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Neighbours Episode 7563 from 2017 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7562 - 7564>>
Episode title: 7563
Australian and UK airdate: 22/03/17
Writer: Margaret Wilson
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Dee Bliss/ Andrea Somers: Madeleine West
Willow Bliss/ Somers: Mieke Billing-Smith
- "Full Of Fear" by Dorsal Fins
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Karl's concerned that Sonya's amnio may be having a delayed effect on her health
- Nell tells Toadie on the phone that Sonya is in bed with Mark
- From London, Toadie accuses Sonya of sleeping with Mark over a video- chat
- But when he ends the conversation, he neglects to close the app and turn off the laptop
- Lo and behold, 'Dee' turns up at the hotel room
- 'Dee' seduces Toadie, and they collapse onto the bed together - with Sonya still watching, mortified
No 30
In the bedroom, Sonya is looking dazed, as Steph asks her if she managed to get through to Toadie. Sonya doesn't reply - she's just rocking to and fro slightly. Steph is concerned, and asks what has happened.
SONYA: ...I saw Jarrod.
STEPH: Okay...
SONYA: On Skype.
STEPH: Okay, well that's good - so you've spoken to him.
SONYA: He was kissing Dee.
STEPH: ...What?!
SONYA: And then he... They were... This is what she wanted. She loves him. I saw it.
Sonya looks very ill, and lurches forward as if to throw up.
London hotel room
Toadie and 'Dee' are sitting on the bed. 'Dee' is now in a dressing gown, her clothes strewn on the bed.
TOADIE: I shouldn't have let that happen.
'DEE': It's not like it was a one-sided thing.
TOADIE: I'm married. I love Sonya.
'DEE': I know.
TOADIE: I don't mean this to sound harsh, but that was a mistake.
Toadie puts his head in his hands.
'DEE': You're not a bad person. You're just caught in a bad situation. I think this has been on the cards for weeks.
She crawls over to him.
'DEE': All I know is that when we're together, it feels right. I feel whole.
TOADIE: I need to call Sonya.
'DEE': I think we both need some time. Just to get our heads around this. Then there's Willow to consider. We need to figure out what comes next. It's gonna be okay. No matter what happens. We'll figure it out, together.
She starts kissing Toadie again, then tells him to rest while she takes a shower. Afterwards, she suggests they go and see the sights of London with Willow, as a family. Toadie appears to be in shock, and is utterly unresponsive. Once 'Dee' has left for the bathroom, he breaks down in tears.
No 30
In the living room, Sonya is telling Steph that Toadie thought she'd slept with Mark. Steph says payback isn't Toadie's style, but Sonya explains how angry he was.
STEPH: Toadie would not sleep with someone out of spite! It's just not who he is!
SONYA: No, it's not.
SONYA: It's not who he is. I know that. Which leaves only one other explanation. He loves her.
Sonya breaks down in floods of tears, and Steph goes to comfort her.
SONYA: He loves her, and he wants to be with her! And they're gonna be together!

Some time later, Mark turns up. Steph tells him it's not a good time, but Mark says he's been trying to get in touch with them - he really needs to talk to Sonya about 'Dee'. Sonya appears, looking very pale.
MARK: Maybe you should sit down first.
SONYA: Just say it.
MARK: ... She's a fake.
STEPH: What?!
MARK: Her name's Andrea Somers.
STEPH: No, what are you talking about?! She did a DNA test.
MARK: I know. I literally saw her pluck the hair from her head. Now, we're still piecing it together, but somehow she's cheated it. What we do know is the photo she showed you where she was injured - it's from a domestic violence incident a few years back in WA. The same mining town where Sindi Watts worked until recently.
STEPH: ... So they're in this together?
MARK: it's looking that way.
SONYA: What about Willow?
MARK: Andrea Somers has a daughter. She's fifteen, not thirteen. Her name's Willow.
SONYA: So she's not Jarrod's.
Mark and Steph agree that someone needs to tell Toadie right away. Sonya, still very emotional, says she can't, so Steph offers to do it. Once Sonya's left the room, Mark asks Steph what's going on...
London hotel room
Toadie is clearing up the clothes that are strewn on the floor. As he does so, a passport drops out of one of the pockets. Toadie opens it, and sees a picture of 'Dee' staring back at him. She has brown hair - and her name is listed as SOMERS, ANDREA - born 11 August 1980. He looks shocked.
Shortly afterwards, 'Dee' returns to the room in a towel.
TOADIE: Why does your passport say your name is Andrea Somers?
'DEE': ... Oh, that's your daughter's handiwork. Willow was worried you'd try to follow us. She thought if we had fake names, then you wouldn't be able to find us.
TOADIE: No - no, you left in a hurry. And Willow might be good at fake IDs, but no kid can do a passport like that. Try again. What's going on?
ANDREA: ... Andrea Somers is my real name.
TOADIE: You're not Dee Bliss?
Andrea shakes her head.
ANDREA: I met your ex, Sindi Watts, when I was working in WA. And she was always banging on about how much I looked like this Dee Bliss. I didn't know who that was, but she filled me in. On everything.
TOADIE: ... This has all been a lie?
ANDREA: No - not the way I feel about you. That hasn't.
TOADIE: You passed a DNA test! You had our wedding band.
ANDREA: I broke into your house. I found your box of keepsakes, and I used hair from Dee's brush. And I had a replica made of the wedding ring. From a photo.
TOADIE: What about Emily?
ANDREA: Sindi is Emily.
TOADIE: Why would Sindi want to do this to me?!
ANDREA: Money. What else? I told her I'd give her a share in Dee's estate, if it all worked out.
TOADIE: So this whole thing has been about money?
TOADIE: Don't lie to me!
ANDREA: Alright, okay - yes! In the start, it was. But I'm a single mum, okay? Willow and I, we've had nothing for so long!
TOADIE: She's not my daughter!
ANDREA: I'm sorry.
TOADIE: Oh my god. Oh my god - how?!
ANDREA: I swabbed Nell for the paternity test.
TOADIE: What kind of a person are you?!
Andrea is getting tearful.
ANDREA: Cos I know how much Willow means to you, and I know how much she cares about you!
TOADIE: I thought she was mine!
ANDREA: Well, she wasn't supposed to be part of this! You walked in on her in the motel room, and I had to think of something! But she didn't want to be any part of this - she didn't want anything to do with this. It hasn't all been a lie. Not the way I feel about you. I love you - I love you, and you are in shock, okay?!
Toadie backs away, horrified.
ANDREA: But you're gonna realise that you feel the same! That's why you're here now, okay?!
TOADIE: I thought you were someone else!! I thought you were my wife!!
ANDREA: I am - I can be! Look - Dee has made me a better person, okay? I could be her - she came into my life for a reason, and we could be together now, okay?
Toadie is crying and gasping for breath.
ANDREA: We could be happy. I can be Dee!
TOADIE: No, no - don't say her name! Don't! How DARE you say her name?! You are nothing like her - you will never be anything like her! Oh my god!

No 30
Steph has filled Mark in on Sonya seeing Toadie cheating with 'Dee' on the Skype chat. He wants to go and see if Sonya's okay, but Steph doesn't think that's a good idea.
STEPH: Toad's made it perfectly clear that he doesn't want you hanging around the house.
MARK: I really don't care what Toadie thinks at this point!
STEPH: He knows that you slept here last night.
MARK: So?!
STEPH: It seems Nelly's told him that you two were in bed together.
MARK: Nothing happened - we were asleep!
STEPH: Well, he doesn't know that, does he? And this thing that happened with 'Dee' - it happened after he found out.
MARK: Are you trying to blame me for what he's done?!
STEPH: No! I'm just saying that this whole thing is a total mess, and I'm asking you to please give Sonya some space till she can come to terms with everything.
Sonya comes in, and announces that she's having contractions.
SONYA: We need to go to the hospital now, okay?

London hotel room
Andrea is begging Toadie not to leave, and trying to obstruct him from packing his case.
TOADIE: Don't touch me! You're a stranger - I don't even know who you are.
ANDREA: Yes you do - we've spent all this time getting to know each other!
TOADIE: You're not her.
ANDREA: Who I am has nothing to do with my name - it's got to do with the connection that we have!
TOADIE: Which is based on my history with Dee. Which you have nothing to do with.
ANDREA: I don't blame you for being angry at me.
TOADIE: That's very generous of you (!)
ANDREA: But I think you need to face what's really going on here. You and Sonya - you're finished. The moment she chose to have another man's baby, you were done. And you and I - we could be happy.
She again tries to stop him from packing, and Toadie flips.
TOADIE: Stop!! I don't want to hear this from you! You are a monster! You broke into my house! You stole DNA from my four-year-old daughter! You made me relive the worst thing that has ever happened to me! Just so you could steal my money!

Andrea is sobbing - and Toadie is too.
ANDREA: I'm SORRY!! I'm sorry.
TOADIE: Dee was everything to me. And you've just taken her from me again! I don't feel anything for you but disgust.
He grabs his case, and leaves. Andrea starts crying again, throwing clothes from the bed in a fit of rage before putting her head in her hands, sobbing.
Outside the hotel, Toadie runs into Willow. She can see by the look on Toadie's face that Andrea has told him the truth.
WILLOW: I'm so sorry - you need to know that.
TOADIE: I can't talk to you. I can't talk -
WILLOW: Toadie!!!
Willow yells out as Toadie steps backwards - into the path of an oncoming taxi! It knocks him to the road, and Willow rushes to his side. She tells the driver to call an ambulance. Toadie appears to be unconscious...
Ramsay Street
Steph is with Gary. They're heading into No 30 to fetch Nell, so Gary can look after her so Steph can follow Mark and Sonya to the hospital. Sonya is in a lot of discomfort as she gets into Mark's car - Mark tells her to keep breathing, and they drive off.
London hotel room
Willow bursts in, and tells Andrea, who is still tearful, that Toadie has been run over. Andrea doesn't look as concerned as she might.
ANDREA: Is he alright?
WILLOW: I dunno - he's unconscious! That's why we have to go!
ANDREA: I can't, I -
ANDREA: He knows! He knows I'm not Dee!
WILLOW: That's the whole reason this happened! He was so freaked out! We have to be there - we can't just leave him!
ANDREA: I can't risk it.
WILLOW: You're meant to be in love with the guy!
ANDREA: Yeah, and he doesn't love me back. He's made that abundantly clear. It's only a matter of time before he sends the cops around here for his money.
WILLOW: What money?!
ANDREA: Before we left, he gave me the money for your school fees.
WILLOW: How much?
WILLOW: How much?!
ANDREA: A hundred grand!
WILLOW: Mum, what the hell?! You're giving that back!
ANDREA: Do you seriously want me to go to jail?! Cos that's what's gonna happen if we do not move NOW!
WILLOW: If you give it back, he's got no reason to dob you in - it's the right thing to do!
ANDREA: Willow, I can't risk it! You didn't see how angry he was! Let's just go back to the original plan, okay? We'll find your real dad - we'll keep moving.
WILLOW: I'm going to the hospital!
ANDREA: No, Willow - he's not your father! He knows now - he doesn't want anything to do with us! He told me he doesn't want to see you again. Now, are you coming with me or not?
Willow looks sad.
Erinsborough Hospital
Sonya is in a bed, with Mark by her side. David tells her that the baby has a strong heartbeat - and that he's going to give her some progesterone to stop the contractions. He says it isn't always the case that contractions mean a woman is going into labour, and says they'll do everything they can to ensure that doesn't happen. David tells Sonya to try to relax.
SONYA: It's just that it hasn't been a great day for that.
You can say that again, Sonya! David leaves, saying he'll be back soon.
SONYA: I'm just so sorry, Mark. This is all my fault, I'm -
MARK: Hey! You have nothing to be sorry about, okay? Everything's gonna be fine - I know it is.
Mark tries to cheer Sonya up by warning the baby-bump that there will be no trips to Disneyland if she keeps this up! They hold hands, as Sonya tells Mark (and herself) that everything will work out.
In the waiting area, Mark updates Steph on Sonya's condition. He's on his phone, googling comparable situations to see how serious Sonya's situation is. He finds a couple of reassuring anecdotes - but his voice starts breaking, and now he's crying too!
MARK: I mean, at 24 weeks, the baby's viable. And I know it's not ideal, but - if we can just get through to 28 weeks - if we can just make it that far...
STEPH: Yeah. I want this to work out for you more than anything. Please believe me when I say that. You're gonna make the best daddy.
MARK: I just feel like I've already got to know this little girl. And just to think...
Steph hugs Mark.
Karl emerges from the tube station outside the Houses of Parliament...
St Thomas' Hospital
... and rushes towards the A&E department at St Thomas'!
Inside, Toadie is in a hospital bed, and is just waking up. Karl is by his side, and explains he got to the hotel just as Toadie was being driven away in an ambulance. Karl explains he has a broken arm and a mild concussion, but that it could have been a lot worse.
TOADIE: And Willow?
KARL: I didn't see her. Was she there?
KARL: ... Toadie, I'm afraid I've got some bad news about Dee. It's gonna come as a huge shock.
TOADIE: Yeah. She's a fake.
KARL: You know the whole story? About Sindi, and -
TOADIE: Yeah. Dee told me - Andrea told me.
KARL: Oh, mate. Mate, I'm so sorry.
TOADIE: You don't know the half of it. I've made a huge mistake, Karl! I'm gonna lose Sonya forever!
And Toadie is crying again.
Erinsborough Hospital
In the waiting area, Steph offers Mark some food, but he's too focused on thinking about Sonya. David emerges from Sonya's room, and Mark asks for an update. It's not good news.
DAVID: I'm so sorry. As you know, we were monitoring the baby on CTG. And we're no longer picking up a heartbeat.
MARK: Is there some kind of mistake? Is there anything you can do?
DAVID: I'm so sorry, Mark. The baby hasn't made it.
Steph and Mark are both tearful.
St Thomas' Hospital
A musical montage begins. Toadie is lying in bed, looking shellshocked.
Erinsborough Hospital
Mark is with Sonya, and they're both looking shellshocked too. They look sadly at a crib which is next to the hospital bed.
St Thomas' Hospital
More of Toadie looking miserable...
Erinsborough Hospital
And more of Sonya and Mark looking miserable...
Unmissable Neighbours (UK)/Promo (Australia)
- Mark grieves for his unborn child
- Someone encourages Sonya to sleep, but she can't
- Mark tells Nell that baby Caitlin is 'up in the stars'
- Toadie tearfully unburdens his guilt onto Karl for sleeping with Andrea
- A tearful Susan tells Toadie she loves him, but is struggling with what he did
- Amy learns the Tanakas' mum is coming, and says they'll finally get some answers
- The mum arrives, but we don't see very much of her from behind a door
- David saying he's been waiting 30 years for answers
- Mr Udagawa and Jasmine meet with the Tanaka twins
- Tyler has a scuffle with a guy who Ben says isn't worth it
- Tyler tells the guy to leave and not come back
- Piper tells Tyler to drop the whole meathead routine
- David and Aaron on a bench, smiling at each other
- Leo and Amy hanging out at the beach
- Amy sees Leo hugging another woman
- Later, Leo tells the now towel- clad woman he had a good time last night
- Topless Finn butters up Susan, calling her a great principal and saying he wants to learn from her
- Paige, Mark, Elly and Finn hang out by the pool
- Paige is having baby pains; Mark wants to take her to hospital
- Elly scuffles with Finn, leading him to fall down the steps in the park
- Paige arriving at the hospital to be greeted by Karl; Jack asks Piper how this happened
- Gary turns up with Brooke, much to the surprise of her 'honey- bunch', and Sheila
- Terese appears to have Gary laid on a massage table
- She asks if he's feeling adventurous, then we see him yell out in pain!
- Steph opens the door to a man in a hat, looking for Jarrod Rebecchi - or 'Toadfish'
<<7562 - 7564>>
Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7563
Sonya Rebecchi

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7563
Steph Scully

Toadie Rebecchi, Andrea Somers (posing as Dee) in Neighbours Episode 7563
Toadie Rebecchi, Andrea Somers (posing as Dee)

Sonya Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7563
Sonya Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Steph Scully, Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7563
Steph Scully, Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan

Andrea Somers in Neighbours Episode 7563
Andrea Somers

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7563
Toadie Rebecchi

Andrea Somers in Neighbours Episode 7563
Andrea Somers

Andrea Somers, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7563
Andrea Somers, Toadie Rebecchi

Steph Scully, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7563
Steph Scully, Mark Brennan

Mark Brennan, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7563
Mark Brennan, Sonya Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7563
Toadie Rebecchi

Andrea Somers in Neighbours Episode 7563
Andrea Somers

Willow Somers in Neighbours Episode 7563
Willow Somers

 in Neighbours Episode 7563

Willow Somers, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7563
Willow Somers, Toadie Rebecchi

Mark Brennan, Sonya Rebecchi, Gary Canning, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7563
Mark Brennan, Sonya Rebecchi, Gary Canning, Steph Scully

Willow Somers, Andrea Somers in Neighbours Episode 7563
Willow Somers, Andrea Somers

David Tanaka, Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7563
David Tanaka, Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan

Steph Scully, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7563
Steph Scully, Mark Brennan

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7563
Karl Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7563
Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7563
David Tanaka

Mark Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7563
Mark Brennan, David Tanaka

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7563
Toadie Rebecchi

Mark Brennan, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7563
Mark Brennan, Sonya Rebecchi

Mark Brennan, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7563
Mark Brennan, Sonya Rebecchi

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