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Neighbours Episode 5458 from 2008 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5457 - 5459>>
Episode title: 5458 (Lyn Scully returns)
Australian airdate: 21/05/08
UK airdate:
Writer: Sarah Mayberry
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Ty Harper: Dean Geyer
Lyn Scully: Janet Andrewartha
Nicola West: Imogen Bailey
Detective Alec Skinner: Kevin Summers
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/ShadowDan
Nicola trying to backtrack that nothing happened between her and Steve.
Paul, Elle & Kirsten trying to decide what to do next about the blackmailer.
Didge running away from Chris saying she's changed her mind.
Declan warning that Chris will get what's coming to him.
Steve asking Bridget if Chris threatened her, no, then that she doesn't have to worry about him showing his face.
Libby and Ty finding Chris in the bushes at Lassiter's lake.
Miranda asking Steve if he ran into Chris last night when she gets a call about him being found.
Number 26
Miranda is interrogating Steve as to what he did last night but they stop when Didge comes through so she can tell her about Chris being found. Nicola has a go at her for accusing Steve of assaulting Chris but she defends her questioning.
Miranda catches up with Steve as he plays darts and apologises for her questioning. Steve admits he does get fired up protecting their daughter even though he fails like he is failing. "You've never failed any of us," Miranda is quick to tell him and Steve asks that she has some faith in him. His new-found smile goes however when she asks about last night and that he can tell her anything but he shakes his head at that and goes to walk out.
Number 32
Libby is telling Steph about what happened at the lake and that Chris would dead if he had been found later. Steph asks if she told the police about what happened at the formal, she didn't, before remarking that finding Chris certainly wrecked her picnic with Ty.
TY: Yes, kind of wrecked the mood.
LIBBY: Not that there was any mood to wreck... not that kind of mood anyway. We were just there as friends weren't we Ty?!
He confirms that but their chat is interrupted when someone knocks at the door. Libby goes to answer and finds Lyn Scully at the doorstep! Steph is shocked to see her mum especially as she didn't say she was coming and introduces Lyn to Ty.
LYN: (to Ty) Aren't you handsome!
Steph apologises to him saying that she doesn't get out much. Lyn avoids Steph's question of "is everything alright" to go check out grandson Charlie.
Lassiter's lake
Skinner finishes questioning a witness to check out Chris' car as another officer explains that it's been trashed.
The General Store
Declan is worried that the police are going to be after him but Zeke and Ringo reassure him that they won't dob but they will lie to the police for him. He rejects their offer saying it is his problem but the chat is curtailed when first Rachel comes over and then Paul comes in. He chats to Declan about how impressed he is over his prompt arrival home after the formal and his conduct.
Paul then spots Skinner coming in and asks if he can help but he is after Declan and wants a chat with him at the station along with Ringo and Zeke. Rachel starts to freak out but Zeke reassures her that it's nothing and Paul tells Skinner that Declan isn't going anywhere with him and that Ringo & Zeke need their guardians present too.
Police station
Skinner asking Declan if he (and his mates) had something better to do... like look for Chris Knight that they left the formal early. Declan doesn't reply but Paul spots that his leg is shaking.
Ringo answers it by saying that Chris has a bad reputation so Skinner asks if that is why they went looking for Chris.
Skinner asks Declan if he knows about Chris' car being trashed and when he replies "nothing", Skinner lets him know that a witness saw can describe the person involved.
SKINNER: And guess who fits the bill?
Declan keeps quiet so Skinner goes through all the crimes that Declan has previously done adding that this could blow his good behaviour bond.
SKINNER: Do you realise at this moment Chris Knight is a very, very sick man?
Skinner then reads out Chris' injuries to Ringo and reminds him that he could be charged as an accessory after the fact if he keeps quiet. "Is there something you wish to add before it's too late?"
Zeke has obviously been asked the same question and replies "no". Skinner asks what happened when he didn't find Chris and he mumbles that he hooked up with Taylah and they went home.
Declan has been asked the same and replies that he went home with Zeke & Taylah and Skinner takes great delight in telling him that Zeke said he hooked up with Taylah and went home with her.
Declan plays it cool and tells Skinner that he assumed Zeke went home because that is what he did and putting a hand on Declan's shaking leg, Paul lies and confirms Declan's story. "I was watching television when Declan came home".
Paul asks if charges are going to be made but Skinner replies that it is only preliminary questioning at the moment but charges could come in the future.
Number 28
It's a family meeting at Number 28 and the boys reassure Karl and Susan (who ignores a call from Lyn on her mobile) that what they told the police was true - they had nothing to do with Chris getting injured. Karl suspects that they aren't telling them everything but the boys clam up and keep quiet but Zeke reassures then that they aren't lying.
Number 22
Declan admits that he did trash Chris' car (because he thought Chris hurt Didge) but that he didn't injure him. Paul can't believe what Declan has told him and says that he'll keep quiet as long as Declan puts things right but doesn't say how he can do that exactly when Declan asks for advice.
Elle arrives home with the mail and spots another letter from their blackmailer - a letter saying that it is going to cost him $12,400 if he wants to remain engaged to Rebecca.
Finishing the tour of the bar, Lyn is most impressed at what Steph as done to it. We find out that Oscar is spending time with his dad but when Steph asks about Lyn's salon in Shelly Bay, she refuses to answer replying that she is on holiday and instead wants details from Steph about her and Toadie.
"We're just friends now" replies Steph and not that she didn't know already but Lyn tells her that Toadie "is a good man and I know you love him".
LYN: Believe me sweetheart before you know it you are old and alone and wishing you'd done things different.
Steph rejects that and tells her mum that they're both happy this way then goes onto tell her about Toadie adopting a kid from East Timor.
LYN: Is that legal?
STEPH: Well he's a lawyer, he'd know.
Speaking of the devil, Toadie appears and isn't impressed at Lyn trying to be matchmaker when he thought he was going for catch up drinks with her alone. Likewise Steph isn't impressed and apologises to him for her mum when she does to call Susan.
Number 26
It's supper time at Number 26 but nobody is exactly keen on eating despite Nicola saying how great it is. To Didge's relief, someone knocks at the door and she is happy to go - its Rachel calling because Didge hasn't returned any of her calls.
Rachel tells her that she is there if she needs to talk and Didge admits that she feels like an idiot especially after Rachel warned her. Rachel tells her to stop - it wasn't her fault that Chris turned out to be a creep and gives her mate a reassuring hug.
Number 22
Elle and Paul are looking at the new note from the blackmailer wondering if they should tell Kirsten. Paul doesn't want to and suggests from now on that just the two of them deals with it. They both wonder why the funny amount ($12,400) and what it means. Both of them think they can see some light at the end of the tunnel though when Paul mentions that he has a contact at the bank where the account that the money has to be paid into and hopes that his friend will give them the all important name.
Lyn is laying it on thick by telling Steph & Toadie about what a lovely family the 3 of them made and praises Toadie for how good he was with Charlie despite him not being his dad. Finally Steph decides she's had enough and tells Lyn "to butt out" and Toadie bails out too.
LYN: Ouch... struck a nerve?
STEPH: Gee, you reckon? Okay, can we just drop it all now please?
Changing tact completely, Steph tells her about Paul being engaged again adding that Rebecca "is way too nice for him especially after what he did to you." Lyn says "ancient history" and Steph suggests that she goes round and gets Paul to look her in the eye and apologise.
LYN: Stephie I don't need an apology from Paul. I haven't thought about him in ages to be honest.
Over at another part of the bar, Nicola finds Riley and he gives her an ultimatum - that she'll never get Steve and either she goes or he tells. Nicola taunts him by replying that he doesn't have the guts and hands him her mobile phone to call but he doesn't accept it so she tells him to forget about the threats, he likes her too much!
Number 22 (next day)
Declan tries to leave the house to see his mates but Paul reminds him about their deal. He admits that he doesn't know how to without the police finding out, so Paul tells him he has 48 hours or Rebecca is involved.
Paul contacts his mate at the bank and eventually the guy plays ball and gives him the account holder - Rebecca!
The General Store
Declan tells Zeke & Ringo about his deal with Paul but Didge arrives and hears part of the conversation so Declan is forced to tell her that he took and trashed up Chris' car and the police think he also duffed Chris up. Miraculously Rachel has suddenly appeared and twigs that is why the police wanted to interview them all. Didge isn't impressed but wants to know what the police think when Declan mentions someone else taught Chris a lesson. Rachel asks if this will affect his good behaviour bond.
DECLAN: If they charge me I got straight to juvie.
Ringo thinks everything will be good - Chris will recover and the insurance will cover the car repairs. Rachel doesn't think so re-tells what Karl said - that Chris hasn't regained conscious and is listed as being critical. This knocks the wind out of all the teens.
ZEKE: Mate, if he dies...
RACHEL: They couldn't put Declan in jail for something he didn't do though? Right?
Number 26
Didge comes home and wants to know if he's heard anything about Chris and he eventually replies that the last he heard Chris was on a ventilator and that they were worried about him.
Didge tells Steve that's really awful and starts to get upset so he goes over to her, reassuring her that it's got nothing to do with her, it isn't her fault. When Didge doesn't reply, Steve starts to get worried and asks if Chris tried to hurt her or anything and Didge nods her head.
DIDGE: He tried to. He chased me and he called me a tease and he tried to make me. And I was just pushing him away and I know that he hit his head. I just thought that he'd fallen over; he hadn't caught up with me again. (Breaking down) What if I've killed him dad? What if he dies?
STEVE: Oh come on sweetheart, come here.
Steve pulls her into a hug and reassures her it will be alright.
<<5457 - 5459>>
Bridget Parker in Neighbours Episode 5458
Bridget Parker

Bridget Parker, Miranda Parker in Neighbours Episode 5458
Bridget Parker, Miranda Parker

Steve Parker in Neighbours Episode 5458
Steve Parker

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5458
Steph Scully

Lyn Scully, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5458
Lyn Scully, Libby Kennedy

Steph Scully, Lyn Scully, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5458
Steph Scully, Lyn Scully, Libby Kennedy

Ringo Brown, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5458
Ringo Brown, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5458
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5458
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Bridget Parker, Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5458
Bridget Parker, Rachel Kinski

Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 5458
Lyn Scully

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5458
Steph Scully

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