the bar opens; he won't be long.
Scarlet Bar
Boyd appears - he just ran into Steph and wonders what's up. Max says it's nothing, as he grabs his keys. He tells Boyd to look after the place until Dan gets there.
Boyd moans about the double standards. His relationship with Janae can be scrutinised but not Max and Steph's. Max says he'll see him later and leaves.
Mrs Beaumont's House
Ned is fleeing and Mrs B tries to keep up. She tells him she has no romantic designs on him. He should think of it as a test (which he passed with flying colours). She had to know he could be trusted. Ned is affronted that she even thought he couldn't be. He thinks she needs a companion but Mrs B would rather he gave her a second chance. Ned decides he'll return next week. She asks him to stay for some morning tea and Ned relents - he obviously has the same problem as me and can't ever say no to a nice cuppa.
Number 28
Katya thanks Max for coming over. He says he wanted the chance to apologise; it was naïve of him to think they could be friends. Katya reaches for the letter as Max says he's just making things worse; it's not goodbye as he'll still be around, but...
He notices she's not saying anything and asks what's up. She hands him the letter.
MAX (reading aloud): I'll come for you soon and we'll be together forever. (pause) Robert.
Katya nods and Max wonders how he managed to get a letter out in the first place. She's upset so Max decides to put an arm around her, comforting her with the fact that he can't get out to get her. She has plenty of friends and family around who will look after her.
Scarlet Bar
Paul is being not-very-nice to someone on the end of his phone before ordering a scotch. He practically has to bribe Boyd to get it for him (telling him to keep the change). Boyd offers to help out with Elle but Paul takes this as an attack on his own abilities to look after her. Paulo reminds him that this whole complex is his and he can "crush" his "pathetic little family's livelihood in the blink of an eye".
PAUL: Don't think I won't if I feel like it.
Boyd's trying not kill himself with laughter and Paul asks if he thinks he's joking.
BOYD: I think you're a joke, yeah, and a lame one at that. What're you trying to do - scare me?
(Go Boyd!)
That sure shut Paul up.
Number 30
Janae pays Jo for her assignment. Jo wonders how she manages to pay for them, along with the house and other expenses. Probably explains why she's never at school.
Boyd arrives back as Janae hurriedly tries to get Jo to do another assignment for her. Janae quickly shows Jo out. Boyd hopes they were having a weekend study session. Y'see Suze's been on the blower to him, asking him to talk to his wife about her schoolwork. Janae wishes she'd get a life. She's survived this long without Mrs K's input. Boyd reminds her that her VCE year is a whole lot tougher than any other. Janae says it's under control and she's starting to feel like she's been talked to by a parent. She works by her own timetable but she'll get the work done.
She suggests that they have a dip in the pool, since they have it to themselves.
Number 22
Cam wants to do Elle's dishes for her but Elle is reluctant to let him. Cam tells her to rest - if not for him, then for Paul. It seems that their father isn't coping with Elle's illness - it's making him crazier than the coconuts - and Cam figures that if he takes care of Elle then Paul will calm down a little.
Elle tells him to stop taking on everyone's problems but Cam wonders what good he is if he isn't a help at a time like this. He has a surprise for her and tells her to close her eyes. She does and is presented with tickets for the Orient Express - Paris to Venice in first class. It's alright for some, eh? Elle says it's too much but Cam says it's all booked. It's a trip of a lifetime, just like they always promised each other they'd do! Elle gets teary and says she can't. Cam assures he she can - as long as the doctors okay it.
ELLE: It's not alright. It's not real.
CAM: What?
ELLE: I'm not sick. I made it up - I made it up to keep Dylan.
She tells him that it was Paul's idea; she couldn't see any other way to stop Dylan from going back to Sky. It just snowballed.
The door opens and Paul comes in, whinging about the street being full of phoneys; they all wanted to get rid of him and, now Elle's sick, they're all over him, trying to help.
Elle tells him to stop. Cam knows the truth.
Number 22
Back to where we left off and Cam is ranting at Paul's twistedness - he led him to believe that Elle was dying! Paul wants him to see the other side but Cam tells him that there is *no* other side - normal people would understand that.
CAM: God, I pity anyone who that could ever to get close to you - I can't believe I ever wanted to be!
Paul tells him he did it for the family. Cam says him that he doesn't care about their family - he only cares about himself. Everyone who tries to help him just gets pushed away, like Izzy, Gail or Carmella. Will Lyn get pushed onto the scrapheap too??
Elle reminds her brother that it was her fault too. Cam tells her that he knows - she's just as disgusting as Paul is. Instead of trying to help her sick father she used him to help himself!
Paul gets to his feet and says to his son that he knows he has to change but it's harder than he thought. Being all profound with (put-on) sincerity, he asks Cam to give him some time.
CAM: No. I've got nothing left for you, Dad.
(Yay, Cam!!!!)
Mrs Beaumont's House
Mrs B thinks that Ned must think she's an old fool. Ned says he doesn't - besides he'd thought they'd agreed to forget about it. Mrs B muses that chivarly is not dead - thy name is Ned.
She tells him that her husband is in hospital and is very ill. Ned shouldn't be sorry about it as her husband isn't that nice a chap (he once asked to be alone for a few weeks so he could be with his mistress). It all seems so obvious now and she even wishes she could have a little revenge on him. Ned thinks happiness is the best revenge and Mrs B tells him how glad she is that she's finally talked to someone about it.
They toast to friendship.
Number 28
Max hangs up and tells Katya that the authorities have no idea how the letter got out - they're going to look into it. Robert's still safely locked up, so that's one thing they don't have to worry about.
She thanks him for coming and admits she didn't know who else she could call. He says it's okay and *hugs* her (not something you'd thought he would want to be doing when she has a humongous crush on him...but I digress) and says that no one would want to be alone when you received something like that.
KATYA: You and Steph are really lucky.
That somehow brings Max back to planet earth and he pulls back, saying they are. He asks if she wants him to stick around a bit but she says she'll be okay. Max mentions how he's been struggling with the Tibetan classes...could he drop out? Katya understands and says she's going on her own tonight anyways. Max smiles and says good for her.
MAX: Mind you, I am not stopping with the meditation. Especially not when I'm scoring goals for the Magpies.
She smiles and he leaves. Once she closes the door the smile leaves her face.
Number 30
Boyd answers Janae's mobile and takes a message. Janae appears and Boyd tells her that Jo rang to inform her that her essay will be ready tomorrow night. Boyd reminds her that she'll get kicked out of school if she gets found out. Janae says she's only going to school because everyone says she has to and she won't be able to pass without help. Boyd knows study is tough but what she's doing is wrong. Besides, they're really broke. But Janae used her Nan's money - she really wants to become a part of her life. Boyd understands that but not the cheating. Janae agrees to do her own assignments from now on.
Number 22
Paul thinks Cam will calm (lol) down but Elle can't believe she went through with the stupid scheme in the first place! She thinks that Cam is right; she is selfish. Paul says it was a lapse of judgement and thinks the knock at the door has signalled Cam's return.
But it's not - it's Max, who informs Paul of Robert's creepy letter to Katya. Paul can't believe it! Max says no one knows how he managed to do it.
Paul decides to grab the phone and give them a right old talking to.
Elle asks Max how Katya is and he says she's bearing up well, considering. Elle wants to go and see her but Max tells her not to, as Elle already has too much on her plate. He adds that if she wants to talk to Steph about her illness she can call her. Paul hangs up.
PAUL (hissing): Idiots!!
He tells Max and Elle that he couldn't get to talk to anyone because they're all busy dealing with an escape! It's Robert.
(Ooh, this is all rather exciting...)
Mrs Beaumont's house
Ned is leaving - finally. He assures Mrs B that he wasn't in the least bit bored of her prattling. She doesn't feel that stiff and sore from the workout at all and is glad she's kept Ned on as a trainer. They arrange to meet up next week and Ned's taxi pulls away.
Right after it another yellow cab pulls up - it's Janae, here to see her nan! She needed someone to talk to about man trouble. Mrs B invites her inside.
Katya walks out of what looks like a station - she's listening to her iPod as a long white limo pulls up behind her and toots its horn. She jumps as Cam (or Rob - Katya looks unsure about the identity of the driver) asks brightly if she needs a lift. She apologises to Cameron for being jumpy and Cam understands. She's going to Eden Hills Civic Centre and he tells her he can give her a lift there. Katya is unsure and says she can just walk. Cam rather needs a distraction - he's got family problems.
Katya decides that, yes, a lift would be nice. Cam asks her to give directions and reminds her to put her seatbelt on as he beams away at her.
Scarlet Bar
The two beefcakes of Ramsay Street, Ned and Boyd, are arm-wrestling. Ned triumphs and Boyd moans that his occupation as a personal trainer gives him unfair advantage. Ned tells him about signing Mrs B up. Boyd thinks it's another desperate housewife and Ned tells him he's been spending too much time with that bad influence, Toadfish. Boyd goes to get Ned's free food from the kitchen.
Janae and Loris Timmins (formerly Mrs B) walk in. Janae's nan thinks the place looks as if the builder left halfway through. Janae fills her in on how owns the bar and where she lives. When Loris finds out the other Timmins often come to the SB too she wants to leave and gets up. This was meant to be between them - did she hope Janelle would appear and they'd be found out? Janae didn't think about that. Loris tells her she'd better smarten herself up. Janae tells her she said she was sorry. Loris says she could just walk away - no more dinners and no more cheques - understand? Janae says yes and looks a bit upset.
Eden Hills Civic Centre
Katya invites Cam along to the class, after he tells her that Buddhist philosophy makes a lot of sense to him. But Cam really isn't in the mood. He offers to pick her up afterwards but she's just going to take a cab.
Katya's phone rings; it's Max, on his handy hands-free mobile thingy (he's driving in the car). He tells her that he's just round the corner and asks if there's anyone with her. She tells him that Cam gave her a lift.
MAX: Katya, get out of the car and go, now.
She asks what's going on and he tells her that Robert has escaped and no one knows where he is. Katya looks at Cam (who, by now, she thinks is Rob), who's smiling at her. Max tells her to keep her phone with her and go to a safe and public space - he's nearly there. Katya doesn't say anything to Cam/Rob - just scrambles out the car. In her haste she leaves her bag behind, so Cam gets out and calls out to her.
Katya is well frightened by the whole thing - she runs into the road, looking totally confused about where she should go. Cam follows her, clearly mystified by her behaviour. Max is now on the same road. Katya spots him and starts running towards him. Cam starts running in the same direction, on the other side of the road, calling after her.
Max sees him and makes a definite swerve in his direction. The car spins round; the side of it hits Cam and sends him tumbling. Katya's bag falls from his grasp as he rolls over several times before coming to a stop, unconscious. Katya can't believe what she's seen. She walks over to Max and both of them look in the direction of the fallen man.
Eden Hills Civic Centre
KATYA: Robert, Robert - can you hear me?
She gets no response. Max is finishing a call to the emergency services on his mobile. He's breathing quickly and clearly shaken. Katya retrieves a blanket from the car as Max goes to Cam/Rob and looks at him. As he helps Katya put the blanket over him, it's clear from Max's face that the full horror of his actions is just beginning to sink in...
<<5041 - 5043>>
Katya Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5042
Katya Kinski

Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5042
Max Hoyland

Katya Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5042
Katya Kinski

Katya Kinski, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5042
Katya Kinski, Max Hoyland

Joanna Fleming, Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5042
Joanna Fleming, Janae Hoyland

Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5042
Elle Robinson

Cameron Robinson, Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5042
Cameron Robinson, Elle Robinson

Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5042
Elle Robinson

Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 5042
Ned Parker

Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5042
Elle Robinson

Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5042
Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson

Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5042
Max Hoyland

Janae Hoyland, Loris Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5042
Janae Hoyland, Loris Timmins

Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 5042
Ned Parker

Janae Hoyland, Loris Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5042
Janae Hoyland, Loris Timmins

Katya Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5042
Katya Kinski

Cameron Robinson, Katya Kinski, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5042
Cameron Robinson, Katya Kinski, Max Hoyland

Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5042
Max Hoyland

Cameron Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5042
Cameron Robinson

Katya Kinski, Cameron Robinson, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5042
Katya Kinski, Cameron Robinson, Max Hoyland

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