- Brad tells Piper this proves why they wouldn't let her see Tyler
- Kev tells Gary he's in quite the pickle after losing thirty grand worth of laptops
- Leo introduces Warnie the wombat
- Jack confesses his feeling of hope that he might be the father of Paige's baby
- Leo asks David if the father is that bad of a guy but David doesn't know who it is
- Paige tells Jack he's not the father
- David asks Paige what if he were the father?
The Waterhole
David is trying to talk Paige into his idea. He'd be there for her throughout the pregnancy and it will throw the real father off track. Paige is surprised, given the circumstances of his father. David thinks the father has a right to know but understands Paige's situation is complicated. It will also stop people asking him when he's going to get married and have kids. Paige points out the obvious flaw that the baby won't be part Japanese but David says maybe Paige will have sorted things out with the real father by then. Paige asks for time to think about it.
Erinsborough Backpackers
Aaron and Elly are looking at the West Warratah Star article about Warnie the wombat on Aaron's tablet. Leo is surprised it's made the front page and Aaron suggests it might be a favour Tim Collins will call in down the track. David arrives and Leo asks him and Aaron to bring in some stuff.
The Waterhole
Amy can't believe her baby is starting high school, and Jimmy isn't impressed when she makes him try on his new Erinsborough High blazer and tie (there's a brand new uniform design this year). Terese is looking on her tablet and can't believe Warnie the wombat is on the front page of the Star; Leo is actually going to succeed.
PAUL: Not necessarily, not unless we can do something to draw attention away from his launch tomorrow.
TERESE: Such as?
PAUL: It's Australia Day. What can we throw together at the last minute?
AMY: Lamington eating competition!
JIMMY: I'll be in that!
Gary suggests a game of two-up but Terese tells him you can't take something from Anzac Day and bring it to Australia Day.
GARY: I could dress up as a kangaroo... for the right money!
PAUL: Uh, honestly? If this is all we've got then Leo's already won.
Harold's Café
Tyler hasn't been able to find a job and is going to try a few bars to see if he can get something. Piper wishes they could spend time together and they kiss just as Brad walks in. Paige says she assumes Brad hasn't invited Tyler to the barbecue. Lauren wonders if Paige is up to coming and fielding questions but Paige says it's nothing she can't handle. She goes to get the meat for tomorrow and Brad and Lauren discuss who the father could be. They can't believe it's Dustin as Paige was so into Jack.
Erinsborough BackpackersTyler is begging Leo for a job but Leo doesn't have anything for him. David and Aaron are carrying furniture in and discussing Australia Day plans. Aaron says it was a no-go zone the whole time he was with Nate (they had SO many Australia Days together!) since he's Aboriginal. David asks if they were serious and Aaron says yes.
Harold's Café
Piper is loading the dishwasher in the kitchen. Paige finds a piece of paper on the floor and Piper quickly snatches it off of her, saying it's a note from Tyler. She complains that it's practically the only way they can communicate at the moment.
PIPER: So how are you?
PAIGE: Fine... or at least I will be if people stop asking me that!
PIPER: Right, because what everyone's really trying to ask you is when are you going to tell us who the father is?
PAIGE: Everybody's talking about it aren't they?
Piper tells Paige she can't blame them for being worried. Wouldn't it just be easier to give them a name?
Number 32 (next morning)
Paige is working on her sketch of Jack when Brad, Lauren and Ned come in trying to remember the words of the national anthem.
BRAD: Beneath our radiant Southern Cross...
LAUREN: That's as much as you know isn't it?
BRAD: Come on guys, help me out, please!
NED: I don't know... football, meat pie, kangaroo?!
Brad asks Paige if she's got a friend coming to the barbecue and Paige says Courtney might come by as she leaves the room. Ned guesses they were hoping it might be the father and says they will have to shuttle the load if Paige is on her own.
NED: At this rate it doesn't look like you guys will ever get to go on your honeymoon!
The Waterhole
Terese finds James Udagawa in the Waterhole working with a young woman.
TERESE: you must be James's new assistant? He told me he was interviewing.JASMINE: Actually, I'm his sister!
Jasmine introduces herself and goes off to take a look around the complex. Terese sits down and James tells her Jasmine is here on his grandfather's orders as she has convinced him she needs to step in.
JAMES: My grandfather's health has taken a turn for the worse.
TERESE: Oh, I'm sorry, that's awful.
JAMES: For me yes, for Jasmine not so much.
TERESE: Right, well, I'm sorry to hear that.
JAMES: She and I are sole heirs to the company and she cannot wait for him to die!
The Handywoman
Ned is helping Amy do some work as she's apparently got to take the morning off tomorrow for Jimmy's first day of high school since she's so worried about him. Jack comes by and Amy suggests he could keep an eye on Jimmy as school chaplain. Ned gives Amy and Jack an open invitation to the barbecue.
Harold's Café
Gary has a text from Kev asking how the payback plan is going. Xanthe asks when they're leaving for the Canning get-together in Frankston but Gary says he's working today.
XANTHE: Dad is so super focussed on money right now. I can't believe he's working today.
PIPER: Do I need to remind you where you are right now?
XANTHE: Yes but I'm not working for the whole day. I just thought I'd get in on that penalty rate action and then go and have a life. It's called balance!
Piper would rather be spending time with Tyler. Xanthe suggests she uses the extra cash she's earning for a treat for them and offers to cover her shift tonight. David arrives and we see there's a big soft toy kangaroo by the door. Paige invites David to the barbecue... she's ready to make their announcement.
Power Street
Tyler comes out of the antique store as another big toy kangaroo is placed in the window. He takes an evocative look at the garage across the road with an "under new management" sign on it. Gary arrives with some stuff to sell but Tyler warns him he just pawned his iPod and they totally scammed him. He asks Gary if he got his mate's car sorted. Gary says his mate's up to his neck in it.
Erinsborough Backpackers
Leo is vacuuming and asks Aaron if he can check there's toilet paper in the bathrooms.
AARON: Already taken care of. Hey, marketing consultant, wombat wranger, housekeeper... you're welcome by the way!
David arrives and says he's going to the barbecue at Paige's. Leo is angry with him for bailing on him. Paul pops in and says he's just come to see the wombat but Leo says he's sleeping. Paul wishes Leo luck with the opening and Leo says he'll pretend he means that.
Lassiters Complex
Somebody walks through the complex with a big toy kangaroo. Perhaps they've just bought it from the antique store. This feels like the episode last year where we had to count the Union Jacks (ah, that's because there's a count the kangaroos competition for Austalian viewers!). Piper finds a despondent Tyler and points out that a public holiday probably isn't the best time to be looking for a job. She tells him she's taking him for a surprise to spend her extra pay.
Robinsons Motel
Piper has paid for a motel room and Tyler promises he will treat her just like this one day. He starts giving her a shoulder massage and they talk about how good it is to be able to spend time together.
The Waterhole
James is being relocated to a small family concern in Switzerland! Terese asks how Jasmine could do that and James explains she's a full Udagawa whereas his mother married into the family. Jasmine has been manipulating their grandfather all her life. He warns Terese that she's going to have to watch her. Jasmine comes in and tells Terese she's been through the books and has some questions.
Number 32
Paige arrives for the barbecue and casually says David might pop by later. There's a knock at the door and Ned says that will be Jack and Amy. Paige is disturbed to hear that Jack is coming.
Erinsborough Backpackers
A guy leaves with another big kangaroo (I'm up to four...) as Aaron and Leo prepare for the media launch. Leo is still complaining about David. The producer wants a shot of Leo with Warnie so he goes outside to get him but finds someone has let him out. Aaron comes out and they find a ransom note in the fence made up of letters cut out of magazines: "I have your wombat. He'll cost you $1500. I'll be in contact soon"!
Number 32
David arrives and is surprised to find Jack and Amy there. Amy is surprised he's not at Leo's big opening. David quietly asks Paige if she still wants to go through with it. Brad asks them what's going on and Paige says they wanted to talk to them but where hoping it would be just family. Lauren guesses why.
LAUREN (to David): You're the baby's father?
PAIGE: Yeah.
There are uncomfortable looks all round.
Unmissable Neighbours
- Leo tells Aaron no police
- A disguised voice on the phone tells Leo they have his wombat
- Paul mockingly tells Leo not to tell him somebody stole his wombat
- Amy tells Paul she knows he has Leo's wombat
- Jack asks David if he's told Paige as she deserves to know