- Harold insisting that Lou get his cough checked out
- Lou admitting that he's scared of what the doctor might find
- Didge knowing that she was expelled because she's pregnant
- Andrew asking Libby for her professional support
- Didge lying to Paul about having her parents' permission
- Steve roughing up Paul & Andrew photographing them
Lassiter's Park
Taking Jake for a walk, Didge jokingly asks whether he'll run away with her. As Dan jogs by, a trio of schoolgirls yell out their support to Didge over the newspaper article. Dan smiles and tells Didge that she also has his full support. One person who isn't happy, however, is Miranda. She storms through the park and demands that Didge return home with her. Now.
Number 28
Dan and Libby sort through a pile of pamphlets looking for a new reception venue. There are two frontrunners: one is pricey, the other is modest. Guess which one Scrooge McKennedy prefers.
LIBBY: If it were up to you we'd be out the backyard with cask wine eating hot dogs.
KARL: That is not fair... Mind you I don't know anyone that doesn't like a hot dog.
Susan asks how the happy couple's waltz lessons are coming along, which is news to Dan. Libby reminds him that it's the only traditional thing she wants to keep, but Dan's aghast.
DAN: I once got voted the worst dancer at a B&S ball and all I did was walk across the dance floor.
Susan encourages Libby to put some music on and teach him, just as Harold pops in for a visit. Libby soon switches dance partners to Harold to show Dan how it's done. Over this, Karl answers a phone call from the hospital, who tell him that a patient of his has some worrisome test results. Karl's face falls - it's Harold.
Charlie's Bar
Paul has summoned Susan for a work meeting to show her the picture of Steve manhandling him that Andrew just blue toothed through. Andrew wants to write a right of reply, and Paul's all for it. Susan baulks when Paul insists that she write it up, and reminds him that the Parkers are her friends.
PAUL: (rolling his eyes) Susan, what do I tell you every time your ethics get in the way of a good story?
Number 26
Cut to Susan re-telling the story to the Parkers and Rebecca, delivering the answer to Paul's question.
SUSAN: I'm the boss. Write it or you're sacked.
The group are sympathetic, but Didge doesn't understand how Paul could be on her side one day and then change his mind the next. Rebecca scoffs and says it's moral flexibility. Miranda tells Steve that he's going to have to apologise to Paul, but Steve wonders if Miranda's going to follow up her own advice and apologise to Andrew for dumping rubbish on his head (much to Rebecca and Susan's amusement). Rebecca offers to have a word to Andrew - it's her grandchild too.
Number 28
Libby offers Harold a biscuit and he jokes about having to consult his doctor, but Karl is away with the fairies. When Harold gets up to leave, Karl asks if he'll be at the store later on, but doesn't elaborate on why he wants to see him. Confused, Harold exits. Libby and Dan continue with their venue search, but Karl (shaken up by the unpredictability of life) insists they can have anything they want, much to Libby's astonishment.
Erinsborough High
Andrew and Rebecca appear to be getting on swimmingly, until Andrew states that the Parkers have raised a daughter that uses violence to sort out her problems. Annoyed, Rebecca thinks that he's on Didge's case because she's pregnant, but Andrew brings up the old 'zero tolerance policy' again. Rebecca says she hasn't heard of this policy before now, but Andrew snidely remarks that it was voted on at the last school council meeting.
ANDREW: I understand these meetings can be hard for some parents to get to, even a bit boring.
REBECCA: So I'm wasting my breath, am I? (Muttering) Where's a bin when you need one...
REBECCA: Nothing.
Charlie's Bar
Rebecca rants and raves to Susan about Andrew being a "pompous Wally". Susan remembers he came to the school when she was principal and she never liked him.
REBECCA: What a waste.
SUSAN: What is?
REBECCA: Well... Those eyes!
SUSAN: Yeah, well, he's a Wally but he's a handsome Wally.
Noticing Paul at a table, Rebecca charges over to chat to "the Prince of Darkness" for exploiting Bridget, but Paul insists it was all Bridget's idea. Steve joins them and Paul pretends to brace himself.
PAUL: Hang on a second, let me just take off my leg so it's easier to push me over this time.
But Steve's there to apologise for his behaviour in the GS - without actually saying the words 'I'm sorry'. Paul winds him up about it and says he'll print the picture Andrew sent him on the front page if Steve doesn't say the magic words.
STEVE: You attack me all you like, but if you go after my family I will come looking for you.
PAUL: Is that a threat?
STEVE: No, that's a promise. See, my family means everything to me. Do you understand what that feels like? No of course you don't, because your daughter can't even stand being in the same room as you. But you've got your paper, haven't you? Your mighty paper. You know what it's good for, mate? (He tears up the picture) Lining bird cages.
(He storms off and Paul yells after him)
PAUL: Yeah, maybe, but I can still make life pretty miserable for you!
Susan and Rebecca glare at him in disapproval.
General Store
Harold and Lou are bickering as per usual when Karl solemnly walks in to have a chat with Harold. Karl lets him know that the test results have come in - and they're not good.
HAROLD: Oh dear, he thought it was just a cough. I'll have to...
KARL: (takes his arm) Harold...
(Harold realises what's going on and his face falls)
HAROLD: It's not Lou's results is it?
Lassiter's Complex
Sitting outside the GS, Karl tells Harold that PSA is a marker for cancer in the prostate. Harold's PSA reading was 32, which is very high. Clinging on to hope, Harold asks if it could mean something else, and Karl agrees that more tests can be done.
KARL: But at your age...
HAROLD: Cancer.
Karl continues to speak, but his voice is drowned out and a heartbeat sound effect is heard as we focus on Harold's shellshocked face as he numbly takes in the news. When Karl eventually gets through to him, he tells him he booked a urologist appointment for that afternoon. But Harold barely takes it in and hurries back to work.
General Store
Karl follows Harold in, and Lou asks if Karl's heard anything back about his cough. Startled, Harold disappears into the kitchen and Karl quickly tells Lou that there's nothing seriously wrong with him. Lou happily calls out the news to Jelly Belly, but Harold remains quiet, still trying to take in the earth shattering news he was just delivered.
Number 28
Susan and Rebecca watch as Karl stares out the front window.
SUSAN: Darling? Santa won't come if he sees you watching.
Rattled, Karl heads off to do some reading before dinner. Rebecca wonders if he's alright and Susan admits he's been a bit quiet. They take their coffees over to the lap top where Susan has been working on her article, but she's struggling with it because she doesn't want to make the Parkers out to be thugs. Dan and Libby return from feeding Lennie, and they all chat about Harold's BBQ tomorrow. Libby wonders if there'll be fisticuffs between the Parkers and the Robinsons.
REBECCA: Paul won't show up, he hasn't got the intestinal fortitude.
SUSAN: Or the guts.
Rebecca asks the teaching duo if they've heard of Andrew's zero tolerance policy, but neither of them knew about it till yesterday. Rebecca then wonders if it was made up just to get rid of Didge, and Libby admits that she can't prove anything, but it looks that way to her. Susan gets her, 'Hmmm' face on.
Ramsay Street - Next Morning
Karl knocks on Harold's van, trying to get him out for a chat because he missed his urologist appointment yesterday, but Harold won't respond. Susan finds Karl and shows him the paper - instead of an article on the Parkers, she's written one about Andrew titled 'Policy and Predjudice', which she snuck in after telling a couple of little porkies to the sub-editors.
As they head inside and joke about Susan getting the sack, Harold quietly peers out of his campervan door, but ducks back in when Dan jogs by. Seeing Libby out the front of #30 Dan lifts her up and swings her around.
LIBBY: My back is killing me. That bed of yours belongs in a torture chamber.
DAN: Careful, you'll give me ideas.
The jovial mood is dampened when Libby sees the front page of the paper and realises that Susan has used her and Dan as "unnamed sources". Just then, her mobile rings - it's Andrew.
Erinsborough High
Andrew has called her in for a meeting about the article. Libby insists she doesn't know anything about the 'unnamed sources', but Andrew knows her mother wrote it and can put two and two together. He adds that the Department are sending someone to investigate the claims and he expects Libby's support. Dan sticks his head in to see what's going on, so Andrew asks him in and shows them both the minutes from the last school council meeting.
ANDREW: Notice the last item on the agenda... Zero tolerance policy towards violence.
DAN: We were in Bali then.
LIBBY: Why weren't we told about this when we got back?
DAN: And why weren't the students told?
ANDREW: I'm not gonna send a letter home every time there's a change in school policy. The fact is it's there in black and white.
(Libby raises her eyebrows)
ANDREW: Are you doubting me? Right, well as I'm convinced that one or both of you are responsible for this, you're both suspended until further notice.
DAN: You can't do that!
ANDREW: I just did.
Number 26
Didge and Steve listen in as Miranda takes a call from the Education Department. Susan stops by and Steve hails her as their hero, just as Miranda gets off the phone and happily tells them that the Department saw the article and they're going to conduct an investigation. If they find the unnamed sources are right, Didge is going to be asked back. Libby drops in and angrily tells Susan off for using her as a source.
LIBBY: This could cost me my job.
SUSAN: No, rubbish. He can't sack you for telling the truth.
LIBBY: Well he just suspended me so I guess that's a start.
(Susan is stunned)
LIBBY: Honestly mum, you can butt heads with Paul all you want, but just don't play with my career.
Susan calls after Libby as she walks out and Didge looks guilty.
Ramsay Street
Lou, Rebecca, Susan, Miranda, Steve and Dan all chip in to set up for the BBQ. Harold sadly watches them laugh and muck around from the balcony of #24. Lou walks up the stairs and joins his mate.
LOU: Just like old times, ay mate!
Harold tries to muster up a smile, but can't quite manage it.
Ramsay Street
Didge has come out to help, and Miranda says she's glad their family is putting up a fight against Andrew. Rebecca applauds them for sticking to their guns. Walking down the driveway of #24, Lou tells Harold they should get those footy season passes they're always talking about next year. As Lou takes the esky over to the tables, Karl bails up Harold for a quiet chat.
KARL: You can't pretend this isn't happening, you need treatment.
KARL: I'll be with you, you won't have to go through it alone.
HAROLD: Karl I said no, and you are not to say anything to anyone about this, on your oath as a doctor.
KARL: Of course not but Harold, come on.
HAROLD: I will handle it in my own way.
KARL: If you don't do anything you will die.
HAROLD: (pauses) Then that will be my choice won't it.