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Neighbours Episode 7562 from 2017 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7561 - 7563>>
Episode title: 7562 (Toadie gives in to temptation with Fake Dee)
Australian and UK airdate: 21/03/17
Writer: Sam Miekle
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Dee Bliss/Andrea Somers - Madeleine West
Willow Bliss/ Somers - Mieke Billing-Smith
Sindi Watts - Marisa Warrington
Music: Will Not Break - Helen Shanahan
Summary/Images by: Clare/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Sindi reminds Dee this wasn't part of the plan
- Dee reminds Sindi it's too late to play Little Miss Morale unless Sindi wants Dee to keep the $20,000 payment
- Dee tells Toadie she loves him, he tells her to get her feelings under control
- Toadie talks to Willow on the phone
- Sonya encourages Toadie to go to London to find Dee and Willow
- Mark wants to know if Toadie knows Sonya's ill, Sonya reassures Mark she's fine
- Karl stresses to Mark and Steph that Sonya shouldn't be left alone for 24 hours, Mark promises to stay with Sonya
- Nell tells Toadie over the phone that Sonya's in bed with Mark
Sonya comes in and admires the nursery that Mark has been preparing, he's worked wonders.
MARK: I know I haven't met the baby yet, I just I feel like I already love her.
Sonya reassures him it's natural, not weird as she rubs her bump. It's what is meant to happen. Mark asks if he's meant to love Sonya as well. Mark admits he's in love with Sonya. Sonya admits she loves him and they kiss. We see Mark asleep at No.30 and realise this is a dream.
We switch to Sonya's dream - they're still in the same bed. She's trying to get Nell to come out from her den and Nell is refusing. Sonya is offering her treasure when Toadie unexpectedly arrives home. Toadie's sure that Nell is bigger since he went away. Sonya's surprised to see him, she would have picked him up from the airport. He wanted to surprise her and they kiss. Toadie tells Nell he's got a surprise for her. He tickles Nell and they all laugh. We see Sonya asleep in bed again.
Primrose Hill Hotel, London
It's dark outside and Toadie is looking at the view of London which includes the Gherkin from his hotel balcony. He comes back into the room and texts Willow 'I'm in London. Primrose Hill Hotel. Please contact me - Toadie'. He wonders aloud where Willow is. He then looks at a picture of Nell and Sonya on his phone. His phone shows that his battery is practically empty.
It's now morning and Sonya is making a hot drink in the kitchen as she rests her hand on her stomach. Mark comes in and asks if she's ok, she is. Mark would have made her a cuppa if she'd woken him. She couldn't lie in bed anymore. She is rather vague on how she slept, he slept like the dead. Mark admits he had a strange dream, Sonya also had a dream. It was vivid and about Toadie. She really wants him home. Mark encourages Sonya to call Toadie so she does that. She tells Mark it's going to voicemail. She hopes things are ok as Toadie landed hours ago.
Ramsay Street
Sheila asks Susan if there's any truth in Karl has gone to London. Susan confirms it's true. Sheila wants to know if Karl is going after Dee. Susan reminds that Toadie is planning to find Willow. Sheila wants to know if Susan is ok as she seems tense. Susan admits she's fine but then apologises. She wants to talk to Karl about a phonecall where she has been talking to someone. The problem is Karl's in transit.
SHEILA: What am I? Chopped liver?
Susan tells Sheila she doesn't know the person involved. Susan has been trying to track down Sindi Watts who used to live on Ramsay Street. She lived there a while ago and her ex-husband Stuart has just returned from Bali. Stuart has just returned her call and he hasn't seen Sindi for ages and doesn't have a current number for her. Stuart admits Sindi has been through a difficult time. Sheila asks what Susan means. Susan says they've been through a marriage breakup, they've had money problems and Sindi has mental health issues. Sheila agrees it sounds awful. Susan doesn't know why Sindi has returned to the Street twice recently. Sheila suggests Sindi's looking for a shoulder to cry on. Susan explains Sindi has been seen with Dee both times, including the day before Dee left.
Sonya is trying to get Nell to eat her breakfast. Mark brings in breakfast for Sonya and wants her to eat it. Sonya admits she's not really hungry. Mark points out the baby will be ready for vegemite toast if she's like Mark. Mark asks what's going on. Sonya says that Toadie phoned her last night, Mark points out as she was asleep she missed the call. Sonya tells them that someone answered the call and it lasted a few minutes. Nell is smiling away during this conversation! Mark reminds Sonya it wasn't him as he was keeping an eye on Sonya. Sonya wonders if Steph talked to Toadie, Mark thinks Steph would have left a note. Nell agrees that she was up late last night with Steph and Toadie called. Sonya asks where she was, Nell tells her she was in bed. Nell agrees that Toadie is ok. Sonya is now wishing she hadn't been so tired as she wanted to hear his voice. Mark reassures her Toadie will call her back when he sees her call.
Primrose Hill Hotel, London
Toadie is resting on the bed when there's a knock at the door. Toadie opens it to find Willow on the other side. He hugs her, telling her he's really glad she's ok. He invites her in. She comes in and says that she can't stay but Toadie reassures her she can stay. He's glad she's talking again. He reassures her if she kept quiet due to the fake ID stuff, they can work through it. She comments she shouldn't have come here, she felt bad Toadie had to come after them all this way. Toadie says she doesn't need to worry about it, Willow says she does. Willow tells him to forget about them. He points out as she's his daughter he can't do that. Willow says she needs to go. Toadie tries to convince her to stay, she turns back and looks at him.
Toadie and Willow are now sitting on the bed. Toadie was worried she would go and he'd never see her again. That wasn't what Willow wanted but she hadn't realised he would follow them to London.
TOADIE: I would go anywhere for my kids, go here, anywhere. What I don't understand is why you and your Mum disappeared in the first place.
Willow explains they'd made trouble for Toadie and Sonya, Toadie tells her she doesn't need to worry about it. They didn't want to make this massive mess worse. Toadie tells Willow whatever is going on she's his girl and he wants her with him. He asks her to do something for him, he asks her to come home to Australia. Toadie asks if she wants to go to South East Grammar and be the first female fighter pilot. Willow does but she comments it's too hard and refers to Dee. Toadie offers to talk to Dee. Willow refuses but Toadie suggests Willow sets it up. Willow thinks it will be too complicated but Toadie doesn't think it will need to be. Toadie asks Willow again and she looks at him.
Harold's Cafe (Outside)
Steph catches up with Susan. Susan is pleased to see Steph and asks after Sonya. Sonya's still fragile, Steph is going to relieve Mark. Susan admits she'll be happier when she finds and has a chat with Sindi Watts. Steph says she's just seen Sindi at the motel. She's there today and looking for Dee. Steph has told Steph that Dee has left for London. Steph wants to know why Susan is looking for her. Susan explains Sindi might know why Dee has gone to London and it was a surprise for Sindi. Steph volunteers the information that Sindi was heading to The Waterhole for something to eat. Susan is going to try there and thanks Steph.
The Waterhole
Sheila is wanting to hear about Sindi being here from Susan. Susan spots Sindi at a table and points her out to Sheila. Sheila offers to come with Susan as Susan had mentioned Sindi's issues. Susan refuses but thanks Sheila.
Susan comes over to Sindi's table, Sindi gets up and they hug each other. Susan is sorry she missed Sindi when she was here a few weeks ago. Susan asks how she is and why she's back. Sindi isn't staying for long but was wanting to catch up with Dee. Susan hadn't realised they were close. Sindi explains they reconnected when they ran into each other. Sindi should go as Dee seems to have left. Susan mentions the Dee situation is a mess and Sindi wants to know what Susan is talking about. Susan explains that Toadie's gone after Dee plus Karl. This surprises Sindi. Susan explains they might have a lead where Dee is. Susan invites Sindi to stay for a coffee and Sindi agrees.
Aaron is admiring the nursery (it looks the same as in the dream). Mark explains it's therapeutic putting everything together. Aaron heard about Sonya being unwell. Mark agrees plus other things and Aaron wants to know what's going on. Mark admits he had a dream about Sonya, it was the type he shouldn't be having. It's unsettled Mark as he shouldn't feel that way about her. He doesn't know where the dream has come from. Aaron points out Mark's brain is preparing to build a family, his fatherly instincts are kicking in. Aaron tells Mark he's going to be an awesome father to the baby. Aaron advises Mark that he should focus on being an awesome father to the baby.
The Waterhole
Susan and Sindi are sitting and talking at the table. Susan asks Sindi to trust her and Sindi agrees she does. Susan knows Sindi hasn't had an easy time lately after phoning Stuart. Susan thinks Sindi might have another reason for returning. Sindi says she's already told her reason to Susan. Susan admits she's worried about Sindi. Sindi denies there's anything to worry about. Susan offers Sindi the chance to talk if anything is worrying her. Sindi thanks her but she returned was due to Andrea not returning her calls. Sindi quickly realises her mistake and explains she meant Dee. When Sindi lived here she saw a beautician called Andrea. Sindi wanted to visit Andrea the beautician whilst she was here. Susan doesn't look entirely convinced!
Sonya is on the phone asking Toadie by voicemail to Facetime or Skype her. She wants to know Toadie is ok and see his face. She tells him she loves him, will speak soon and ends the call. Sonya tells Steph it's the second message she's left Toadie, the third time she's called him. Steph points out it's quite possible Toadie is sleeping. Sonya points out Toadie could be with Dee and Willow. Steph comments that's a good thing as he's gone to find Willow. Steph reassures Sonya there's nothing going on between Dee and Toadie. Sonya just wants to hear Toadie's voice. Steph agrees but being stressed about it won't get her to hear Toadie's voice sooner. Steph reminds Sonya she should be resting. Sonya asks if Steph could do the same?
STEPH: If my friend that loved me and would never ever lie to me told me that everything was going to be ok then I would.
Sonya is sick of feeling like this. Steph reassures Sonya that she's sure there's a perfectly logical explanation why Toadie's not contacting Sonya. Sonya wonders why she can't shake the bad feeling.
The Waterhole
Sindi needs to leave as she has a long drive. Sindi heads to the ladies and Sheila comes over. Sheila wants to know what Susan's found out. It's not much but Sindi used the name Andrea when she was talking about Dee, it was a slip of the tongue though. Sheila suggests looking Andrea up but Susan doesn't think they can spy on Sindi. Sheila is going to do it instead.
SHEILA: If you want answers you got to jump in, get your hands dirty.
They find Andrea Somers on Sindi's phone and Sheila tries calling her. It goes to voicemail, the name on the voicemail is Dee Bliss. Susan is confused by the message. Sindi arrives back and wants to know what they're doing. Susan wants to know why Dee is listed as Andrea Somers. Sindi tells them not to talk to, follow her, she tells them to leave her alone and leaves quickly. Susan wonders what they should do now but Sheila seems to have an idea!
Erinsborough Police Station
Susan and Mark are sitting at a desk in the main area. Susan is telling Mark she wondered where to come here. She couldn't find anything online and couldn't think of any other options. Mark is typing Andrea Somers into the computer database. Susan says it's various things, Toadie has given Dee the money, Dee / Andrea names, Sindi's strange behaviour. Mark agrees it's understandable that Susan is worried. He does a search and there's nothing in Victoria. He tries a national search. Susan thinks it might make sense if they can find a link between Dee and Andrea. He finds an assault case involving Andrea in Leonora, WA. Her partner was the offender and the daughter was present. The police encouraged Andrea to press charges but she refused, the police couldn't pursue it any further. Susan wonders if they can find out any more information. He downloads a picture of Andrea and we see the picture. Mark is stunned and Susan wants to know what's going on. Mark shows Susan the picture. Susan realises it's Dee, different hair but it's still Dee. Mark tells Susan that Dee showed Toadie the same picture the day she turned up, Dee had blonde hair in the photo. Dee claimed her injuries were from being washed up on the rocks. Susan suggests someone has doctored the photo and changed her hair. Mark will investigate but it is definitely Andrea Somers. Susan says they need to contact Toadie.
Primrose Hill Hotel, London
Toadie gets up from a nap and a siren is heard outside. He goes to look at his laptop and sees Sonya is online on Skype. Sonya asks if he can hear her. Toadie says he can't hear her yet and fiddles with his earpiece. He can hear her now but isn't his usual friendly loving self. She wants to know if he got her messages. He hasn't, his charger's back at home and his phone battery is empty. Sonya wants to know if he's ok and wants to know what he was up to last night. He wants to know what she did last night. Sonya tells him she was resting. Toadie tells her he spoke to Nell and he knows whom she was resting with. Sonya tries to explain about what Karl said. Toadie cuts her off talking about they had spoken about Mark spending time with her. Mark didn't need to be there. Sonya explains she was ill and Toadie wasn't there. Toadie wants to know if she was punishing him. She told him to come to London and it was ok. Their voices are getting louder as their argument goes on. Sonya agrees with this but hadn't realised Toadie would ignore her calls.
TOADIE: That's no excuse to sleep in another man's bed Sonya!
Sonya can't believe what Toadie is saying. Toadie wants to know if Sonya wanted this and she tells him he's being ridiculous. He says he can't do this anymore, says he's done and thinks he ends the call with Sonya by minimising the chat window. Toadie gets up from the chair. .
There's a knock at the door as Sonya tries to tell Toadie she's still there. Toadie opens the door to find Dee there. Toadie asks what Dee thought she was doing leaving like that. Sonya gets a call from Erinsborough Police. Toadie asks Dee why she left. Dee explains she tried to make it easier for Toadie.
TOADIE: Easier? You ripped my heart out.
Dee says the same happened to her as Sonya ignores the call on her mobile.
Erinsborough Police Station
Mark is leaving a voicemail for Sonya. He tells her there's new information, it seems Dee isn't whom she claims to be.
Primrose Hill Hotel, London
Toadie invites Dee into the room. Dee tells Toadie that she thought of running again when Willow showed her Toadie's message. Toadie wants to know why she didn't. Dee had come this far, she thought he'd keep following them. Dee takes her coat off and is wearing skimpy clothing underneath. Toadie agrees he'd do that. Dee didn't plan this, she couldn't stay in Erinsborough anymore. Toadie tells Dee that Willow had said Dee was worried about causing trouble.
DEE: In a way. Did you mention the money you gave us? (Toadie denies this.) It's probably for the best. She feels terrible about it. I'm going to give her the life she deserves.
As Sonya looks on, Toadie tells her to come home. He reassures her they can sort it out. Dee isn't so sure, she tells him she's confused when she's with him.
DEE: I can't get you out of my head. It just got harder and harder. All those old feelings. I just tried to bury them and I can't. Like not being able to touch you, hold you. You have no idea how hard it's been.
Toadie admits he does. Sonya can hardly bear to watch as Dee asks him for the truth about why he followed them. Toadie tells her he doesn't know. Dee and Toadie start kissing as Sonya breaks down in tears. Dee and Toadie start kissing on the bed. Sonya has to shut the screen as she cries.
- Paige says she's heard something is going on with Sonya and asks if the baby is OK
- Steph asks Susan if she's told Sonya about Toadie's accident but Susan says Sonya doesn't want to talk about him
- Tyler asks if they should pack the nursery up but Mark says not now
- Karl tells Toadie that Sonya knows he spent the night with Andrea
<<7561 - 7563>>
Mark Brennan, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7562
Mark Brennan, Sonya Rebecchi

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7562
Mark Brennan

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7562
Sonya Rebecchi

Sonya Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7562
Sonya Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7562
Toadie Rebecchi

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7562
Mark Brennan

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7562
Sonya Rebecchi

Sheila Canning, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7562
Sheila Canning, Susan Kennedy

Sonya Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7562
Sonya Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi

Willow Somers (posing as Willow Bliss) in Neighbours Episode 7562
Willow Somers (posing as Willow Bliss)

Willow Somers (posing as Willow Bliss), Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7562
Willow Somers (posing as Willow Bliss), Toadie Rebecchi

Susan Kennedy, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7562
Susan Kennedy, Steph Scully

Susan Kennedy, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7562
Susan Kennedy, Sheila Canning

Susan Kennedy, Sindi Watts in Neighbours Episode 7562
Susan Kennedy, Sindi Watts

Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7562
Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Susan Kennedy, Sindi Watts in Neighbours Episode 7562
Susan Kennedy, Sindi Watts

Sonya Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7562
Sonya Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Susan Kennedy, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7562
Susan Kennedy, Sheila Canning

Susan Kennedy, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7562
Susan Kennedy, Mark Brennan

Andrea Somers (posing as Dee) in Neighbours Episode 7562
Andrea Somers (posing as Dee)

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7562
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7562
Toadie Rebecchi

Andrea Somers (posing as Dee), Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7562
Andrea Somers (posing as Dee), Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Andrea Somers (posing as Dee), Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7562
Toadie Rebecchi, Andrea Somers (posing as Dee), Sonya Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Andrea Somers (posing as Dee) in Neighbours Episode 7562
Toadie Rebecchi, Andrea Somers (posing as Dee)

Toadie Rebecchi, Andrea Somers (posing as Dee) in Neighbours Episode 7562
Toadie Rebecchi, Andrea Somers (posing as Dee)

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7562
Sonya Rebecchi

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